26 research outputs found

    Tunneling-Induced Restoration of the Degeneracy and the Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Optical Lattices

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    We study the ground-state properties of bosons loaded into the pp-band of a one dimensional optical lattice. We show that the phase diagram of the system is substantially affected by the anharmonicity of the lattice potential. In particular, for a certain range of tunneling strength, the full many-body ground state of the system becomes degenerate. In this region, an additional symmetry of the system, namely the parity of the occupation number of the chosen orbital, is spontaneously broken. The state with nonvanishing staggered angular momentum, which breaks the time-reversal symmetry, becomes the true ground state of the system.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Non-standard Hubbard models in optical lattices: a review

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    Originally, the Hubbard model has been derived for describing the behaviour of strongly-correlated electrons in solids. However, since over a decade now, variations of it are also routinely being implemented with ultracold atoms in optical lattices. We review some of the rich literature on this subject, with a focus on more recent non-standard forms of the Hubbard model. After an introduction to standard (fermionic and bosonic) Hubbard models, we discuss briefly common models for mixtures, as well as the so called extended Bose-Hubbard models, that include interactions between neighboring sites, next-neighboring sites, and so on. The main part of the review discusses the importance of additional terms appearing when refining the tight-binding approximation on the original physical Hamiltonian. Even when restricting the models to the lowest Bloch band is justified, the standard approach neglects the density-induced tunneling (which has the same origin as the usual on-site interaction). The importance of these contributions is discussed for both contact and dipolar interactions. For sufficiently strong interactions, also the effects related to higher Bloch bands become important even for deep optical lattices. Different approaches that aim at incorporating these effects, mainly via dressing the basis Wannier functions with interactions, leading to effective, density-dependent Hubbard-type models, are reviewed. We discuss also examples of Hubbard-like models that explicitly involve higher pp-orbitals, as well as models that couple dynamically spin and orbital degrees of freedom. Finally, we review mean-field nonlinear-Schr\"odinger models of the Salerno type that share with the non-standard Hubbard models the nonlinear coupling between the adjacent sites. In that part, discrete solitons are the main subject of the consideration. We conclude by listing some future open problems.Comment: expanded version 47pp, accepted in Rep. Prog. Phy

    Complex processing of rubber waste through energy recovery

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    This article deals with the applied energy recovery solutions for complex processing of rubber waste for energy recovery. It deals specifically with the solution that could maximize possible use of all rubber waste and does not create no additional waste that disposal would be expensive and dangerous for the environment. The project is economically viable and energy self-sufficient. The outputs of the process could replace natural gas and crude oil products. The other part of the process is also the separation of metals, which can be returned to the metallurgical secondary production.Web of Science20429729

    SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with multiple myeloma: survey in 23 centers across Europe and USA

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    Introduction: Despite several studies, the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 on patients with multiple myeloma remains uncertain. Material and methods: We performed a survey that covered the period of the first and second waves of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic in 23 centers inseven countries. Out of 352 patients with myeloma and SARS-CoV-2, 23% died. Results/Conclusions: Logistic regression showed a lower risk of death among patients treated with proteasome inhibitor and a higher risk of death for those who had a severe or a very severe course of disease

    The dynamic model for determining the value of enterprise at industry

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    Import 13/01/2017S neustálým vývojem tržního prostředí se mění nejen podnikatelské podmínky, ve kterých se každý podnik pohybuje, ale mění se i požadavky na hodnocení parametrů podniku a mění se i význam samotných hodnocených parametrů. V současném globalizovaném podnikatelském prostředí je již překonán původní základní cíl podniku a to maximalizace zisku. Pozornost manažerů je zaměřena na maximalizaci a růst hodnoty podniku, neboť právě hodnota podniku, která jako jediná vyžaduje k měření výkonnosti podniku komplexní informace, se ukazuje jako výhodné měřítko výkonnosti firmy. Maximalizace hodnoty tedy znamená, že vedení společnosti musí usilovat o co největší přínos pro vlastníky v podobě rostoucí hodnoty jejich vlastnického podílu. Tato disertační práce je orientována na návrh a ověření matematického modelu stanovení hodnoty podniku v každém okamžiku plánovacího, řídícího, resp. rozhodovacího procesu. Hlavní cíl je definován takto: „Navrhnout a ověřit model stanovení hodnoty podniku na bázi metody DCF s využitím principů strukturální analýzy pro objektivní vyhodnocení vlivu faktorů, působících na změnu nákladového potenciálu v nejbližším okolí firmy.“ Vedlejším cílem je verifikace modelu a jeho aplikace v průmyslové praxi a následně vytvoření podmínek pro zpracování studijní opory pro řešený tematický okruh a její využití v edukační činnosti. Navržený komplexní ekonomicko-matematický model je v práci testován na relevantním souboru dat praktického rozsahu z oblasti hutnictví. Výsledky verifikace plně prokazují funkčnost modelu a jeho vhodnost pro široké uplatnění v hospodářské praxi podniků. Práce představuje přínos pro rozvoj teorie hodnotového řízení a zároveň naznačuje možnosti implementace jeho principů při řešení problémů praktického rozsahu.With the continuous development of the market environment it is not only changing business conditions, but changes the requirements for evaluation the company and changes the importance of actual evaluated parameters. In today's globalized business environment is already surpassed the original basic goal of enterprise "maximalize the profit".Managers attention is focused on maximizing the value and growth of the company, since it is the value of the company, wich the only one required to measure business performance comprehensive information, it seems it is good measure of company performance. Maximizing value means that the company's management must strive for the greatest benefit for the owners in the form of increasing value of their ownership. This dissertation is focused on the creating and verification the mathematical model determining the value of the company at any time of the planning, management, respectively at decision-making process. The main goal is defined as follows: "Propose and verify the model determining the enterprise value based on DCF method using the principles of structural analysis to objectively evaluate the impact of factors affecting the changes in cost potential in the nearest of the company.The secondary goal is model verification and its use in practice and after that defining the conditions for creating learning support for its thematic area and its use in the educational activity. This comprehensive economic-mathematical the model was at work tested on the relevant data from the company at field of metallurgy. The results of verification fully demonstrate the functionality of the model and its suitability for a wide application in economic practice. The benefit of work is development of the theory of value management, and also suggests the possibility of implementation its principles in solving practical problems at this field.634 - Katedra ekonomiky a managementu v metalurgiivyhově

    Textbooks on history of music in contemporary Polish music education

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    Praca dotyczy porównania podręczników do historii muzyki, używanych obecnie w polskich szkołach. Porównanie to miało na celu weryfikację, który z podręczników spełnia współczesne normy, określone aktami prawnymi (ustawami, rozporządzeniami) oraz opisane w literaturze pedagogicznej.This master’s thesis focuses on comparing music history textbooks which are currently used in Polish schools. This comparison aims at verifying which of the textbooks meets all the currently required standards, set out in the legal regulations and described in pedagogical literature