32 research outputs found

    Recognition of diseases and use of herbal in Latin America indigenous areas: Case Colombian

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    The disease is something that accompanies the human being from its existence which has sought to explain those symptomatology beyond their logic, thus, start the explanations from the plane of magic. Religious which are configured in a series of practices in which various plants and roots which are transformed into teas or foods that promote specific relief conditions are involved. Thus, various plants and roots have medicinal acquired the adjective as in Colombian popular culture have established themselves as healing. In this sense, we try through this research to identify the most common diseases in the Colombian indigenous areas. To do this, several researchers including stand will be used: Navarrete, Sanabria, Lozoya, among others methodologically the research was documentary-bibliographical as several texts were analyzed in relation to theme. They were obtained as results within the Colombian indigenous cultures have used a series of magical methods-religious and personal interaction in which the recommendation consumption of plants and roots, it is almost vital to achieving the goals of healing. The traditional practice of home gardens is one of the most widespread aspects within communities. This point is taken into account as a central objective for the management and use of plant species that can probably overcome some health problems requiring immediate ambulatory care

    Econometric algorithms applied to the incidence of income on satisfaction with quality of life in Latin American Capitals

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the incidence of income on the satisfaction of quality of life in Latin American capitals. The data was taken from the CAF Survey in 2017 (ECAF), made by Development Bank of Latin America. To do this, an econometric model was constructed which represents the relationship between the studied variables. Among the main findings, it was identified that, except for Mexico City, in all the analyzed cities a deteriorated state of health reduces the probability that the individual feels satisfied with his or her life. Therefore, health is a crucial element to increase the citizens’ perception of the quality of life in Latin American cities

    The effect of global political risk on stock returns: a cross-sectional and a time-series analysis

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    Given the rise of political uncertainty, it is important to develop an understanding of their effect on financial markets. We use a political risk measure to calculate their effect on stock markets based on a political risk measure. The political risk proxy is related to cross-country returns and two portfolios: one with upside and other with downside political risk. Time-series and cross-sectional analysis are conducted to measure the effectiveness of this measure on global markets. The results evidence that an increase in global political risk is negatively correlated with an upside portfolio containing global stock returns

    Bibliometric analysis of social innovation and complexity (databases scopus and dialnet 2007–2017)

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    For this study, a bibliometric review on social innovation and complexity was developed, which allowed to establish the state-of-the art and the most relevant researches carried out on these areas of study in recent years. The databases used were Scopus and Dialnet. This investigation allowed to recognize that the year in which the most relevant studies were carried out was 2016 and the most cited and referenced authors are Westley and Bishop. In addition, it was possible to identify that the country with the most related publications is the USA. Along with this inquiry, an analysis of the most used words and most cited authors was made to know the bibliographic information networks that are most consulted. This was done by means of the VOSviewer visual bibliometric analyzer in which the information networks were evidenced. Authors who have generated the most connections are Bousquet and Hajjam who are evidenced as the bridge between two large networks of authors. The most used terms are: change, complexity, impact, social networks, design, practice, and theory, which provided a basement for developing this research

    Modeling and simulating human occupation: a netLogo-agent-based toy model

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    Human occupation is an important element for individual and community wellbeing as well as for social equilibrium and the prevention of conflicts and wars. Despite its importance, because of the lack of tools and quantitative methods for decision-making by governmental agents and other organizations, in the underdeveloped and developing countries, human occupation is absent as a factor of social regulation. In this paper, we present a “toy model” that illustrates the use of agent-based modeling methods to simulate a simple occupational dynamic

    un análisis departamental (2000-2016)

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    195-214 p. :ilustraciones, libro electrónicoEste capítulo tiene como propósito establecer la distribución espacial en Colombia de la solicitud y concesión de signos distintivos entre 2000 y 2016. Para ello, se calculó la autocorrelación espacial hasta el orden 7 para el acumulado de cada uno de los tipos de signos distintivos solicitados y concedidos, y un modelo de conglomerados espacial con el fin de identificar grupos de departamentos con respecto a su comportamiento en la innovación, considerando como proxy los registros y concesiones de signos distintivos de residentes en Colombia entre 2000 y 2016.Capítulo 8ISBN: 978958580477

    antes, durante y después de la firma del acuerdo de paz en La Habana

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    27 - 48 :ilustraciones, libro electrónicoEl presente capítulo busca responder a la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿cuál fue el comportamiento de los hechos victimizantes en Colombia, desagregados por región; antes de la firma del acuerdo de paz con las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia FARC-EP (2016), durante el conflicto (2000-2011), durante las negociaciones (2012-2016) y después de la firma del acuerdo (2017)? Para la realización de la investigación se utilizaron los registros obtenidos del RUV (Registro Único de Víctimas) entre el 2000 y 2017. Para ello, se empleó la prueba no paramétrica de Friedman considerando los hechos victimizantes, segmentados por región y evaluados en tres períodos: i) 2000 al 2012; ii) 2012 al 2016; iii) 2017). Entre los principales hallazgos se identificó que i) la violencia no se distribuyó de forma homogénea en el territorio nacional antes y durante las negociaciones; ii) existen zonas del país en las cuales la violencia se ha acentuado posterior a la firma del acuerdo, mientras que en otras hay una reducción significativa de los incidentes; iii) a pesar de la firma del acuerdo de finalización del conflicto con las FARC-EP, aún persisten acciones violentas asociadas a otros grupos delictivos y grupos residuales; iv) se estableció que la zona del Pacífico presenta un comportamiento atípico con respecto al resto del territorio nacional, dado que fue la región con menor descenso de acciones delictivas.Capítulo 2ISBN: 978958580477

    Big data marketing during the period 2012–2019: a bibliometric review

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    The present study identifies the most significant trends in production of high impact scientific papers related to the Big Data Marketing variable during the period between the years 2012 and 2019 through a revision of the Scopus database, which manages to highlight the relevance of 113 indexed papers. For this purpose, the following descriptive bibliometric indicators are implemented: production volume, type of document, number of citations, and country of application. In the studied time period, the evidence suggests an annual growth in the production volume of papers related to the variable, but with a significant drop in 2017. The knowledge areas that showcases more researches about the Big Data Marketing variable are computer science, mathematics, decision-making, and engineering domain

    Nuevos modelos de negocios

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    Las economías constantemente evolucionan y se encuentran sujetas a procesos en los que las empresas se convierten en el eje fundamental de su crecimiento y desarrollo. En los últimos años, se han presentado cambios, que muestran un cambio en los modelos de negocios y que evidencian la importancia de conocer aspectos relacionados con la formalización, la innovación y arquitectura empresarial, la economía conductual, el comercio electrónico, el servicio al cliente y aspectos relacionados con la sostenibilidad; elementos que son importantes para ser competitivos y afrontar los desafíos que se presentan”. Con este libro se pretende enseñar paso a paso, una nueva manera de enfocar los nuevos modelos de negocios con los cambios generacionales en el mercado, una nueva manera de enfocar las ideas innovadoras y de emprendimiento y los nuevos profesionales en las distintas disciplinas. Nos muestran lo importante que es emprender un recorrido vital con una dirección clara, con pasión por entender las nuevas propuestas para incursionar en estos mercados de gran competencia

    El turismo sostenible en Colombia: retos y oportunidades de desarrollo

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    Contiene: Capitulo 1. Turismo sostenible como herramienta de reducción de la pobreza: enseñanzas para los países de América Latina y el Caribe / Jenny Paola Danna-Buitrago, Rémi Stellian, Andrés Fernando Garzón Garzón, David Velandia Ayala -- Capitulo 2. Del turismo de masas al turismo sostenible: hacia un enfoque integrativo del turismo comunitario / Jenny Paola Danna-Buitrago, Rosalía Burgos Doria, Álvaro Luis Mercado Suárez -- Capitulo 3. Contribución del turismo comunitario integrativo en el desarrollo sostenible de las comunidades: algunos casos de éxito / Jenny Paola Danna-Buitrago, Rosalía Burgos Doria, Laura Fabiola Álvarez, María Andreína Moros Ochoa -- Capitulo 4. Turismo en Colombia durante el conflicto armado y oportunidades para la implementación del turismo comunitario integrativo en el posconflicto / Melva Inés Gómez-Caicedo, Adriana Milena Gasca Cardozo, Pedro Nel Páez Pérez -- Capitulo 5. La innovación en la calidad del servicio como elemento de sostenibilidad en el sector turístico. Caso de estudio en hoteles de Bogotá / María Andreína Moros Ochoa, Gilmer Yovanni Castro Nieto, Mercedes Gaitán Angulo, Pedro Nel Páez PérezFundación Universitaria Los Libertadore