163 research outputs found

    The use of new methodologies for demographic investigations in national-territorial subdivisions of Russia

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    In the experiment the most important events in the development of ethnic and demographic population of the Republic of Tatarstan in the XX century are analyzed. The dynamics of Russian and Tatar population of the total population of the Republic of Tatarstan for 1920-2010 years is given in the article. Historical events that may affect the dynamics causes imbalance demographic processes are analyzed. The technique is primarily designed to clarify the practice of forecasting population in the national- territorial formations Russia. For practical application another technique is created which allows to assess the impact of ethnicity and national migration in the formation and development of the demographic potential of the region. In particular, all major nationalities living in Russia, based on the mode of their demographic development, migration activity and inertial features of demographic processes are divided into five groups. Using this technique we can distinguish four groups that composed 11 nationalities in the Republic of Tatarstan

    Competence-based approach as an effective way to increase the level of training of geographers in universities

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    The paper considers the main problem of including the competency-based approach in preparing of future geographers in universities, in particular, it considers the basic definitions of competence and competency, that (Y.G. Tatur, E.F. Zeer, I.A. Zimnyaya, T. Hoffman) single out. Main operational programs in geography are analyzed, in particular, the subject line of textbooks "Spheres" of 5-9 classes, the first-level standard of HPE in the training area of 050100.62 teacher education. The authors highlighted the geographical competency, which includes information and cognitive competence, as well as the main directions of updating the content and structure of geographical education

    The factors affecting pattern of rural settlement of the republic of tatarstan

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    © 2015, Asian Social Science. All rights reserved. This article discusses the factors influencing rural settlement patterns of the Republic of Tatarstan in 50-th years of XX century. Where people settle is determined by the main factors such as physical environment, demographic, natural, transportation, economic and social concerns. The authors examine the reasons for the migration of the rural population as well as the changes in the national composition of the rural population of the republic. The article uses census statistics of the 1959, 1989, 2002 and 2010 years

    Beryllides as advanced materials for neutron multiplication

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    The neutron multiplier is an essential component of the blanket of future thermonuclear reactors, which should provide the tritium breeder with a sufficient amount of neutrons of a certain energy. Among all chemical elements, only beryllium and lead have an advantageous ratio of high neutron multiplication reaction at low neutron absorption rates. However, pure metals – beryllium and lead – for various reasons cannot be used in the harsh operating conditions of a fusion reactor blanket. Intermetallic compounds of beryllium – beryllides have a number of advantages over pure beryllium and are currently considered to be the reference neutron multiplication material for the Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) breeding blanket concept of EU DEMO fusion reactor. Recently, a batch of full-size beryllide blocks has been manufactured on an industrial scale in cooperation with the Ulba Metallurgical Plant. The present work is devoted to the characterization and analysis of these beryllide blocks so that the material could be used for the manufacture of a blanket. Titanium beryllide (TiBe12) blocks are hexagonal prisms with an internal hole, while chromium beryllide (CrBe12) blocks are solid prisms of complex shape. The resulting blocks have a single-phase structure of the corresponding beryllide with a small impurity in the form of beryllium oxide. One of the titanium beryllide blocks also has about 7% residual beryllium phase. Grains of titanium beryllide have an average size of about 7–8 μm, while grains of chromium beryllide are much larger and reach 40–50 μm. Mechanical compression and bending tests of beryllides showed their very high strength, which is maintained up to 1000°C. In terms of specific compressive strength, the single-phase TiBe12 surpasses all materials, except diamond, in the 700–1000°C temperature range. Chromium beryllide and titanium beryllide with 7% of the beryllium phase have lower strength, but higher ductility. Corrosion tests were carried out in air and in He + 2% water vapor at 800–1200°C. Beryllides have high corrosion resistance similar to Ni-base superalloys and high temperature ceramics. Long-term thermal cycling tests with rapid heating and cooling, simulating operation in a fusion reactor, showed high resistance of beryllides to thermal shocks. The results obtainedare also discussed from the point of view of the application of beryllides in other areas

    Criteria for the educational process in the assimilation of students' knowledge

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.In this study, we examine one measure of the effectiveness of the educational process which consists in studying the assimilation of knowledge and the necessary parameters to the required level of operating them. The description of levels of knowledge which is the basis of allocation of teaching purposes, followed by knowledge assessment based on these levels. Evaluation of knowledge is seen as a systematic process. It presents a taxonomy of learning objectives bloom as an example of the classification of learning objectives for the stages of assimilation. The specificity of evaluation of knowledge in vocational training of adults

    Nanoscale characterization of beryllide materials

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    The most recent version of the Helium Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) foreseen for the European DEMO blanket considers solid blocks of titanium beryllide as neutron multiplicator material. The advantage of beryllide materials over pure beryllium is their higher operating temperature, higher corrosion resistance, lower swelling, and retention of tritium under neutron irradiation. Understanding the micro- and nanostructure especially after neutron irradiation is of crucial importance for the qualification process of the material. The focus of this work will lie on the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) characterization of a titanium beryllide/beryllium composite material irradiated at two different temperatures during the HIDOBE neutron irradiation campaign. In particular, the structure and chemistry of the nanosized cavities in the pure beryllium region and the beryllide region was analyzed and is compared to each other. Apart from the cavities, structural defects were observed in the beryllide region that are not known from irradiated pure beryllium. The presented results can be used for understanding and quantifying for example tritium retention in beryllide materials and to further optimize the material synthesis and the breeding blanked design in general


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    Abstract. We prove a criterion of quasi-analyticity in a boundary point of a rather general domain (not necessarily convex and simply-connected) if in a vicinity of this point the domain is close in some sense to an angle or is comparable with it

    A new approach to teaching “The World Around Us”

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    The importance of folk pedagogy in children upbringing is undeniable, but still it is not used widely. The innovative methods of teaching “The World Around Us” to primary school children, based on the knowledge about nature accumulated by the Tatar people, are presented in this article. The Tatar people have developed their own cognition dialectic of nature and communication with it, their own system of familiarizing the youth with a careful attitude to the environment. It is very important not to lose it. Modern education will benefit of using folk knowledge and traditions. It helps to build national identification of students, to enrich their spiritual life, to form their ecological culture, to form the right attitude to nature. The pedagogical experience, traditions, rites and customs of the Tatar people about nature can be the foundation for the students”™ ecological culture formation at the lessons of “The World Around Us”. Therefore, we propose to use some innovative methods of teaching “The World Around Us” in primary schools.

    Changes in the urban population in the republic of the volga federal district of Russia

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The study considers the the dynamics of the urban population in the republics of the Volga Federal District (VFD) Russia: Bashkortostan, Mari El, Mordovia, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Chuvashia from 1990-2013. The main factors affecting to the changing in the urban population in these republics: decline in industrial production; internal and external migration; deterioration of the socio-economic conditions of the population, especially in small cities and towns associated with unemployment; aggravation of environmental problems in large cities and others. Of the 6 republics of the VFD the positive dynamics of the urban population is observed only in the Republic of Tatarstan to 197 thous. people from 1990-2012. And in the other republics of VFD there are negative indicators of the dynamics of the urban population

    Actual demographic processes in the Republic of Tatarstan

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. This article analyzes the current demographic characteristics of the Republic of Tatarstan. The key indicators of the demographic situation, such as the indicators of natural (birth and death rate) and migration of population have an uncertain future. Demographic indicators are influenced by a number of different factors which can be hard to predict. At the same time the demographic characteristics of the population have highly significant implications for economic and social development of any area in a long term perspective. Demographic characteristics and trends analysis is one of the most important points in understanding the demographic future of certain region and the country as a whole. Tatarstan is one of the most socioeconomically developed regions in Russia. In recent years birth rate exceeds its deaths rate in the republic and the urban population increases annually
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