417 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Resource Optimization based on Quantum Search

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    Design, Construction and Performance of an Ohmic Fruit Juice Evaporator

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    A fruit juice ohmic evaporator (FlOE) was designed and constructed. The design was done in accordance with the basic principle of ohmic heating to provide heat for evaporation instead of steam or conventional direct heating, to overcome problems arising through these methods of heating. The FlOE was constructed mainly from stainless-steel. A cylinderical heating vessel of internal diameter 20.5 cm and length of 3 1 cm was constructed to enclose electrodes supplying the heat for evaporation. The heating vessel was coated internally with epoxy resin to isolate the wall of the vessel from electric current passing through the fluid. Three sets of electrodes connected to the three-phase alternating current supply were used. Each set of electrodes composed of a three parallel stainless-steel plates. A vacuum pump was used to lower the boiling point of the juice below 65°C and as low as 45°C to prevent the nutrient material from damage. Salt-water solution and pineapple juice were used to study the performance of the FlOE. Three types of tests were done. Preliminary tests were conducted to ensure that the FJOE operates within the design limits and to check for fluid and electric leakage. Performance of the FlOE was computed by testing the system in both batch and continuous operation using salt-water solution and pineapple juice. Electric conductivity of the dilute pineapple juice was first measured to find the maximum allowable level of the juice inside the FlOE to prevent current overload or high temperatures during evaporations. Four tests using salt-water solution, two of them in batch mode and two in a continuous mode were conducted. Another four test using pineapple juice of initial concentration of 10% were conducted to achieve a final concentration of 40%, two of them were batch tests and the others in continuous mode operation. Results of all tests were tabulated and illustrated in graphs. Electric current and the total area of electrodes used was found to be the controlling factors during evaporation using the FlOE. Increasing the total contact area between electrodes and the fluid was found to increase the average apparent current and hence the power consumption. Energy cost using the FJOE was found to be relatively cheap and of low cost and the evaporation economy was found to be 0.7. The FlOE was found to be a suitable evaporation equipment for concentrating fruit juices and other food materials in a small scale industries without any need of steam boilers and of low energy cost

    An analysis of strategies used to manage conflict at Volkswagen of South Africa

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    This research study addresses the problem of determining the strategies that can be used by Internal Audit at Volkswagen of South Africa to manage conflict effectively. To achieve this objective a comprehensive literature study was performed to determine the views on conflict and evaluate the various conflict models. The study also included the reasons for and sources of conflict and the effects of conflict on the performance and controls within VWSA. The identification of conflict management strategies and subsequent conflict management styles were revealed by the literature study. Various discussions from different authors on how to resolve conflict situations are also discussed. The literature review serves as a model in the development of a guideline for VWSA Internal Audit team and management to manage conflict. Senior Management, middle management and staff from various departments within VWSA were requested to complete a questionnaire in order to determine the strategies and effectiveness of these strategies used by Internal Audit to manage conflict. The questionnaire was developed in accordance with the findings from the research. A pilot study was conducted to evaluate the relevance of the study to the problem questions and to evaluate whether the questionnaire will be easily understood. The answers of the respondents were analyzed and compared to the findings of the literature study. The information obtained from the literature study and from the respondents resulted in various recommendations and conclusions

    Uutta tietoa lasten valproaattihoidosta

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    Raskau­de­nai­kainen valproaat­ti­hoito li­sää si­kiön kehi­tys­häi­riöiden ris­kiä. Valproaat­ti­hoidon aloit­ta­minen nuo­relle ty­tölle edel­lyttää tark­kaa epi­lep­siaoi­reyh­ty­mä­diag­noosia ja ­pe­rus­teel­lista har­kintaa. Valp­roaatti on ensi­si­jais­lääke useissa lap­suusiän epi­lep­siaoi­reyh­ty­missä suku­puo­lesta riippu­matta. Valp­roaatin meta­boliaan vaikut­tavat se­kä geneet­tiset et­tä ul­koiset te­kijät. Va­kavat haitta­vai­ku­tukset ovat harvi­naisia, mut­ta POLG- ja Twink­le-gee­ni­mu­taatiot li­säävät nii­den ris­kiä

    Dravet’n oireyhtymä - vaikea neurologinen harvinaissairaus

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    VertaisarvioituDravet’n oireyhtymä on harvinainen, mutta todennäköisesti alidiagnosoitu sairaus. Sen tavallisin syy on hermosolujen natriumkanavien toimintaa säätelevän SCN1A-geenin virhe. Sairaus alkaa infektioon, rokotukseen tai muuhun lämmönnousuun liittyvillä pitkittyneillä kuumekouristuksilla ensimmäisen ikävuoden aikana. Vaikea epilepsia on tunnetuin oire, mutta useimmilla on myös vaikeita kognitiivisia ja motorisia häiriöitä. Diagnoosilla on merkitystä, koska epilepsialääkkeiden oikealla valinnalla voidaan estää sarjakohtaukset ja lievittää oireita. Lapset tulee rokottaa normaalisti diagnoosista huolimatta.Peer reviewe

    Quantum Optimization of Resource Distribution Management for Multi-Task, Multi-Subtasks

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    This paper proposes a new optimization strategy for resource distribution management based on a quantum algorithm, as a way to reduce the computational complexity in finding the optimum deployment scenario, taking into consideration the required conditions and constraints of the resource distribution system. We show that the quantum method computes the results in minimum time and outperforms on the other classical algorithms in terms of computational complexity

    Interictal magnetoencephalography in parietal lobe epilepsy – comparison of equivalent current dipole and beamformer (SAMepi) analysis

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    Objective To evaluate a novel analysis method (SAMepi) in the localization of interictal epileptiform magnetoencephalographic (MEG) activity in parietal lobe epilepsy (PLE) patients in comparison with equivalent current dipole (ECD) analysis. Methods We analyzed the preoperative interictal MEG of 17 operated PLE patients utilizing visual analysis and: (1) ECD with a spherical conductor model; (2) ECD with a boundary element method (BEM) conductor model; and (3) SAMepi - a kurtosis beamformer method. Localization results were compared between the three methods, to the location of the resection and to the clinical outcome. Results Fourteen patients had an epileptiform finding in the visual analysis; SAMepi detected spikes in 11 of them. A unifocal finding in both the ECD and in the SAMepi analysis was associated with a better chance of seizure-freedom (p=0.02). There was no significant difference in the distances from the unifocal MEG localizations to the nearest border of the resection between the different analysis methods. Conclusions Localizations of unifocal interictal spikes detected by SAMepi did not significantly differ from the conventional ECD localizations. Significance SAMepi - a novel semiautomatic analysis method - is useful in localizing interictal epileptiform MEG activity in the presurgical evaluation of parietal lobe epilepsy patients.Peer reviewe

    Evidence for spared attention to faces in 7-month-old infants after prenatal exposure to antiepileptic drugs

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    Introduction: Prenatal antiepileptic drug (AED) exposure is associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment and autism spectrum disorders detected mainly at the age of two to six years. We examined whether the developitiental aberrations associated with prenatal AED exposure-could be-detected already in infancy and whether effects on visual attention can be observed at this early age. Material and methods: We compared a prospective cohort of infants with in utero exposure to AED (n = 56) with infants without drug exposures (n = 62). The assessments performed at the age of seven months included standardized neurodevelopmental scores (Griffiths Mental Developmental Scale and Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination) as well as a novel eye-tracking-based test for visual attention and orienting to faces. Background information included prospective collection of AED exposure data, pregnancy outcome, neuropsychological evaluation of the mothers, and information on maternal epilepsy type. Results: Carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, and valproate, but not lamotrigine or levetiracetam, were associated with impaired early language abilities at the age of seven months. The general speed of visuospatial orienting or attentional bias for faces measured by eye-tracker-based tests did not differ between AED-exposed and control infants. Discussion: Our findings support the idea that prenatal AED exposure may impair verbal abilities, and this effect may be detected already in infancy. In contrast, the early development of attention to faces was spared after in utero AED exposure. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe