651 research outputs found

    CNS-targeted glucocorticoid reduces pathology in mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Hallmarks of CNS inflammation, including microglial and astrocyte activation, are prominent features in post-mortem tissue from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients and in mice overexpressing mutant superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1 G93A ). Administration of non-targeted glucocorticoids does not significantly alter disease progression, but this may reflect poor CNS delivery. Here, we sought to discover whether CNS-targeted, liposomal encapsulated glucocorticoid would inhibit the CNS inflammatory response and reduce motor neuron loss. SOD1 G93A mice were treated with saline, free methylprednisolone (MP, 10 mg/kg/week) or glutathione PEGylated liposomal MP (2B3-201, 10 mg/kg/week) and compared to saline treated wild-type animals. Animals were treated weekly with intravenous injections for 9 weeks from 60 days of age. Weights and motor performance were monitored during this period. At the end of the experimental period (116 days) mice were imaged using T 2-weighted MRI for brainstem pathology; brain and spinal cord tissue were then collected for histological analysis

    Developing nanotechnology in Latin America

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    This article investigates the development of nanotechnology in Latin America with a particular focus on Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. Based on data for nanotechnology research publications and patents and suggesting a framework for analyzing the development of R&D networks, we identify three potential strategies of nanotechnology research collaboration. Then, we seek to identify the balance of emphasis upon each of the three strategies by mapping the current research profile of those four countries. In general, we find that they are implementing policies and programs to develop nanotechnologies but differ in their collaboration strategies, institutional involvement, and level of development. On the other hand, we find that they coincide in having a modest industry participation in research and a low level of commercialization of nanotechnologies

    Psychodynamic Experience Enhances Recognition of Hidden Childhood Trauma

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    BACKGROUND: Experimental psychology has only recently provided supporting evidence for Freud's and Janet's description of unconscious phenomena. Here, we aimed to assess whether specific abilities, such as personal psychodynamic experience, enhance the ability to recognize unconscious phenomena in peers - in other words, to better detect implicit knowledge related to individual self-experience. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: First, we collected 14 videos from seven healthy adults who had experienced a sibling's cancer during childhood and seven matched controls. Subjects and controls were asked to give a 5-minute spontaneous free-associating speech following specific instructions created in order to activate a buffer zone between fantasy and reality. Then, 18 raters (three psychoanalysts, six medical students, three oncologists, three cognitive behavioral therapists and three individuals with the same experience of trauma) were randomly shown the videos and asked to blindly classify them according to whether the speaker had a sibling with cancer using a Likert scale. Using a permutation test, we found a significant association between group and recognition score (ANOVA: p = .0006). Psychoanalysts were able to recognize, above chance levels, healthy adults who had experienced sibling cancer during childhood without explicit knowledge of this history (Power = 88%; p = .002). In contrast, medical students, oncologists, cognitive behavioral therapists and individuals who had the same history of a sibling's cancer were unable to do so. CONCLUSION: This experiment supports the view that implicit recognition of a subject's history depends on the rater's specific abilities. In the case of subjects who did have a sibling with cancer during childhood, psychoanalysts appear better able to recognize this particular history

    Engineering of Three-Finger Fold Toxins Creates Ligands with Original Pharmacological Profiles for Muscarinic and Adrenergic Receptors

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    Protein engineering approaches are often a combination of rational design and directed evolution using display technologies. Here, we test “loop grafting,” a rational design method, on three-finger fold proteins. These small reticulated proteins have exceptional affinity and specificity for their diverse molecular targets, display protease-resistance, and are highly stable and poorly immunogenic. The wealth of structural knowledge makes them good candidates for protein engineering of new functionality. Our goal is to enhance the efficacy of these mini-proteins by modifying their pharmacological properties in order to extend their use in imaging, diagnostics and therapeutic applications. Using the interaction of three-finger fold toxins with muscarinic and adrenergic receptors as a model, chimeric toxins have been engineered by substituting loops on toxin MT7 by those from toxin MT1. The pharmacological impact of these grafts was examined using binding experiments on muscarinic receptors M1 and M4 and on the α1A-adrenoceptor. Some of the designed chimeric proteins have impressive gain of function on certain receptor subtypes achieving an original selectivity profile with high affinity for muscarinic receptor M1 and α1A-adrenoceptor. Structure-function analysis supported by crystallographic data for MT1 and two chimeras permits a molecular based interpretation of these gains and details the merits of this protein engineering technique. The results obtained shed light on how loop permutation can be used to design new three-finger proteins with original pharmacological profiles

    Psychodynamic Experience Enhances Recognition of Hidden Childhood Trauma

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    BACKGROUND: Experimental psychology has only recently provided supporting evidence for Freud's and Janet's description of unconscious phenomena. Here, we aimed to assess whether specific abilities, such as personal psychodynamic experience, enhance the ability to recognize unconscious phenomena in peers - in other words, to better detect implicit knowledge related to individual self-experience. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: First, we collected 14 videos from seven healthy adults who had experienced a sibling's cancer during childhood and seven matched controls. Subjects and controls were asked to give a 5-minute spontaneous free-associating speech following specific instructions created in order to activate a buffer zone between fantasy and reality. Then, 18 raters (three psychoanalysts, six medical students, three oncologists, three cognitive behavioral therapists and three individuals with the same experience of trauma) were randomly shown the videos and asked to blindly classify them according to whether the speaker had a sibling with cancer using a Likert scale. Using a permutation test, we found a significant association between group and recognition score (ANOVA: p = .0006). Psychoanalysts were able to recognize, above chance levels, healthy adults who had experienced sibling cancer during childhood without explicit knowledge of this history (Power = 88%; p = .002). In contrast, medical students, oncologists, cognitive behavioral therapists and individuals who had the same history of a sibling's cancer were unable to do so. CONCLUSION: This experiment supports the view that implicit recognition of a subject's history depends on the rater's specific abilities. In the case of subjects who did have a sibling with cancer during childhood, psychoanalysts appear better able to recognize this particular history

    Spectroscopic investigations of a semi-synthetic [FeFe] hydrogenase with propane di-selenol as bridging ligand in the binuclear subsite: comparison to the wild type and propane di-thiol variants

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    [FeFe] Hydrogenases catalyze the reversible conversion of H2 into electrons and protons. Their catalytic site, the H-cluster, contains a generic [4Fe–4S]H cluster coupled to a [2Fe]H subsite [Fe2(ADT)(CO)3(CN)2]2−, ADT = µ(SCH2)2NH. Heterologously expressed [FeFe] hydrogenases (apo-hydrogenase) lack the [2Fe]H unit, but this can be incorporated through artificial maturation with a synthetic precursor [Fe2(ADT)(CO)4(CN)2]2−. Maturation with a [2Fe] complex in which the essential ADT amine moiety has been replaced by CH2 (PDT = propane-dithiolate) results in a low activity enzyme with structural and spectroscopic properties similar to those of the native enzyme, but with simplified redox behavior. Here, we study the effect of sulfur-to-selenium (S-to-Se) substitution in the bridging PDT ligand incorporated in the [FeFe] hydrogenase HydA1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii using magnetic resonance (EPR, NMR), FTIR and spectroelectrochemistry. The resulting HydA1-PDSe enzyme shows the same redox behavior as the parent HydA1-PDT. In addition, a state is observed in which extraneous CO is bound to the open coordination site of the [2Fe]H unit. This state was previously observed only in the native enzyme HydA1-ADT and not in HydA1-PDT. The spectroscopic features and redox behavior of HydA1-PDSe, resulting from maturation with [Fe2(PDSe)(CO)4(CN)2]2−, are discussed in terms of spin and charge density shifts and provide interesting insight into the electronic structure of the H-cluster. We also studied the effect of S-to-Se substitution in the [4Fe–4S] subcluster. The reduced form of HydA1 containing only the [4Fe–4Se]H cluster shows a characteristic S = 7/2 spin state which converts back into the S = 1/2 spin state upon maturation with a [2Fe]–PDT/ADT complex

    High Uptake of Exclusive Breastfeeding and Reduced Early Post-Natal HIV Transmission

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    BACKGROUND. Empirical data showing the clear benefits of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for HIV prevention are needed to encourage implementation of lactation support programs for HIV-infected women in low resource settings among whom replacement feeding is unsafe. We conducted a prospective, observational study in Lusaka, Zambia, to test the hypothesis that EBF is associated with a lower risk of postnatal HIV transmission than non-EBF. METHODS AND RESULTS. As part of a randomized trial of early weaning, 958 HIV-infected women and their infants were recruited and all were encouraged to breastfeed exclusively to 4 months. Single-dose nevirapine was provided to prevent transmission. Regular samples were collected from infants to 24 months of age and tested by PCR. Detailed measurements of actual feeding behaviors were collected to examine, in an observational analysis, associations between feeding practices and postnatal HIV transmission. Uptake of EBF was high with 84% of women reporting only EBF cumulatively to 4 months. Post-natal HIV transmission before 4 months was significantly lower (p = 0.004) among EBF (0.040 95% CI: 0.024–0.055) than non-EBF infants (0.102 95% CI: 0.047–0.157); time-dependent Relative Hazard (RH) of transmission due to non-EBF = 3.48 (95% CI: 1.71–7.08). There were no significant differences in the severity of disease between EBF and non-EBF mothers and the association remained significant (RH = 2.68 95% CI: 1.28–5.62) after adjusting for maternal CD4 count, plasma viral load, syphilis screening results and low birth weight. CONCLUSIONS. Non-EBF more than doubles the risk of early postnatal HIV transmission. Programs to support EBF should be expanded universally in low resource settings. EBF is an affordable, feasible, acceptable, safe and sustainable practice that also reduces HIV transmission providing HIV-infected women with a means to protect their children's lives. TRIAL REGISTRATION. ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00310726National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; National Institutes of Health (R01 HD 39611, R01 HD 40777); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Global AIDS Program; Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation; USAID Country Research (GHS-A-00-00020-00

    Long-term cardiometabolic health in people born after assisted reproductive technology: a multi-cohort analysis

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    Aims To examine associations of assisted reproductive technology (ART) conception (vs. natural conception: NC) with offspring cardiometabolic health outcomes and whether these differ with age. Methods and results Differences in systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP), heart rate (HR), lipids, and hyperglycaemic/insulin resistance markers were examined using multiple linear regression models in 14 population-based birth cohorts in Europe, Australia, and Singapore, and results were combined using meta-analysis. Change in cardiometabolic outcomes from 2 to 26 years was examined using trajectory modelling of four cohorts with repeated measures. 35 938 (654 ART) offspring were included in the meta-analysis. Mean age ranged from 13 months to 27.4 years but was <10 years in 11/14 cohorts. Meta-analysis found no statistical difference (ART minus NC) in SBP (-0.53 mmHg; 95% CI:-1.59 to 0.53), DBP (-0.24 mmHg; -0.83 to 0.35), or HR (0.02 beat/min; -0.91 to 0.94). Total cholesterol (2.59%; 0.10-5.07), HDL cholesterol (4.16%; 2.52-5.81), LDL cholesterol (4.95%; 0.47-9.43) were statistically significantly higher in ART-conceived vs. NC offspring. No statistical difference was seen for triglycerides (TG), glucose, insulin, and glycated haemoglobin. Long-term follow-up of 17 244 (244 ART) births identified statistically significant associations between ART and lower predicted SBP/DBP in childhood, and subtle trajectories to higher SBP and TG in young adulthood; however, most differences were not statistically significant. Conclusion These findings of small and statistically non-significant differences in offspring cardiometabolic outcomes should reassure people receiving ART. Longer-term follow-up is warranted to investigate changes over adulthood in the risks of hypertension, dyslipidaemia, and preclinical and clinical cardiovascular disease.Acknowledgements We thank all cohort members and researchers who participated in the study. Cohort-specific acknowledgments can be found in Supplementary material online, Text S2. Data used in this study are available to bone fide researchers upon request to each cohort. Details of how to access the data are provided in Supplementary material online, Text S2. Please contact Professor Deborah Lawlor ([email protected]) and Dr Ahmed Elhakeem ([email protected]) if you have relevant data and would like to join the ART-Health Cohort Collaboration and contribute to future collaborations