117 research outputs found

    Undernutrition, poverty and growth in rural India - a regional analysis

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    We discuss characteristics of the spatial distribution of poverty and calorie and protein deficiency in India. Two units of analysis are considered states and NSS-defined agro-climatic zones. The data used are the NSS Expenditure Surveys of the 43rd, 50th and 55th rounds. Results on stochastic dominance as per these criteria are also reported

    Calorie deprivation and poverty nutrition trap in rural India

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    This paper tests for the existence of a Poverty Nutrition Trap (PNT) in the case of the nutrient most likely to have productivity impacts, i.e., calories, for three categories of wages – sowing, harvesting, and other – and for male and female workers separately. We use household level national data for rural India for the period January to June 1994. We use robust sample selection procedures due to Tobit methods and due to Heckman to arrive at consistent estimates. It is discovered that the PNT exists for women workers engaged in harvesting and sowing in the case of the Heckman methodology. In the case of the Tobit analysis a PNT exists in the case of female harvest, male other, and female other categories of wages

    Poverty nutrition trap in rural India

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    The contribution of the present paper is threefold. First, we formally test whether the effect of calorie deprivation on wages is more significant/higher for the lower quantiles of workers. In the extant literature this is established through non-linear terms in the wage equation. A more satisfactory method of doing this is through quantile regressions. Second, the quantile regression approach helps us identify the exact group for which the poverty-nutrition trap holds. The extant literature is unable to establish whether there are systematic differences across different quintiles in the response of productivity/wages to nutrition. The present paper addresses this lacuna. Third, we are able to establish a critical wage level for which the PNT trap hypothesis holds. For wages higher than this the hypothesis does not hold. We then argue that this value of the wage rate should set a floor for any minimum wage for agricultural labourers

    Micronutrient deprivation and poverty nutrition trap in rural India

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    We test for the existence of a Poverty Nutrition Trap (PNT) in the case of five important micronutrients- calcium, carotene, iron, riboflavin, and thiamine, for three categories of wages: sowing, harvesting, and other for male and female workers separately. We use household level national data for rural India for the period January to June 1994 and robust sample selection procedures due to Heckman to arrive at consistent and efficient estimates. It is discovered that the PNT exists for calcium for female workers engaged in harvesting. In the case of carotene male workers engaged in harvesting are subject to the PNT, whereas both males and females engaged in harvesting are subject to PNT in the case of iron. In the case of riboflavin female workers engaged in harvesting and sowing and male workers engaged in harvesting are subject to PNT and in the case of thiamine female workers engaged in harvesting and sowing are subject to PNT. Thus micronutrient deficiency is having a significant impact on labour productivity in rural India

    Rural poverty reduction strategy for South Asia

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    Roughly 40 percent of the worlds poor live in South Asia, where poverty is basically a rural problem. Therefore, a significant gain in rural poverty reduction in this sub-region will be crucial to reach the international poverty reduction target. Based on the analysis and experience of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), this paper argues that to be successful, poverty reduction policies in South Asia must focus on the less-favoured rural areas and on most disadvantaged sections of the rural poor (mainly women, the landless and indigenous peoples). In order to overcome disadvantages arising from remoteness, lack of social services, insecure and unproductive jobs, and discrimination as women or ethnic minorities, the rural poor need legally secure access to productive assets (mainly land, forests and water); sustainable or regenerating agricultural technology; access to markets; opportunities to participate in decentralized resource management; and access to financial services

    Determinants of undernutrition in rural India

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    Using a new data set constructed by converting NSS household consumption figures (rural sector) for the 43rd round (1987-88), 50th round (1993-94) and 55th round (1999-2000) into their nutritional equivalents, this paper presents new evidence of the extent of undernourishment in terms of calories and proteins. Results are presented for evidence of undernourishment in terms of calories for sedentary, moderate and heavy work, in terms of protein and jointly in terms of protein and calories. The results are presented at the national, state and NSS regional levels. Undernourishment declined between 1987-88 and 1993-94 almost everywhere and more spectacularly between 1993-94 and 1999-2000; however the 55th round data is not strictly comparable with the earlier rounds. We also analyse logit models of determinants of undernutrition

    The economics of food security Volume 1

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    Professor Jha and Professor Gaiha address important issues of food security in their wide-ranging selection of the most influential published contributions in this area of study. Their comprehensive, original introduction discusses each article and places it within the context of twelve distinct themes, from which emerges a cogent view of the developing scholarly literature in this area and of the challenges that still remain. These volumes will provide ready access to major landmark contributions in food security and thus be of interest to all academics, policymakers, international organizations and students working in this area
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