229 research outputs found

    La culture catholique

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    Que sait-on de l’expérience existentielle des parents des jeunes contrevenants ?

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    This research on 116 parents of young offenders from the Montreal Centre area indicates that delinquency and its consequences have a negative impact on most parents. Basic statistics are presented for stress, fatigue, health, and general happiness. In addition, qualitative data from the young offenders' official files corroborate these results and offer more details concerning the areas of parents' lives that are affected. This paper examines the cultural and social reasons behind researchers' lack of interest in this topic. The study's results and limitations suggest a vast array of research questions

    Les stratégies d'intervention d'une éducatrice avec un groupe d'enfants lors d'une activité de lecture en milieu de garderie

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    Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 201

    Les compétences procédurales requises à la coordination dédiée

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    Le présent article réfléchit aux compétences requises dans les métiers de services aux personnes dédiés à coordonner les services dans les situations cliniques complexes en raison de leur multidimensionnalité et leur chronicité. Toute activité humaine exige, pour sa bonne effectuation, la coordination des interdépendances entre les acteurs concernés. La coordination des interdépendances se réalise en mode ordinaire, dans les activités de tous les jours, mais aussi en mode dédié, c’est-à-dire à travers une pratique qui a pour mandat principal de les gérer de manière consciente, volontaire et imputable pour les situations d’intervention dont la complexité est grande. Ce passage de la forme ordinaire à la forme dédiée de coordination engage une transformation des compétences et des savoirs professionnels mobilisés dans le geste professionnel. En outre des compétences et des savoirs relatifs à la maîtrise des objets cliniques disciplinaires, le gestionnaire de cas, soit la figure professionnelle qui incarne le mieux cette modalité de coordination, doit mobiliser des compétences et des savoirs procéduraux (évaluation, planification, communication, négociation, activation de réseaux, etc.) requis à la maîtrise des interfaces entre systèmes techniques et acteurs professionnels et organisationnels, en posant l’interdépendance des actants comme objet premier de son action professionnelle. Pour cela, il doit effectuer cette dernière dans une temporalité conjuguant le temps du projet organisationnel au temps clinique.This article reflects on the skills required in trades services to people dedicated to coordinate services in complex clinical situations because of their multidimensionality and chronicity. All human activity requires for its proper effectuation, the coordination of interdependencies between actors. Coordination of interdependencies is done in ordinary mode, in everyday activities, but also in dedicated mode, that is to say, through a practice that has a primary mandate to manage them in a conscious, voluntary and accountable for intervention situations whose complexity is high. This passage from the ordinary form in the form of dedicated coordination undertakes a transformation of skills and professional knowledge mobilized in the professional gesture. Further skills and knowledge relating to the disciplinary control of clinical objects, the case manager or professional figure who best embodies this form of coordination, should mobilize expertise and procedural knowledge (assessment, planning, communication, negotiation, activation networks, etc..) required to control the interfaces between technical systems and professional and organizational actors, posing as the interdependence of actants primary purpose in work. For this he must do it in a time of temporality combining organizational project in clinical time

    Associations between eating patterns, dietary intakes and eating behaviors in premenopausal overweight women

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    The regulation of energy intake is complex and many biological, psychosocial and environmental influences have been identified. To our knowledge, no study has yet investigated how eating patterns could mediate associations between eating behaviors and self-reported energy intake in premenopausal overweight women. Therefore, objectives of this study were to examine associations between eating behaviors and eating patterns in premenopausal overweight women and to test if eating patterns could mediate the associations between eating behaviors and self-reported energy intake. Women completed a 3-day food record and the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire was used to assess eating behaviors (dietary restraint, disinhibition, hunger). In the total sample of women, flexible restraint was negatively (r = - 0.18; p = 0.03) and binge eating severity was positively (r = 0.24; p = 0.004) associated with self-reported energy intake. Moreover, flexible restraint was positively associated with the proportion of energy intake at breakfast (r = 0.24; p = 0.004), whereas disinhibition and binge eating severity were positively associated with the proportion of energy intake from snacks consumed after 5:00 pm (r = 0.22, p = 0.007 and r = 0.22, p = 0.01, respectively). In addition, mediational analyses showed that proportion of energy intake from snacks consumed after 5:00 pm explained 24.1% of the association between binge eating severity and self-reported energy intake. In conclusion, these results suggest that eating patterns are important factors to consider in order to explain the associations between eating behaviors and self-reported energy intake

    Partager la production des connaissances en violence conjugale : analyse critique d'un processus de recherche expérimenté dans le cadre de TRAJETVI

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    Le présent article propose un retour sur la démarche de recherche, expérimentée dans le cadre d’un projet faisant partie de la programmation de TRAJETVI. Ce vaste projet soutient depuis 2013 différentes recherches menées en partenariat sur les violences faites aux femmes vécues en contexte conjugal. La perspective féministe intersectionnelle dans laquelle ce projet inscrit son approche implique de s’attarder aux différents rapports de pouvoir impliqués dans les processus de production du savoir. Les résultats obtenus réitèrent l’importance de mieux soutenir les partenaires des milieux de pratique, qui portent souvent seul.es la responsabilité du projet au sein de leur organisme, de se doter d’un échéancier réaliste ainsi que d’un plan de mobilisation des connaissances qui permet l’appropriation des résultats par toutes les parties impliquées. This article presents a reflection on a research process, experienced in the context of TRAJETVI. Since 2013, this vast project has supported various research carried out in partnership on violence against women experienced in a conjugal context. The intersectional feminist framework of this research need to focus on power relations involved in the knowledge production processes. The results obtained reiterate the importance of better supporting the partners from practice environments, who often bear sole responsibility for the project within their organization, to have a realistic timetable and to develop a knowledge transfert plan which allows the appropriation of the results by all the parties involved

    Mixed methods systematic review of success factors of mhealth and telehealth for maternal health in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Various factors contribute to the success of mhealth and telehealth implementation and use, and must be considered before technologies move beyond the pilot project stage. Success factors identified in this literature review were categorized by: 1) technology (including technical support to maintain, troubleshoot and train users; network coverage and stable energy resource); 2) user acceptance, facilitated by unrestricted use of the device, perceived usefulness to the worker, adequate literacy, or previous experience of use; 3) short- and long-term funding; 4) organizational factors, such as the existence of a well-organized health system; and 5) political or legislative aspects, in this case strong government support

    Catchment characteristics and seasonality control the composition of microbial assemblages exported from three outlet glaciers of the Greenland Ice Sheet

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    Glacial meltwater drains into proglacial rivers where it interacts with the surrounding landscape, collecting microbial cells as it travels downstream. Characterizing the composition of the resulting microbial assemblages in transport can inform us about intra-annual changes in meltwater flowpaths beneath the glacier as well as hydrological connectivity with proglacial areas. Here, we investigated how the structure of suspended microbial assemblages evolves over the course of a melt season for three proglacial catchments of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS), reasoning that differences in glacier size and the proportion of glacierized versus non-glacierized catchment areas will influence both the identity and relative abundance of microbial taxa in transport. Streamwater samples were taken at the same time each day over a period of 3 weeks (summer 2018) to identify temporal patterns in microbial assemblages for three outlet glaciers of the GrIS, which differed in glacier size (smallest to largest; Russell, Leverett, and Isunnguata Sermia [IS]) and their glacierized: proglacial catchment area ratio (Leverett, 76; Isunnguata Sermia, 25; Russell, 2). DNA was extracted from samples, and 16S rRNA gene amplicons sequenced to characterize the structure of assemblages. We found that microbial diversity was significantly greater in Isunnguata Sermia and Russell Glacier rivers compared to Leverett Glacier, the latter of which having the smallest relative proglacial catchment area. Furthermore, the microbial diversity of the former two catchments continued to increase over monitored period, presumably due to increasing hydrologic connectivity with proglacial habitats. Meanwhile, diversity decreased over the monitored period in Leverett, which may have resulted from the evolution of an efficient subglacial drainage system. Linear discriminant analysis further revealed that bacteria characteristic to soils were disproportionately represented in the Isunnguata Sermia river, while putative methylotrophs were disproportionately abundant in Russell Glacier. Meanwhile, taxa typical for glacierized habitats (i.e., Rhodoferax and Polaromonas) dominated in the Leverett Glacier river. Our findings suggest that the proportion of deglaciated catchment area is more influential to suspended microbial assemblage structure than absolute glacier size, and improve our understanding of hydrological flowpaths, particulate entrainment, and transport
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