101 research outputs found

    Процедура внесення змін до конституції: порівняльно-правовий аспект

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    Розглядається процедура внесення змін до Конституції, проводиться її порівняльно правовий аналіз, досліджуються особливості цієї процедури в різних країнах. Ключові слова: Конституція, зміни до Конституції, суб’єкт законодавчої ініціативиРассматривается процедура внесения изменений в Конституцию, проводится е сравнительно правовой анализ, исследуются особенности этой процедуры в различных странах. Ключевые слова: Конституция, изменения в Конституции, субъект законодательной инициативы.In article procedure of modification of the Constitution is considered, its ratherlegal analysis is carried out, features of this procedure in the various countries are investigated. Key words: Constitution, modification of the Constitution

    Jazz improvisation as situated cognition: historical and analytical perspectives on the music of Milt Jackson

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    This thesis examines the life and music of vibraphonist Milt Jackson as a form of situated cognition. Situated cognition theory, or situated learning, argues for the ecological specificity of perception: namely that knowledge is situated in activity bound to social, cultural and physical contexts. My study brings such a perspective to mid-twentieth-century jazz practice with the view of bringing to the fore a certain cultural knowledge with regards to the practice and expression of jazz in the 1940s and 1950s, and to highlight important parts of its knowledge base as these are evident in the musical outputs of Jackson. In so doing, this thesis also attempts to offer the first substantial historical account of Jackson’s upbringing in Detroit, based on detailed archival research, and highlight some of the influential environments to which he was exposed. Typical of his generation, Jackson forged diverse musical influences into a personal sonic signature; in this development, the Detroit communities were highly instrumental. In the analytical section I examine a selection of Jackson’s recorded performances and identify the recurrence of stylistic devices, patterns and schemata, as well as perceived gesture, in his improvisations. My findings reveal a certain cultural knowledge with regards to the practice and expression of jazz in the 1940s and 1950s, and allow me to demonstrate that some of Jackson’s performing strategies were culturally specific, historically contingent, and predicated on statistical learning. My focus on examining choices made by Jackson and his peers in their use of musical language, as well as my subsequent emphasis on the recognition, transformation, and categorisation of musical material, has larger implications. Throughout, I engage with the notion of invented traditions and theories of cultural (collective) memories, and propose that a study of jazz in terms of concrete moves in forms of improvisation may help us understand how jazz improvisation is constantly redefined, and how different modes of relationships between past and present affect its performance practice. This methodology offers systematic analysis of embodied knowledge and experience, of imagined worlds, metaphors, allegories and the valuations of social significance and personal affect

    A comparison of sighted and visually impaired children’s text comprehension

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    Aim: Do children with visual impairments outperform their sighted cohorts in reading and auditory comprehension tasks? Methods: We address this question by applying panel regression techniques on a comprehensive sample of 16 children with visual impairments from a Greek special school for students with visual impairments. Results: By comparing the reader comprehender profile for both children types, we find that the children with visual impairments perform better than their sighted counterparts. The better performance is supported both unconditionally and conditionally on idiosyncratic characteristics, such as age, text complexity, modality, sex and reading ability. Conclusion: Decomposing the reader comprehender profile into a literal, global and local type of questions we find that the results are mainly driven by the superior performance of the children with VI in the literal questions

    Questions soulevées par le test de closure

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    Questions raised by closure tests. - The closure tests have given place to a great variety of applications and displayed many opposite results. In the discussion about the meaning of performances the idea of detaining percentage of blanks filled not questioned.Le test de closure a donné lieu à une grande diversité d'applications. On est surpris par les nombreux résultats qui ont été obtenus : ils sont souvent opposés les uns aux autres sur ce qu'on prétend mesurer avec ce test. Ainsi pour certains, les performances sont davantage liées à l'Intelligence générale du sujet qu'à la compréhension du contenu du texte. Dans la discussion sur la signification des performances on a recouru à des variations de procédures sans prêter attention aux textes utilisés et aux différences concernant l'âge et les capacités des sujets expérimentaux. Mais dans toute cette discussion, l'Idée selon laquelle c'est le pourcentage de tous les trous correctement remplis qui doit être retenu, n'a pas été remise en cause.Cuestiones suscitadas por el test de relleno. - El test de rellenó ha dadó lugar a uno gran variedad de aplicaciones y destacado numerosos resultados muchas veces opuestos. En la discusión sobre la significación de los resultados, la idea según la cual es el porcentaje de todos los agujeros llenados correctamente que se debe guardar, no ha sido puesta en cuestión.Gagatsis Athanassios. Questions soulevées par le test de closure. In: Revue française de pédagogie, volume 70, 1985. pp. 41-50