2,827 research outputs found

    Laboratorio di Italiano come L2 per alunni di recente immigrazione

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    L’expérience didactique décrite ici s’est déroulée pendant l’année scolaire 2017-2018 dans une école primaire de l’Istituto Comprensivo en périphérie nord-est de Rome. Avant de donner les détails de l’expérimentation, nous présentons un aperçu des statistiques concernant les élèves étrangers en Italie, qui permettent une meilleure compréhension du phénomène. Par rapport à l’expérience pédagogique réalisée, nous examinerons les méthodes, les modules d’apprentissage, les phases du curriculum et d’autres facteurs qui peuvent donner au lecteur une idée de la manière dont le laboratoire de langues fonctionne.The teaching experience described here took place during the 2017-2018 school year, in an elementary school of the Istituto Comprensivo at the North-Eastern periphery of Rome. Before going into the details of the experiment, we will present a review of the statistical data concerning the foreign pupils in Italy, which provides some significant information for a better understanding of the phenomenon. Corresponding to the pedagogical experience at hand, we shall examine the methods, the learning module, the phases of the curriculum and other factors that allow the reader to see how the language laboratory functions

    Limited-memory scaled gradient projection methods for real-time image deconvolution in microscopy

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    Gradient projection methods have given rise to effective tools for image deconvolution in several relevant areas, such as microscopy, medical imaging and astronomy. Due to the large scale of the optimization problems arising in nowadays imaging applications and to the growing request of real-time reconstructions, an interesting challenge to be faced consists in designing new acceleration techniques for the gradient schemes, able to preserve the simplicity and low computational cost of each iteration. In this work we propose an acceleration strategy for a state of the art scaled gradient projection method for image deconvolution in microscopy. The acceleration idea is derived by adapting a step-length selection rule, recently introduced for limited-memory steepest descent methods in unconstrained optimization, to the special constrained optimization framework arising in image reconstruction. We describe how important issues related to the generalization of the step-length rule to the imaging optimization problem have been faced and we evaluate the improvements due to the acceleration strategy by numerical experiments on large-scale image deconvolution problems

    Stakeholder engagement via facebook. An analysis of world’s most popular museums

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    Over the last few years, social media (SM) have been emphasised as a means for organisations to foster stakeholder relationship with particular stress on their potential to promote community building and dialogic engagement with online audiences. These potential benefits of SM have been claimed also with respect to cultural organisations. However, the available research evidence on SM and museums suggests that museums still struggle to exploit these tools to their full potential. This paper adds further evidence on this issue by empirically investigating whether museums are using Facebook to promote follower engagement using a sample of top-attended museums worldwide. Results suggest that the frequency and content type of posts correlate to some extent with the degree of follower reactions. Nevertheless, sample museums predominantly use SM to publish promotional contents and as a result fail to achieve a true ‘dialogic’ follower engagement

    Ukraine's law on national minorities and ‘effective’ participation: Expanding or diluting standards?

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    This article provides a critique of Law No. 2827-ix ‘On National Minorities (Communities) of Ukraine’, adopted in December 2022, with a focus on minority participation. Following an overview of Ukraine’s international commitments and domestic legislation on minority protection, we consider some of the complexities of Ukraine’s minority rights regime, particularly those linked to the enduring challenge in striking a balance between the promotion of Ukrainian as the sole state language and the use of Russian and other languages. These dynamics have frequently resulted in the politicisation of language issues, with polarising effects. Meanwhile, participation of national minorities in these debates – and more generally in devising law and policy on matters affecting them – has been limited. The Law on National Minorities represents a welcome attempt to bring about inclusive decision-making, and for the Ukrainian state to meet the requirement of guaranteeing opportunities for effective minority participation. However, the Law’s provisions also reveal a clear preoccupation with national unity at a time of acute crisis, and over the instrumentalisation of national minorities by kin states for political ends. Hence the need for balancing out two equally legitimate concerns. Placing the Law on National Minorities in the context of international standards on minority rights, the article points to an increasing emphasis, at the international level, on the substantive – rather than procedural – aspect of minority participation, through a new focus on outcomes and joint ownership of decisions. In this sense, the Law on National Minorities, and subsequent legal reform, can lay the foundations for a system that devises, implements, and evaluates concrete measures for effective participation. The article concludes that inclusive debates, and igo s’ role in facilitating them, are more critical than ever in light of the severity of ongoing challenges

    Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Bartholin Gland. A Morphological and Immunohistochemical study of a rare case

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    Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the Bartholin gland (BG-ACC) is a rare form of vulvar cancer. Literature reported approximately 350 cases of BG-ACC since 1864. Literature data and case reports suggested an aggressive nature with protracted clinical symptoms and a tendency for local recurrence despite adequate surgical excision with or without adjuvant radiotherapy. Survival rates of 71% and 59% are reported, respectively, at five and ten years. A comparative analysis of the immunohistochemical profile was performed with the homologous tumor of the salivary glands, and it was observed that the expression of various antigen in different morphological patterns of this neoplasia allowed some considerations about on its histogenesis that was hitherto never proposed

    Evaluation of bovine beta casein polymorphism in two dairy farms located in northern Italy

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    Bovine beta casein A1 is one of the most common variants in dairy cattle breeds; it is considered a risk factor in milk intolerance and in other important human diseases, because of the bioactive peptide beta casomorphin-7 (BCM7) produced by raw or processed A1-milk, but not by A2-milk, during digestion. The aim of this study was to perform a cheap and rapid method to investigate beta casein polymorphism in copious animals. The study included 2 dairy farms with a totally of 1230 cows. Beta casein genotypes were estimated evaluating Exon 7 region of bovine beta casein gene (CSN2) by sequences analysis. In the population included in the study 5 variants (A1, A2, B, F, I) and 13 genotypes (A1A1, A1A2, A1B, A1F, A1I, A2A2, A2B, A2F, A2I, BB, BF, BI, FI) were detected. The method showed high sensibility and specificity, resulted low-cost and few time consuming
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