8 research outputs found


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    Hutan mangrove merupakan salah satu ekosistem terpenting yang ada di bumi karena memberikan manfaat ekologis yang sangat besar. Salah satu peranan utama hutan mangrove yaitu fungsi sekuestrasi karbon yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hutan boreal, temperate (beriklim sedang), dan tropis. Berdasarkan kesepakatan yang tercantum dalam Paris Climate Agreement 2015, Indonesia yang memiliki hutan mangrove terluas di dunia telah menargetkan untuk mengurangi emisi karbon pada tahun 2020 dengan target pengurangan emisi tanpa syarat (unconditional) dan 2030 dengan syarat (conditional). Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi mitigasi karbon restorasi hutan mangrove di Indonesia. Pemodelan dengan menggunakan CO2Fix Model digunakan untuk mensimulasikan empat skenario yang diinginkan untuk menginvestigasi apakah restorasi 1,8 juta hektar hutan mangrove yang telah hilang sejak tahun 1980 cukup untuk mencapai target, jumlah hutan mangrove harus direstorasi untuk mencapai target mitigasi Indonesia berdasarkan Paris Climate Agreement, dan tingkat penebangan hutan mangrove yang sesuai dengan target Indonesia. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa target pengurangan emisi tanpa syarat 2020 akan dicapai setelah 22 tahun dengan restorasi 1,8 juta hektar hutan mangrove, target tanpa syarat 2030 setelah 87 tahun, dan target bersyarat setelah 102 tahun. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa restorasi hutan mangrove memiliki potensi mitigasi karbon yang efektif dalam jangka waktu yang lama.Kata kunci: mengrove, sekuestrasi, restorasi, CO2Fix

    Including nursing home residents in a general population health survey in Germany

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    Nursing home residents (NHRs) are systematically excluded from the target populations of most population-based health surveys, which may result in biased prevalence estimates. Researchers who wish to include NHRs in surveys face several challenges including difficulty sampling and contacting NHRs and greater levels of functional impairments impeding participation. A population-wide, register-based, random sample of 8,000 older individuals (57.1% women, mean age=76.2 years) in six primary sampling units (PSUs) in Germany was used to analyse NHR coverage. The contact and response rates among NHRs were compared to those among persons living in private households in two PSUs (N=2,000) by applying an informed sequential mixed-mode design. All persons received a health questionnaire by mail, and random subgroups of initial non-respondents were further contacted by telephone or personal visits. The population-wide, register-based, random sample included a substantial proportion of NHRs that nearly approximated the national rate of 4.2% NHRs among individuals ≥65 years. Never-theless, undercoverage of a specific subgroup of NHRs was apparent. The contact and re-sponse rates were significantly lower among NHRs than persons in private households (contact: 49.0% vs. 72.9%; response: 20.0% vs. 45.9%). Therefore, it remains questionable if NHRs can be included in regular national health monitoring programmes.Peer Reviewe

    Testing the Implementation of a Pain Self-management Support Intervention for Oncology Patients in Clinical Practice: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study (AntiPain)

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    In oncology, pain control is a persistent problem. Significant barriers to cancer pain management are patient related. Pain self-management support interventions have shown to reduce pain intensity and patient-related barriers. Comparative effectiveness research is a suitable approach to test whether effects are sustained in clinical practice.; In this pilot randomized controlled trial, the implementation of the ANtiPain intervention into clinical practice was tested to assess the effects on pain intensity, function-related outcomes, self-efficacy, and patient-related barriers to pain management to prepare a larger effectiveness trial.; Within 14 months, 39 adult oncology patients with pain scores of 3 or higher on a 10-point numeric rating scale were recruited in an academic comprehensive cancer center in Southern Germany. Patients in the control group (n = 19) received standard care. Patients in the intervention group (n = 20) received ANtiPain, a cancer pain self-management support intervention based on 3 key strategies: provision of information, skill building, and nurse coaching. An intervention session was performed in-hospital. After discharge, follow-up was provided via telephone calls. Data were collected at baseline and 1 and 6 weeks after discharge. Effect sizes were calculated for all outcomes.; Large effects were found for activity hindrance (Cohen d = 0.90), barriers (d = 0.91), and self-efficacy (d = 0.90). Small to moderate effects were found for average and worst pain (Cohen d = 0.17-0.45).; Key findings of this study involved function-related outcomes and self-efficacy.; Because these outcomes are particularly meaningful for patients, the integration of ANtiPain to routine clinical practice may be substantial. A larger study will be based on these findings

    Effects of a sequential mixed-mode design on participation, contact and sample composition – Results of the pilot study “IMOA – Improving Health Monitoring in Old Age”

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    Existing health survey data of individuals who are 65+ years of age is limited due to the exclusion of the oldest old and physically or cognitively impaired individuals. This study aimed to assess the effects of a sequential mixed-mode design on (1) contact and response rates, (2) sample composition and (3) non-response bias. A register-based random sample of 2,000 individuals 65+ years was initially contacted by mail to answer a health questionnaire. Random subgroups of initial non-responders were further contacted by telephone or home visits. Participation by interview or proxy was possible. After postal contact only, the initial contact and response rates were 51.7% and 37.8%, respectively. The contact and response rates increased to 71.1% and 44.6%, respectively, after all contact steps. A different sample composition regarding sociodemographic (i.e., older individuals) and health characteristics (i.e., worse self-rated health, more functional impairments) was achieved by the inclusion of those late participants. Ill health was the second most frequent reason for non-participation. Personal contact modes are important to increase contact and response rates in population-based health studies and to include hard-to-reach groups such as the oldest or physically impaired individuals. However, non-response bias still occurred.Peer Reviewe

    Habitat preferences of male Corn Buntings Emberiza calandra in north-eastern Germany

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    Agricultural ecosystems have faced dramatic changes during past decades, resulting in a dramatic loss of farmland biodiversity. The Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra is considered a suitable indicator for the conservation value of farmland habitats, and has recently suffered strong declines throughout much of its European range. As a basis for targeted conservation measures, we investigated the habitat preferences of this species in north-eastern Germany by comparing the composition of male territories with randomly chosen control sites. A territory was defined as the area within a radius of 150 meters around the assumed centre of the territory, as the majority of nests is found within this radius. To assess food availability for nestlings, arthropod abundance within the most abundant land use types i.e. crop fields, fallows, grassland as well as within unploughed strips was investigated. In total we found 102 male Corn Bunting territories, which were mainly composed of crop fields (50%), grassland (28%), and fallows (12%). Territories compared with control sites were characterized by a lower proportion of crop fields, a higher proportion of fallows, more diverse land use types, more abundant field boundaries, unploughed strips, and tracks, and a higher availability of song posts. However, neither the number of larger (>= 1 cm), smaller ( 10%) and song posts (> 70 m 'linear song posts' or > 1 solitary post per ha) for the habitat selection of male Corn Buntings. We conclude that measures to halt population declines of Corn Buntings seem to be relatively easy to implement, provided that farmers are granted a fair compensation

    La laïcité en question

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    Cet ouvrage inscrit la réflexion sur la laïcité dans la longue durée de l’histoire française et allemande, tout en croisant les approches disciplinaires, afin d’éclairer respectivement chacun des deux modèles dans sa spécificité. Les contributeurs (historiens, philosophes, théologiens, juristes, sociologues, germanistes) s’y écartent de conceptions philosophico-idéologiques de la laïcité et se placent sur le terrain de l’histoire et du droit pour se mettre à distance de partis pris militants qui biaisent la réflexion sur un sujet si brûlant. Si le mot laïcité n’a pas d’équivalent en allemand, cela ne veut pas dire cependant que les réalités françaises et allemandes en la matière ne soient pas comparables. Divers éléments entrent en ligne de compte pour ce faire : outre le critère de neutralité réciproque du politique et du religieux, le respect de la liberté religieuse dans ses diverses facettes, la séparation des Églises et de l’État sous ses différentes formes, le statut juridique accordé aux sociétés religieuses, la mise en oeuvre du droit à l’incroyance. L’ouvrage, organisé selon une structure à la fois chronologique et thématique comporte, outre l’introduction, quatre parties où alternent analyses générales et études de cas : la laïcité dans l’histoire ; questions juridiques et politiques ; modèles allemand et français à l’épreuve de l’islam ; l’école face à la religion et à la transmission des valeurs en Allemagne et en France

    WormQTL-public archive and analysis web portal for natural variation data in Caenorhabditis spp

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    Here, we present WormQTL (http://www.wormqtl.org), an easily accessible database enabling search, comparative analysis and meta-analysis of all data on variation in Caenorhabditis spp. Over the past decade, Caenorhabditis elegans has become instrumental for molecular quantitative genetics and the systems biology of natural variation. These efforts have resulted in a valuable amount of phenotypic, high-throughput molecular and genotypic data across different developmental worm stages and environments in hundreds of C. elegans strains. WormQTL provides a workbench of analysis tools for genotype-phenotype linkage and association mapping based on but not limited to R/qtl (http://www.rqtl.org). All data can be uploaded and downloaded using simple delimited text or Excel formats and are accessible via a public web user interface for biologists and R statistic and web service interfaces for bioinformaticians, based on open source MOLGENIS and xQTL workbench software. WormQTL welcomes data submissions from other worm researchers