117 research outputs found

    Tracking Global Population Trends: Population Time-Series Data and a Living Planet Index for Reptiles

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    Effective conservation action relies on access to the best-available species data. Reptiles have often been overlooked in conservation prioritization, especially because of a paucity of population data. Using data for 549 reptile populations representing 194 species from the Living Planet database, we provide the first detailed analysis of this database for a specific taxonomic group. We estimated an average global decline in reptile populations of 54–55% between 1970 and 2012. Disaggregated indices at taxonomic, system, and biogeographical levels showed trends of decline, often with wide confidence intervals because of a prevalence of short time series. We assessed gaps in our reptile time-series data and examined what types of publication they primarily originated from to provide an overview of the range of data sources captured in the Living Planet database. Data were biased toward crocodilians and chelonians, with only 1% and 2% of known lizard and snake species represented, respectively. Population time-series data stemmed primarily from published ecological research (squamates) and data collected for conservation management (chelonians and crocodilians). We recommend exploration of novel survey and analytical techniques to increase monitoring of reptiles, especially squamates, over time. Open access publication and sharing of data sets are vital to improve knowledge of reptile status and trends, aided by the provision of properly curated databases and data-sharing agreements. Such collaborative efforts are vital to effectively address global reptile declines

    Experiências de contacto dos bebés com a linguagem escrita

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    The purpose of this study is to characterize the literacy experiences ofbabies aged between 14 and 24 months. In this study, four issues were analysed: which type of written language experiences are offered to the children, how parents value these literacy experiences, the way parents perceive their own role in the literacy development of their children and what parents know about their means of contributing to the literacy development of their children. Six mothers were interviewed. These interviews were analysed with the use of a categorical content analysis. The results suggest that mothers value and include in their practices facilitative and mediation actions of literacy experiences with their children, noting some variability depending on the respective qualifications.Este estudo exploratório visa descrever as experiências de literacia de bebés entre os 14 e os 25 meses. Analisamse quatro questões, que experiências envolvendo a linguagem escrita no seio familiar são proporcionadas aos bebés, qual o valor que os pais lhes atribuem, como percepcionam o seu papel na promoção do desenvolvimento literácito dos filhos e como podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento da literacia dos mesmos. Adotou-se uma metodologia qualitativa, com recurso à análise de conteúdo categorial das respostas dadas por seis mães em entrevista individual e semiestruturada. Concluiu-se que estas mães valorizam e incluem nas suas práticas ações facilitadoras e de mediação de experiências de literacia por parte dos seus bebés, notando-se alguma variabilidade em função das respetivas habilitações académicas.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phase evolution of C-(N)-A-S-H/N-A-S-H gel blends investigated via alkali-activation of synthetic calcium aluminosilicate precursors

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    Stoichiometrically-controlled alkali-activated pastes containing calcium-(sodium) aluminosilicate hydrate (C-(N)-A-S-H) and sodium aluminosilicate hydrate (N-A-S-H) gels are produced by alkali-activation of high-purity synthetic calcium aluminosilicate powders. These powders are chemically comparable to the glass in granulated blast furnace slag, but without interference from minor constituents. The physiochemical characteristics of these gels depend on precursor chemical composition. Increased Ca content of the precursor promotes formation of low-Al, high-Ca C-(N)-A-S-H with lower mean chain length as determined by quantification of solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, and less formation of calcium carboaluminate ‘Alumino-ferrite mono’ (AFm) phases. Increased Al content promotes Al inclusion and reduced crosslinking within C-(N)-A-S-H, increased formation of calcium carboaluminate AFm phases, and formation of an additional N-A-S-H gel. Small changes in precursor composition can induce significant changes in phase evolution, nanostructure and physical properties, providing a novel route to understand microstructural development in alkali-activated binders and address key related durability issues

    Calpain-Catalyzed Proteolysis of Human dUTPase Specifically Removes the Nuclear Localization Signal Peptide

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    Calpain proteases drive intracellular signal transduction via specific proteolysis of multiple substrates upon Ca(2+)-induced activation. Recently, dUTPase, an enzyme essential to maintain genomic integrity, was identified as a physiological calpain substrate in Drosophila cells. Here we investigate the potential structural/functional significance of calpain-activated proteolysis of human dUTPase.Limited proteolysis of human dUTPase by mammalian m-calpain was investigated in the presence and absence of cognate ligands of either calpain or dUTPase. Significant proteolysis was observed only in the presence of Ca(II) ions, inducing calpain action. The presence or absence of the dUTP-analogue α,β-imido-dUTP did not show any effect on Ca(2+)-calpain-induced cleavage of human dUTPase. The catalytic rate constant of dUTPase was unaffected by calpain cleavage. Gel electrophoretic analysis showed that Ca(2+)-calpain-induced cleavage of human dUTPase resulted in several distinctly observable dUTPase fragments. Mass spectrometric identification of the calpain-cleaved fragments identified three calpain cleavage sites (between residues (4)SE(5); (7)TP(8); and (31)LS(32)). The cleavage between the (31)LS(32) peptide bond specifically removes the flexible N-terminal nuclear localization signal, indispensable for cognate localization.Results argue for a mechanism where Ca(2+)-calpain may regulate nuclear availability and degradation of dUTPase
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