203 research outputs found

    Study of the adaptation of the sand concrete as repair material associated with an ordinary concrete substrate

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    In this paper, a particular importance is given to the sand concrete as a new repair material. A study is conducted to evaluate its mechanical and physical properties. By targeting the compactness and workability, three crushed sand concrete series were made from a fixed choice of the cement content. Once the sand concrete intended for repair is chosen; its characterization is realized by mechanical and physical tests, namely compression and splitting tensile, measurement of modulus of elasticity and the shrinkage. A repair simulation is applied on half-cylinders of ordinary concrete with two ranges of strength, (BO40) and (BO25). The substrates are prepared with two surfaces of different textures: roughness (RIG) and surface with drilled holes (PER). The bond strength and its quality are determined by a splitting tensile test. The result showed a significant improvement in mechanical strength, a low elastic modulus of 21315 MPa and a moderate shrinkage of 426μm/m after 28 days. Similarly, significant bond strength is recorded between sand concrete and ordinary concrete, reflecting a good adhesion with the substrate.Bédérina, M. (2000) Caractérisation mécanique et microstructure des bétons de sables locaux: effets des fillers et de la nature des sables sur le comportement mécanique du matériau. Thèse de Magister, Université de Laghouat, Algérie. Bederina, M., M. Gotteicha, B. Belhadj, R. Dheily, M. Khenfer and M. Queneudec (2012) Drying shrinkage studies of wood sand concrete-effect of different wood treatments. Construction and Building Materials 36: 1066-1075. Bédérina, M., M. Khenfer, R. Dheilly, M. Quéneudec (2005) Reuse of local sand: effect of limestone filler proportion on the rheological and mechanical properties of different sand concretes. Cement and Concrete Research 35(6): 1172-1179. Bederina, M., B. Laidoudi, A. Goullieux, M. Khenfer, A. Bali, M. Quéneudec (2009) Effect of the treatment of wood shavings on the physico-mechanical characteristics of wood sand concretes. Construction and Building Materials 23(3): 1311-1315. Bederina, M., L. Marmoret, K. Mezreb, M. Khenfer, A. Bali, M. Quéneudec (2007) Effect of the addition of wood shavings on thermal conductivity of sand concretes: experimental study and modelling. Construction and Building Materials 21(3): 662-668. Belkacem, B., Madani Bederina, Khadra Benguettache, Michele Queneudec (2014) Effect of the type of sand on the fracture and mechanical properties of sand concrete. Advances in Concrete Construction 2(1): 13-27. Benaissa, A., A. Kamen, K. Chouicha, S. Malab (2008) Panneau 3d au béton de sable. Materials and structures 41(8): 1377-1391. Benaîssa, A., P. Morlier, V. Tram (1992) Le béton de sable un matériau non fissurant. Revue Algérie Equipement 66: 7-11. Benaissa, A., P. Morlier, C. Viguier (1993) Fluage et retrait du béton de sable. Materials and structures 26(6): 333-339. Benaissa, A., P. Morlier, C. Viguier, J. Chauvin (1992) Cinétique de dessiccation et retrait du béton de sable. Annales de l'institut technique du bâtiment et des travaux publics No. 504 (EM239). Benaissa, I., B. Nasser, S. Aggoun, S. Malab (2015) Properties of fibred sand concrete sprayed by wet-mix process. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 40(8): 2289-2299. Bissonnette, B., M. Pigeon (2000) Le comportement viscoélastique du béton en traction et la compatibilité déformationnelle des réparations." Materials and structures 33(2): 108-118. Bouziani, T., M. Bederina, M. Hadjoudja (2012) Effect of dune sand on the properties of flowing sand-concrete (Fsc). International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials 6(1): 59-64. Bouziani, T., A. Benmounah, Z. Makhloufi, M. Bédérina, M. Queneudec T’kint (2014) Properties of flowable sand concretes reinforced by polypropylene fibers. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 28(18): 1823-1834. Chanvillard, G., O. Basuyaux (1996) Une méthode de formulation des bétons de sable à maniabilité et résistance fixées. Bulletin des laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées: 49-64. Chauvin, J., G. Grimaldi (1988) Les bétons de sable. Bulletin de liaison Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées (LCPC)(157): 9-15. Courard, L., B. Bissonnette (2004) Essai dérive de l'essai d'adhérence pour la caractérisation de la cohésion superficielle des supports en béton dans les travaux de réparation: analyse des paramètres d'essai. Materials and structures 37(5): 342-350. Elbakry, H. M., A. M. Tarabia (2016) Factors affecting bond strength of RC column jackets. Alexandria Engineering Journal 55(1): 57-67. Espeche, A. D., J. León (2011) Estimation of bond strength envelopes for old-to-new concrete interfaces based on a cylinder splitting test. Construction and Building Materials 25(3): 1222-1235. Georges D, F. Jean (1998) Nouveau guide du béton et de ses constituants [New guide of concrete and its constituents]. 8th ed. Edition Eyrolles. Hadjoudja, M., M. Khenfer, H. A. Mesbah, A. Yahia (2014) Statistical models to optimize fiber-reinforced dune sand concrete. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 39(4): 2721-2731. Hassan, K., J. Brooks, L. Al-Alawi (2001) Compatibility of repair mortars with concrete in a hot-dry environment. Cement and Concrete Composites 23(1): 93-101. Khay, S. E. E., J. Neji, A. Loulizi (2010) Shrinkage properties of compacted sand concrete used in pavements. Construction and Building Materials 24(9): 1790-1795. Lukovic, M., G. Ye, K. Van Breugel (2012) Reliable concrete repair: a critical review. In Proc. of international conference Structural Faults & Repair. Momayez, A., M. Ehsani, A. Ramezanianpour, H. Rajaie (2005) Comparison of methods for evaluating bond strength between concrete substrate and repair materials. Cement and Concrete Research 35(4): 748-757. Morgan, D. (1996) Compatibility of concrete repair materials and systems. Construction and Building Materials 10(1): 57-67. Neville, A. M. (2000). Propriétés Des Bétons, Eyrolles. Qiao, F., C. Chau, Z. Li (2010) Property evaluation of magnesium phosphate cement mortar as patch repair material. Construction and Building Materials 24(5): 695-700. Ramachandran, V. (1986) Cement with calcium carbonate addition. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cements, Rio de Janeiro, 22–27 September 1986 III, FINEP, Rio de Janeiro (1986), pp. 109-119. SABLOCRETE (1994) Béton de sable, caractéristiques et pratique d’utilisation. Ed. Association Amicale des Ingénieurs Anciens Elèves de L’Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. Presse de l’Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. Serykh, M. M. (1997) Acquired experience in the use of sand concrete in Russia. In French-Russian congress on sand concrete, Bordeaux, France, pp. 17-8. Soliman, H., A. Shalaby (2014) Characterizing the performance of cementitious partial-depth repair materials in cold climates. Construction and Building Materials 70: 148-157. Tayeb, B., B. Abdelbaki, B. Madani, L. Mohamed (2011) Effect of marble powder on the properties of self-compacting sand concrete. The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal 5: 25-29. Tayeh, B. A., B. A. Bakar, M. M. Johari (2013) Characterization of the interfacial bond between old concrete substrate and ultra high performance fiber concrete repair composite. Materials and structures 46(5): 743-753. Tayeh, B. A., B. A. Bakar, M. M. Johari, Y. L. Voo (2012) Mechanical and permeability properties of the interface between normal concrete substrate and ultra high performance fiber concrete overlay. Construction and Building Materials 36: 538-548. Zanotti, C., N. Banthia, G. Plizzari (2014) A study of some factors affecting bond in cementitious fiber reinforced repairs. Cement and Concrete Research 63: 117-126

    Evaluation du module d'élasticité à la compression à l'aide des techniques non destructives

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    Dans notre travail on s'intéresse à déterminer les caractéristiques mécaniques (résistance à la compression, module d'élasticité) d'un béton âgé, par les essais non-destructifs en utilisant le scléromètre et l'ultrason. Passant par plusieurs étapes, afin de pouvoir caractériser 10 éprouvettes cylindriques (16x32) cm en béton ordinaire préparées au chantier âgé de plus de 2 ans. La résistance à la compression est déterminée par une méthode combinée, en se basant sur 3 formules mathématiques différentes combinant les approches du scléromètre et US.  Le module d'élasticité est calculé selon la vitesse du son, la masse volumique du béton et les règles BAEL 91. Après une analyse et une comparaison des résultats obtenus des différents valeurs de résistance à la compression, module d'élasticité et la masse volumique, on a remarqué une différence importante entre les valeurs de module d'élasticité obtenus en fonction de vitesse du son par rapport aux modules déterminés théoriquement(BAEL 91)

    Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Model and the Inclusion of Energy Title IX in the 2002 Farm Bill

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    Executive Summary KINGDON’S MULTIPLE STREAMS MODEL AND THE INCLUSION OF ENERGY TITLE IX IN THE 2002 FARM BILL by Nicholas Gadri April 17, 2015. For U.S. policymakers, ensuring the nation’s energy security is essential not only to energy availability, but also to the country's environment, economy, public health, and general safety. Energy security forms the cornerstone of any country’s economic development, and every business and household depends upon it. U.S. dependence on foreign oil for energy renders it vulnerable to conflicts and political instabilities in oil-producing countries, particularly those in the Middle East. Many stakeholders in diverse sectors of the economy—including energy, transportation, and industry—have advocated replacing traditional oil with alternative energy sources to reduce the nation’s reliance on imported oil. The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks ignited the United States’ debates over energy security. This research addresses energy security as a means of cutting down oil imports from countries associated with terrorism (CBO, 2012). If efforts to ensure energy security are to succeed, we need to understand what makes successful policies successful—that is, how energy policies that do come into existence, manage to do so. One strategy for achieving energy security that has proven more feasible than others, and that has inspired the readiest consensus among politicians and policymakers, is the agricultural solution: specifically, the use of biofuels as an alternative energy source. This master’s project specifically analyzes how the policy process led to the inclusion of Energy Title IX, in the 2002 Farm Bill, the first-ever energy title in a Farm Bill. The title established both direct and indirect federal agriculture-based policies aimed at promoting biofuel feedstock production. These federal policies provided incentives that benefitted farms and rural economies while increasing biofuel feedstock production (Schnepf, 2008, 2011, 2013). Energy Title IX supported energy security by promoting the use of corn-based ethanol feedstock for biofuel production as an alternate source of energy, thereby cutting dependence on foreign oil. The energy title may be the most significant policy yet to be passed in support of U.S. energy security, yet the factors contributing to its passage remain little understood. This study provides a greater understanding of how policy change occurs, when it occurs, and why it fails to occur when it does not occur. An understanding of the process of policy creation will ultimately enable policymakers to develop more effective policies to secure the US energy supply. This master’s project asks the following question: What policy processes between 1970 and 2002 lead to the inclusion of Energy Title IX in the 2002 Farm Bill for the use of corn-based ethanol feedstock for biofuel production in the US? The research study aims to investigate policy processes between 1970 and 2002 leading to the inclusion for the first time in U.S. history of an energy title in the 2002 Farm Bill for the use of corn-based ethanol feedstock for biofuel production in the U.S. as an alternate energy source. Kingdon’s (1984) Multiple Stream Framework was chosen for this analysis. Kingdon’s Multiple Stream framework best explains how one specific policy solution, Energy Title IX, came to be included in the 2002 Farm Bill as a solution for U.S. energy security. The framework for this discussion will investigate the policy processes through the convergence of problem, politics, and policy streams towards a window of opportunity for the inclusion of the first ever energy title in a farm bill in order to promote ethanol production to secure the nation’s energy security. Two alternative models and their shortcomings for analyzing this problem are briefly discussed. The report then examines all three streams in Kingdon’s model—the problem, political, and policy streams—and analyzes how their convergence created a window of opportunity for the creation of a comprehensive policy for U.S. energy security. That policy would take the form of Title IX of the 2002 Farm Bill, which promoted the use of ethanol over traditional oil products for the U.S. energy supply. The terrorist attacks on the United States contributed to both the problem and the political streams that led to the solution. This report presents the following analysis points: • Kingdon’s multiple streams framework offers an explanation of how one specific policy solution (Sabatier 2007), the inclusion of Energy Title IX in the 2002 Farm Bill, was adopted to promote the use of corn-based ethanol feedstock for biofuel production in the United States as an alternate source of energy in order to replace traditional oil for U.S. energy security. • Kingdon’s multiple streams model explains how the three streams converged:  The problem stream, in which the problem of energy security captured the attention of the nation after the September 11 attacks,  The politics stream, in which the elections of both Congress and President Bush and the subsequent consensus building after the September attacks took away ideological differences between proposers and opposers, and  The policy stream, in which policy options emerged from both proposers and opposers in the politics streams to put the solution of biofuels on top of the national agenda and paved the way for the enactment of the 2002 Farm Bill to include Energy Title IX. • In addition, the multiple streams model also assisted us in understanding how the unpopular geographically biased policies of the 2002 Farm Bill encouraged the political streams to promote the use of ethanol as an alternate source of energy to replace oil in the United States. • Despite its limitations, Kingdon’s multiple streams model is a powerful tool for analyzing the U.S. policy changes (Robinson & Eller 2010) that led to the inclusion of Title IX in the 2002 Farm Bill. The purpose of the title was to provide energy security by promoting the use of corn-based ethanol feedstock for biofuel production in the United States. • The multiple streams model explains how the policy problem was constructed in three dimensions, and with solutions matched to the problems. The three streams—problem, policy, and politics—ultimately converged as a window of opportunity opened, making possible the emergence of an important new policy


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas tentang perbedaan penggunaan kosa kata dari masyarakat pesisir pantai Sukabumi dan Cianjur, Jawa Barat ditinjau dari dialektologi dan faktor geografis yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kosa kata yang digunakan pesisir pantai yaitu Cisolok Sukabumi dan Cianjur. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif menggunakan metode deskriptif karena memerlukan data yang ada apa adanya atau merupakan penafsiran apa adanya. Data dalam penelitian ini yaitu berupa bahasa tuturan yang biasa digunakan dan masyarakat pesisir pantai Cisolok, Sukabumi dan Cianjur. Sumber data penelitian ini yaitu masyarakat pesisir pantai Cisolok, Sukabumi dan Cianjur yaitu 1 responden guru silat, dan 2 responden penduduk lokal. Pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, analisis data menggunakan 3 tahap yaitu 1) reduksi data, 2) penyajian data dan 3) penarikan simpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa kosa kata bahasa Sunda Cisolok menyerupai bahasa Sunda Banten, dialeknya yang lantang, bergoyang dan jelas pada akhir suku kata serta letak geografis atau faktor lingkungan di daerah Cisolok mempengaruhinya. bahasa penutur di masyarakat setempat. Lokasi pesisir pantai, berbatasan dengan wilayah Banten dan dekat dengan pegunungan.Kata Kunci: Bahasa Sunda, Kosa Kata, Sosiodialektolog

    Kajian Pemilihan Pemenang Tender Konstruksi Tangki Timbun Dengan Pendekatan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Di Marketing Operation Region V Pertamina

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    Evaluasi pada pemilihan kontraktor pemenang tender memerlukan penilaian terhadap proses sebagai unsur terpenting. Hal tersebut terjadi karena banyak kriteria yang menjadi bahan pertimbangan bagi pengguna jasa kontraktor. Salah satu pengguna jasa kontraktor di Indonesia adalah Technical Services Region V Pertamina yang bertanggung jawab terhadap setiap pelaksanaan proyek investasi yang berada di area Jawa Timur, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara. Akan tetapi permasalahan yang kerapkali muncul adalah kegagalan konstruksi dan pekerjaan yang berlangsung bertahun-tahun jauh melampaui batas waktu pekerjaan konstruksi. Fase konstruksi adalah implikasi langsung dari proses seleksi kontraktor yang dilakukan. Fase konstruksi yang buruk tentu tidak terlepas dari proses tender yang belum berjalan maksimal. Pada akhirnya output proses tender berupa pemenang tender yang tidak mumpuni, tidak akan mampu bekerja sesuai dengan standar yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi untuk mengetahui performa yang dimiliki setiap kontraktor pembangunan tangki timbun dengan kualifikasi besar serta faktor apa yang paling berpengaruh dalam penentuan pemenang tender konstruksi tangki timbun dengan kualifikasi besar. Desain penelitan ini adalah deskriptif, dengan metode studi kasus. Pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah penelitian campuran (mix methodology) yang menggabungkan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui kuisioner. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dilanjutkan dengan melakukan sensitivity analysis untuk menentukan kriteria yang paling berperan dalam penentuan indeks performansi kontraktor. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah PT. Bukaka Teknik terbukti memiliki indeks performansi kontraktor terbaik dan financial performance menjadi faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam penentuan pemenang tender konstruksi tangki timbun dengan kualifikasi besar di Technical Services Region V Pertamina ============================================================ Evaluation on the selection of winning contractors of tenders requires an assessment of the process as the most important element. That is because there are so many criteria taken into account by their clients. One of the contractors’ service clients in Indonesia is the Technical Services Region V Pertamina who is responsible for any undertakings of investment projects in the area of East Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara. However, the potential problems occuring frequently are construction failure and belated project which is underway for years past the expected time of construction work. The construction phase is a direct indication of the contractor selection process. Poor construction phase cannot be separated from the underprivilege tendering process. As a result of the bad contractor selection process, the projects are undertaken by the unqualified and inexperienced constractors. This research is expected to provide solutions to know performance of each storage tank construction contractors with high qualification and which factor that has the most influential factor in determining the winner of the construction of storage tanks tender with high qualification. Design of this research is descriptive, with the case study method. The approach taken is a mixed research (mix methodology) that combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. The data in this study were collected through questionnaires. Methods of data analysis used in this study uses Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and followed by sensitivity analysis to know the most influential criteria in determining contractors performance index. Result of this research is that PT. Bukaka Teknik has the best contractors performance index and financial performance become the most influential factor in determining tender winner of storage tank construction with high qualification in Technical Services Region V Pertamina

    Aktivitas Protease dan Amilase pada Hepatopankreas dan Intestine Ikan Nilem Osteochilus Hasselti C.v.

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    Ikan Nilem (Osteochilus hasselti C.V) merupakan ikan omnivora dari familia Cyprinidae. Jenis pakan yang dikonsumsi berkaitan dengan alat pencernaan yang dimilikinya. Pencernaan pada ikan tersebut terjadi di dalam usus halus dan berlangsung secara enzimatis. Enzim-enzim yang aktif pada saluran pencernaannya adalah protease dan amilase yang dihasilkan oleh pankreas dan hepatopankreas. Aktivitas enzim pencernaan diketahui dengan mengukur banyaknya mikromol maltosa dan tirosin yang dihasilkan per menit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan aktivitas protease dan amilase pada hepatopankreas dan intestine ikan Nilem (Osteochilus hasselti C.V.). Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan nantinya akan digunakan sebagai dasar formulasi pemberian pakan yang cocok untuk ikan omnivora salah satunya adalah ikan Nilem (Osteochilus hasselti C.V.). Materi yang digunakan adalah ikan Nilem berukuran 9-16 cm dengan bobot 5-50 gram. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah metode survey dengan purposive random sampling dengan rancangan percobaan berupa Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan pola faktorial 3x4 dan empat kali pengulangan. Sampel dikelompokkan menjadi tiga ukuran yang berbeda dengan bobot 5-10 g dan panjang 9-10 cm, 11-25 g dan panjang 11-12 cm dan 35-50 g dengan panjang 13-16 cm. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu one way analisis of variance (ANOVA) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji beda nyata terkecil (BNT). Hasil uji BNT menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas protease dan amilase ikan Nilem tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) dengan ukuran tubuh ikan. Aktivitas protease dan amilase ikan Nilem berbeda nyata (P<0,05) dengan organ pencernaan. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara aktivitas protease dan amilase dengan ukuran tubuh ikan Nilem; serta ada hubungan antara aktivitas protease dan amilase dengan organ pencernaan ikan Nilem

    Land Vehicle Tracking System Using Java on Android Platform

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    As urban living environment is becoming more and more complex, the road condition is becoming worse because of heavy traffic, increase of traffic accidents and high ratio of empty vehicles. It increases the cost of transportation and wastes time of vehicle movement. To solve such problems, a land vehicle tracking system has been developed. A land vehicle tracking system determines the position of land rover with a terminal with embedded GPS receiver or PCS phone and displays the position on a digital map. Recently, vehicle tracking technologies have brought some breakthrough in these areas: commercial vehicle operations, fleet management, dispatching, emergency rescue, hazard material monitoring, and security. Keywords: Android, Java, Eclipse, GPS, AGPS, Land Vehicle Tracking, Internet

    Adolescent Neuroblastoma of Lower Limb

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    Neuroblastoma is an embryonic tumour of neural crest origin, commonly seen in children with upper abdomen involvement. Rarely neuroblastomas present in adolescents and adults involving lower limb. Histopathologically neuroblastoma of lower limb can be confused with other small round cell tumour especially with Ewing’s sarcoma and rhabdomyosarcoma. A 16 year old male presented with 15x11cm swelling, pain and multiple discharging sinuses of right leg since 4 months. Routine haematological and biochemical analysis were within normal limits. Radiology of right leg showed large soft tissue swelling encompassing the pathological fracture of tibia and bowing of fibula. Fine needle aspiration of the swelling revealed malignant small round cell tumour. Histopathology revealed poorly differentiated neuroblastoma of lower limb. The immunohistochemistry of Synaptophysin and Chromogranin were positive and CD 99 was negative. Neuroblastoma diagnosed at unusual site with uncommon age has poor prognosis. Hence, one must keep in mind the differential diagnosis of neuroblastoma as one of the differential diagnosis in evaluating the soft tissue tumours of lower limb
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