137 research outputs found


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    In this article are  presented the topics and approaches developed in this magazine number whose focus is tourism in the amazon. Besides presenting discussion about the topic that aimed at creating this special edition and providing an overview of the content of each article, this editorial article also provides a useful introduction to the potential and challenges of tourism in the Amazon that can be used by researchers as a starting point for your own research. This special edition itself contributes to solving the scarcity of theoretical reflections in this area


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    Nos dias de hoje, é inegável o quanto as tecnologias estão avançando e beneficiando diversas áreas com muitas mudanças positivas. É perceptível o quanto a Educação a Distância (EaD) vem se intensificando nos últimos anos devido ao grande avanço das tecnologias. Abordando o uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação(TICs) na educação a distância e discutindo a sua importância nessa modalidade de ensino, temos como enfoque apresentar o que significa educação a distância, apontar concepções sobre a evolução das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação, bem como compreender como o uso das TICs auxiliam no processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos estudantes de EaD. Apontamos também o crescimento da educação a distância no Brasil nos dias de hoje e qual o perfil e as competências de um estudante em um curso a distância. Quanto às Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação, apresentamos informações sobre o avanço das TICs e como elas contribuem no funcionamento do ensino a distância

    Micro and small business in Tourism: theoretical and conceptual aspects

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar a produção científica sobre micro e pequenas empresas (MPE) no turismo no contexto brasileiro e internacional entre 1990 a 2014. Para a identificação dos artigos, foram consultadas duas bases de dados (ScienceDirect e EBSCO) e duas editoras (SAGE e Emerald), que indexam e publicam os principais periódicos de turismo na língua inglesa no mundo. No caso dos periódicos Brasileiros, utilizou-se como referência o website “Publicações de Turismo”, que indexa as principais revistas científicas brasileiras de turismo. O levantamento resultou em 196 artigos consultados (21 brasileiros e 175 internacionais). Para cada artigo foram utilizados parâmetros de análise quantitativos e qualitativos: a evolução das pesquisas na área; as principais temáticas pesquisadas; definições de MPE adotadas; empresas objetos de estudo e localidades estudadas. Os resultados apontaram a necessidade do desenvolvimento de uma base teórica mais densa sobre o tema, além de uma análise de MPE no turismo de um modo mais analítico, ressaltando as características da realidade local, na qual essas empresas estão inseridas. Também é apresentado um panorama das principais contribuições dos estudos sobre micro e pequenas empresas no Brasil e no exterior.This study aims to review scientific literature on micro and small business (MSBs) in Tourism in Brazilian and international context from 1990 to 2014. In order to identify articles were consulted two databases (EBSCO and ScienceDirect) and two publishers (SAGE and Emerald), that index and publish the main tourism journals in English. In the case of Brazilian journals, it was used the website "Publicações de Turismo" as reference, since it index the Brazilian Tourism major journals. The survey resulted in 196 articles consulted (21 Brazilian and 175 international). For each article were used quantitative and qualitative analysis parameters: the evolution of research in the area; the main topics researched; MSBs definitions adopted; tourism sectors and locations studied. The results indicated the need to develop a more consistent theoretical basis on the subject, and a MSB analysis on tourism in a more analytical way, highlighting the characteristics of the local reality in which these businesses are operating. It also presents an overview of the main contributions of studies on micro and small business in Brazil and internationally

    Thermal Analysis of a New Model of a Tobacco Dryer

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    The tobacco drying greenhouses, in general, are made without any coating that ensures thermal insulation and avoid heat losses, resulting in a large consumption of firewood during the drying of the tobacco. The study aims to develop an economically viable project to the producer, to avoid excessive heat loss through the walls and ceiling of a tobacco dryer, aimed at fuel economy, reduced drying time and reduces costs in process. For the current project, we considered changes of Brazilian theoretical mode, where we developed a thermal insulation system in a dryer, reaching satisfactory results, with a large reduction in energy losses and firewood consumption, resulting in a decrease in the costs of the proceedings in general. Thus, began for the development of an ideal model of a dryer the horizontal type of 25m² of useful area, up to 2.5 tonnes of tobacco, in order to maintain the results before and/or overcome them found a constructive model to mainly benefit the producers. During the research, and analysis on the feasibility of maintaining the rock-wool as insulation materials to be used, considering his thermal and physical properties and cost/benefit as good value, economic calculations of other materials found in the market were realized, to the optimization of construction processes and reduce costs. In the structural design of concrete blocks to form walls, with their empty space filled with insulation were used. The roof was formed by double-cement tiles with rock-wool insulation inside. The furnace/ventilation group proposed was found in the market, for reasons of economic gains and constructive, with the area available for the set, designed according to the dimensions provided by the manufacturer. The main change to the existing dryer and which was taken as a basis for the work is the proposal of a thermal insulation system, linking it to an automation system of lateral openings (flaps), with the provision of temperature controllers and humidity indoors, where they are dried tobacco leaves, making these flaps open and close automatically when the humidity inside the dryer is outside the ideal, promoting greater uniformity of drying and consequent improvement in product quality. This automation means optimizing the service of the small producer, reduced energy costs and reduced fuel consumption. Theoretically, the project was efficient, concluding that with the adoption of a new constructive model with thermal insulation and automation, is viable within the current regional economic reality, with a significant reduction of energy losses and a considerable decrease in spending with firewood used in the process, therefore, with reduced environmental impact

    Biodiesel Production From Bovine Tallow

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    Biodiesel is produced from vegetable oils, animal fats and waste oils and fats. This is a newer experience, because in 2004 the National Program for Production and Use of Biodiesel (NPPB) was created by the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA), but released only in 2005. This study was a micro-scale plant to process beef tallow into biodiesel, to add value to these products. It also aims to bring a gain in environmental quality for the region, as a social and environmental program to collect and saturated fat frying in oil and neighborhood associations within the school community, restaurants and hotels will be implemented. This oil is also processed into biodiesel, which will be used by the fleet of the refrigerator itself, in Santa Vitoria do Palmar, pretty or totally reducing the consumption of diesel derived from petroleum. The study of unit operations and layout for equipment sizing was performed. The economic and financial analysis was also performed to establish whether the deployment feasibility of this micro-distillery. As the economic analysis, it was observed that it is not feasible the implementation of micro-plant if the need to hire an employee to work on it only because it will increase their spending for the production of biodiesel, compared to what is spent on fuel today. Came to the conclusion that if the refrigerator to continue with the same number of existing employees, and to designate a micro-distillery only in days of production, the project becomes interesting, as there will be a salary to be paid more. Taking into account that increase the consumption of meat, or that the campaigns to collect waste oils and fats have a great impact in the municipalities, and thereby doubling the batch production, even hiring an employee, the project becomes viable Excess biofuel produced can be used in generators to reduce the amount spent on electricity. The use of tallow for biodiesel production in this refrigerator is an alternative to reduce the cost of fossil fuels and also to add value to a by-product, since it shows good yield for biofuel processing. The socio-environmental appeal that this micro-power plant will bring to the region is also important, since the whole community will benefit from the action of collecting waste oils, relieving the environment of this type of pollution

    Economical Feasibility of Strawberry Production in a Semi-Hydroponic System and Agroindustry of Jelly on a Small Property

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    Growing strawberries is a great alternative for family farms, it is possible to obtain a good financial return on a small property. Consumption growth Strawberry "in natura" in recent years, along with a high price increase, further assists in the marketing of the fruit. This study aimed to establish a greenhouse to grow plants behave 18,000 Camarosa, with approximate production of 200 kg of strawberries daily in peak harvest in semi-hydroponic system in a family owned, located in the municipality of Canguçu-RS. The strawberry produced should be packaged for sale "in natura" and received in the form of jelly. Strawberries are classified by their diameter (25mm and 15mm) and defects in three classes: Class A, includes all healthy and greater than 25 mm diameter strawberries; class B, includes all the healthy strawberries and with a diameter between 25 mm and 15 mm and the class C, includes all strawberries with less than 15mm diameter. The strawberries in Classes A and B will be sold as "in natura" and Class C will be used for the production of jam. To perform the economic analysis, initially used the SWOT matrix, which is a tool used to perform environmental analysis, as the basis of management and strategic planning. The financial analysis of the project was carried out through the following indications: NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and payback. Through the completion of the procedures for determining the cash flow and economic indicators, it was found through studies of scenarios, keeping the price constant and equal to jam £ 5.50, the minimum price of the strawberry "in natura" is worth $ 6.83. The production of jelly is an alternative to adding value to the product and also provides more time for marketing

    Electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM) e escolha do destino turístico por pessoa com deficiência ou mobilidade reduzida (PcDMr)

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    Objective of the study: To analyze the impact of e-WOM  on the choice of tourist destination for people with disabilities or reduced mobility (PcDMr).Methodology / approach: This is an explanatory study; deductive and quantitative with the use of a non-probabilistic sample for convenience, with 128 people with disabilities or reduced mobility. Data analysis was performed with the aid of SPSS Statistics software version 25. Descriptive statistics methods were used for data analysis. Analysis of the T-Test and correlation between variables.Originality / Relevance: Academic studies on the use of existing e-WOM  Existing academic studies on the use of e-WOM  do not address its use by people with disabilities or reduced mobility. The academic relevance is given the growth of the accessible tourism market and the need to understand better the habits of this segment.Main results: It was observed that the majority of respondents with disabilities or reduced mobility travel accompanied and at least once a year. As for the destination's accessibility, for PcDMr tourists it has influence or can influence the choice of tourist destination. Regarding the use of social networks, most respondents PwDMr use them, having found an important correlation between the use of social networks and their influence on the choice of destination, and, comparing the results of the PcDMr group with that of people without disabilities (PsD), there was a smaller correlation of these. Finally, the influence of E-WOM  in the choice of tourist destination was verified.Theoretical / methodological contributions: presents the constructs and variables of accessible tourism and e-WOM  and the internet use by the tourist PcDMr, and how it affects the choice of tourist destination by PcDMr.Social / Management Contributions: Enables market analysts, marketing professionals, government, (business)and tourism researchers to develop effective actions to serve the tourist PcDMr businessmen and researchers in the field of tourism to develop effective actions to assist tourists PcDMr.Objetivo del estudio: analizar el impacto de e-WOM  en la elección del destino turístico por parte de personas con discapacidad o movilidad reducida (PcDMr).Metodología / enfoque: Este es un estudio explicativo; deductivo y cuantitativo con el uso de una muestra no probabilística por conveniencia, con 128 personas con discapacidad o movilidad reducida. El análisis de los datos se realizó con la ayuda del software SPSS Statistics versión 25. Se utilizaron métodos de estadística descriptiva para el análisis de los datos. Análisis del T-Test y correlación entre variables.Originalidad / Relevancia: Los estudios académicos existentes sobre el uso de e-WOM  no abordan su uso por personas con discapacidad o movilidad reducida. La relevancia académica se da por el crecimiento del mercado turístico accesible y la necesidad de conocer mejor los hábitos de este segmento.Resultados principales: Se observó que la mayoría de los encuestados con discapacidad o movilidad reducida viajan acompañados y al menos una vez al año. En cuanto a la accesibilidad del destino, para los turistas PcDMr influye o puede influir en la elección del destino turístico. En cuanto al uso de las redes sociales, la mayoría de los encuestados PwDMr las utilizan, habiendo encontrado una importante correlación entre el uso de las redes sociales y su influencia en la elección del destino, y comparando los resultados del grupo PcDMr con el de personas sin discapacidad (PsD), hubo una correlación menor de estos. Finalmente, se verificó la influencia de E-WOM  en la elección del destino turístico.Contribuciones teóricas / metodológicas: presenta los constructos y variables de turismo accesible y e-WOM  y el uso de internet por parte del turista PcDMr, y cómo afecta la elección del destino turístico por parte de PcDMr.Contribuciones sociales / de gestión: permite a los analistas de mercado, comercializadores, gobiernos, empresarios e investigadores de turismo desarrollar acciones efectivas para servir al PcDMr turístico.Objetivo do estudo: Analisar o impacto do e-WOM   na escolha do destino turístico por pessoa com deficiência ou mobilidade reduzida (PcDMr).  Metodologia/abordagem:  Trata-se de um estudo de natureza explicativa; dedutivo e quantitativo com a utilização de uma amostra não probabilística por conveniência, com 128 pessoas com deficiência ou mobilidade reduzida. A análise de dados foi realizada com auxílio do software SPSS Statistics versão 25. Utilizou-se métodos de estatística descritiva para a análise dos dados. Análise do Teste-T e correlação entre variáveis.Originalidade/Relevância: Os estudos acadêmicos sobre o uso do e-WOM existentes não abordam a sua utilização por pessoas com deficiência ou mobilidade reduzida. A relevância acadêmica se dá face o crescimento do mercado do turismo acessível e da necessidade de conhecer melhor os hábitos deste segmento.Principais resultados: Observou-se que a maioria dos respondentes com deficiência ou mobilidade reduzida viajam acompanhados e ao menos uma vez ao ano. Quanto a acessibilidade do destino, para os turistas PcDMr esta tem influência ou pode influenciar na escolha do destino turístico. No tocante ao uso das redes sociais a maioria dos respondentes PcDMr as utiliza, tendo sido encontrada uma importante correlação entre o uso das redes sociais e a sua influência na escolha do destino, e, comparando os resultados do grupo PcDMr com o de pessoas sem deficiência (PsD), verificou-se uma correlação menor destas. Por fim, verificou-se a influência do E-WOM  na escolha do destino turístico.Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: Apresenta os constructos e variáveis do turismo acessível e do e-WOM  e a utilização da internet pelo turista PcDMr e como ele afeta a escolha do destino turístico por PcDMr.Contribuições sociais / para gestão: Possibilita aos analistas de mercado, profissionais de marketing, governo, empresários e pesquisadores da área do turismo, o desenvolvimento de ações eficazes para o atendimento do turista PcDMr

    The color gradients of spiral disks in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We investigate the radial color gradients of galactic disks using a sample of about 20,000 face-on spiral galaxies selected from the fourth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-DR4). We combine galaxies with similar concentration, size and luminosity to construct composite galaxies, and then measure their color profiles by stacking the azimuthally averaged radial color profiles of all the member galaxies. Except for the smallest galaxies (R_{50}<3 kpc), almost all galaxies show negative disk color gradients with mean g-r gradient G_{gr}=-0.006 mag kpc^{-1} and r-z gradient G_{rz}=-0.018 mag kpc^{-1}. The disk color gradients are independent of the morphological types of galaxies and strongly dependent on the disk surface brightness \mu_{d}, with lower surface brightness galactic disks having steeper color gradients. We quantify the intrinsic correlation between color gradients and surface brightness as G_{gr}=-0.011\mu_{d}+0.233 and G_{rz}=-0.015\mu_{d}+0.324. These quantified correlations provide tight observational constraints on the formation and evolution models of spiral galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in RAA (Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics


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    O tratamento de sementes é essencial e benéfico para todas as culturas, onde o objetivo é eliminar, controlar ou repelir fungos, insetos e outras pragas que atacam sementes, mudas e plantas. Esta revisão tem como objetivo mostrar os tipos de tratamento de sementes e os diferentes equipamentos agrícolas utilizados para realizar este tipo de tratamento. Este estudo ocorreu entre os meses de outubro e novembro deste ano, e pode-se perceber nos resultados que a demanda por tratamento de sementes no Brasil tem aumentado em relação ao uso de fungicidas e tecnologias e equipamentos de aplicação, onde pode-se concluir que o tratamento de sementes está em constante evolução, tanto no que diz respeito aos equipamentos de tratamento de sementes quanto aos produtos químicos e biológicos utilizados

    How Do Physical Therapists Treat People with Knee Osteoarthritis, and What Drives Their Clinical Decisions? A Population-Based Cross-Sectional Survey.

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    Purpose: It is unclear how physical therapists in Florida currently treat people with knee osteoarthritis and whether current best evidence is used in clinical decision making. Methods: We conducted a survey of physical therapists in Florida. We assessed the perceived effectiveness and actual use of physical therapy (PT) interventions and quantified the association between the actual use of interventions and different characteristics of physical therapists. Results: A total of 413 physical therapists completed the survey. Most respondents perceived therapeutic exercise (94%) and education (93%) as being effective or very effective. Interventions least perceived as effective or very effective were electrotherapy (28%), wedged insole (20%), and ultrasound (19%). Physical therapists who followed the principles of evidence-based practice were more likely to use therapeutic exercise (OR 3.89; 95% CI: 1.21, 12.54) and education (OR 3.63; 95% CI: 1.40, 9.43) and less likely to use ultrasound (OR 0.32; 95% CI: 0.16, 0.63) and electrotherapy (OR 0.32; 95% CI: 0.17, 0.58). Results also indicated that older physical therapists were more likely to use ultrasound (OR 3.57; 95% CI: 1.60, 7.96), electrotherapy (OR 2.53; 95% CI: 1.17, 5.47), kinesiology tape (OR 3.82; 95% CI: 1.59, 9.18), and ice (OR 1.95; 95% CI: 1.02, 3.73). Conclusions: In line with clinical guidelines, most physical therapists use therapeutic exercise and education to treat people with knee osteoarthritis. However, interventions that lack scientific support, such as electrotherapy and ultrasound, are still used. A modifiable therapist characteristic, adherence to evidence-based practice, is positively associated with the use of interventions supported by scientific evidence