121 research outputs found

    Strategies of Tension:A. Boissier’s Les amants Ă©lectrisĂ©s par l’amour(1797)

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    The article analyses A. Boissier’s image Les Amants Ă©lectrisĂ©s par l’amour in view of the larger question of how something is able to arouse interest on first sight, but also in repeat encounters. Highlighting the engraving’s didactic iconography, the article shows how it revolves around the solution to a riddle and uses a typical design of the Enlightenment to show the uncovering of a deception. As such, the engraving is part of a long tradition of showing (supposedly) supernatural events, more specifically the tradition of Magia naturalis. At the same time, the image contains dissonances and can be seen to simulate suspense through dichotomies that can be identified as antagonistic historical concepts. The article furthermore discusses the amalgamation of love and electricity in contemporary discourses and addresses the temporal dimension of the engraving, which constructs itself out of an absence, out of something yet unseen

    Die Gottesfrage als mit-leitendes Motiv im Denken des frĂŒhen Heidegger

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    Die Diplomarbeit hat das Ziel, der Philosophie des frĂŒhen Heidegger nachzugehen, um zu zeigen welchen Einfluss die Gottesfrage auf sein Denken nahm. Dabei soll gezeigt werden, dass sie ein starkes Motiv darstellt, sodass durchaus die These berechtigt erscheint, Heideggers FrĂŒhwerk nicht zuletzt vor dem Hintergrund einer mit-geleitenden Gottesfrage zu interpretieren. Die Untersuchung nimmt Bezug auf Heideggers eigene Herkunft. Dabei soll dem Umstand Rechnung getragen werden, dass der frĂŒhe Heidegger von vielen Quellen beeinflusst wurde, deren Gedankengut er jedoch eigenstĂ€ndig verarbeitete. Zudem wird analysiert, inwieweit GrundzĂŒge seines Denkens theologischen Fragehorizonten entstammen. Außerdem wird darauf eingegangen, welche Wirkung Heideggers Denken auf die Gottesfrage selbst hat und inwiefern seine Interpretation die Frage in einem neuen Licht erscheinen lassen.The thesis examines the philosophy of the early Heidegger in order to show the influence that the question of God had on his thinking. It demonstrates that it was a question that very much preoccupied Heidegger in his early writings. After having illustrated this, the thesis offers a reading of the early work from the perspective of Heidegger’s thoughts upon the question of God. In pursuing this aim, the thesis looks closely into Heidegger’s own origins. He was influenced by a wide variety of cultural traditions, all of which he developed in an individual way. The theological horizons that these traditions offered him is its more particular concern. The thesis also investigates the impact Heidegger’s thinking about God had on later discussions of this issue, and how he had made it appear in a new light

    Sigmund Freuds â€șMomenteâ€č und â€șTechnik der Magieâ€č

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    Eine Vielzahl von â€șMomentenâ€č fĂŒhrt Sigmund Freud in seiner Abhandlung »Das Unheimliche« (1919) an, um darzustellen, was das Unheimliche tatsĂ€chlich sei: ZunĂ€chst wird der Begriff anhand von E.T.A. Hoffmanns ErzĂ€hlung Der Sandmann (1816) entfaltet, wobei das Unheimliche auf die Angst des kindlichen Kastrationskomplexes zurĂŒckgefĂŒhrt wird. Dieses »infantile Moment« wird dafĂŒr verantwortlich gemacht, dass der Sandmann den Lesern unheimlich erscheint

    Die Überarbeitung und testtheoretische ÜberprĂŒfung eines spielbasierten Itempools zur Erfassung der Entwicklung im dritten Lebensjahr

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den von Kuchler, Sapper, Deimann und Kastner-Koller (2011) entwickelten Itempool zur spielbasierten Erfassung der Entwicklung ZweijĂ€hriger auf seine testtheoretische GĂŒte. Das Erhebungsinstrument wurde hinsichtlich des GĂŒtekriteriums der ObjektivitĂ€t, auf Itemebene hinsichtlich Schwierigkeit und TrennschĂ€rfe und auf Skalenebene hinsichtlich ReliabilitĂ€t analysiert um herauszufinden, welche Items und Skalen sich besonders gut eignen, den Entwicklungsstand zweijĂ€hriger Kinder abzubilden. In dieser Arbeit wird auf die Bereiche der sprachlichen, motorischen und sozial-emotionalen Entwicklung eingegangen, auf die Bereiche der kognitiven Entwicklung, der visuellen Wahrnehmung, des GedĂ€chtnisses und der Aufmerksamkeit wird auf die Arbeit von Birngruber (in Vorbereitung) verwiesen. Die fĂŒr die Untersuchung herangezogene Stichprobe umfasst 22 österreichische Kinder zwischen zwei und drei Jahren. Die Annahmen ĂŒber alters- und geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der zu erfassenden FĂ€higkeit wurden mit zweifaktoriellen, univariaten Varianzanalysen ĂŒberprĂŒft. Es zeigten sich signifikante Ergebnisse in mehreren Bereichen. Ein weiteres Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit lag in der Evaluierung des Zusammenhangs zwischen den in der Testsituation beobachteten Leistungen und den EinschĂ€tzungen der Eltern. Auch hier zeigte sich in den sprachlichen Bereichen ein deutlich positiver Zusammenhang.This thesis investigates the academic quality of the itempool designed by Kuchler, Sapper, Deimann und Kastner-Koller (2011) based on a play-based approach to identify the stage of development of two year olds. The itempool was analysed regarding objective criteria, difficulty and discrimination power on itemlevel and reliability on chart level respectively. This thesis commits itself to the development of language, motoric ability and socialemotional state. The domains of cognitive development, visual perception, memory and attention are described in the work of Birngruber (under progress). 22 Austrian children between two and three years were investigated. Two-factorial one-way analysis of variance tested the age- and gender specific differences whereat significant results were shown in serveral fields. Another aim of this study was the evaluation of the context between the performance in test situations and the parentÂŽs view of the childrens‘ developmental stage. A positve correlation was revealed in linguistic areas

    Geister versammeln:Vorwort

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    Bereits zu Beginn seiner Abhandlung »Das Unheimliche« (1919) weist Sigmund Freud darauf hin, dass »dies Wort nicht immer in einem scharf zu bestimmenden Sinne gebraucht wird«. Entsprechend charakterisiert sich fĂŒr Freud das Unheimliche durch eine Vielzahl an schwer zu fassenden Eigenschaften: Es bezeichnet eine seltsame NĂ€he zwischen Wissen und Nichtwissen, erscheint als etwas Vertrautes in fremder Gestalt oder als etwas Fremdes mit vertrauten Eigenschaften. Diese Unfassbarkeit und Definitionsresistenz fĂŒhrt Freud implizit darauf zurĂŒck, dass das Unheimliche als »abseits liegendes« Thema vom Ă€sthetischen Fachdiskurs weitgehend vernachlĂ€ssigt wurde.Martin Doll und Rupert Gaderer, »Geister versammeln: Vorwort«, in Phantasmata: Techniken des Unheimlichen, hg. v. Martin Doll, Rupert Gaderer, Fabio Camilletti und Jan Niklas Howe, Cultural Inquiry, 3 (Wien: Turia + Kant, 2011), S. 9–17 <https://doi.org/10.25620/ci-03_01

    Remote energy lab. Experience and improvements of european cooperation in remote labs

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    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, online teaching methods have gained more interest. Most formats of teaching can be easily transferred into an online format from a technical point of view. However, this is more difficult for practical courses in a laboratory. Together with partners from three European universities, we tackled the issue of providing a practical online course for higher education levels in the framework of the EuroTeQ university. In this work, we present our concept of the course and discuss the course goals and further improvements. We tested the remote lab setting in order to offer the course on a yearly basis in future. The remote lab was focused on energy engineering and was open to students from different engineering disciplines and countries. The course was comprised of three blocks, each consisting of one lecture on the broader context of the topic and one experimental laboratory session. The experimental session was streamed via a video broadcasting service. Students were required to either deliver a written report or to write a newspaper article for each of the three blocks. The learning outcome of the course was that students on the one hand learn about the technologies discussed in the course and on the other hand learn about intercultural communication skills. The goal was to show the diversity of technologies and to show the significance of each technology for a specific country. The online experimental sessions proved to deliver a clear explanation of the topic for the students when provided with sufficient course material adapted to online formats. Contrary, keeping a high level of interaction with students during remote experiments was found most challenging

    The White Rabbit Project

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    Reliable, fast and deterministic transmission of control information in a network is a need formany distributed systems. One example is timing systems, where a reference frequency is used to accurately schedule time-critical messages. TheWhite Rabbit (WR) project is a multi-laboratory and multi-company effort to bring together the best of the data transfer and timing worlds in a completely open design. It takes advantage of the latest developments for improving timing over Ethernet, such as IEEE 1588 (Precision Time Protocol) and Synchronous Ethernet. The presented approach aims for a general purpose, fieldbus-like transmission system, which provides deterministic data and timing (sub-ns accuracy and ps jitter) to around 1000 stations. It automatically compensates for fiber lengths in the order of 10 km. This paper describes the WR design goals and the specification used for the project. It goes on to describe the central component of the WR system structure - the WR switch - with theoretical considerations about the requirements. Finally, it presents real timing measurements for the first prototypes of WR hardware

    Central nervous system mast cells in peripheral inflammatory nociception

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Functional aspects of mast cell-neuronal interactions remain poorly understood. Mast cell activation and degranulation can result in the release of powerful pro-inflammatory mediators such as histamine and cytokines. Cerebral dural mast cells have been proposed to modulate meningeal nociceptor activity and be involved in migraine pathophysiology. Little is known about the functional role of spinal cord dural mast cells. In this study, we examine their potential involvement in nociception and synaptic plasticity in superficial spinal dorsal horn. Changes of lower spinal cord dura mast cells and their contribution to hyperalgesia are examined in animal models of peripheral neurogenic and non-neurogenic inflammation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Spinal application of supernatant from activated cultured mast cells induces significant mechanical hyperalgesia and long-term potentiation (LTP) at spinal synapses of C-fibers. Lumbar, thoracic and thalamic preparations are then examined for mast cell number and degranulation status after intraplantar capsaicin and carrageenan. Intradermal capsaicin induces a significant percent increase of lumbar dural mast cells at 3 hours post-administration. Peripheral carrageenan in female rats significantly increases mast cell density in the lumbar dura, but not in thoracic dura or thalamus. Intrathecal administration of the mast cell stabilizer sodium cromoglycate or the spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) inhibitor BAY-613606 reduce the increased percent degranulation and degranulated cell density of lumbar dural mast cells after capsaicin and carrageenan respectively, without affecting hyperalgesia.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results suggest that lumbar dural mast cells may be sufficient but are not necessary for capsaicin or carrageenan-induced hyperalgesia.</p
