151 research outputs found
Boost the Impact of Continuous Formal Verification in Industry
Software model checking has experienced significant progress in the last two
decades, however, one of its major bottlenecks for practical applications
remains its scalability and adaptability. Here, we describe an approach to
integrate software model checking techniques into the DevOps culture by
exploiting practices such as continuous integration and regression tests. In
particular, our proposed approach looks at the modifications to the software
system since its last verification, and submits them to a continuous formal
verification process, guided by a set of regression test cases. Our vision is
to focus on the developer in order to integrate formal verification techniques
into the developer workflow by using their main software development
methodologies and tools.Comment: 7 page
Model checking C++ programs
From Wiley via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2021-05-24, rev-recd 2021-08-05, accepted 2021-08-06, pub-electronic 2021-09-08Article version: VoRPublication status: PublishedFunder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000266Funder: Nokia Institute of TechnologyFunder: UK Research and Innovation; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100014013Summary: In the last three decades, memory safety issues in system programming languages such as C or C++ have been one of the most significant sources of security vulnerabilities. However, there exist only a few attempts with limited success to cope with the complexity of C++ program verification. We describe and evaluate a novel verification approach based on bounded model checking (BMC) and satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) to verify C++ programs. Our verification approach analyses bounded C++ programs by encoding into SMT various sophisticated features that the C++ programming language offers, such as templates, inheritance, polymorphism, exception handling, and the Standard Template Libraries. We formalize these features within our formal verification framework using a decidable fragment of first‐order logic and then show how state‐of‐the‐art SMT solvers can efficiently handle that. We implemented our verification approach on top of ESBMC. We compare ESBMC to LLBMC and DIVINE, which are state‐of‐the‐art verifiers to check C++ programs directly from the LLVM bitcode. Experimental results show that ESBMC can handle a wide range of C++ programs, presenting a higher number of correct verification results. Additionally, ESBMC has been applied to a commercial C++ application in the telecommunication domain and successfully detected arithmetic‐overflow errors, which could potentially lead to security vulnerabilities
Ferramenta computacional aplicada ao pré-dimensionamento de estações de tratamento de esgoto por sistema australiano
Estações de tratamento de esgoto são fundamentais para a melhoria da qualidade dos efluentes, da disponibilidade hídrica e, sobretudo, da preservação dos corpos d'água. São diversas as tecnologias empregadas no âmbito da engenharia, por exemplo, em regiões tropicais, têm-se as lagoas de estabilização e suas variantes. Vale ressaltar que, essas variações dependem de diversos fatores de projeto associados à simplicidade operacional, à eficiência na remoção de poluentes, à segurança, à saúde e ao meio ambiente, bem como à economia. Neste sentido, na busca de uma alternativa que viabilize economia e eficiência às lagoas de estabilização, o sistema australiano é uma opção bastante difundida. Tal sistema é composto por tratamento preliminar (gradeamento e caixa de areia), sendo caracterizado por ligação em série de lagoa anaeróbia e lagoa facultativa em seu fluxograma de tratamento, à jusante do corpo receptor de esgoto tratado. Diante desse contexto, o presente artigo objetiva implementar uma ferramenta computacional destinada ao pré-dimensionamento das unidades de uma estação de tratamento de esgoto em sistema australiano, a fim de auxiliar no ensino didático de componentes curriculares relacionados ao saneamento e no desenvolvimento de projetos técnicos. Para tanto, o software foi implementado com a biblioteca React e com a linguagem TypeScript no desenvolvimento do front-end de código aberto, associados a elementos fundamentais para construção de sites como HTML, CSS e JavaScript. O programa pode ser hospedado na web sendo destinado aos estudantes e profissionais da área
Endometriosis is a benign, chronic, inflammatory and estrogen dependent pathology in which there is the implantation of functional extrauterine endometrial tissue. Pelvic and abdominal endometriosis are the most frequent presentations and, in these forms, ectopic endometrial implantation affects the lesser pelvis, uterosacral ligaments, ovaries, uterine tubes, urinary and gastrointestinal tracts. Some symptoms such as altered bowel habits, pelvic pain, infertility and bleeding during bowel movements are present. In this work the focus is on the manifestations of endometriosis in the appendix and cecum. The use of imaging tests, such as transrectal and transvaginal ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging and colonoscopy are important tools used, however, the gold standard is videolaparoscopy with biopsy to confirm the anatomopathological findings. The surgical strategy is related to the degree of impairment and must take into account the eradication of the disease together with the preservation of fertility. Therefore, the importance of evaluating and treating all areas that endometriosis affects is clear, with a multidisciplinary approach by general surgeons and gynecologists, in order to investigate, diagnose and correctly address the disease in an organized and correct way.
Predictors of gaming disorder in children and adolescents : a school-based study
Objective: To determine whether psychiatric and gaming pattern variables are associated with gaming disorder in a school-based sample. Methods: We analyzed data from the Brazilian High-Risk Cohort for Psychiatric Disorders, a community sample aged 10 to 18, using questionnaires on gaming use patterns. We applied the Gaming Addiction Scale to diagnose gaming disorder and the Development and Well-Being Behavior Assessment for other diagnoses. Results: Out of 407 subjects, 83 (20.4%) fulfilled the criteria for gaming disorder. More role-playing game players were diagnosed with gaming disorder that any other genre. Gaming disorder rates increased proportionally to the number of genres played. Playing online, being diagnosed with a mental disorder, and more hours of non-stop gaming were associated with higher rates of gaming disorder. When all variables (including age and gender) were considered in a logistic regression model, the number of genres played, the number of non-stop hours, the proportion of online games, and having a diagnosed mental disorder emerged as significant predictors of gaming disorder. Conclusion: Each variable seems to add further risk of gaming disorder among children and adolescents. Monitoring the length of gaming sessions, the number and type of genres played, time spent gaming online, and behavior changes may help parents or guardians identify unhealthy patterns of gaming behavior
Resumo: Nossa pesquisa traz as questões de bioética na visão de Peter Singer, o uso de animais (não humanos) tanto para a questão de alimentação, como na questão de ciência. Nós seres humanos não temos a necessidade de nos alimentarmos de animais, existem outros meios, nosso corpo não necessita de carne, além de que para Peter o uso de animais para fabricação de xampus e cosméticos é pura vaidade, levando em consideração a quantidade absurda que temos no comercio. Para o ele, o uso de animais deveria ter um objetivo muito maior, como por exemplo, usar um rato de laboratório para salvar milhares de pessoas. Isso se dá pelo utilitarismo. Animal sofre e é desnecessário causar sofrimento em prol de algo banal, ou que possa ser suprido de outras formas.Palavras-chave: bioética; animais; Peter Singer; igualdade
Texto para discussão n. 15: can education targets be met without increasing public spending? An analysis for Brazilian municipalities
O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar se os recursos que os municípios destinam à educação são suficientes para atingir as metas fixadas para o IDEB em 2021. Para tanto, são usadas funções distância direcionais (directional distance functions) em que se especifica apenas a proporção na qual os insumos discricionários podem ser reduzidos. Assume-se que a escolaridade é um insumo fixo no curto prazo, tendo este controle somente sobre seus gastos em educação. Depois de medir o desperdício de recursos, resolve-se um problema de programação linear semelhante ao do DEA cujo resultado é o gasto mínimo necessário para um município atingir a sua meta do IDEB. Os resultados indicam que o desperdício de recursos é expressivo. Para o conjunto dos municípios, o desperdício representa 47,3% e 40,1% do total dos gastos efetivamente realizados quando são assumidas as hipóteses de retornos constantes e variáveis de escala, respectivamente. O gasto efetivamente realizado é muito maior do que o gasto mínimo necessário para atingir as metas. Mesmo quando são feitas simulações a partir do estabelecimento de metas mais duras, fica claro que a restrição não é a escassez de recursos.The purpose of this paper is to evaluate if the resources that municipalities devote to education are sufficient to guarantee that the targets established for 2021 can be reached. In order to do so we use directional distance functions that determine only the proportion by which discretionary inputs should be reduced. We assume that education is a fixed input in the short run, and that the municipalities have control only over the amount of spending on education. After measuring the waste of resources, we solve a linear programming problem similar to DEA which result is the minimum amount of spending required to achieve the target. The results indicate that the amount of resources wasted is expressive. For all the municipalities as a whole the waste represents 47,3% and 40,1% of expenditures in education when we assume constant returns to scale and variables returns to scale, respectively. The effective spending is much higher than the minimum required to achieved the target. Even when we assume more strict targets, we still conclude that the problem is not the scarcity of financial resources.19 páginasOrçamento e FinançasPolíticas EconômicasPolíticas Pública
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