456 research outputs found

    Results from the IMP-J violet solar cell experiment and violet cell balloon flights

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    The IMP-J violet solar cell experiment was flown in an orbit with mild thermal cycling and low hard particle radiation. The results of the experiment show that violet cells degrade at about the same rate as conventional cells in such an orbit. Balloon flight measurements show that violet solar cells produce approximately 20% more power than conventional cells

    A computer program to determine geometric parameters for the AFM solar arrays

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    A computer program has been written to aid in the design of the A. E. M.-1 solar array and to determine the power that will finally be available from the array. The program will plot the array output as a function of the satellite's position in a given orbit and will calculate the average output over the orbit

    Computing Spacecraft Solar-Cell Damage by Charged Particles

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    General EQFlux is a computer program that converts the measure of the damage done to solar cells in outer space by impingement of electrons and protons having many different kinetic energies into the measure of the damage done by an equivalent fluence of electrons, each having kinetic energy of 1 MeV. Prior to the development of General EQFlux, there was no single computer program offering this capability: For a given type of solar cell, it was necessary to either perform the calculations manually or to use one of three Fortran programs, each of which was applicable to only one type of solar cell. The problem in developing General EQFlux was to rewrite and combine the three programs into a single program that could perform the calculations for three types of solar cells and run in a Windows environment with a Windows graphical user interface. In comparison with the three prior programs, General EQFlux is easier to use

    Energy Conversion and Resource Management

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    The United States has 5 percent of the world\u27s population, yet consumes 35 percent of the total energy. This statistic reflects the availability of unlimited and cheap energy that has been enjoyed in this country. Unfortunately, this energy has been provided without much regard for the future, so that plentiful and cheap energy may not be possible much longer. A carefully formulated energy policy will be required to manage our remaining natural resources wisely and extend their longevity until other sources of energy can be developed. There are five basic forms of energy: chemical, thermal, electrical, mechanical and radiant. Energy is consumed primarily in the thermal, electrical and mechanical forms. However, the source of almost all of our energy is chemical (petroleum or coal); so that conversions of chemical energy are necessary steps in our energy economy

    An Examination Of The Adaptive Random Search Technique

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    Random search procedures have recently been successfully applied to the optimization of a variety of chemical engineering problems, including optimization of chemical processes by flow sheet simulation. These procedures represent the independent variables as random variables described by probability distributions. The adaptive random search procedure centers the distribution for each variable about the best search point found and examines this region for a better point. Thus, this technique has the ability of continuously moving the search region toward the optimum, which is particularly advantageous in following constraints. This study examines the efficiency of the adaptive random search technique as applied to six different problems, which have been previously solved by various other techniques. Copyright © 1976 American Institute of Chemical Engineer

    Magnetic excitations in the spinel compound Lix_x[Mn1.96_{1.96}Li0.04_{0.04}]O4_4 (x= 0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0): how a classical system can mimic quantum critical scaling

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    We present neutron scattering results on the magnetic excitations in the spinel compounds Lix_x[Mn1.96_{1.96}Li0.04_{0.04}]O4_4 (x= 0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0). We show that the dominant excitations below T ~ 70 K are determined by clusters of Mn^4+ ions, and that these excitations mimic the E/T-scaling found in quantum critical systems that also harbor magnetic clusters, such as CeRu0.5_{0.5}Fe1.5_{1.5}Ge2_2. We argue that our results for this classical spinel compound show that the unusual response at low temperatures as observed in quantum critical systems is (at least) partially the result of the fragmentation of the magnetic lattice into smaller units. This fragmentation in quantum critical systems is the direct and unavoidable result of intrinsic disorder.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures; to be submitted to PR

    Functional plasticity in the type IV secretion system of Helicobacter pylori.

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    Helicobacter pylori causes clinical disease primarily in those individuals infected with a strain that carries the cytotoxin associated gene pathogenicity island (cagPAI). The cagPAI encodes a type IV secretion system (T4SS) that injects the CagA oncoprotein into epithelial cells and is required for induction of the pro-inflammatory cytokine, interleukin-8 (IL-8). CagY is an essential component of the H. pylori T4SS that has an unusual sequence structure, in which an extraordinary number of direct DNA repeats is predicted to cause rearrangements that invariably yield in-frame insertions or deletions. Here we demonstrate in murine and non-human primate models that immune-driven host selection of rearrangements in CagY is sufficient to cause gain or loss of function in the H. pylori T4SS. We propose that CagY functions as a sort of molecular switch or perhaps a rheostat that alters the function of the T4SS and "tunes" the host inflammatory response so as to maximize persistent infection

    Zee electrical interconnect

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    An interconnect, having some length, that reliably connects two conductors separated by the length of the interconnect when the connection is made but in which one length if unstressed would change relative to the other in operation. The interconnect comprises a base element an intermediate element and a top element. Each element is rectangular and formed of a conducting material and has opposed ends. The elements are arranged in a generally Z-shape with the base element having one end adapted to be connected to one conductor. The top element has one end adapted to be connected to another conductor and the intermediate element has its ends disposed against the other end of the base and the top element. Brazes mechanically and electrically interconnect the intermediate element to the base and the top elements proximate the corresponding ends of the elements. When the respective ends of the base and the top elements are connected to the conductors, an electrical connection is formed therebetween, and when the conductors are relatively moved or the interconnect elements change length the elements accommodate the changes and the associated compression and tension forces in such a way that the interconnect does not mechanically fatigue

    Regulation of the subcellular distribution of key cellular RNA-processing factors during permissive human cytomegalovirus infection

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    Alternative splicing and polyadenylation of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) immediate-early (IE) pre-mRNAs are temporally regulated and rely on cellular RNA-processing factors. This study examined the location and abundance of essential RNA-processing factors, which affect alternative processing of UL37 IE pre-mRNAs, during HCMV infection. Serine/threonine protein kinase 1 (SRPK1) phosphorylates serine/arginine-rich proteins, necessary for pre-spliceosome commitment. It was found that HCMV infection progressively increased the abundance of cytoplasmic SRPK1, which is regulated by subcellular partitioning. The essential polyadenylation factor CstF-64 was similarly increased in abundance, albeit in the nucleus, proximal to and within viral replication compartments (VRCs). In contrast, the location of polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB), known to adversely affect splicing of HCMV major IE RNAs, was temporally regulated during infection. PTB co-localized with CstF-64 in the nucleus at IE times. By early times, PTB was detected in punctate cytoplasmic sites of some infected cells. At late times, PTB relocalized to the nucleus, where it was notably excluded from HCMV VRCs. Moreover, HCMV infection induced the formation of nucleolar stress structures, fibrillarin-containing caps, in close proximity to its VRCs. PTB exclusion from HCMV VRCs required HCMV DNA synthesis and/or late gene expression, whereas the regulation of SRPK1 subcellular distribution did not. Taken together, these results indicated that HCMV increasingly regulates the subcellular distribution and abundance of essential RNA-processing factors, thereby altering their ability to affect the processing of viral pre-mRNAs. These results further suggest that HCMV infection selectively induces sorting of nucleolar and nucleoplasmic components

    Investigation of the Role That NADH Peroxidase Plays in Oxidative Stress Survival in Group B Streptococcus

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    Macrophages play an important role in defending the host against infections by engulfing pathogens and containing them inside the phagosome, which consists of a harsh microbicidal environment. However, many pathogens have developed mechanisms to survive inside macrophages despite this challenge. Group B Streptococcus (GBS), a leading cause of sepsis and meningitis in neonates, is one such pathogen that survives inside macrophages by withstanding phagosomal stress. Although a few key intracellular survival factors have been identified, the mechanisms by which GBS detoxifies the phagosome are poorly defined. Transcriptional analysis during survival inside macrophages revealed strong upregulation of a putative NADH peroxidase (npx) at 1 and 24 h post-infection. A deletion mutant of npx (Δnpx) was more susceptible to killing by a complex in vitro model of multiple phagosomal biochemical/oxidant stressors or by hydrogen peroxide alone. Moreover, compared to an isogenic wild type GBS strain, the Δnpx strain demonstrated impaired survival inside human macrophages and a reduced capacity to blunt macrophage reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. It is therefore likely that Npx plays a role in survival against ROS production in the macrophage. A more thorough understanding of how GBS evades the immune system through survival inside macrophages will aid in development of new therapeutic measures
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