671 research outputs found

    Developing the Technique of Measurements of Magnetic Field in the CMS Steel Yoke Elements With Flux-Loops and Hall Probes

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    Compact muon solenoid (CMS) is a general-purpose detector designed to run at the highest luminosity at the CERN large hadron collider (LHC). Its distinctive features include a 4 T superconducting solenoid with 6 m diameter by 12.5 m long free bore, enclosed inside a 10000-ton return yoke made of construction steel. Accurate characterization of the magnetic field everywhere in theCMSdetector, including the large ferromagnetic parts of the yoke, is required. To measure the field in and around ferromagnetic parts, a set of flux-loops and Hall probe sensors will be installed on several of the steel pieces. Fast discharges of the solenoid during system commissioning tests will be used to induce voltages in the flux-loops that can be integrated to measure the flux in the steel at full excitation of the solenoid. The Hall sensors will give supplementary information on the axial magnetic field and permit estimation of the remanent field in the steel after the fast discharge. An experimental R&D program has been undertaken, using a test flux-loop, two Hall sensors, and sample disks made from the same construction steel used for the CMS magnet yoke. A sample disc, assembled with the test flux-loop and the Hall sensors, was inserted between the pole tips of a dipole electromagnet equipped with a computer-controlled power supply to measure the excitation of the steel from full saturation to zero field. The results of the measurements are presented and discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, 6 reference

    Effect of biovita granules and liquid on growth and yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

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    A study was conducted on effect of biovita granules and liquid on growth and yield of cotton during Kharif 2014 and 2015 in deep black soil at ARS, Dhadesugr, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka. Pooled data revealed that, cotton yield and green biomass yield were significantly (p=0.05) higher in the treatment with the application of biovita granule at 12.5 kg per hectare at one month after sowing followed by first spray of biovita liquid at 500 ml per hectare at square formation followed by second spray of biovita liquid at 750 ml per hectare at flowering and followed by third spray of biovita liquid at 750 ml per hectare at boll formation (1450 kg/ha and 1463 g/plant, respectively) and which was on par with the application of biovita granule at 10.0 kg per hectare at one month after sowing followed by first spray of biovita liquid at 500 ml per hectare at square formation followed by second spray of biovita liquid at 750 ml per hectare at flowering and followed by third spray of biovita liquid at 750 ml per hectare at boll formation (1377 kg/ha and 1439 g/plant, respectively). Whereas, application of only recommend-ed dose of fertilizer recorded significantly less cotton and green biomass yield compared to other treatments. The average per cent of increase in yield in biovita applied treatments (T1 to T8) over the no application of biovita treat-ment (T9) was 7.13 %

    Efficacy of Propanil against Weeds in Direct Seeded Rice and Its Effect on Succeding Crop

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    Aims: To assess the efficacy of propanil against weeds in direct seeded rice. Place and Duration: A field study was conducted during Kharif 2015 and summer 2016, at Agricultural Research Station, Dhadesugur, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka, India. Methodology: An investigation comprises of eight treatments and replicated thrice. The weeds which were dominant in trials field are Echinichloa sp. Panicum repens, Leptochloa chinensis, Brachiaria mutica, Digitaria sanguinalis among grasses, Eclipta alba, Ludwigia parviflora and Commelina communis as broad leaf weeds and Cyperus sp. as sedge. Results: Application of Propanil 80% DF @ 4 kg a.i./ha and twice hand weeded check at 30 and 45 days after sowing found significantly (p=0.05) superior over the application of Propanil 80% DF @ 3 kg a.i./ha and rest of the treatments in controlling the weeds in direct seeded rice and increases the grain yield of rice without any phytotoxic effect. Conclusion: Propanil 80% DF @ 3 kg a.i./ha could be recommended for post-emergence application at 10 to 15 days after sowing of paddy crop to achieve effective control of weeds

    Status and Trend of the Main Allergenic Pollen Grains and Alternaria Spores in the City of Rome (2003-2019)

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    Today a large part of the European population is exposed to levels of air pollution exceeding the standards recommended by the World Health Organization. Moreover, air pollution and the seasonal emission of allergenic pollen are progressively affecting human health and can cause severe allergic reactions, particularly when air pollution combines with pollen allergen peaks. Unlike atmospheric pollutants of anthropogenic origin, pollen sources have a pulsating trend that leads to high values in the flowering period and values close to, or equal to, zero in the rest of the year. This aspect makes essential the definition of data coverage standards for the main allergenic taxa. For air quality assessment detailed classification criteria for monitoring stations are defined by international standards, not the same from the European Standards for the Sampling and analysis of airborne pollen grains and fungal spores. This paper describes the status and the air concentration trends of the main allergenic pollen and the Alternaria spore measured in Rome from 2003 to 2019 by the Aerobiological Monitoring Center of Tor Vergata (Rome) and calculated by the Seasonal Kendall test with the open-source OpenAir R package. The analysis was carried out on the daily concentrations of the most widespread allergenic taxa in Italy: Asteraceae, Betulaceae, Corylaceae, Cupressaceae/Taxaceae, Poaceae, Oleaceae, Urticaceae and the Alternaria spores

    Measurement of the CMS Magnetic Field

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    The measurement of the magnetic field in the tracking volume inside the superconducting coil of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector under construction at CERN is done with a fieldmapper designed and produced at Fermilab. The fieldmapper uses 10 3-D B-sensors (Hall probes) developed at NIKHEF and calibrated at CERN to precision 0.05% for a nominal 4 T field. The precise fieldmapper measurements are done in 33840 points inside a cylinder of 1.724 m radius and 7 m long at central fields of 2, 3, 3.5, 3.8, and 4 T. Three components of the magnetic flux density at the CMS coil maximum excitation and the remanent fields on the steel-air interface after discharge of the coil are measured in check-points with 95 3-D B-sensors located near the magnetic flux return yoke elements. Voltages induced in 22 flux-loops made of 405-turn installed on selected segments of the yoke are sampled online during the entire fast discharge (190 s time-constant) of the CMS coil and integrated offline to provide a measurement of the initial magnetic flux density in steel at the maximum field to an accuracy of a few percent. The results of the measurements made at 4 T are reported and compared with a three-dimensional model of the CMS magnet system calculated with TOSCA.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 15 reference

    Analysis of eddy current distributions in the CMS magnet yoke during the solenoid discharge

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    Flux loops have been installed on selected segments of the magnetic flux return yoke of the 4 T superconducting coil of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector under construction at CERN. Voltages induced in the loops during discharge of the solenoid will be sampled online during the entire discharge and integrated offline to provide a measurement of the initial magnetic flux density in steel at the maximum field to an accuracy of a few percent. Although the discharge of the solenoid is rather slow (190 s time constant), the influence of eddy currents induced in the yoke elements should be estimated. The calculation of eddy currents is performed with Vector Fields' program ELEKTRA. The results of the calculations are reported.Flux loops have been installed on selected segments of the magnetic flux return yoke of the 4 T superconducting coil of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector under construction at CERN. Voltages induced in the loops during discharge of the solenoid will be sampled online during the entire discharge and integrated offline to provide a measurement of the initial magnetic flux density in steel at the maximum field to an accuracy of a few percent. Although the discharge of the solenoid is rather slow (190 s time constant), the influence of eddy currents induced in the yoke elements should be estimated. The calculation of eddy currents is performed with Vector Fields' program ELEKTRA. The results of the calculations are reported

    Non-Union Scoring System (NUSS): Is It Enough in Clinical Practice?

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    Introduction: Bone consolidation defects represent a real orthopedic challenge because of the absence of validated treatment guidelines that can assist the surgeon in his choices. The aim of this study is to evaluate the appropriateness of the Non-Union Scoring System NUSS treatment protocol in the management of long bone non-unions by comparing it to the experience-based therapeutic approach carried out in our facility. Materials and Methods: We conducted a comparative outcome study of a retrospective series of 89 patients surgically treated for long bone non-union in our facility vs. clinical results reported by Calori et al. obtained following the NUSS treatment protocol. Results: Radiographic healing was reached in 13/13 non-unions (100%) in group NUSS 1, in 58/62 (93.5%) in group NUSS 2, and in 13/14 (92.9%) in group NUSS 3. The mean time to radiographic healing was 5.69 ± 2.09 months in group 1, 7.38 ± 3.81 months in group 2 and 9.23 ± 2.31 months in group 3. 91% of patients in group I, 69% in group II and 48% in group III received what would be considered by the NUSS treatment protocol an “overtreatment”, especially from a biological stand point. The comparative outcome analysis shows that our case series achieved significantly higher global healing rates (p value = 0.017) and shorter radiological healing times in groups NUSS 1 and 2 (p value < 0.001). Conclusion: From the results obtained, we can assume that the NUSS treatment protocol might underestimate the necessary therapies, particularly from a biological point of view

    Commissioning of the CMS Magnet

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    CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) is one of the large experiments for the LHC at CERN. The superconducting magnet for CMS has been designed to reach a 4 T field in a free bore of 6 m diameter and 12.5 m length with a stored energy of 2.6 GJ at full current. The flux is returned through a 10 000 t yoke comprising of five wheels and two end caps composed of three disks each. The magnet was designed to be assembled and tested in a surface hall, prior to be lowered at 90 m below ground, to its final position in the experimental cavern. The distinctive feature of the cold mass is the four-layer winding, made from a reinforced and stabilized NbTi conductor. The design and construction was carried out by CMS participating institutes through technical and contractual endeavors. Among them CEA Saclay, INFN Genova, ETH Zurich, Fermilab, ITEP Moscow, University of Wisconsin and CERN. The construction of the CMS Magnet, and of the coil in particular, has been completed last year. The magnet has just been powered to full field achieving electrical commissioning. After a brief reminder of the design and construction the first results of the commissioning are reported in this paper

    Soil-site suitability evaluation for cardamom - A case study

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    Nineteen soil profiles representing seven soil series with sixteen mapping units were collected, described and mapped at Indian Institute of Spices Research, Cardamom Research Centre, Appangala, Madikeri, Karnataka for evaluating their suitability for cardamom cultivation. Soil and site properties such as climate, depth, slope, elevation, shade, texture, drainage, etc were compared with suitability criteria and the soils were assessed for growing cardamom. It is indicated that the well distributed rainfall of 1500-2000 mm with well drained conditions, a soil depth of more than 80 cm and 900-1200 m elevation support good crop of cardamom. The critical limit of Available Water Capacity was found to be 100 cm. Of the total area of the research station, 42 per cent area is highly suitable for cardamom cultivation. About 53 per cent of the area is moderately suitable and about 4 per cent is marginally suitable. &nbsp

    Soil-site suitability evaluation for cardamom - A case study

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    Nineteen soil profiles representing seven soil series with sixteen mapping units were collected, described and mapped at Indian Institute of Spices Research, Cardamom Research Centre, Appangala, Madikeri, Karnataka for evaluating their suitability for cardamom cultivation. Soil and site properties such as climate, depth, slope, elevation, shade, texture, drainage, etc were compared with suitability criteria and the soils were assessed for growing cardamom. It is indicated that the well distributed rainfall of 1500-2000 mm with well drained conditions, a soil depth of more than 80 cm and 900-1200 m elevation support good crop of cardamom. The critical limit of Available Water Capacity was found to be 100 cm. Of the total area of the research station, 42 per cent area is highly suitable for cardamom cultivation. About 53 per cent of the area is moderately suitable and about 4 per cent is marginally suitable. &nbsp
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