232 research outputs found

    A Topological Description of Hubs in Amino Acid Interaction Networks

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    We represent proteins by amino acid interaction networks. This is a graph whose vertices are the proteins amino acids and whose edges are the interactions between them. Once we have compared this type of graphs to the general model of scale-free networks, we analyze the existence of nodes which highly interact, the hubs. We describe these nodes taking into account their position in the primary structure to study their apparition frequency in the folded proteins. Finally, we observe that their interaction level is a consequence of the general rules which govern the folding process

    A Study of Protein Structure Using Amino Acid Interaction Networks

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    In this chapter we represent proteins by amino acid interaction networks. The nodes in these networks correspond to amino acids. Two nodes are linked if the distance between the corresponding amino acids in the folded protein is below a certain threshold. Ignoring details, such as the type and the exact position of each amino acid, this abstract and compact description allows to focus on the interactions' structure and organization. Interaction networks for proteins of known structure can be easily obtained using the information available in Protein Data Bank. We study amino acid interaction networks using graph theory tools in order to determine their main characteristics, such as mean degree, degree distribution, mean node distances, etc. Some of these characteristics are common to all proteins while others are different for different classes of proteins

    A New Regularity-based Algorithm for Analyzing Algerian Airborne Spectrometric Measurements

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    AbstractHere, we suggest a new algorithm to study the local fractal properties of airborne spectrometric data considered as 2D-mBm paths. This algorithm is first validated on synthetic two-dimensional multifractional Brownian motion (2D-mBm) paths, and then implemented on natural Gamma rays measurements recorded in Hoggar (Algeria). The regularity (Hölder exponent) maps obtained from the different channels (K, Th and U) show a strong correlation. Besides, these maps allow depicting the location of some faults affecting the studied area, especially the main 4°50’ fault. Our findings show that the Hölder exponent can then be used as a tool for the geological characterization

    New Forms of Pastoral Mobility among Sheep Herders in the Algerian Steppe; the Case of Pastoralists of Djelfa

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    The recent socio-economic, political and climatic changes experienced by the Algerian steppe for the last decades have led to profound changes in pastoral mobility practices. This study describes the new mobility practices as currently adopted by the breeders of the Djelfa region. The realization of 59 semi-directive surveys was conducted between 2014 and 2016 among breeders in different reception areas. Practices related to the distance travelled during an annual cycle, the transhumance calendar and itinerary and the passage or not in the homeland are diverse. These practices of mobility can vary from one year to another or during the life of a breeder. This study shows an adaptability of long-term mobility to the changing context of the Algerian steppe, a result that contradicts other findings on the abandonment of mobility by pastoralists under the effect of the tightening of space and the settlement of pastoral populations

    The university’s social responsibility in light of the academic programs ’response to the requirements of the local community

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    إن من ضمن متطلبات المجتمع هو الوصول إلى تكوين إطارات مؤهلة  في مختلف مجالات المعرفة من شانها أن تساهم في حل مشاكله وترقيته وتقديم الخدمة الاجتماعية في أرقى صورها، وعليه باتت أكبر التحديات التي تواجهها الجامعة اليوم ربط برامجها باحتياجات ومتطلبات المجتمع، وبالتالي نجاحها في تنمية المسؤولية المجتمعية لدى خرجيها ومن هذا المنطلق، جاءت ورقتنا البحثية هذه وبمقاربة وصفية مقترنة مع معالجة إحصائية حاولنا فيها الإضاءة على دور الجامعة ومساهمة تكوينها الأكاديمي في تنمية المسؤولية المجتمعية لدى خريجيها، من خلال التقصي عن استجابة البرامج الأكاديمية الجامعية لمتطلبات الممارسة الميدانية في المجتمع المحلي من وجهة نظر عينة من خريجي قسم العلوم الاجتماعية بجامعة أم البواقي، والوصول إلى سبل تفعيل العلاقة بين الجامعة والواقع الخدماتي في المجتمع المحلي، وعليه تحددت مشكلة الدراسة في التساؤل التالي: هل يساهم التكوين الأكاديمي الجامعي قي تنمية المسؤولية المجتمعية لدى الطالب خريج قسم العلوم الاجتماعية؟Our research paper came with a descriptive approach coupled with a statistical treatment in which we tried to highlight the role of the university and the contribution of its academic formation in developing social responsibility among its graduates, by investigating the reality of university academic programs responding to the requirements of field practice in the local community from the point of view of a sample of graduates of the Department of Social Sciences At Umm El Bouaghi University, And access to ways to activate the relationship between the university and the service reality in the local community, and accordingly the study problem was identified in the following question: Does university academic training contribute to the development of social responsibility for the student who is a graduate of the Department of Social Sciences

    Numerical study of TRIP transformation in 35NCD16 steel-effects of plate orientation and some criteria

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of thermo mechanical coupling damage in the presence of a phase change (austenite/martensite) in 35NCD16 steel. The impact of increasing mechanical traction load, accompanied by a martensitic transformation on the scale of a single grain with boundary has been studied. The prediction transformation of induced plasticity (TRIP) was evaluated by taking into account the following parameters: twenty shear directions of the martensitic plates, two values of the shear deformation of the martensitic plates, energetic and thermodynamics criteria for getting in order the transformation of the martensitic plates, elastoplastic behavior of the two areas in the first case (martensitic plate and grain boundary) and elastic behavior for the grain boundary in the second case. The numerical calculation is carried out using the finite element method (FEM), implemented in the Zebulon calculation code. The developed approach is validated using the available experimental results reported in the literature. The numerical results showed that the estimation of TRIP given by the energetics criteria with the values of the shear deformation (γ0 = 0.16) are closer to the experiment results

    Regularity Analysis of Airborne Natural Gamma Ray Data Measured in the Hoggar Area (Algeria)

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    The airbone Gamma Ray (GR) measurements have been used since decades in geophysical researc