839 research outputs found

    Agriculture and Rural Development as a Main Objective of Polish Cooperation and Development Aid for the Republic of Moldova

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    Agriculture and development of rural areas are important sectors of Polish-Moldovan cooperation and development aid. Importantly, both of them constitute structural problems, similar to those which faced agriculture in Poland in the 1990s. Through Polish aid and development cooperation, various measures are initiated which increase the competitiveness of Moldovan agricultural production, improve sanitary and phytosanitary conditions, bring technological innovations in agricultural farms, ensure modernization of rural infrastructure, providing support to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, cooperatives, and agricultural consultants, along with professional activation of the Republic’s residents

    Study on the relationship between drivers' personal characters and non-standard traffic signs comprehensibility

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    Drivers' incorrect perception and interpretation of the road space are among reasons for human errors. Proper road markings are elements improving perception of road space. Their effectiveness relies on traffic participants receiving the provided information correctly. The range of signs used is constantly expanding and unusual situations in traffic require use of non-standard signs or an unusual combination of existing standard signs. The aim of this study was to explore the level of comprehensibility of four different types of non-standard signs. The relationship between the level of comprehensibility of these signs and personality traits of the drivers was also studied. A total of 369 drivers were tested using a questionnaire to analyze the traffic signs comprehensibility and Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). The obtained results indicate that symbolic signs, unlike symbolic and text ones, are much better comprehended by drivers. Men comprehend the significance of non-standard symbolic regulatory signs better than women. Higher level of comprehensibility of symbolic and text regulatory signs is shown by older, better educated drivers and professional drivers. The study found there is a link between personality traits of the driver and the comprehensibility of symbolic regulatory signs

    Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Konsolidacja państwa w Republice Mołdawii, published by University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2016, pp. 282.

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    Bartłomiej Zdaniuk, Konsolidacja państwa w Republice Mołdawii, published by University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2016, pp. 282

    Study of effectiveness of experimental marking and signs in speed management

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    The paper presents the evaluation of effectiveness of non-standard road marking and signs (ES) in speed management. Transverse strips, speed limit signs dedicated to selected lanes, non-standard sign, which inform about slippery pavement at motorway curve during the rain. were analysed. Based on survey, degree of understanding of the content of analysed marking and signs by road users was assessed. Empirical studies allowed for evaluation of change in speed caused by non-standard marking and signs implementation. Results show that non-standard marking and signs can be effective speed management measures. The paper also point out problems in evaluation of ES implementation

    Rola sakramentu pokuty w życiu osób korzystających ze spowiedzi na podstawie badań ankietowych

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    The  article  is  an  attempt  to  describe  the  attitude  toward  the  sacrament  of  penance. A questionnaire-based survey carried out on the group of 65 people provided some basic information, including their practical approach to the confession. It has been proved that a highdegree of declared religiousness often does not go hand in hand with practicing of this sacrament because as much as 1/4 of the respondents goes to confession rarely or sporadically. Almost 20% of the group spends little or no time on the examination of conscience and a prayer before the confession. Moreover, the motivation, difficulties and the opinion on how confession influences life, were also diagnosed. It turned out that in many cases there is a noticeable connection between the answers and sex, place of living (urban or rural area), age and level of education. The analysis showed that there is a considerable degree of individualism and selectiveness in attitude toward the sacrament of penance and reconciliation so it is necessary to realize again the need and under- standing of it, especially among men and young people.Artykuł jest próbą opisania postawy wobec sakramentu pokuty. Badanie ankietowe zostały przeprowadzone na grupie 65 osób. Jeden z aspektów dotyczył praktycznego podejścia osób badanychpraktycznego sakramentu pokuty i pojednania. Wykazano, że wysoki stopień deklarowanej religijności często nie idzie w parze z praktykowania tego sakramentu

    The use of fast molecular descriptors and artificial neural networks approach in organochlorine compounds electron ionization mass spectra classification

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    International audienceDeveloping of theoretical tools can be very helpful for supporting new pollutant detection. Nowadays, a combination of mass spectrometry and chromatographic techniques are the most basic environmental monitoring methods. In this paper, two organ-ochlorine compound mass spectra classification systems were proposed. The classification models were developed within the framework of artificial neural networks (ANNs) and fast 1D and 2D molecular descriptor calculations. Based on the intensities of two characteristic MS peaks, namely, [M] and [M-35], two classification criterions were proposed. According to criterion I, class 1 comprises [M] signals with the intensity higher than 800 NIST units, while class 2 consists of signals with the intensity lower or equal than 800. According to criterion II, class 1 consists of [M-35] signals with the intensity higher than 100, while signals with the intensity lower or equal than 100 belong to class 2. As a result of ANNs learning stage, five models for both classification criterions were generated. The external model validation showed that all ANNs are characterized by high predicting power; however, criterion I-based ANNs are much more accurate and therefore are more suitable for analytical purposes. In order to obtain another confirmation, selected ANNs were tested against additional dataset comprising popular sunscreen agents disin-fection by-products reported in previous works

    'Ndrangheta dzisiaj - „włoska spółka jawna” czy międzynarodowy koncern przestępczy?

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a book review of Giovanni Tizian’s literary debut entitled in Italian “Gotica, 'Ndrangheta, mafia e camorra oltrepassano la linea”, which was published in Italy in 2011 and in Poland in autumn 2013, after being translated into Polish by Karlina Dyjas-Fizzi. The book has been enthusiastically received by both critics and readers not only on the Italian Peninsula. Polish media have reported that Giovanni Tizian have been hailed a hero in Italy and thousands of citizens, politicians and social activists have expressed their solidarity with him.  Il presente articolo è una recensione di un esordio letterario di Giovanni Tizian initolato in italiano “Gotica, ‘Ndrangheta, mafia e camorra oltrepassano la linea”, pubblicato in Italia in 20111 e in Polonia in autunno 2013, dopo essere tradotto in lingua polacca da Karlina Dyjas-Fizzi. Il libro è stato accolto con entusiasmo dai lettori e dai critici non solo sulla penisola italiana. I media polacchi hanno riferito che Giovanni Tizian è stato salutato come un eroe in Italia e che migliaia di cittadini, politici e attivisti sociali gli hanno espresso la loro solidarietà.Recenzowana praca to wydany jesienią 2013 r. polski przekład, dokonany przez Karolinę Dyjas-Fizzi, literackiego debiutu Giovanniego Tiziana, zatytułowanego w oryginale Gotica, 'ndrangheta, mafia e camorra oltrepassano la linea, publikacji, która ukazała się we Włoszech w 2011 roku. Książka ta została entuzjastycznie przyjęta przez krytykę i rzesze czytelników zarówno w Italii jak i poza jej granicami