343 research outputs found

    Implications of job satisfaction shifts with different merger categories: Study of mergers & acquisitions in Georgian financial market

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    This paper provides an important finding for the managers who believe that employee job satisfaction is a vital factor for the organisational health. Findings of this paper are especially useful for Georgian managers who are involved in M&A process and want to identify a crucial motivation determinant that shapes and influences job satisfaction. This research examines the theory developed by Price Pritchett, Donald Robinson and Russell Clarkson stating that adversarial merger types tend to decrease employee job satisfaction and undermine economical benefit of particular M&A. Theory divides all mergers in four basic categories: Rescues, Collaborations, Contested situations and Raids according to their degree of collaboration. Authors illustrate M&A case studies demonstrating success of collaborative mergers and failure of adversarial ones. Researcher tests precision of above mentioned theory in three Georgian post merger companies. Based on the interviews with the managers who have personally witnessed merger process of companies, researcher allocates merger deal to above mentioned four M&A categories. Then researcher measures shifts between employee pre and post merger job satisfaction using the satisfaction determinants proposed by famous satisfaction measurement instrument JDI (Job descriptive index) developed by Smith, Kendall, and Hulin. Putting together merger categories and job satisfaction shifts in three specific Georgian companies' researcher examines relationship between cooperativeness of mergers and shifts in employee job satisfaction


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    Hydro-insulation of building constructions, different purpose structures is one of the most important and urgent problems of the present day. Currently concrete, ferroconcrete, metal and wooden materials are used for this purpose. Materials of this kind are not produced in the South Caucasian region. Their import, transportation, clearance by the customs and other expenses significantly increase the cost of buildings and makes it unprofitable to use them. Excreted from petroleum products – paraffins and cerezines, petrolatum, luminophores and various purpose binders, can become profitable basis for obtaining of moderm hydroinsulation materials. Their inclusion in modern hydroinsulation compositions will help to increase quality of these materials and to decrease their cost. By mixing of the goudron obtained as a result of rectification of oil pipeline sediments with milled secondary tyre casting, liquid glass, quarz sand and several additives – new hydroinsulation material was obtained.Hydro-insulation of building constructions, different purpose structures is one of the most important and urgent problems of the present day. Currently concrete, ferroconcrete, metal and wooden materials are used for this purpose. Materials of this kind are not produced in the South Caucasian region. Their import, transportation, clearance by the customs and other expenses significantly increase the cost of buildings and makes it unprofitable to use them. Excreted from petroleum products – paraffins and cerezines, petrolatum, luminophores and various purpose binders, can become profitable basis for obtaining of moderm hydroinsulation materials. Their inclusion in modern hydroinsulation compositions will help to increase quality of these materials and to decrease their cost. By mixing of the goudron obtained as a result of rectification of oil pipeline sediments with milled secondary tyre casting, liquid glass, quarz sand and several additives – new hydroinsulation material was obtained

    Некоторые особенности структурной лингвистики XX века

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    En el presente artículo se analiza la teoría fonológica en la lingü.stica estructural europea y rusa, se presta atención especial a los rasgos específi cos del estructuralismo de esta región del mundo. Se estudian las investigaciones clave en el estructuralismo ruso que están dedicadas a los problemas diácronicos y al aspecto léxico-semántico del estudio de la lengua.Русистика внесла в разработку структурализма много нового в исследовании теории фонем, ставшей затем фонологической теорией в мировой структурной лингвистике. Русский структурализм уделял постоянное внимание, наряду с синхронным исследованием языка, и диахроническим проблемам, а также лексико-семантическому аспекту изучения языка. Принимая даже некоторые идеи и методы европейского структурализма, русский структурализм сохранял и исходил из специфических особенностей и традиций русистики. Ключевые слова: структурализм, русистика, диахрония, синхрония, лексико-семантический аспект

    К проблеме об основных особенностях русскоязычного художественного текста Ф.Искандера

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    This article is devoted to the features of the Russian literary text of F. Iskander as a new type of writing. It analyses typological groups of works of Russian writers, especially F. Iskander’s work. Special focus was on the typology of the writer's linguistic thinking, the origins and the linguistic specificity of the ergative and nominative system of languages. In ergative languages, a special role belongs to the verbal system of language. In such cases, ergative is the origin of thought, and nominative is the designation of statements. Together they form a new type of Russian literary writing.Статья посвящена некоторым особенностям русскоязычного художественного текста Ф. Искандера, как нового типа литературного творчества. В ней рассматриваются типологические группы творчества русскоязычных писателей, в частности Ф. Искандера. Особое внимание уделяется типологии языкового мышления писателя, истоки их зарождения и лингвистической специфики эргативного и номинативного строя языков.  В эргативных языках особая роль принадлежит глагольной системе языка. В таких случаях эргатив – зарождение мысли, а номинатив – обозначение высказывания. Совместно они создают новый тип русскоязычного литературного творчества


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    One of the main objectives of the project is to develop a methodology for obtaining high quality water-proofing materials. The above- mentioned high-melting tar mass will be used as the main raw material. Especial treatment and further homogenization of the mass – mixture of high-dispersive quartz sand, silicates and other wastes – gives possibility to make various universal and inexpensive compositions. With the aim to improve hydro-insulating and other specific characteristics of the compositions they will be varied by changing the ratio of ingredients. The elasticity of these compositions is conditioned by macromolecular paraffin-ceresin and the polymeric (rubber) components; varying the strength and adhesion is possible by soluble and insoluble silicate-quartz components. The mentioned components can be got in a large amount in region. Therefore, products obtained from cheap raw materials will be inexpensive. The use of the mentioned waste is also important to avoid the pollution of nature. Operating characteristics of the proposed luminophore satisfy requirements of international standarts. In particular, the solutions made from it have an ability to detect invisible cracks of the thick < 1 mm. The light intensity in its greenish-yellow area is 4,5-5 times more than that of standard - uranyl nitrate. It is stable with high quantum efficiency (40-45%).One of the main objectives of the project is to develop a methodology for obtaining high quality water-proofing materials. The above- mentioned high-melting tar mass will be used as the main raw material. Especial treatment and further homogenization of the mass – mixture of high-dispersive quartz sand, silicates and other wastes – gives possibility to make various universal and inexpensive compositions. With the aim to improve hydro-insulating and other specific characteristics of the compositions they will be varied by changing the ratio of ingredients. The elasticity of these compositions is conditioned by macromolecular paraffin-ceresin and the polymeric (rubber) components; varying the strength and adhesion is possible by soluble and insoluble silicate-quartz components. The mentioned components can be got in a large amount in region. Therefore, products obtained from cheap raw materials will be inexpensive. The use of the mentioned waste is also important to avoid the pollution of nature. Operating characteristics of the proposed luminophore satisfy requirements of international standarts. In particular, the solutions made from it have an ability to detect invisible cracks of the thick < 1 mm. The light intensity in its greenish-yellow area is 4,5-5 times more than that of standard - uranyl nitrate. It is stable with high quantum efficiency (40-45%)

    Complications with Pneumoniae in COVID-19 Patients at the First University Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia

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    COVID -19 virus can infect the lower respiratory tract and cause pneumonia in humans. This is associated with different health difficulties, prolonged hospitalization, high mortality rate and economical-financial problems as well.160 patients were admitted to First University Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia (March-June 2020). We conducted retrospective study to reveal the frequency of pneumonia among COVID -19 patients, specifically according to gender and age. Study results show that pneumonia was common in most COVID -19 cases (74.3%), that was more prevalent in females - 58%. Especially, high rate of this complication was reported in the age group of patients  between 30-59 years (47.8%) rather than in other age groups. 92.4% of pneumonia patients were recovered, lethal outcome was developed in 7.6% of cases

    El género del discurso como unidad de la lingüística moderna

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    The article discusses approaches to the study of speech genres in linguistics late 20th – early 21st century, draws attention to the diversity of approaches to the identification and analysis of genres of speech, reveals the specificity of the term genre in linguistic science and its place in genristika and aspects of his reference.В статье рассматриваются подходы к изучению жанров речи в лингвистике конца ХХ – начала ХХI века, обращается внимание на многогранность подходов к выявлению и анализу жанров речи, раскрывается специфичность термина «жанр» в лингвистической науке, его место в генристике и аспекты референции.В статье рассматриваются подходы к изучению жанров речи в лингвистике конца ХХ – начала ХХI века, обращается внимание на многогранность подходов к выявлению и анализу жанров речи, раскрывается специфичность термина «жанр» в лингвистической науке, его место в генристике и аспекты референции

    სტუდენტების დამოკიდებულებისა და სტიგმის როლის შესწავლა ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობის სერვისების მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით

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    Introduction: Mental health problems are very common in the world today. Access to mental health services is important for people to overcome mental health problems, however, they often refuse or fail to seek professional help. One of the main factors that prevent people from seeking professional help is stigma in society. Social stigma refers to the negative attitude of society towards people who have mental health problems. The purpose of the research is to study the attitude of students in Georgia and the role of stigma in relation to receiving mental health services. Methods: Qualitative research methods are used in the research. In-depth interviews were conducted with students of Caucasus University. Results: Mental health is very important for students; they have a general idea about mental health. However, students lack the information about mental health services. Students believe that receiving mental health services is essential, but often this is not possible due to various barriers. According to the research, the main barriers to receiving mental health services among students are the stigma established in the society, self-stigma and the high cost of the services. Students believe that stigma related to mental health is less pronounced in their generation than in the older generation.შესავალი: მენტალურ ჯანმრთელობასთან დაკავშირებული პრობლემები დღეს მსოფლიოში ძალიან გავრცელებულია. ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობის სერვისებზე წვდომა მნიშვნელოვანია იმისთვის, რომ ადამიანებმა დაძლიონ ფსიქიკური პრობლემები, თუმცა, ხშირად ისინი უარს ამბობენ ან ვერ იღებენ პროფესიონალური დახმარებას. ერთ-ერთი მთავარი ფაქტორი, რაც ადამიანს აკავებს პროფესიონალური დახმარების მიღებისგან არის საზოგადოებაში დამკვიდრებული სტიგმა. სოციალური სტიგმა გულისხმობს საზოგადოების მხრიდან ნეგატიურ დამოკიდებულებას იმ ადამიანების მიმართ, რომელთაც ფსიქიკურ ჯანმრთელობასთან დაკავშირებული პრობლემები აქვთ. კვლევის მიზანია შეისწავლოს საქართველოში სტუდენტების დამოკიდებულება და სტიგმის როლი ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობის სერვისების მიღებასთან დაკავშირებით. მეთოდოლოგია: კვლევაში გამოყენებულია თვისებრივი კვლევის მეთოდები. ჩატარდა სიღრმისეული ინტერვიუები კავკასიის უნივერსიტეტის სტუდენტებთან. შედეგები: ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობა სტუდენტებისათვის დიდ მნიშვნელობას ატარებს, მათ აქვს ზოგადი წარმოდგენა ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობის შესახებ. თუმცა, სტუდენტებს არ აქვთ საჭირო ინფორმაცია ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობის სერვისების შესახებ. სტუდენტებს მიაჩნიათ, რომ ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობის სერვისების მიღება მნიშვნელოვანია, მაგრამ ხშირად ეს შეუძლებელი ხდება სხვადასხვა ბარიერებიდან გამომდინარე. სტუდენტებში ფსიქიკური ჯანმრთელობის სერვისი მიღების უმთავრესი ბარიერებია საზოგადოებაში დამკვიდრებული სტიგმა, თვითსტიგმა და სერვისების სიძვირე. სტუდენტებს მიაჩნიათ, რომ სტიგმა ფსიქიკურ ჯანმრთელობასთან დაკავშირებით მათ თაობაში შედარებით ნაკლებად არის გამოხატული, ვიდრე უფროს თაობაში

    საცხოვრებელი ადგილის და საზოგადოების როლი ადამიანის კეთილდღეობაში

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    Place of residence, society affects human well-being. Well-being, which is a multidimensional construct, includes such interrelated components as: health, social relations, income, work. Personal characteristics, cultural values, economic, social and political environment. Poor health, feelings of loneliness, lack of social relationships and unemployment have a negative impact on well-being. Analyzing well-being in relation to the environment and understanding the factors affecting well-being are critical to creating a livable environment and achieving social sustainability.საცხოვრებელი ადგილი, საზოგადოება გავლენას ახდენს ადამიანის კეთილდღეობაზე. კეთილდღეობა, რომელიც მრავალგანზომილებიანი კონსტრუქციაა, მოიცავს ისეთ ურთიერთდაკავშირებულ კომპონენტებს, როგორებიცაა: ჯანმრთელობა, სოციალური ურთიერთობები, შემოსავალი, სამუშაო. პიროვნული მახასიათებლები, კულტურული ფასეულობები, ეკონომიკური, სოციალური და პოლიტიკური გარემო. ცუდი ჯანმრთელობა, მარტოობის შეგრძნება, სოციალური ურთიერთობების ნაკლებობა და უმუშევრობა უარყოფითად მოქმედებს კეთილდღეობაზე. გარემოსთან დაკავშირებული კეთილდღეობის ანალიზი და კეთილდღეობაზე მოქმედი ფაქტორების გაცნობიერება გადამწყვეტია სასიცოცხლო გარემოს შესაქმნელად და სოციალური მდგრადობის მისაღწევად

    Breast Cancer Awareness among Medical Students in Georgia

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    Background: As awareness is the key tool for better prognosis, it is important for every kind of population. Being one of the most common cancers, also being associated with the high mortality rates, breast cancer awareness should be prevalent. As future doctors, medical students have the responsibility of educating the general population. To carry out such duties, they should possess enough knowledge about the subject. This study probes the extent of their knowledge.Methodology: An online questionnaire containing 15 questions of various formats was made and distributed to the students of Tbilisi State Medical University via E-mails. The collected data were processed in Microsoft Excel sheets. Answers from pre-clinical and clinical year students were analyzed separately.Results: A total of 225 responses were collected. More females (n=167) participated in the survey than males (n=56). A very low number of students selected correct answers to the epidemiological questions regarding the most common cancer among men, women, and the overall Georgian population. Despite attending awareness programs and having close contact with cancer patients, students showed a lack of awareness.Conclusion: There was no significant difference in knowledge or awareness noticed between pre-clinical and clinical students. Lack of knowledge despite having attended previous awareness programs and having close contact with cancer patients shows the lack of cognizance in students and their inability to retain information. This strongly indicates the need for more intensive activities on cancer awareness not only for students but also for the general populatio