15 research outputs found

    Introduction—Interuniversity Poverty Law Consortium

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    Overview of Immigrant Eligibility for Federal Programs

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    The major federal public benefits programs have long excluded some non–U.S. citizens from eligibility for assistance. Programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as the Food Stamp Program), nonemergency Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and its precursor, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), were largely unavailable to undocumented immigrants and people in the United States on temporary visas.However, the 1996 federal welfare and immigration laws introduced an unprecedented era of restrictionism. Prior to the enactment of these laws, lawful permanent residents of the U.S. generally were eligible for assistance in a manner similar to U.S. citizens. Once the laws were implemented, most lawfully residing immigrants were barred from receiving assistance under the major federal benefits programs for five years or longer.Even where eligibility for immigrants was preserved by the 1996 laws or restored by subsequent legislation, many immigrant families hesitate to enroll in critical health care, job-training, nutrition, and cash assistance programs due to fear and confusion caused by the laws' complexity and other intimidating factors. As a result, the participation of immigrants in public benefits programs decreased sharply after passage of the 1996 laws, causing severe hardship for many low-income immigrant families who lacked the support available to other low-income families.Efforts to address the chilling effects and confusion have continued since that time. The Trump administration's exclusionary policies compounded the problem, making it even more difficult to ensure that eligible immigrants and their family members would secure services.This article focuses on eligibility and other rules governing immigrants' access to federal public benefits programs. Many states have attempted to fill some of the gaps in noncitizen coverage resulting from the 1996 laws, either by electing federal options to cover more eligible noncitizens or by spending state funds to cover at least some of the immigrants who are ineligible for federally funded services.In determining an immigrant's eligibility for benefits, it is necessary to understand the federal rules as well as the rules of the state in which an immigrant resides. Updates on federal and state rules are available on NILC's website

    Co-construction d’une intervention infirmière pour soutenir l’autogestion des symptômes chez les patients souffrant d’angine réfractaire

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    Travail dirigé présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option expertise-conseil en soins infirmiersLes patients atteints d’angine réfractaire souffrent de douleurs ou d’inconforts à la poitrine au moindre effort physique et parfois au repos. Par peur d’éprouver des douleurs, ils deviennent inactifs physiquement et s’abstiennent d’accomplir diverses tâches de la vie quotidienne. Les interventions d’autogestion actuelles présentent plusieurs limites (longueur, déplacements requis, coûts pour les organisations, structure rigide qui ne permet pas la personnalisation). Le but de ce travail dirigé était de développer une intervention d’autogestion des symptômes d’angine. Le cadre de référence du Medical Research Council (2019) a guidé l’identification des données probantes, l’identification et le développement de la base théorique et la modélisation du processus et des résultats de l’intervention avec des patients-partenaires. Pour l’identification des données probantes, nous avons utilisé les résultats d’une méta-analyse que nous avons mise à jour grâce à une méthode de revue rapide. La base théorique était le Self-Help Model de Braden (1993). Pour la modélisation, nous avons collaboré avec deux patients afin d’identifier les thèmes, les intervenants et la structure optimale de l’intervention d’autogestion des symptômes d’angine. L’intervention PARTenaire combine des séances de groupe et des appels téléphoniques de soutien. Elle comprend de l’information, des discussions et des pratiques de stratégies pour favoriser le sentiment d’auto-efficacité, la gestion de la douleur et une nouvelle perspective de vie avec l’angine réfractaire. Le processus de co-construction avec des patients-partenaires a permis de développer une intervention qui répond aux valeurs, aux objectifs de vie et aux préférences des patients. Pour le futur, nous recommandons que l’intervention PARTenaire soit évaluée dans le cadre d’une étude pilote d’acceptabilité et de faisabilité. De plus, nous recommandons que les infirmières acquièrent des connaissances pour soutenir l’autogestion des symptômes d’angine et que l’ensemble des professionnels de la santé reçoivent une formation sur l’approche patient-partenaire

    Immigrant Families: Welfare Reform Restricts Programs that Support Working Families

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    A key goal of the 1996 welfare law is to provide incentives and support that will help low-income people join the workforce, and become financially secure. Yet for many working-poor immigrant families, the law has had the opposite effect. It has restricted their eligibility for programs that can promote upward mobility, such as health care coverage, food stamps, and other safety-net programs of special importance to low-wage, working families. This paper provides a statistical portrait of changes in well being among immigrants and their children, examples of state strategies, and implications of these changes for federal policy

    State Immigrant Rights Highlights 2021: Advancing Community Health and Well-Being

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    This report highlights the immigrant inclusive laws enacted in 2021, as well as some pending bills and campaigns. During this time, states adopted policies improving access to health care, higher education, and professional licenses for immigrants; protecting the rights of workers and tenants; investing in access to counsel; strengthening driver and consumer privacy; and limiting local entanglement in federal immigration enforcement efforts.As Congress considers options for providing a pathway to permanent status or temporary relief to millions of immigrants in the U.S., states and localities have taken significant action to improve the lives of their community members, regardless of their immigration status. In response to effective local organizing, almost half the states adopted immigrant-inclusive laws and policies in 2021

    Interdire Airbnb ?

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    Cardiorespiratory strain during stroke rehabilitation: Are patients trained enough? A systematic review

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    International audienceRehabilitation is a mandatory component of stroke management, aiming to recover functional capacity and independence. To that end, physical therapy sessions must involve adequate intensity in terms of cardiopulmonary stress to meet the physiological demands of independent living

    Light Year : A Festival of Photographies

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    An unconventional exhibition catalogue - consisting of 13 pamphlets in a box similar in style to those used for photographic paper - published on the occasion of a major photography festival in Winnipeg which included solo/group exhibitions, performances, public art installations, a symposium, ect. The catalogue includes texts by 13 authors who address diverse themes (travel photography, the Quebec documentary tradition, the city, gay and lesbian identity, chilhood and memory, racial stereotyping and surveillance) in response to works by 25 artists. Biographical notes on authors. Circa 63 bibl. ref