70 research outputs found

    Conscientious, competent and caring: producing the junior doctor of the future

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    This article is based on the Association for the Study of Medical Education Gold Medal Plenary for 2022, given by the first author. It outlines different ways in which medical training can be approached, based on his career and his work with colleagues. Among the attributes that it would be desirable to promote in future doctors are conscientiousness, competence and care for patients as individuals. This article explores each of these in separate sections. The first demonstrates that the trait of conscientiousness can be observed in first and second year medical students by their compliance in routine low level tasks such as attendance and submission of required work on time. A ‘conscientiousness index’ calculated on this basis is a statistically significant predictor of later events such as performance in exams, the prescribing safety assessment, and the UK situational judgement test in subsequent years, and also in postgraduate assessments such as Royal college exams and the annual reviews of competence progression. The second proposes that competence in tasks undertaken by junior doctors is better achieved by teaching on medical imaging, clinical skills and living anatomy than by cadaveric dissection. The final section argues that the incorporation of arts and humanities teaching into medical education is likely to lead to better understanding of the patient perspective in later practice

    Cell-free DNA screening for rare autosomal trisomies and segmental chromosome imbalances

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    Funding Information: Ben W. Mol is supported by a NHMRC Investigator grant (GNT1176437). Ben W. Mol reports consultancy for ObsEva and Merck and travel support and research grants from Merck. The authors declare no conflict of interest. The authors wish to acknowledge the staff of Monash Ultrasound for Women, Sydney Ultrasound for Women, and Ultrasound Care for their diligent and compassionate care of the women involved in this study. Open access publishing facilitated by Monash University, as part of the Wiley - Monash University agreement via the Council of Australian University Librarians.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Nanostructures Technology, Research, and Applications

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    Contains reports on seventeen research projects and a list of publications.Joint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAL03-92-C-0001Joint Services Electronics Program Grant DAAH04-95-1-0038Semiconductor Research Corporation Contract 94-MJ-550National Science Foundation Grant ECS 94-07078U.S. Army Research Office Contract DAAL03-92-G-0291Advanced Research Projects Agency/Naval Air Systems Command Contract N00019-92-K-0021National Aeronautics and Space Administration Contract NAS8-36748National Aeronautics and Space Administration Grant NAGW-2003IBM Corporation Contract 1622U.S. Army Research Office Grant DAAH04-94-G-0377U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant F-49-620-92-J-006

    Nanostructures Technology, Research, and Applications

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    Contains reports on twenty research projects and a list of publications.Joint Services Electronics Program Contract DAAL03-92-C-0001Semiconductor Research Corporation Contract 94-MJ-550U.S. Army Research Office Grant DAAL03-92-G-0291Advanced Research Projects Agency/Naval Air Systems Command Contract N00019-92-K-0021National Science Foundation Grant ECS 90-16437National Science Foundation Grant ECS 90-16737IBM Corporation Contract 1622U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research Grant F-49-62-92-J-0064National Science Foundation Grant DMR 87-19217National Science Foundation Grant DMR 90-22933National Aeronautics and Space Administration Contract NAS8-3674