9 research outputs found

    Bildungsreform zwischen nationaler Politik und internationalen Prozessen. Die schwedische Lehrerbildung und Bologna

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    Der Artikel beschreibt am Beispiel der beiden Reformen der schwedischen Lehrerbildung 2001 und 2011 die Entwicklung der Bildungspolitik im Spannungsfeld internationaler Prozesse und nationaler Politik. Der Bologna-Prozess hatte grossen Einfluss auf die Lehrerbildung in Schweden, nur wird in verschiedenen Reformen damit unterschiedlich umgegangen. Im Kommissionsbericht zur sozialdemokratischen Lehrerbildungsreform 2001 finden sich viele deutliche BezĂŒge, die auf Anleihen an den Bologna-Prozess hinweisen. Jedoch werden diese nicht explizit deutlich gemacht. Im Kommissionsbericht zur Lehrerbildungsreform 2011 hingegen findet man viele Referenzen. Doch durch Bezug auf eine internationale Arena will die bĂŒrgerliche Reform von 2011 vor allem eine Distanz zu ihrer sozialdemokratischen VorgĂ€ngerin markieren

    Bildungsreform zwischen nationaler Politik und internationalen Prozessen. Die schwedische Lehrerbildung und Bologna

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    Der Artikel beschreibt am Beispiel der beiden Reformen der schwedischen Lehrerbildung 2001 und 2011 die Entwicklung der Bildungspolitik im Spannungsfeld internationaler Prozesse und nationaler Politik. Der Bologna-Prozess hatte grossen Einfluss auf die Lehrerbildung in Schweden, nur wird in verschiedenen Reformen damit unterschiedlich umgegangen. Im Kommissionsbericht zur sozialdemokratischen Lehrerbildungsreform 2001 finden sich viele deutliche BezĂŒge, die auf Anleihen an den Bologna-Prozess hinweisen. Jedoch werden diese nicht explizit deutlich gemacht. Im Kommissionsbericht zur Lehrerbildungsreform 2011 hingegen findet man viele Referenzen. Doch durch Bezug auf eine internationale Arena will die bĂŒrgerliche Reform von 2011 vor allem eine Distanz zu ihrer sozialdemokratischen VorgĂ€ngerin markieren.The article describes the reforms of Swedish teacher education 2001 and 2011 in a field of tension between national educational policy and international development such as the Bologna process. The Bologna process undeniably has had great impact on both reforms. Still both reforms handle the impact of it discursively in different ways. In the commission report introducing the social democratic reform of teacher education in 2001 exist many obvious references to Bologna, but these references are not declared as such. In the commission report for the reform of 2011 exist many references to Bologna. However, this reform is only a revision of its predecessor. With the references to an international arena the conservative reform project wants to claim the biggest possible distance to social democratic educational policy

    Result-oriented individualization in schools' internal work : A grounded theory of personal development dialogues, written assessments and individual development plans in Swedish secondary school

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    The aim of this study is to generate a grounded theory that explains the content of teachers' and students' work with personal development dialogues and individual development plans using written assessments, all regulated in the national result-oriented curriculum for the Swedish compulsory school. Two secondary schools participated and data was collected on two occasions. Data consists of recorded personal development dialogues, which are informed by written assessments, and copies of the individual development plans written as a conclusion stating agreements between the teacher and student. All data was continuously compared and analyzed by using a grounded theory method. Underpinning the study are the premises of pragmatic philosophy and transactional theory that are assumed to shape the focus of the grounded theory approach and hence of teacher and student transactional strategies. It is argued that teachers' and students' primary concern is to establish result-oriented individualization. This is a means for cooperation in a mutual endeavor to establish improved results, guided by the phases of visible accountability and responsible awareness. By using strategies for planning, guiding, auditing and reflecting, new ways of managing individualization are developed. It is also suggested that a new professional approach has been developed, where teachers and students work in collaborative teams, continuously focusing on improving student results

    Stödinsatser i skolan med lÀrmiljön som utgÄngspunkt

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    Föreliggande presentation argumenterar för att stödinsatser i skolan i sin utformning genomsyras av en mÄngfald av syften, dÀr de mest frekventa Àr mÄluppfyllelse i relation till lÀroplanens kunskapskrav, juridisk eftergivenhet, för resultats- eller kvalitetsredovisning, för att Àska resurser, eller för att tjÀna administrativa syften. En nutidshistorisk tillbakablick indikerar att individualiserade stödinsatser ursprungligen förvÀntades minska kategoriska placeringar till förmÄn för mindre restriktiva lÀrmiljöer. Den styrningsmodell för utbildning som dÀrefter har införts bygger pÄ ekonomiska marknadsprinciper med tydligt formulerade mÄl, medvetna strategier, styrning och ledning samt tydlig uppföljning och utvÀrdering för att uppnÄ mÄlen. De offentliga policydokument som utformas i linje med styrningsmodellen ger exempel pÄ en statlig myndighets sÀtt att tala till lÀrare och elever samt förÀldrar i den svenska skolan. Ett didaktiskt lÀroplansteoretiskt perspektiv bidrar med teoretiskt och metodologiskt stöd för att granska aktuella marknadsprinciper, offentliga policytexter samt exemplifiera möjligheten att utgÄ frÄn lÀrmiljön i utformningen av stödinsatser. Efter granskning av offentliga policydokument, presenteras förslag för att utveckla en lÀroplansstödd utformning av undervisning och utvÀrdering genom att i förhÄllande till policytexterna upprÀtta alternativa mÄl och alternativ bedömning samt ersÀtta resultat med didaktiska undervisningsmetoder.Special Support based on the learning enviroment In Sweden, as in many other countries, the current model of public governance for education is based on principals from the financial market, with clearly formulated goals, conscious strategies, governance and management as well as clear monitoring and evaluation in order to achieve the goals. These financial principles affect the design of policy documents addressing students who need special support, which in turn affects the design of support actions within educational activities. The purpose of this presentation is to explore the possibilities of pedagogical professionals to use pedagogical-didactic principles to design changes in the learning environment with preventative instructions and forms of collaborative learning in order to reduce the policy informed dominance focusing on individual support actions. Curriculum theory is used to explore policy documents, and the analytic approach is informed by speech act theory. The results demonstrates performative statements that informs teachers as well as students and parents to individualized support actions. There is also evident that the support actions in the policy documents have a vast variety of purposes. Most frequent purposes are goal fulfilment guided by national curriculum syllabi, legal compliance, accountability measures, resource allocation and administrative purposes.  Drawing on the consequences of performative statements in public governance and policy, proposals are presented for designing documentation with support actions that have the relation between the individual and the learning environment as a starting point

    Silent and explicit borrowing of international policy discourses. The case of the Swedish teacher education reforms of 2001 and 2011

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    The article presents different models of comparative education by discussing the government committee reports (SOU) which prepared the Swedish teacher education reforms of 2001 and 2011. These serve as examples for different kinds of policy borrowing from an international Bologna process discourse in national government document. The article facilitates Waldow (2009) term of “silent borrowing”. The reform of 2001 shows distinct references to international discourses without making this explicit. The reform of 2011 is then an example for explicit borrowing. The related government committee report refers very obvious to the Bologna process. However, this is seen as strategy in order to mark its distinction to its predecessor reform. Our cases are assumed to show how socio-historical and political contexts condition national discourses’ resources of legitimation