43 research outputs found

    Popularisierung im Dienst der Persuasion.: Beobachtungen zum öffentlichen Sprachgebrauch der Verwaltung zum Thema Migration

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    The article outlines some strategies of persuasion when popularizing legal contents. The study concerns a video (Erklärfilm) published on the website of the Bayerisches Staatsministerium der Justiz, which explains to migrants the main legal principles upon which the German federal state is grounded. Legal issues such as the constitutional freedom of religion or belief and the state monopoly on the use of force are clarified in order to give migrants basic knowledge of the German legal system and, at the same time, to persuade them that it is reasonable and necessary to respect the law. The present investigation focuses on specific argumentation structures and different linguistic actions in order to highlight their contribution to the informative and persuasive purposes of the popularizing video. The linguistic analysis shall also point out some syntactic and lexical features used in knowledge transfer processes

    Kunst kindgerecht erklärt – eine Fallstudie zu museumspädagogischen Erklärvideos

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    As young visitors represent “the museum audience of the future”, museums should be particularly committed to engaging children in museum experiences pursuing a child-oriented approach to art communication and education. The analysis of museum communication from a linguistic perspective seems thus a promising way of exploring the target-group-specificity of museum educational resources explicitly designed for addressing young audiences. Explanatory videos featured on museum websites which present the museum itself or masterpieces of its collections are examples of digital tools employed by museums to introduce children to art and encouraging them to become devoted visitors. The paper presents the findings of a case study of a sample of German and Italian museum explanatory videos for primary school children, aiming at analyzing the linguistic and multimodal strategies used by museums in order to transfer knowledge about art, artists and exhibitions in a child-centered explanatory style. Of particular interest in this context is the question of whether and to what extent these videos encourage a participatory, play-based access to art or enable an experience-oriented approach to art-related contents, as advocated by current trends in museum communication and education

    La comunicazione turistica plurilingue: il Progetto “Museo poliglotta"

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    Tourism communication, especially since the digital turn, has registered several attempts to open to new forms of multilingualism. For instance, the traditional multilingual experience offered by guided tours and audio guides has now been enhanced by social networking tools. Recent research points to the need of interdisciplinary work at the crossroads of linguistics, media sciences and museum studies to investigate communication strategies and linguistic devices by means of which an international audience of tourists can be addressed and get involved in museums in the digital age. The present paper illustrates the first findings of the project “Museo poliglotta”, a project run by two universities in the Italian towns of Bergamo and Brescia in cooperation with local museums with the goal of producing digital multilingual contents for international museum visitors. The empirical part of the paper describes a workshop activity in which students developed Instagram reels in Italian, German and English on the figure of the well-known Italian composer Gaetano Donizetti. A number of observations lead to the conclusion that synergies between language research and foreign language teaching on the one hand and museum institutions on the other can bring about important benefits for all parties involved, in particular the possibility to offer professionalising training in the academic world and stimuli to innovate and improve multilingual communication in the museum sector

    Diskursive und textuelle Strukturen in der Hochschuldidaktik. Deutsch und Italienisch im Vergleich

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    Der Band versammelt Beiträge der Modeneser Tagung „Strutture discorsive e testuali della didattica accademica – il tedesco e l’italiano a confronto“, die im Oktober 2011 als Start-up des von der Volkswagen-Stiftung geförderten internationalen Forschungsprojektes „euroWiss – Linguistische Profilierung einer europäischen Wissenschaftsbildung“ durchgeführt wurde. Zentrale Forschungsanliegen sind dabei die Modellierung und der Vergleich der in Deutschland und in Italien üblichen Verfahren der wissensvermittelnden Hochschulkommunikation. Neben einem Überblick über den State oft the Art der einschlägigen Forschung in den beteiligten Ländern gibt der Band einen Einblick in die Hypothesen und Positionen des Forschungsteams aus Hamburg, Bergamo, Chemnitz und Modena

    Autokommentierendes Handeln in wissenschaftlichen Vorträgen

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    Analisi funzionale-pragmatica di un corpus di conferenze accademiche in lingua tedesca e italiana in riferimento all'utilizzo dei commenti metatestual

    Mündliche Vermittlung juristischen Wissens am Beispiel eines Erklärfilms

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    Abstract – The article outlines some aspects of knowledge communication when popularizing legal contents. The study concerns a video (Erklärfilm) published on the website of BAMF (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge), which explains the measures the German Public Administration took to manage the massive migration flow towards Germany. Legal issues such as the right of asylum and repatriation conditions are clarified by means of different semiotic resources, i.e. oral, textual and visual elements. The present investigation focuses on oral communication, which is described in its main prosodic and syntactic features. In the discussion of results, it is shown that the oral transmission of knowledge has an important role in persuading the public opinion about the efficiency of the implemented procedures to receipt and integrate migrants

    Akademisches Schreiben italophoner Studierender in der fremden Wissenschaftssprache Deutsch. Handlungstheoretische Ăśberlegungen und empirisch basierte Analysen

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    Il presente studio offre un contributo all'indagine della scrittura accademica in lingua tedesca come lingua scientifica straniera. L'obiettivo del lavoro è rilevare alcune delle difficoltà riscontrate da studenti italofoni nella scrittura di tesine in lingua tedesca, con particolare riferimento alle scelte linguistiche operate nella formulazione del sapere scientifico. In una prima parte vengono illustrate le premesse teoriche del lavoro, in particolare le categorie di analisi offerte dalla Pragmatica Funzionale quali procedure, azioni linguistiche e modelli di azione linguistica. Sulla base di queste categorie viene svolta l'analisi empirica, nella seconda parte del lavoro, su un piccolo corpus di tesine scritte in lingua tedesca da parte di studenti italofoni. Gli esempi estratti dalle tesine mostrano come alcuni aspetti dell'agire linguistico degli studenti siano particolarmente problematici, quali l'uso della deissi, di azioni linguistiche di riformulazione e di modelli di azione linguistica quali il "chiarire"

    Pouvoir, raison et émotion: les discours à l'ère du numérique

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    International audienceIm digitalen Zeitalter nimmt der sprachliche Ausdruck von Macht, Ratio und Emotionen neue Formen an, die Gegenstand von Analysen werden und methodische Reflexionen anregen. Die zehn in diesem Band zusammengeführten Beiträge auf Deutsch oder Französisch befassen sich mit verschiedenen Diskursen v.a. im Bereich der Politik, des Rechts und der Medizin, bei denen die digitale Technologie eine instrumentelle Analyse ermöglicht oder die eigentliche Form des analysierten Diskurses bestimmt.A l’ère du numérique, l’expression linguistique du pouvoir, de la raison et des émotions prend des formes inédites, qui deviennent objet d’analyse et stimulent des réflexions de type méthodologique. Les dix contributions, en français ou en allemand, rassemblées dans cet ouvrage abordent des discours variés (notamment politiques, juridiques, médicaux) dans lesquels le numérique permet une analyse outillée ou constitue la forme même du discours analysé

    M\ufcndlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit in italienischer Hochschulkommunikation

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    Drawing on data from authentic Italian teaching and learning discourse, this article investigates the re-lationship between orality and literacy in academic knowledge mediation at Italian universities. The findings suggest that Italian teaching and learning discourse is characterized by a textual conception of orality \u2013 a result supported by wording patterns drawn from an intervention study on GFL academic writing.Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, das Verh\ue4ltnis von M\ufcndlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit in der italienischen Hochschulkommunikation auszuloten und dabei auch einen Blick auf den sprach- und bildungsgeschichtlichen Hintergrund zu werfen. Der universit\ue4re Lehr-Lern-Diskurs scheint \u2013 vor allem in den Geisteswissenschaften \u2013 durch eine textuell konzeptualisierte m\ufcndliche Wissensvermittlung gepr\ue4gt. Um Einblicke in die hierbei praktizierten Vorgehensweisen zu geben, werden zum einen rekurrierende sprachliche Verfahren aus italienischen Lehrveranstaltungen anhand von Transkriptausz\ufcgen aus dem euroWiss-Korpus vorgestellt und kommentiert. Zum anderen werden typische Formulierungsmuster aus einer Interventionsstudie zum Schreiben in der Fremdsprache Deutsch auf ihre Herkunftskulturspezifik abgetastet