37 research outputs found

    PynPoint: a modular pipeline architecture for processing and analysis of high-contrast imaging data

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    The direct detection and characterization of planetary and substellar companions at small angular separations is a rapidly advancing field. Dedicated high-contrast imaging instruments deliver unprecedented sensitivity, enabling detailed insights into the atmospheres of young low-mass companions. In addition, improvements in data reduction and PSF subtraction algorithms are equally relevant for maximizing the scientific yield, both from new and archival data sets. We aim at developing a generic and modular data reduction pipeline for processing and analysis of high-contrast imaging data obtained with pupil-stabilized observations. The package should be scalable and robust for future implementations and in particular well suitable for the 3-5 micron wavelength range where typically (ten) thousands of frames have to be processed and an accurate subtraction of the thermal background emission is critical. PynPoint is written in Python 2.7 and applies various image processing techniques, as well as statistical tools for analyzing the data, building on open-source Python packages. The current version of PynPoint has evolved from an earlier version that was developed as a PSF subtraction tool based on PCA. The architecture of PynPoint has been redesigned with the core functionalities decoupled from the pipeline modules. Modules have been implemented for dedicated processing and analysis steps, including background subtraction, frame registration, PSF subtraction, photometric and astrometric measurements, and estimation of detection limits. The pipeline package enables end-to-end data reduction of pupil-stabilized data and supports classical dithering and coronagraphic data sets. As an example, we processed archival VLT/NACO L' and M' data of beta Pic b and reassessed the planet's brightness and position with an MCMC analysis, and we provide a derivation of the photometric error budget.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, PynPoint is available at https://github.com/PynPoint/PynPoin

    MIRACLES: atmospheric characterization of directly imaged planets and substellar companions at 4-5 μ\mum. II. Constraints on the mass and radius of the enshrouded planet PDS 70 b

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    The circumstellar disk of PDS 70 hosts two forming planets, which are actively accreting gas from their environment. In this work, we report the first detection of PDS 70 b in the Brα\alpha and MM' filters with VLT/NACO, a tentative detection of PDS 70 c in Brα\alpha, and a reanalysis of archival NACO LL' and SPHERE H23H23 and K12K12 imaging data. The near side of the disk is also resolved with the Brα\alpha and MM' filters, indicating that scattered light is non-negligible at these wavelengths. The spectral energy distribution of PDS 70 b is well described by blackbody emission, for which we constrain the photospheric temperature and photospheric radius to Teff=1193±20T_\mathrm{eff}=1193 \pm 20 K and R=3.0±0.2R=3.0 \pm 0.2 RJR_\mathrm{J}. The relatively low bolometric luminosity, log(L/L)=3.79±0.02\log(L/L_\odot) = -3.79 \pm 0.02, in combination with the large radius, is not compatible with standard structure models of fully convective objects. With predictions from such models, and adopting a recent estimate of the accretion rate, we derive a planetary mass and radius in the range of Mp0.51.5M_\mathrm{p}\approx 0.5-1.5 MJM_\mathrm{J} and Rp12.5R_\mathrm{p}\approx 1-2.5 RJR_\mathrm{J}, independently of the age and post-formation entropy of the planet. The blackbody emission, large photospheric radius, and the discrepancy between the photospheric and planetary radius suggests that infrared observations probe an extended, dusty environment around the planet, which obscures the view on its molecular composition. Finally, we derive a rough upper limit on the temperature and radius of potential excess emission from a circumplanetary disk, Teff256T_\mathrm{eff}\lesssim256 K and R245R\lesssim245 RJR_\mathrm{J}, but we do find weak evidence that the current data favors a model with a single blackbody component.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Comparing Apples with Apples: Robust Detection Limits for Exoplanet High-Contrast Imaging in the Presence of non-Gaussian Noise

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    Over the past decade, hundreds of nights have been spent on the worlds largest telescopes to search for and directly detect new exoplanets using high-contrast imaging (HCI). Thereby, two scientific goals are of central interest: First, to study the characteristics of the underlying planet population and distinguish between different planet formation and evolution theories. Second, to find and characterize planets in our immediate Solar neighborhood. Both goals heavily rely on the metric used to quantify planet detections and non-detections. Current standards often rely on several explicit or implicit assumptions about the noise. For example, it is often assumed that the residual noise after data post-processing is Gaussian. While being an inseparable part of the metric, these assumptions are rarely verified. This is problematic as any violation of these assumptions can lead to systematic biases. This makes it hard, if not impossible, to compare results across datasets or instruments with different noise characteristics. We revisit the fundamental question of how to quantify detection limits in HCI. We focus our analysis on the error budget resulting from violated assumptions. To this end, we propose a new metric based on bootstrapping that generalizes current standards to non-Gaussian noise. We apply our method to archival HCI data from the NACO-VLT instrument and derive detection limits for different types of noise. Our analysis shows that current standards tend to give detection limit that are about one magnitude too optimistic in the speckle-dominated regime. That is, HCI surveys may have excluded planets that can still exist.Comment: After first iteration with the referee, resubmitted to AJ. Comments welcome

    CROCODILE \\ Incorporating medium-resolution spectroscopy of close-in directly imaged exoplanets into atmospheric retrievals via cross-correlation

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    The investigation of the atmospheres of closely separated, directly imaged gas giant exoplanets is challenging due to the presence of stellar speckles that pollute their spectrum. To remedy this, the analysis of medium- to high-resolution spectroscopic data via cross-correlation with spectral templates (cross-correlation spectroscopy) is emerging as a leading technique. We aim to define a robust Bayesian framework combining, for the first time, three widespread direct-imaging techniques, namely photometry, low-resolution spectroscopy, and medium-resolution cross-correlation spectroscopy in order to derive the atmospheric properties of close-in directly imaged exoplanets. Our framework CROCODILE (cross-correlation retrievals of directly imaged self-luminous exoplanets) naturally combines the three techniques by adopting adequate likelihood functions. To validate our routine, we simulated observations of gas giants similar to the well-studied β\beta~Pictoris~b planet and we explored the parameter space of their atmospheres to search for potential biases. We obtain more accurate measurements of atmospheric properties when combining photometry, low- and medium-resolution spectroscopy into atmospheric retrievals than when using the techniques separately as is usually done in the literature. We find that medium-resolution (R4000R \approx 4000) K-band cross-correlation spectroscopy alone is not suitable to constrain the atmospheric properties of our synthetic datasets; however, this problem disappears when simultaneously fitting photometry and low-resolution (R60R \approx 60) spectroscopy between the Y and M bands. Our framework allows the atmospheric characterisation of directly imaged exoplanets using the high-quality spectral data that will be provided by the new generation of instruments such as VLT/ERIS, JWST/MIRI, and ELT/METIS

    ISPY-NACO Imaging Survey for Planets around Young stars. The demographics of forming planets embedded in protoplanetary disks

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    We present the statistical analysis of a subsample of 45 young stars surrounded by protoplanetary disks (PPDs). This is the largest imaging survey uniquely focused on PPDs to date. Our goal is to search for young forming companions embedded in the disk material and to constrain their occurrence rate in relation to the formation mechanism. We used principal component analysis based point spread function subtraction techniques to reveal young companions forming in the disks. We calculated detection limits for our datasets and adopted a black-body model to derive temperature upper limits of potential forming planets. We then used Monte Carlo simulations to constrain the population of forming gas giant companions and compare our results to different types of formation scenarios. Our data revealed a new binary system (HD38120) and a recently identified triple system with a brown dwarf companion orbiting a binary system (HD101412), in addition to 12 known companions. Furthermore, we detected signals from 17 disks, two of which (HD72106 and TCrA) were imaged for the first time. We reached median detection limits of L =15.4 mag at 2.0 arcsec, which were used to investigate the temperature of potentially embedded forming companions. We can constrain the occurrence of forming planets with semi-major axis a in [20 - 500] au and Teff in [600 - 3000] K, in line with the statistical results obtained for more evolved systems from other direct imaging surveys. The NaCo-ISPY data confirm that massive bright planets accreting at high rates are rare. More powerful instruments with better sensitivity in the near- to mid-infrared are likely required to unveil the wealth of forming planets sculpting the observed disk substructures.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    The JWST Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems II: A 1 to 20 Micron Spectrum of the Planetary-Mass Companion VHS 1256-1257 b

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    We present the highest fidelity spectrum to date of a planetary-mass object. VHS 1256 b is a <<20 MJup_\mathrm{Jup} widely separated (\sim8\arcsec, a = 150 au), young, planetary-mass companion that shares photometric colors and spectroscopic features with the directly imaged exoplanets HR 8799 c, d, and e. As an L-to-T transition object, VHS 1256 b exists along the region of the color-magnitude diagram where substellar atmospheres transition from cloudy to clear. We observed VHS 1256~b with \textit{JWST}'s NIRSpec IFU and MIRI MRS modes for coverage from 1 μ\mum to 20 μ\mum at resolutions of \sim1,000 - 3,700. Water, methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sodium, and potassium are observed in several portions of the \textit{JWST} spectrum based on comparisons from template brown dwarf spectra, molecular opacities, and atmospheric models. The spectral shape of VHS 1256 b is influenced by disequilibrium chemistry and clouds. We directly detect silicate clouds, the first such detection reported for a planetary-mass companion.Comment: Accepted ApJL Iterations of spectra reduced by the ERS team are hosted at this link: https://github.com/bemiles/JWST_VHS1256b_Reduction/tree/main/reduced_spectr

    The JWST Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems IV: NIRISS Aperture Masking Interferometry Performance and Lessons Learned

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    We present a performance analysis for the aperture masking interferometry (AMI) mode on board the James Webb Space Telescope Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (JWST/NIRISS). Thanks to self-calibrating observables, AMI accesses inner working angles down to and even within the classical diffraction limit. The scientific potential of this mode has recently been demonstrated by the Early Release Science (ERS) 1386 program with a deep search for close-in companions in the HIP 65426 exoplanetary system. As part of ERS 1386, we use the same dataset to explore the random, static, and calibration errors of NIRISS AMI observables. We compare the observed noise properties and achievable contrast to theoretical predictions. We explore possible sources of calibration errors, and show that differences in charge migration between the observations of HIP 65426 and point-spread function calibration stars can account for the achieved contrast curves. Lastly, we use self-calibration tests to demonstrate that with adequate calibration, NIRISS AMI can reach contrast levels of 910\sim9-10 mag. These tests lead us to observation planning recommendations and strongly motivate future studies aimed at producing sophisticated calibration strategies taking these systematic effects into account. This will unlock the unprecedented capabilities of JWST/NIRISS AMI, with sensitivity to significantly colder, lower mass exoplanets than ground-based setups at orbital separations inaccessible to JWST coronagraphy.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, submitted to AAS Journal

    The \textit{JWST} Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems III: Aperture Masking Interferometric Observations of the star HIP\,65426 at 3.8μm\boldsymbol{3.8\,\rm{\mu m}}

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    We present aperture masking interferometry (AMI) observations of the star HIP 65426 at 3.8μm3.8\,\rm{\mu m} as a part of the \textit{JWST} Direct Imaging Early Release Science (ERS) program obtained using the Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) instrument. This mode provides access to very small inner working angles (even separations slightly below the Michelson limit of 0.5λ/D{}0.5\lambda/D for an interferometer), which are inaccessible with the classical inner working angles of the \textit{JWST} coronagraphs. When combined with \textit{JWST}'s unprecedented infrared sensitivity, this mode has the potential to probe a new portion of parameter space across a wide array of astronomical observations. Using this mode, we are able to achieve a contrast of ΔmF380M7.8\Delta m_{F380M}{\sim }7.8\,mag relative to the host star at a separation of {\sim}0.07\arcsec but detect no additional companions interior to the known companion HIP\,65426\,b. Our observations thus rule out companions more massive than 10{-}12\,\rm{M\textsubscript{Jup}} at separations 1020au{\sim}10{-}20\,\rm{au} from HIP\,65426, a region out of reach of ground or space-based coronagraphic imaging. These observations confirm that the AMI mode on \textit{JWST} is sensitive to planetary mass companions orbiting at the water frost line, even for more distant stars at \sim100\,pc. This result will allow the planning and successful execution of future observations to probe the inner regions of nearby stellar systems, opening essentially unexplored parameter space.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    The JWST Early Release Science Program for Direct Observations of Exoplanetary Systems. IV. NIRISS Aperture Masking Interferometry Performance and Lessons Learned

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    We present a performance analysis for the aperture masking interferometry (AMI) mode on board the James Webb Space Telescope Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (JWST/NIRISS). Thanks to self-calibrating observables, AMI accesses inner working angles down to and even within the classical diffraction limit. The scientific potential of this mode has recently been demonstrated by the Early Release Science (ERS) 1386 program with a deep search for close-in companions in the HIP 65426 exoplanetary system. As part of ERS 1386, we use the same data set to explore the random, static, and calibration errors of NIRISS AMI observables. We compare the observed noise properties and achievable contrast to theoretical predictions. We explore possible sources of calibration errors and show that differences in charge migration between the observations of HIP 65426 and point-spread function calibration stars can account for the achieved contrast curves. Lastly, we use self-calibration tests to demonstrate that with adequate calibration NIRISS F380M AMI can reach contrast levels of ∼9–10 mag at ≳λ/D. These tests lead us to observation planning recommendations and strongly motivate future studies aimed at producing sophisticated calibration strategies taking these systematic effects into account. This will unlock the unprecedented capabilities of JWST/NIRISS AMI, with sensitivity to significantly colder, lower-mass exoplanets than lower-contrast ground-based AMI setups, at orbital separations inaccessible to JWST coronagraphy