12 research outputs found

    Análisis de los aspectos técnicos de aplicación y ensayos previos a la puesta en servicio de instalaciones eléctricas subterráneas de la Empresa Eléctrica Azogues C.A.

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    La correcta operación de los sistemas eléctricos subterráneos a lo largo de su vida útil, depende en gran parte de las pruebas de campo de instalación, aceptación y mantenimiento. Las pruebas para la aceptación y puesta en servicio de los sistemas eléctricos subterráneos en la Empresa Eléctrica Azogues C.A, se han desarrollado mediante diversos criterios técnicos, que se analizan en el presente trabajo. Se lleva a cabo la descripción de las características de los cables empleados en sistemas de distribución, aspectos constructivos, tipos de fallas; y la revisión de normativas, guías y datos técnicos de cables. Se presentan los criterios para la prueba de resistencia de aislamiento en cables, con esta información se desarrolla el análisis de los datos recopilados por la EEACA. Los resultados de las pruebas son contrastados con los valores referenciales de normas IEEE, ANSI/NETA. Se elabora un manual para la ejecución de pruebas de aceptación para cables (resistencia de aislamiento), además se presentan las conclusiones y recomendaciones acorde a los resultados del análisis.he correct operation of underground electrical systems throughout their useful life depends largely on the installation, acceptance and maintenance field tests. The tests for the acceptance and commissioning of underground electrical systems in Empresa Eléctrica Azogues C.A., have been developed by means of different technical criteria, which are analyzed in this work. A description of the characteristics of the cables used in distribution systems, constructive aspects, types of failures, and the review of regulations, guides and technical data of cables are carried out. The criteria for testing insulation resistance in cables are presented, and with this information, the analysis of the data collected by EEACA is developed. The results of the tests are contrasted with the reference values of IEEE, ANSI/NETA standards. A manual is prepared for the execution of acceptance tests for cables (insulation resistance), and conclusions and recommendations are presented according to the results of the analysis.Ingeniero EléctricoCuenc

    Modelado y animación 3D con realidad aumentada de los personajes principales de las primicias de Riobamba para fortalecer la identidad cultural en los niños de 3ro de básica de la Unidad Educativa “Carlos Cisneros”.

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    El objetivo de este trabajo de titulación fue desarrollar el modelado y animación 3D con Realidad Aumentada (RA) de los Personajes de las Primicias de Riobamba, para fortalecer la identidad cultural en los niños de 3ro de básica de la Unidad Educativa Carlos Cisneros. El Estudio se basó en una metodología para el desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles, dividida en cinco etapas:1. Análisis para recopilar información documental y de campo, en el que se obtuvo los requerimientos de software, se aplicó 38 encuestas para determinar el grado de conocimiento que los niños tenían sobre los personajes; Maldonado, Velasco y Orozco, su desconocimiento fue del 95%.2 Diseño, se define el escenario e interfaz de usuario para la Aplicación.3. Desarrollo, se implementó los software para el diseño del material, soporte virtual y gráfico.4. Prueba de funcionamiento, la aplicación móvil, denominada Rio Primicias fue instalada en dispositivos compatibles con Android, para el análisis de la 6Ms y la validación de la misma, la evaluación a través de un test aplicado a 32 niños que determinó un alto nivel de satisfacción en el uso de la aplicación del 96,25% y en el reconocimiento de los nombres de los personajes del 96 % en su oficio del 78% y en sus obras del 88,55% a comparación de la primera evaluación que desconocían.5. Entrega, se facilitó al docente el soporte físico que contiene el manual de usuario y el Cd para la instalación de la Aplicación y además ilustraciones impresas a blanco y negro para colorear y un test. De esta manera se concluye que el uso de la RA está enfocada en transmitir conocimientos de índole cultural a niños ayudando a valorar nuestra historia y a fortalecer su identidad cultural. Por ello es primordial que desde tempranas edades los niños sean partícipes de nuevas tecnologías para su aprendizaje, enriquecimiento cultural y patrimonial.The objective of this degree work was to develop the modelling in 3D animation with augmented reality (RA) of the characters of the Primicias from Riobamba, to strengthen the cultural identity in the 3rd grade children of the Unidad Educativa “Carlos Cisneros”, the study was based on a methodology for the development of mobile applications, divided into five stages: 1. Analysis to collect documentary information, and field, in which software requirements were obtained, 38 surveys were applied to determine the degree of knowledge that children had about the characters; Maldonado, Velasco and Orozco ignored it was 95%. 2. Design, the scenario and user interface for the application was defined. 3. Development, the software was implemented for the design of the material, virtual and graphic support. 4. Functional test, the mobile application called Rio Primicias was installed on devices compatible with Android, for the analysis of the 6Ms and the validation of it, the evaluation through a test applied to 32 children that determined a high level of satisfaction in the use of the application of 96.25% and in the recognition of the characters ‘names of 96%, in their occupation of 78% and in their works of 88.55% compared to the lack of knowledge obtained in the first evaluation. 5. Delivery, the teacher was provided with the physical support that contains the user manual and the cd for the application installing and also printed illustrations in black and white to colour and a test. It is concluded that the use of RA is focused on transmitting cultural knowledge to children, helps to value our history and strengthen their cultural identity. Therefore, it is essential that from early ages children are participants in new technologies for their learning, cultural enrichment and heritage

    Emprendimiento y su relación con el desarrollo económico y local en el Ecuador

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    El emprendimiento en la actualidad ha llegado a ser un pilar fundamental para el desarrollo económico y local de un país, ya que potencializa el tejido empresarial interno o endógeno de un territorio o localidad. A su vez, esta actividad impulsa al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de la población. El objetivo de este artículo es examinar aportes teóricos sobre la implementación del emprendimiento, y analizar la importancia de su esencia en el orden social. La metodología empleada en esta investigación es de tipo descriptiva, la cual hay tiene un enfoque cuantitativo para procesar los análisis estadísticos. Además, este trabajo presenta una investigación científica de la temática emprendimiento y su relación con desarrollo local y económico utilizando documentación con referencias a este tema


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    Introducere. Endocardita infecţioasă pe cord drept (EICD) beneficiază de o menţiune specială în cel mai recent ghid de management al endocarditei infecţoase (EI) al Societăţii Europene de Cardiologie (ESC), prin prisma particularităţilor de epidemiologie, prognostic, complicaţii, management medical şi chirurgical pe care le prezintă (1). Principalul factor de risc pentru dezvoltarea EICD este reprezentat de consumul de droguri intravenoase, comportament ce explică, totodată, creşterea incidenţei EICD în ţările dezvoltate, în rândul populaţiei tinere (2,6). Materiale şi metodă. Prezentăm cazul unui pacient în vârstă de 25 de ani, consumator de droguri intravenoase (CDI), care se internează în Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecţioase şi Tropicale „Dr. Victor Babeş“ pentru astenie marcată, febră şi artralgii generalizate, debutate la scurt timp după autoadministrarea de heroină intravenos. Prezentarea clinică sugestivă pentru sepsis şi indice crescut de suspiciune pentru EICD au ghidat investigaţiile paraclinice ulterioare şi terapia antibiotică empirică. Rezultate. Diagnosticul pozitiv de sepsis a fost stabilit odată cu pozitivarea primei hemoculturi pentru Staphylococcus aureus meticilino-sensibil, în asociere cu un scor SOFA de 4 puncte, iar confirmarea diagnosticului de EICD a venit odată cu descrierea ecocardiografică a existenţei de vegetaţii la nivelul valvei tricuspide, iniţial însumându-se 1 criteriu Duke major şi 3 minore. Evoluţia lent favorabilă a pacientului, dezvoltarea insuficienţei severe de valvă tricuspidă, persistenţa infecţiei sub antibioterapie şi riscul emboligen crescut calificau pacientul pentru intervenţia chirurgicală cu scop de înlăturare a focarului infecţios şi restaurare a funcţionalităţii aparatului valvular. Concluzii. În cazul pacientului nostru, acelaşi comportament generator al patologiei, CDI, a determinat şi temporizarea intervenţiei chirurgicale, în condiţii de stabilitate hemodinamică, până la menţinerea unui sevraj de durată la heroină. Pacientul a solicitat externarea la cerere înainte de finalizarea curei antibiotice, reiterând prin aceasta necesitatea abordării EI la CDI de rutină într-o echipă multidisciplinară, care să includă medic infecţionist, cardiolog, chirurg cardiovascular, psiholog, psihiatru şi grupuri de suport, atât pentru creşterea aderenţei la tratament, cât şi pentru scăderea morbidităţii şi mortalităţii de toate cauzele, a riscului de recurenţă a EI şi a reluării CDI


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    Background. Right-sided infective endocarditis (RSIE) benefits from a special reference in the latest European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines for the management infectious endocarditis, due to its epidemiology, prognosis, complications, medical and surgical management and presentation particularities (1). The main risk factor for RSIE is the use of intravenous drugs, a behavior that also explains the growing incidence of RSIE in developed countries, especially among the young population (2,6). Material and methods. We present the case of a young intravenous drug user (IDU) admitted to our hospital for fatigue, fever and generalized arthralgias, which developed shortly after self-administration of iv. heroin. The clinical presentation suggestive for sepsis, together with the high suspicion for RSIE guided the subsequent paraclinical investigations and empirical antibiotic therapy. Results. The positive diagnosis of sepsis was made once the first blood culture confirmed the presence of methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), in addition to a SOFA score of 4. Confirmation of RSIE came with the echocardiographic description of vegetations on the tricuspid valve, summing up 1 major and 3 minor modified Duke criteria. The patient had a slow, but favorable evolution, however, he developed severe tricuspid insufficiency, the infection persisted under antibiotic therapy with an increased risk of septic embolization, all of which qualified the patient for cardiac surgery to remove the infectious focus and restore the functionality of the tricuspid valve. Conclusions. In this case, the same behavior that generated the pathology, iv. drug use, also determined deferral of the surgery, under conditions of hemodynamic stability, until a long-term withdrawal of heroin was attained. The patient was discharged upon request before the end of the antibiotic treatment, thus reiterating the need to routinely approach RSIE in IDU in a multidisciplinary “endocarditis team”. The main goal of this approach is to increase adherence to treatment, as well as to decrease morbidity and mortality of all causes, the risk of RSIE recurrence and IDU resumption

    Preparation of Few-Layer Graphene Dispersions from Hydrothermally Expanded Graphite

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    In this study, we propose a novel approach to prepare few-layer graphene (FLG) dispersions, which is realized by exfoliating natural graphite flakes in a surfactant aqueous solution under hydrothermal treatment and liquid-phase exfoliation. In order to obtain stable and well-dispersed FLG dispersions, pristine graphite is hydrothermally expanded in a hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) aqueous solution at 180 °C for 15 h, followed by sonication up to 3 h. In comparison to long-time sonication methods, the present method is significantly efficient, and most importantly, does not involve the use of an oxidizing agent and hazardous media, which will make it more competent in the scalable production of graphene

    Zeolite-Assisted Shear Exfoliation of Graphite into Few-Layer Graphene

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    A novel method is presented to prepare few-layer graphene (FLG) in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) by using a simple, low-cost and energy-effective shear exfoliation assisted by zeolite and using a cappuccino mixer to produce shear. We propose that the exfoliation of natural graphite flakes can be achieved using inelastic collisions between graphite flakes and zeolite particles in a dynamic colloidal fluid. To confirm the exfoliation of FLG, spectroscopy and morphological studies are carried out using Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Additionally, the obtained graphene shows a linear flow of current and low resistance. The proposed method shows great promise for the industrial-scale synthesis of high-quality graphene with potential applications in future graphene-based devices, and furthermore, this method can be extended to exfoliate inorganic layered materials such as BN and MoS2