17 research outputs found

    Self-assembly of graphene oxide and cellulose nanocrystals into continuous filament via interfacial nanoparticle complexation

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    The present work demonstrates the spinning of conductive filaments from oppositely charged nano-scale entities, i.e., cationic cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) and anionic graphene oxide (GO), via interfacial nanoparticle complexation. Especially, the role of CNC and GO concentration in filament formation was investigated. Moreover, the chemical structure, morphology and composition of formed CNC/GO composite filaments were further characterized. The positively charged CNC formed firstly a complex film with negatively charged GO flake and then the complexed structures were further assembled into macroscale hybrid filament (diameter about 20 to 50 μm). After chemical reduction of the hybrid filament, conductive filaments with an average tensile strength of 109 ± 8 MPa and electrical conductivity of 3298 ± 167 S/m were obtained. The presented approach provides a new pathway to understand the interaction of GO and nanocellulose, and to design macroscopic, assembled and functionalized architectures of GO and nanocellulose composites

    Microscopia de varredura por sonda aplicada a materiais biológicos

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    Orientador: Mônica Alonso CottaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb WataghinResumo: Apresentamos nesta dissertação o estudo realizado em cristais de proteínas e membranas modelo (bicamadas lipídicas) utilizando microscopia de força atômica (AFM) como principal técnica de análise. Para os cristais de proteína foram adquiridas imagens topográficas e óticas com a finalidade de obtermos maiores informações sobre o processo de cristalização dos mesmos. No caso das membranas modelo investigamos sua interação com o anestésico local dibucaína (DBC) através de imagens de topografia e fase durante a adição gradual da DBC à solução em contato com a bicamada, além de medidas adicionais de cinética de adsorção e elasticidade. Os cristais de proteína forma preparados pelo método de difusão de vapor em gota posicionada. Para a realização das imagens dos cristais em sua solução de crescimento (altamente viscosa) foi desenvolvida uma metodologia com a finalidade de evitar o amortecimento da vibração da alavanca. Imagens topográficas do cristal de proteína da bactéria patogênica Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) mostraram que a técnica de AFM permite avaliar o grau de ordem cristalina, bem como a existência de defeitos. No cristal da proteína da bactéria Xylella Fastidiosa, foi observada a presença de uma superfície suave com alguns terraços e degraus com altura de aproximadamente 3nm. Também foram observadas formações anisotrópicas na superfície do cristal, em forma de nanofios, sugerindo uma rota diferente de cristalização em condições de baixa concentração de proteína. A partir dessa observação, variamos as condições de crescimento, revelando mudanças significativas nas taxas de crescimento ao longo das diferentes direções do cristal que favoreciam o aumento da anisotropia de forma. As bicamadas lipídicas foram preparadas a partir dos fosfolipídios: fosfatidilcolina de ovo (EPC) e dimiristoilfosfatidilcolina (DMPC) pelo método de fusão de vesículas. Imagens de topografia e fase foram adquiridas por AFM, tanto para caracterização topográfica, bem como para observação da ação da DBC (adicionada gradualmente durante a aquisição) sobre a bicamada. As imagens AFM mostram que as bicamadas EPC se formam em domínios sobre a mica e não apresentam um formato típico nem distribuição uniforme. Por outro lado, bicamadas de DMPC se formam em domínios extensos com multi camadas e de maneira mais homogênea quando comparadas com as bicamadas de EPC. No caso da EPC, observamos a ação da DBC em função do aumento de sua concentração e ao longo do tempo. A seqüência de imagens topográficas mostra o desaparecimento de arranjos lipídicos com o aumento da concentração de DBC. Também observamos que para concentrações elevadas (5mM) o efeito da DBC na membrana é muito drástico. Já para bicamadas de DMPC, observamos as alterações morfológicas para única concentração de DBC (5mM) ao longo do tempo. Neste caso, apesar da concentração elevada, o desaparecimento das bicamadas ocorreu lentamente em comparação com as bicamadas de EPC. Em ambos os casos, as imagens de fase mostram alterações na superfície da bicamada, indicando a alterações nas propriedades elásticas da bicamada na presença de DBC. Medidas de cinética de adsorção e elasticidade superficiais em monocamadas destes lipídios na presença de DBC pelo método de gota pendente corroboram esta hipóteseAbstract: In this work we report the study on protein crystallization mechanisms and the interaction of local anesthetic dibucaine (DBC) with lipids domains in model membranes by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). We have also used optical microscopy for crystals analysis as well as adsorption kinetics and elasticity measurements for the dibucaine-membrane interaction. Crystallized proteins were prepared by the sitting drop vapor diffusion method. Experimental procedures were developed for imaging the crystal in the very viscous solution where they grow, in order to prevent strong dampening of the cantilever vibration. Topographic images of the protein crystal of the pathogenic bacterium Mycobacterium Tuberculosis show that AFM can provide an evaluation of the crystalline quality and information on existing defects. Moreover, protein crystals of the phytopathogenic bacterium Xylella Fastidiosa were more thoroughly analyzed. The AFM topography of this protein crystal shows smooth surfaces with terraces and step edges about ~3nm high. We also observed anisotropic structures on the surface (nanowires), indicating a possible different route for crystallization at lower protein supersaturations. Based on this interpretation, we have changed growth conditions, thus altering growth rates along the different directions and obtaining a more anisotropic crystal shape. Supported egg phosphatidylcholine (EPC) and dimyristoylfosfatidylcholine (DMPC) were formed on mica using the vesicle fusion method. Topography and phase images were acquired on the lipid membrane in the absence or presence of DBC. The AFM images show irregularly distributed and sized EPC domains on mica. On the other hand, DMPC formation presents extensive bilayer (on mica) with multi-bilayer domains. For EPC bilayers, we have observed a progressive decrease in size of the original EPC domains with increasing DBC concentration. At higher concentrations (5mM), the DBC effect was more drastic, causing disruption of the EPC bilayer. In the DMPC bilayer case, at 5mM DBC concentration, we observed a progressive disruption of the domains with time, but more slowly than in the EPC case. In both cases, phase images show the formation of small structures on the bilayer surface, indicating changes in the elastic properties of the bilayers when DBC is present. Adsorption kinetics and elasticity measurements of EPC and DMPC monolayers in the presence of DBC by pendant drop method confirm this hypothesis. A discussion of possible mechanisms for these effects is presentedMestradoFísicaMestre em Físic

    Investigation on physico-chemical processes during adhesion and biofilm development of Xylella fastidiosa

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    Orientador: Mônica Alonso CottaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb WataghinResumo: Apresentamos nesta tese uma investigação dos processos físico-químicos da adesão e desenvolvimento de biofilmes da bactéria fitopatogênica Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) em diferentes superfícies. Este estudo visa corroborar ou complementar diferentes aspectos dos modelos atualmente em discussão para biofilmes bacterianos, além de, num caráter tecnológico, fornecer subsídios para um eventual controle da formação dos biofilmes de Xf. Para isso utilizamos uma abordagem diferenciada à comumente empregada em biologia - e mais próxima à ciência dos materiais - visando isolar e quantificar a relevância dos parâmetros que contribuem na formação de um biofilme em diferentes superfícies, tentando aproximá-las do xilema da planta. Nossos resultados mostram uma semelhança de desenvolvimento (forma, tamanho e quantidade) nos biofilmes de Xf cultivados em superfícies de vidro e Si, e um melhor desenvolvimento dos biofilmes em Si do que nas superfícies de etil celulose, EC, e acetato de celulose, AC. De um ponto de vista fenomenológico, os biofilmes apresentam diferentes estruturas, taxa de desenvolvimento e tendências na expressão gênica entre superfícies com e sem presença de celulose derivatizada. Na caracterização das superfícies utilizadas consideramos o efeito do meio de cultura em suas propriedades. Nas superfícies de vidro e Si, constatamos a formação de um filme condicionante devido à adsorção dos constituintes deste meio. O grau de hidrofobicidade das superfícies de vidro e Si diminui significativamente após contato com o meio de cultura enquanto as superfícies de celulose derivatizada apresentam pouca (EC) ou nenhuma alteração (AC); observamos também um aumento do potencial de superfície (PS) para Si e EC e, ainda, uma diminuição de PS em AC. Estas evidências sugerem uma correlação entre PS mais altos e grau de hidrofobicidade baixos com a presença de biofilmes de Xf em maior número e tamanho. Além disso, medidas de espectroscopia de força utilizando ponta funcionalizada com a proteína de adesão XadA1 evidenciam também um comportamento distinto na superfície de AC. Estes resultados apontam para a importância da interação eletrostática no processo inicial de adesão da bactérias às superfícies estudadas. Por fim, a presença de material extracelular ao redor dos biofilmes e células de Xf em superfícies de vidro e Si foi observada indicando a presença de uma matriz exopolimérica protetora. Espectroscopia de infravermelho mostra a presença de polissacarídeos ¿ constituinte da matriz polimérica ¿ desde o estágio inicial de formação do biofilme, indicando uma possível contribuição dessa matriz para o processo de adesão que precede o desenvolvimento do biofilmeAbstract: In this work, we report an investigation on relevant physicochemical processes of bacterial surface adhesion and biofilm development for the phytopathogen Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) on different surfaces. This study aims to corroborate or supplement different aspects of the bacterial biofilms models currently under discussion and, in a technological point of view, provides experimental input for an eventual control of Xf biofilm formation. For this purpose, we have used an approach not commonly found in biology ¿ and more similar to materials science ¿ in order to isolate and quantify the relevance of the parameters that contribute to the formation of a biofilm on different surfaces, as well as trying to make these surfaces closer to the plant xylem. Our results show a similar development (shape, size and quantity) for Xf biofilms grown on Si and glass surfaces, and an improved development of biofilms grown on Si than on ethyl cellulose, EC, and cellulose acetate, AC. Under a phenomenological point of view, biofilms present different structures, rate of development and trends in gene expression between surfaces with and without the presence of derivatized cellulose. In order to characterize the surfaces, we considered the effect of culture medium on their properties. In Si and glass surfaces, we observe the formation of a conditioning film due to adsorption of the constituents of the culture medium. The degree of hydrophobicity of glass and Si surfaces decreases significantly after contact with this medium. On the other hand, cellulose derivatized surfaces present lower (EC) or no (AC) modifications of this property. In addition, we observed an increase in the surface potential (SP) for Si and EC and also a SP decrease for AC. These evidences suggest a correlation between higher SP values and lower degree of hydrophobicity with the presence of biofilms of Xf in larger numbers and size. Furthermore, force spectroscopy measurements using a functionalized tip with the adhesion protein XadA1 also show a different behavior on the AC surface. These results reveal the importance of electrostatic interaction in the initial bacterial adhesion for the surfaces studied here. Finally, the presence of extracellular material around the Xf cells and biofilms on glass and Si surfaces was observed indicating the presence of a protective exopolymeric matrix. Infrared spectroscopy shows the presence of polysaccharides - a constituent of the polymeric matrix - from the very initial stages of biofilm formation, indicating a possible contribution of this matrix for the adhesion process which precedes biofilm developmentDoutoradoBiofísicaDoutora em Ciência

    Portable cyber-physical system for indoor and outdoor gas sensing

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    Abstract A design, development and testing process for a cyber-physical system capable of versatile gas sensor measurement is described. Two approaches for the system are proposed; a stationary system for calibration and testing in laboratory environments and a portable system with wireless capability. The device utilizes a well-established Arduino microcontroller as well as a Raspberry Pi single board computer. The functionality is realized with C and Python programming languages. The operability is validated by system performance evaluation in the mixture of air and hydrogen gas, using both commercial and experimental Taguchi-type metal oxide semiconductor sensors. The experimental sensors are fabricated by inkjet printing platinum decorated tungsten oxide nanoparticles onto an electrode pattern on a silicon substrate which is then wire bonded to a chip carrier. The measurement platform demonstrated in our paper provides rapid prototyping capabilities for evaluating novel gas sensor materials in realistic measurement scenario

    Self-assembly of graphene oxide and cellulose nanocrystals into continuous filament via interfacial nanoparticle complexation

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    Abstract The present work demonstrates the spinning of conductive filaments from oppositely charged nano-scale entities, i.e., cationic cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) and anionic graphene oxide (GO), via interfacial nanoparticle complexation. Especially, the role of CNC and GO concentration in filament formation was investigated. Moreover, the chemical structure, morphology and composition of formed CNC/GO composite filaments were further characterized. The positively charged CNC formed firstly a complex film with negatively charged GO flake and then the complexed structures were further assembled into macroscale hybrid filament (diameter about 20 to 50 μm). After chemical reduction of the hybrid filament, conductive filaments with an average tensile strength of 109 ± 8 MPa and electrical conductivity of 3298 ± 167 S/m were obtained. The presented approach provides a new pathway to understand the interaction of GO and nanocellulose, and to design macroscopic, assembled and functionalized architectures of GO and nanocellulose composites

    Grid-type transparent conductive thin films of carbon nanotubes as capacitive touch sensors

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    <p>This dataset contains the measurement data for figures (graphs) published in journal article:</p><p>Grid-type transparent conductive thin films of carbon nanotubes as capacitive touch sensors</p><p>by Ronja Valasma, Eva Bozo, Olli Pitkänen, Topias Järvinen, Aron Dombovari, Melinda Mohl, Gabriela Simone Lorite, Janos Kiss, Zoltan Konya and Krisztian Kordas</p><p>Published 11 May 2020 • © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd</p><p>Nanotechnology, Volume 31, Number 30</p><p>Citation:  Ronja Valasma et al 2020 Nanotechnology 31 305303</p><p>DOI 10.1088/1361-6528/ab8590</p&gt

    Nonlinear electronic transport and enhanced catalytic behavior caused by native oxides on Cu nanowires

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    Abstract Electrical transport properties of individual nanowires (both in axial and transversal directions) and their random networks suggest rapid oxidation when Cu is exposed to ambient conditions. The oxidation process is elucidated by thorough XRD, XPS and Raman analyzes conducted for a period of 30 days. Based on the obtained experimental data, we may conclude that first, cuprous oxide and copper hydroxide form that finally transform to cupric oxide. In electrical applications, oxidation of copper is not a true problem as long as thin films or bulk metal is concerned. However, as highlighted in our work, this is not the case for nanowires, since the oxidized surface plays quite important role in the contact formation and also in the conduction of percolated nanowire networks. On the other hand, by taking advantage of the mixed surface oxide states present on the nanowires along with their large specific surface area, we tested and found excellent catalytic activity of the oxidized nanowires in phenol oxidation, which suggests further applications of these materials in catalysis