105 research outputs found

    Prozessmanagement für die Spitalgastronomie

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    Nicht-medizinische Supportleistungen in Spitälern - ein Bereich im Wandel und... : das Institut für Facility Management befindet sich mittendrin

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    Wie das Gesundheitswesen insgesamt, ist auch der nicht-medizinische Bereich in den Spitälern stark in Bewegung geraten. Nicht nur werden durch den Kostendruck Prozesse und Leistungen hinterfragt, sondern auch Tätigkeitsfelder durch das Zusammenwachsen von Disziplinen neu diskutiert. So wird unter anderem die Datenverfügbarkeit und -automatisierung durch die Digitalisierung verlangt und der nachhaltige Ressourceneinsatz gefordert

    Spiders associated with the meadow and tree canopies of orchards respond differently to habitat fragmentation

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    The response of animal communities to habitat quality and fragmentation may vary depending on microhabitat associations of species. For example, sensitivity of species to woody habitat fragmentation should increase with their degree of association with woody plants. We investigated effects of local and landscape factors on spider communities in different microhabitats within Swiss apple orchards. We expected a stronger negative effect of woody habitat fragmentation on spiders inhabiting tree canopies compared to spiders living in the meadow. The 30 orchards that we sampled varied in woody habitat amount and isolation at landscape and patch scales. Local factors included management intensity and plant diversity. Spiders associated with meadow were affected by plant diversity, but not by fragmentation. In contrast, spiders associated with canopies responded to isolation from other woody habitats. Surprisingly, we found both positive and negative effects of habitat isolation on local abundance. This indicates that differences in dispersal and/or biotic interactions shape the specific response to habitat isolation. The relative importance of local and landscape factors was in accordance with the microhabitat of the spiders. Thus, considering microhabitat associations can be important for identifying processes that would be overlooked if sampling were pooled for the whole habita

    Loss of plant biodiversity eliminates stimulatory effect of elevated CO2 on earthworm activity in grasslands

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    Earthworms are among the world's most important ecosystem engineers because of their effects on soil fertility and plant productivity. Their dependence on plants for carbon, however, means that any changes in plant community structure or function caused by rising atmospheric CO2 or loss of plant species diversity could affect earthworm activity, which may feed back on plant communities. Production of surface casts measured during three consecutive years in field experimental plots (n=24, 1.2m2) planted with local calcareous grassland species that varied in plant species richness (diversity levels: high, 31 species; medium, 12; low, 5) and were exposed to ambient (356μl CO2 l−1) or elevated (600μl CO2 l−1) CO2 was only consistently stimulated in high diversity plots exposed to elevated CO2 (+120%, 31 spp: 603±52 under ambient CO2 vs. 1,325±204g cast dwt. m−2year−1 under elevated CO2 in 1996; +77%, 940±44 vs. 1,663±204g cast dwt. m−2year−1 in 1998). Reductions in plant diversity had little effect on cast production in ecosystems maintained at ambient CO2, but the stimulatory effect of elevated CO2 on cast production disappeared when plant species diversity was decreased to 12 and 5 species. High diversity plots were also the only communities that included plant species that an earlier field study showed to be among the most responsive to elevated CO2 and to be most preferred by earthworms to deposit casts near. Further, the +87% CO2-induced increase in cast production measured over the 3years corresponded to a parallel increase in cumulative total nitrogen of 5.7gNm−2 and would help explain the large stimulation of aboveground plant biomass production observed in high-diversity communities under elevated CO2. The results of this study demonstrate how the loss of plant species from communities can alter responses of major soil heterotrophs and consequently ecosystem biogeochemistr

    Vascular plants as surrogates of butterfly and grasshopper diversity on two Swiss subalpine summer pastures

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    Summer pastures in the Swiss Alps are currently affected by land-use changes that cause a decrease in biodiversity. Although these habitats make up one-third of the whole Swiss agricultural area, direct payments dedicated to support their management are very low. Current political instruments do not support efforts to conserve the biodiversity in these areas, but a vegetation-based approach such as the one implemented in the permanently utilized agricultural areas is under discussion. However, available studies evaluating the surrogate value of vascular plants for other (particularly animal) taxa have yielded inconsistent results, and very few have been conducted in habitats at high elevations. We investigated the extent to which vascular plants are adequate surrogates for butterfly and grasshopper diversity, examining the congruence of species richness and community similarity in two heterogeneous subalpine pastures in the Swiss Alps. Results at the species richness level (Spearman's rank correlation) varied widely according to the study site and taxa assessed. In contrast, at the community similarity level (Procrustean randomization tests with Bray-Curtis similarity), congruencies between vascular plant and invertebrate taxa were generally highly significant. We therefore recommend the use of community similarity as a basis for estimating biodiversity patterns. Our results suggest that conservation measures aimed primarily at enhancing the floristic diversity of subalpine grasslands are also likely to benefit butterfly and grasshopper diversity, at least at the local scal

    Wingless-related integration site (WNT) signaling is activated during the inflammatory response upon cardiac surgery: A translational study

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    ObjectiveCardiac surgery and the use of cardiopulmonary bypass initiate a systemic inflammatory response. Wingless-related integration site (WNT) signaling is part of the innate immunity and has been attributed a major role in the regulation of inflammation. In preclinical research, WNT-5a may sustain an inflammatory response and cause endothelial dysfunction. Our aim was to investigate WNT signaling after cardiac surgery and its association with postoperative inflammation (Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT04058496).MethodsIn this prospective, single-center, observational study, 64 consecutive patients for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) ± valve surgery were assigned into three groups: off-pump CABG (n = 28), on-pump CABG (n = 16) and combined valve-CABG surgery (n = 20). Blood samples were acquired before surgery, at intensive care unit (ICU) admission and 4, 8, and 48 h thereafter. Plasma concentrations of WNT-5a and its antagonists Secreted frizzled-related protein 1 (sFRP-1), Secreted frizzled-related protein 5 (sFRP-5), and WNT inhibitory factor 1 (WIF-1) were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In addition, plasma concentrations of six inflammatory cytokines were measured by multiplex immunoassay. Parameters were analyzed for evolution of plasma concentration over time, interactions, intergroup differences, and association with clinical outcome parameters.ResultsAt baseline, WNT-5a, sFRP-1, and WIF-1 were present in a minimal concentration, while sFRP-5 was elevated. A higher baseline value of WNT-5a, sFRP-5, and WIF-1 resulted in higher subsequent values of the respective parameter. At ICU admission, WNT-5a and sFRP-5 reached their maximum and minimum value, respectively. WIF-1 decreased over time and was lowest 8 h after surgery. sFRP-1 changed minimally over time. While WNT-5a returned to the baseline within 48 h, sFRP-5 and WIF-1 did not reach their baseline value at 48 h. Of the investigated WNT system components, only WIF-1 partially reflected the severity of surgery. WNT-5a and WIF-1 had an impact on postoperative fluid balance and noradrenaline requirement.ConclusionWNT-5a, sFRP-5, and WIF-1 are part of the systemic inflammatory response after cardiac surgery. WNT-5a peaks immediately after cardiac surgery and returns to baseline within 48 h, presumably modulated by its antagonist sFRP-5. Based on this translational study, WNT-5a antagonism may be further investigated to assess potentially beneficial effects in patients with a dysregulated inflammation after cardiac surgery

    Handbuch mobile Frühstücksverpflegung

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    V1.0_Winter_2016/2017 Weitere Informationen unter: https://www.zhaw.ch/de/lsfm/institute-zentren/ifm/ueber-uns/hospitality-management-und-consumer-fm/fm-in-healthcare/spitalgastronomie

    Handbuch mobile Frühstücksverpflegung

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    Version 2.0_Frühling_2018 Weitere Informationen unter: https://www.zhaw.ch/de/lsfm/institute-zentren/ifm/ueber-uns/hospitality-management-und-consumer-fm/fm-in-healthcare/spitalgastronomie

    Evaluation der Ökomassnahmen: Bereich Biodiversität

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    1993 führte der Bund ökologische Direktzahlungen ein; seit 1999 ist die Erbringung des ökologischen Leistungsnachweises (ÖLN) durch die Landwirtschaftsbetriebe die Voraussetzung zum Bezug von Direktzahlungen. Heute werden 97 % der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzfläche nach den Regeln des ÖLN bewirtschaftet. Die wichtigste Massnahme des ÖLN, welche einen Einfluss auf die Biodiversität hat, ist, dass die Betriebe 7 % ihrer landwirtschaftlichen Nutzfläche (LN) als ökologische Ausgleichsflächen (öAF) auszuweisen haben (bei Spezialkulturen 3,5 %). Weitere Anforderungen des ÖLN (ausgeglichene Nährstoffbilanz, geregelte Fruchtfolge, Bodenschutz, gezielter Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln, tiergerechte Haltung der Nutztiere) können ebenfalls einen Einfluss haben, stehen jedoch weniger im Vordergrund