3,184 research outputs found

    Demand System Estimations and Welfare Comparisons: Application to Indian Household Data

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    In this study, we explore the relationship between the rank of a demand system and the estimation results both in terms of consumption behaviour and more importantly in terms of welfare analysis. Money-metric utility levels given by equivalent expenditures are taken as welfare indicators for calculating poverty and inequality measures as they incorporate substitution effects due to relative price changes. Estimations are carried out using relevant data concerning Indian households (rural and urban) collected from nation-wide surveys conducted by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO). We find that although the specification does play an important role in the economic explanation of consumer behaviour with some models being more suited than others depending on the pattern of consumption, welfare comparisons do not change significantly from one model specification to the other. On the other hand, there are notable differences between results based on estimated equivalent expenditures and those based on observed real expenditures.Demand system estimation, household surveys, poverty, inequality, India.

    Spatial Distribution of Welfare Across States and Different Socio-Economic Groups in Rural and Urban India

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    In this paper we examine the incidence of poverty and inequality across different States and socio-economic groups in order to get a spatial picture of welfare distribution in India. Our welfare indicator is the money-metric measure of utility represented by the equivalent expenditure incorporating substitution effects due to price changes. The indicator was derived by estimating separate demand systems for rural and urban using NSS 55 data. This in turn allowed us to compute different poverty and inequality measures based on these equivalent expenditures and carry out our comparative analysis. We calculated these measures for the major States of India, for different religious groups, according to household type (the type of activity) and according to some social criteria like the level of education of the household head and the type of family structure, separately for both the urban and rural sectors. Results are analysed in detail bringing out interesting features, comparisons and interpretations accompanied by plausible explanations. Further it is also shown that ignoring substitution effects and simply using deflated expenditures may not only alter the estimates of poverty and inequality but also the relative performances across regions and groups.Demand system estimation, household surveys, poverty, inequality, India.

    Effects on Interpretation Bias, Mood, and Physical Tension During Mobile Device Usage: An Examination of Slumped, Upright, and Lying Down Postures

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of posture on interpretation bias, mood, and physical tension when using a mobile device. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: sitting slumped, sitting upright, or lying down. They were then asked to unscramble emotional and neutral sentences to measure interpretation bias. Self-reported measurements were used to measure mood and physical tension. No significant differences were found in the type of sentence unscrambled when sitting slumped and upright. When lying down, participants unscrambled fewer neutral sentences compared to emotional sentences. Physical tension was found to mediate the relationship between posture (slumped and upright) and mood. The results of this study provide insight into possible confounding variables influencing the relationship between posture and mood. Additionally, we showed that emotional content is processed differently compared to neutral content when lying down. Further research is needed to understand how psychological well-being is affected by physical tension caused by posture when using a mobile device

    Una nueva perspectiva de interacción entre los Derechos Humanos y el Derecho Internacional Humanitario: El uso de medios menos nocivos como un principio que gobierna los conflictos armados

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    During times of war, the relationship between International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law has always been controversial, and has generally been solved by prioritizing the rules of the former and minimizing the application of the latter’s. In practice, this has translated into insufficient standards of protection for individuals and, more specifically, into the endorsement of an unrestrained right to kill enemy combatants. This paper suggests a novel approach to this regime interaction: the application of International Human Rights Law during wartime should serve as an interpretative tool of International Humanitarian Law rules, strengthening the safeguards offered by the latter and, thus, better respecting the rights of individuals during hostilities. Regarding the right to life, this interpretation would require to abandon the idea of a right to kill opponents and, instead, demand that least harmful means be employed during military operations, when possible. Lethal force should be allowed only in cases where military necessity justifies it, henceforth avoiding causing individuals more harm than that strictly required. The purpose of this article is not to advocate for a prohibition of killing combatants –as the nature of armed conflicts would render that rule unattainable– ; it is, however, to establish a principle capable of guiding combatants’ behaviour towards a more humane conduct of hostilities.Durante un conflicto armado, la interacción entre el Derecho Internacional Humanitario y el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos ha sido siempre controversial y, por lo general, ha sido resuelto priorizando las reglas derivadas del primero y minimizando la aplicación de las del segundo. En la práctica, esto se ha traducido en estándares insuficientes de protección a los individuos y, más específicamente, en la aceptación de un irrestricto derecho a matar de los combatientes hacia sus enemigos. No obstante, este artículo sugiere un enfoque novedoso de interacción entre estos dos regímenes: el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos debería servir como una herramienta de interpretación de las normas del Derecho Internacional Humanitario, con el fin de fortalecer el nivel de protección disponible en las normas de este último y lograr así la garantía efectiva de los derechos de los individuos durante las hostilidades. Con respecto al derecho a la vida, esta interpretación requeriría el abandono de la idea del derecho a matar y, en su lugar, requerir el uso de medios menos nocivos durante las operaciones militares, cuando sea posible. El recurrir a fuerza letal debería ser permitido únicamente en aquellos casos en que la necesidad militar lo justifique, de manera que se evite causar a los individuos más daño del estrictamente requerido. El propósito de este artículo no es propugnar una prohibición absoluta de matar a los combatientes enemigos –pues la naturaleza de los conflictos armados tornaría inalcanzable una regla de esas características–; sin embargo, sí es establecer un principio capaz de guiar la conducta de los combatientes hacia una conducción de hostilidades más humana

    Percepción de la autoimagen de la mujer mastectomizada y necesidad de reconstrucción mamaria, instituto regional de enfermedades neoplásicas - Norte, 2019

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    La presente investigación es cuantitativa, descriptiva, correlacional, de corte transversal, se realizó durante el año 2019, con el objetivo de determinar la relación que existe entre la percepción de la autoimagen de la mujer mastectomizada y la necesidad de reconstrucción mamaria, Instituto Regional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas – Norte. Los sujetos de investigación fueron 35 mujeres mastectomizadas a las cuales se les aplicó un instrumento tipo escala de Likert que mide percepción de la autoimagen y un cuestionario que mide la necesidad de reconstrucción mamaria. Los resultados evidencian que el 94.3% de mujeres mastectomizadas tienen una percepción desfavorable de su autoimagen y el 5.7% tienen una percepción favorable; 88.6% de mujeres mastectomizadas tiene necesidad de reconstrucción mamaria y 11.4% no tienen esta necesidad; existe relación altamente significativa entre la percepción de la autoimagen de la mujer mastectomizada y la necesidad de reconstrucción mamaria X2 = 3.12 p < 0.05.This research is quantitative, descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional, was carried out during the year 2019, with the objective of determining the relationship between the perception of the self-image of mastectomized women and the need for breast reconstruction, Regional Institute of Neoplastic Diseases - North. The research subjects were 35 mastectomized women to whom a Likert scale instrument was applied that measures self-image perception and a questionnaire that measures the need for breast reconstruction. The results show that 94.3% of mastectomized women have an unfavorable perception of their self-image and 5.7% have a favorable perception; 88.6% of mastectomized women need breast reconstruction and 11.4% do not have this need; There is a highly significant relationship between the perception of the self-image of the mastectomized woman and the need for breast reconstruction X2 = 3.12 p <0.05.Tesis de segunda especialida

    Prevención del consumo de drogas en contextos escolares de vulnerabilidad social

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    El presente trabajo pretende determinar las principales causas y factores que provocan el consumo de drogas en la población de alumnos de 4to año de secundaria de la escuela 4-028 Paula Albarracín de Sarmiento, del departamento de Maipú, Mendoza en el segundo semestre de 2015. Además de identificar las opiniones de los alumnos sobre drogodependencia, se intenta saber cuál es la información que poseen sobre adicciones e identificar cómo influye el contexto de vulnerabilidad en el que viven. Es un estudio de tipo cualitativo y cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal. La muestra tomada es un total de 20 alumnos de dicho curso de ambos sexos de entre 16 y 19 años de edad, los cuales respondieron una encuesta.Fil: Algañaras, Anabel. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Algañaras, Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Flores, Belén. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    Catastrophic Medical Expenditure Risk

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    Medical expenditure risk can pose a major threat to living standards. We derive decomposable measures of catastrophic medical expenditure risk from reference-dependent utility with loss aversion. We propose a quantile regression based method of estimating risk exposure from cross-section data containing information on the means of financing health payments. We estimate medical expenditure risk in seven Asian countries and find it is highest in Laos and China, and is lowest in Malaysia. Exposure to risk is generally higher for households that have less recourse to self-insurance, lower incomes, wealth and education, and suffer from chronic illness

    Mexican journals of educational research towards mainstream dissemination of science

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the Electronic Journal of Educational Research (REDIE) on its path towards the common manner of scientific dissemination. This research presents the evolution of Mexican policy with regards to the journals, the situation of the Educational Research Mexican journals, and its profundity relating to REDIE. In its evolution, there were three moments that stood out the most: the standardization of quality criteria, the digitalization and open access of the scientific journals, those that came together with REDIE like REDALYC and LATINDEX , and the individual initiatives of those journals that motivated the development of the scientific dissemination in Mexico. The investigation concludes with the realization of the necessity of achieving agreement on the efforts of various principal actors: governmental bodies, institutions, and academic communities

    Humanistic leadership and support for the sustainable development goals

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    Purpose: This study aims to use humanistic management theory to examine the conceptual space of leaders who support sustainable development goals (SDGs) within their organizations. Design/methodology/approach: This study analyzes interviews with four Iberoamerican leaders conducted by the creating emerging markets project at Harvard Business School. This study’s results show a range of humanistic management principles across the four leaders, coinciding with varying support for the SDGs. This study discusses the impact of cultural values on these differences. Findings: This study finds leaders who embrace all four humanistic management principles also supported a greater number of SDGs and an increased variety of SDGs. This study’s findings support the three overarching dimensions uncovered by previous research into champions in other organizational domains, including gender equality and health. These three dimensions are depth of embracement, scope of embracement and leverage of engagement. Originality/value: The authors’ hope is that this study will help further the discussion of how organizations can contribute to the 17 SDGs

    Calidad de atención y grado de satisfacción de pacientes hospitalizados en el Instituto Regional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas – Trujillo 2020

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    La investigación titulada Calidad de atención y grado de satisfacción de pacientes hospitalizados en el Instituto Regional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas – Trujillo 2020. Tuvo como objetivo: Determinar si existe relación entre la calidad de atención y el grado de satisfacción de pacientes hospitalizados en el Instituto Regional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas – Trujillo 2020. Fue no experimental, cuantitativa, transversal, descriptivo - correlacional. La muestra fue de 55 pacientes oncológicos del Instituto Regional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas seleccionados por criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Los instrumentos de recolección de datos que se utilizaron fueron dos cuestionarios con escala ordinal, se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación de Rho Spearman para saber si existe relación entre las variables de estudio y sus dimensiones. A manera de resultados se obtuvo un 0.977** en la prueba de Rho Spearman para la contrastación de la hipótesis general; la primera y tercera hipótesis especificas mostraron un 0,977** y un 0.958** para la segunda hipótesis especifica. Por tal motivo se concluye que si existe relación entre las dos variables de estudio y si existe relación entre las dimensiones de la variable calidad de atención y la variable grado de satisfacción