25 research outputs found

    Emergence of inflationary perturbations in the CSL model

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    The inflationary paradigm is the most successful model that explains the observed spectrum of primordial perturbations. However, the precise emergence of such inhomogeneities and the quantum-to-classical transition of the perturbations has not yet reached a consensus among the community. The Continuous Spontaneous Localization model (CSL), in the cosmological context, might be used to provide a solution to the mentioned issues by considering a dynamical reduction of the wave function. The CSL model has been applied to the inflationary universe before and different conclusions have been obtained. In this letter, we use a different approach to implement the CSL model during inflation. In particular, in addition to accounting for the quantum-to-classical transition, we use the CSL model to generate the primordial perturbations, that is, the dynamical evolution provided by the CSL model is responsible for the transition from a homogeneous and isotropic initial state to a final one lacking such symmetries. Our approach leads to results that can be clearly distinguished from preceding works. Specifically, the scalar and tensor power spectra are not time-dependent, and retains the amplification mechanism of the CSL model. Moreover, our framework depends only on one parameter (the CSL parameter) and its value is consistent with cosmological and laboratory observations.Comment: 14 pages. Final version. To be published in EPJ

    Quasi-matter bounce and inflation in the light of the CSL model

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    The Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) model has been proposed as a possible solution to the quantum measurement problem by modifying the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. In this work, we apply the CSL model to two cosmological models of the early Universe: the matter bounce scenario and slow roll inflation. In particular, we focus on the generation of the classical primordial inhomogeneities and anisotropies that arise from the dynamical evolution, provided by the CSL mechanism, of the quantum state associated to the quantum fields. In each case, we obtained a prediction for the shape and the parameters characterizing the primordial spectra (scalar and tensor), i.e. the amplitude, the spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio. We found that there exist CSL parameter values, allowed by other non-cosmological experiments, for which our predictions for the angular power spectrum of the CMB temperature anisotropy are consistent with the best fit canonical model to the latest data released by the Planck Collaboration.Comment: 27 pages, including 6 figures, 2 tables and one Appendix. Final version. Accepted in EPJ

    On the quantum description of the early universe

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    Why is it interesting to try to understand the origin of the universe? Everything we observe today, including our existence, arose from that event. Although we still do not have a theory that allows us to describe the origin itself, the study of the very early era of the universe involves the ideal terrain to analyze the interface between two of today's most successful physical theories, General Relativity and Quantum physics. But it is also an area in which we have a large number of observational data to test our theoretical ideas. Two of the fathers of Quantum physics, Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg, shared some thoughts that could be described with these words: "Quantum physics tells us that there is a line between the observed and the observer, and therefore science should be limited to what is observed. We must give up a complete, objective and realistic theory of the world". This article will orbit around these ideas and summarizes how it is that today, from recent works, we are in a position to try to challenge them (at least in part) through cosmology, seeking the quantum description of the early universe.Comment: 9 page

    Novel vacuum conditions in inflationary collapse models

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    Within the framework of inflationary models that incorporate a spontaneous reduction of the wave function for the emergence of the seeds of cosmic structure, we study the effects on the primordial scalar power spectrum by choosing a novel initial quantum state that characterizes the perturbations of the inflaton. Specifically, we investigate under which conditions one can recover an essentially scale free spectrum of primordial inhomogeneities when the standard Bunch–Davies vacuum is replaced by another one that minimizes the renormalized stress–energy tensor via a Hadamard procedure. We think that this new prescription for selecting the vacuum state is better suited for the self-induced collapse proposal than the traditional one in the semiclassical gravity picture. We show that the parametrization for the time of collapse, considered in previous works, is maintained. Also, we obtain an angular spectrum for the CMB temperature anisotropies consistent with the one that best fits the observational data. Therefore, we conclude that the collapse mechanism might be of a more fundamental character than previously suspected.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Novel vacuum conditions in inflationary collapse models

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    Within the framework of inflationary models that incorporate a spontaneous reduction of the wave function for the emergence of the seeds of cosmic structure, we study the effects on the primordial scalar power spectrum by choosing a novel initial quantum state that characterizes the perturbations of the inflaton. Specifically, we investigate under which conditions one can recover an essentially scale free spectrum of primordial inhomogeneities when the standard Bunch–Davies vacuum is replaced by another one that minimizes the renormalized stress–energy tensor via a Hadamard procedure. We think that this new prescription for selecting the vacuum state is better suited for the self-induced collapse proposal than the traditional one in the semiclassical gravity picture. We show that the parametrization for the time of collapse, considered in previous works, is maintained. Also, we obtain an angular spectrum for the CMB temperature anisotropies consistent with the one that best fits the observational data. Therefore, we conclude that the collapse mechanism might be of a more fundamental character than previously suspected.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    A clarification on prevailing misconceptions in unimodular gravity

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    The traditional presentation of Unimodular Gravity (UG) consists on indicating that it is an alternative theory of gravity that restricts the generic diffeomorphism invariance of General Relativity. In particular, as often encountered in the literature, unlike General Relativity, Unimodular Gravity is invariant solely under volume-preserving diffeomorphisms. That characterization of UG has led to some confusion and incorrect statements in various treatments on the subject. For instance, sometimes it is claimed (mistakenly) that only spacetime metrics such that |det gμν=1g_{\mu \nu}| = 1 can be considered as valid solutions of the theory. Additionally, that same (incorrect) statement is often invoked to argue that some particular gauges (e.g. the Newtonian or synchronous gauge) are not allowed when dealing with cosmological perturbation theory in UG. The present article is devoted to clarify those and other misconceptions regarding the notion of diffeomorphism invariance, in general, and its usage in the context of UG, in particular.Comment: 21 pages + Refs, 2 figure

    Novel vacuum conditions in inflationary collapse models

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    Within the framework of inflationary models that incorporate a spontaneous reduction of the wave function for the emergence of the seeds of cosmic structure, we study the effects on the primordial scalar power spectrum by choosing a novel initial quantum state that characterizes the perturbations of the inflaton. Specifically, we investigate under which conditions one can recover an essentially scale free spectrum of primordial inhomogeneities when the standard Bunch–Davies vacuum is replaced by another one that minimizes the renormalized stress–energy tensor via a Hadamard procedure. We think that this new prescription for selecting the vacuum state is better suited for the self-induced collapse proposal than the traditional one in the semiclassical gravity picture. We show that the parametrization for the time of collapse, considered in previous works, is maintained. Also, we obtain an angular spectrum for the CMB temperature anisotropies consistent with the one that best fits the observational data. Therefore, we conclude that the collapse mechanism might be of a more fundamental character than previously suspected.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica