57 research outputs found

    Stabilised hybrid discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Stokes problem with non-standard boundary conditions

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    In several studies it has been observed that, when using stabilised PkƗPk\mathbb{P}_k^{}\times\mathbb{P}_k^{} elements for both velocity and pressure, the error for the pressure is smaller, or even of a higher order in some cases, than the one obtained when using inf-sup stable PkƗPkāˆ’1\mathbb{P}_k^{}\times\mathbb{P}_{k-1}^{} (although no formal proof of either of these facts has been given). This increase in polynomial order requires the introduction of stabilising terms, since the finite element pairs used do not stability the inf-sup condition. With this motivation, we apply the stabilisation approach to the hybrid discontinuous Galerkin discretisation for the Stokes problem with non-standard boundary conditions

    Consistent local projection stabilized finite element methods

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    This work establishes a formal derivation of local projection stabilized methods as a result of an enriched Petrov-Galerkin strategy for the Stokes problem. Both velocity and pressure finite element spaces are enhanced with solutions of residual-based local problems, and then the static condensation procedure is applied to derive new methods. The approach keeps degrees of freedom unchanged while gives rise to new stable and consistent methods for continuous and discontinuous approximation spaces for the pressure. The resulting methods do not need the use of a macro-element grid structure and are parameter-free. The numerical analysis is carried out showing optimal convergence in natural norms, and moreover, two ways of rendering the velocity field locally mass conservative are proposed. Some numerics validate the theoretical results

    A symmetric nodal conservative finite element method for the Darcy equation

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    This work introduces and analyzes novel stable Petrov-Galerkin EnrichedMethods (PGEM) for the Darcy problem based on the simplest but unstable continuous P1/P0 pair. Stability is recovered inside a Petrov-Galerkin framework where element-wise dependent residual functions, named multi-scale functions, enrich both velocity and pressure trial spaces. Unlike the velocity test space that is augmented with bubble-like functions, multi-scale functions correct edge residuals as well. The multi-scale functions turn out to be the well-known lowest order Raviart-Thomas basis functions for the velocity and discontinuous quadratics polynomial functions for the pressure. The enrichment strategy suggests the way to recover the local mass conservation property for nodal-based interpolation spaces. We prove that the method and its symmetric version are well-posed and achieve optimal error estimates in natural norms. Numerical validations confirm claimed theoretical results

    Some analytical results for an algebraic flux correction scheme for a steady convection-diffusion equation in 1D

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    Algebraic flux correction schemes are nonlinear discretizations of convection dominated problems. In this work, a scheme from this class is studied for a steady-state convection--diffusion equation in one dimension. It is proved that this scheme satisfies the discrete maximum principle. Also, as it is a nonlinear scheme, the solvability of the linear subproblems arising in a Picard iteration is studied, where positive and negative results are proved. Furthermore, the non-existence of solutions for the nonlinear scheme is proved by means of counterexamples. Therefore, a modification of the method, which ensures the existence of a solution, is proposed. A weak version of the discrete maximum principle is proved for this modified method

    Stabilisation of high aspect ratio mixed finite elements for incompressible flow

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    Anisotropically refined mixed finite elements are beneficial for the resolution of local features such as boundary layers. Unfortunately, the stability of the resulting scheme is highly sensitive to the aspect ratio of the elements. Previous analysis revealed that the degeneration arises from a relatively small number of spurious (piecewise constant) pressure modes. The present article is concerned with resolving the problem of how to suppress the spurious pressure modes in order to restore stability yet at the same time not incur any deterioration in the approximation properties of the reduced pressure space. Two results are presented. The first gives the minimal constraints on the pressure space needed to restore stability with respect to aspect ratio and shows that the approximation properties of the constrained pressure space and the unconstrained pressure space are essentially identical. Alternatively, one can impose the constraint weakly through the use of a stabilized finite element scheme. A second result shows that the stabilized finite element scheme is robust with respect to the aspect ratio of the elements and produces an approximation that satisfies an error bound of the same type to the mixed finite element scheme using the constrained space

    Analysis of algebraic flux correction schemes

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    A family of algebraic flux correction schemes for linear boundary value problems in any space dimension is studied. These methods' main feature is that they limit the fluxes along each one of the edges of the triangulation, and we suppose that the limiters used are symmetric. For an abstract problem, the existence of a solution, existence and uniqueness of the solution of a linearized problem, and an a priori error estimate, are proved under rather general assumptions on the limiters. For a particular (but standard in practice) choice of the limiters, it is shown that a local discrete maximum principle holds. The theory developed for the abstract problem is applied to convection-diffusion-reaction equations, where in particular an error estimate is derived. Numerical studies show its sharpness

    Fully computable error estimation of a nonlinear, positivity-preserving discretization of the convection-diffusion-reaction equation

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    This work is devoted to the proposal, analysis, and numerical testing of a fully computable a posteriori error bound for a class of nonlinear discretizations of the convection-diffusion-reaction equation. The type of discretization we consider is nonlinear, since it has been built with the aim of preserving the discrete maximum principle. Under mild assumptions on the stabilizing term, we obtain an a posteriori error estimator that provides a certified upper bound on the norm of the error. Under the additional assumption that the stabilizing term is both Lipschitz continuous and linearity preserving, the estimator is shown to be locally efficient. We present examples of discretizations that satisfy these two requirements, and the theory is illustrated by several numerical experiments in two and three space dimensions

    A nodally bound-preserving finite element method for reaction-convection-diffusion equations

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    This paper introduces a novel approach to approximate a broad range of reaction-convection-diffusion equations using conforming finite element methods while providing a discrete solution respecting the physical bounds given by the underlying differential equation. The main result of this work demonstrates that the numerical solution achieves accuracy of O(hk)O(h^k) in the energy norm, where kk represents the underlying polynomial degree. To validate the approach, a series of numerical experiments is conducted for various problem instances. Comparisons with the linear continuous interior penalty stabilised method, and the algebraic flux-correction scheme (for the piecewise linear finite element case) have been carried out, where we can observe the favourable performance of the current approach.Comment: 31 pages, 8 figures, 9 table

    Stabilised finite element methods for a bending moment formulation of the Reissner-Mindlin plate model

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    This work presents new stabilised finite element methods for a bending moments formulation of the Reissner-Mindlin plate model. The introduction of the bending moment as an extra unknown leads to a new weak formulation, where the symmetry of this variable is imposed strongly in the space. This weak problem is proved to be well-posed, and stabilised Galerkin schemes for its discretisation are presented and analysed. The finite element methods are such that the bending moment tensor is sought in a finite element space constituted of piecewise linear continuos and symmetric tensors. Optimal error estimates are proved, and these findings are illustrated by representative numerical experiments
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