6,895 research outputs found

    Coherent back and forward scattering peaks in the quantum kicked rotor

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    We propose and analyze an experimental scheme using the quantum kicked rotor to observe the newly-predicted coherent forward scattering peak together with its long-known twin brother, the coherent backscattering peak. Contrary to coherent backscattering, which arises already under weak-localization conditions, coherent forward scattering is only triggered by Anderson or strong localization. So far, coherent forward scattering has not been observed in conservative systems with elastic scattering by spatial disorder. We propose to turn to the quantum kicked rotor, which has a long and succesful history as an accurate experimental platform to observe dynamical localization, i.e., Anderson localization in momentum space. We analyze the coherent forward scattering effect for the quantum kicked rotor by extensive numerical simulations, both in the orthogonal and unitary class of disordered quantum systems, and show that an experimental realization involving phase-space rotation techniques is within reach of state-of-the-art cold-atom experiments.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure

    Evidence for regulated expression of Telomeric Repeat-containing RNAs (TERRA) in parasitic trypanosomatids

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    The Telomeric Repeat-containing RNAs (TERRA) participate in the homeostasis of telomeres in higher eukaryotes. Here, we investigated the expression of TERRA in Leishmania spp. and Trypanosoma brucei and found evidences for its expression as a specific RNA class. The trypanosomatid TERRA are heterogeneous in size and partially polyadenylated. The levels of TERRA transcripts appear to be modulated through the life cycle in both trypanosomatids investigated, suggesting that TERRA play a stage-specific role in the life cycle of these early-branching eukaryotes

    Case number 7 : Beta Thalassaemia Major with pulmonary hypertension

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    Mr. IB, a 29-year-old gentleman, who is a known case of beta thalassemia major, was referred from the emergency department following an episode of lethargy, cough, exertional dyspnoea and dyspepsia. During his stay, a number of investigations were carried out and the patient was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension with a mean pulmonary artery pressure of 90-100mmHg – a complication of beta thalassemia. This is the only reported case in Malta. Following the diagnosis, the patient was given a number of drugs to control his symptoms.peer-reviewe

    Representing GASPEC with the World Gas Model

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    This paper presents results of simulating a more collusive behavior of a group of natural gas producing and exporting countries, sometimes called GASPEC. We use the World Gas Model, a dynamic, strategic representation of world gas production, trade, and consumption between 2005 and 2030. In particular, we simulate a closer cooperation of the GASPEC countries when exporting pipeline gas and liquefied natural gas; we also run a more drastic scenario where GASPEC countries deliberately withhold production. The results shows that compared to a Base Case, a gas cartel would reduce total supplied quantities and induce price increases in gas importing countries up to 22%. There is evidence that the natural gas markets in Europe and North America would be affected more than other parts of the world. Lastly, the vulnerability of gas importers worldwide on gas exporting countries supplies is further illustrated by the results of a sensitivity case in which price levels are up to 87% higher in Europe and North America, but non-GEC countries increase production by a mere 10%.natural gas, trade, cartel, collusion, World Gas Model

    Le crible de la roue en distribué

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    Cet article aborde la génération des nombres premiers inférieurs à N en utilisant le crible de la roue de façon distribuée [Pritchard, 1982]. Les algorithmes de crible peuvent être un moyen très efficace de déterminer la primarité des entiers appartenant à un intervalle fini donné [1..N], si celui-ci est assez grand et que le test de primarité s'effectue sur tous les nombres de l'intervalle [Crandall, 2001]. Cette distribution du crible de la roue est la première realisée. Pour l'introduire, nous expliquons le crible classique d'Eratosthène et nous montrons une implémentation que nous avons realisé en séquentiel de celui-ci, puis une implémentation en distribué. L'objectif primordial de la parallélisation de ce genre d'algorithme est, soit de repousser les limites de la génération des nombres premiers, soit d'atteindre les limites desirées dans un délai de temps inférieur. Nous montrons les résultats expérimentaux des algorithmes du crible d'Eratosthène et du crible de la roue, aussi bien en séquentiel qu'en distribué

    Diseño e implementación del sistema de gestión de calidad, basado en la Norma ISO 9001:2015 en una empresa constructora de infraestructura vial

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorDesarrolla la implementación de un sistema de gestión de calidad que cumpla los requisitos establecidos en la Norma ISO 9001:2015 adecuados para una empresa de construcción. Con esta propuesta se busca responder a las exigencias del cliente, de la organización, y mejorar el desempeño, asimismo la implantación de la propuesta brindara una mejora en la imagen de la empresa, la rentabilidad, la productividad y la competitividad de la organización en la cual es aplicada, siendo esto de vital importancia en el sector construcción. Analiza la situación de la empresa para diseñar e implementar el sistema de gestión de calidad, y demostrar que, a través del desarrollo, implementación y mantenimiento del mismo, le permite mejorar la competitividad y lograr un alto grado de satisfacción del cliente. Para realizar la propuesta del sistema de gestión de calidad se utilizó como herramienta de estudio la norma ISO 9001:2015, la cual se revisó e interpretó cada uno de sus requisitos en los siete capítulos que la conforman.Tesi