568 research outputs found

    Women Self Actualization: A narrative of a performative gender constitution

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    In a traditional Middle Eastern society, men and women have been confined within society’s gender definitions. Those imposed social constructs condition men differently from women by dictating expected behaviors, establishing a hierarchy of gender positioning and enforcing definitions that limit abilities and potential. Based on postmodernist philosopher, feminist and social theorist, Simone de Beauvoir and postmodernist American philosopher and gender theorist Judith Butler, gender is not an inborn role, but rather created through stylized repetition of acts informed by society, named performative acts. For de Beauvoir and Butler, gender can never be a stable identity (Butler 1988). Informed by Butler’s phenomenological nature of gender constitution, this research explores the possibility of empowering Arab women in the workplace. Via an online platform called Kooni, the design aims to help women rethink the nature of gender and gender roles in the workplace and introduces the concept of performative acts as a role playing mechanism to induce change

    Examining the Influential Factors on Urban Growth and Population Attraction: A Case Study of Almere, Netherlands

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    This paper explores the intricate nature of population attraction and urban growth, which are influenced by a wide range of social, economic, and environmental factors. Through a case study of Almere, Netherlands, this study investigates the connection between population attraction, urban quality of life, livability, and sustainability. To assess the impact of these factors on urban growth, the study developed a measurable indicator matrix based on a theoretical framework. The study’s results demonstrate that social life, urban economy, population standards, ease of access to services, transportation, and the quality of the built environment are significant factors in population attraction and urban growth. Additionally, the study revealed some previously unconsidered factors that play a crucial role in sustaining population attraction and urban growth. The study’s findings offer insights for urban planners and policymakers to design effective strategies that promote population attraction and foster sustainable urban growth

    Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Building - Foundation Soil Systems

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    This paper deals with the problem of nonlinear seismic analysis of building - foundation soil systems. The building considered is modeled as a shear - type building supported on the surface of homogeneous isotropic elastic half-space. The governing nonlinear equations of motion for the structure - soil system are solved in the time domain using the step-by-step linear acceleration method of analysis with Wilson-e modification. Different nonlinear models to simulate the behaviour of reinforced concrete under cyclic loading are used. A parametric study has been performed on a single story shear-type building with different natural frequencies supported on the surface of different soils to show the effect of different parameters on the behaviour of such structures under seismic excitation. These parameters include the type of soil, the soil conditions, the structure flexibility, and the type of analysis (elastic or inelastic). The results show that the soil rigidity, the soil layer depth, and the structure period have great influence on the response of such structures

    Polimerizacija 4-(supstituiranih amino)stirena: III. dio – spontana polimerizacija 4-(benzilamino) stirenskih soli

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    Spontaneous polymerization of 4-aminostyrene-benzyl chloride and/or benzyl bromide systems has been investigated. The results indicate that 4-aminostyrene on reacting with benzyl halides and/or some of its substituents yields corresponding 4-(benzylamino)styrene salts, which are found to polymerize spontaneously in aqueous solution as well as in organic solvents, leading to the formation of poly[4-(benzylamino)styrene] salts. The rates of these reactions clearly indicate that the courses of such reactions are governed by the polarity of the solvent, type of the halide ion and temperature, but no significant role of substituents at the benzyl moiety could be observed.Ispitana je spontana polimerizacija 4-aminostiren-benzil klorida i / ili benzil bromida. Rezultati ukazuju da 4-aminostiren reakcijom s benzil halidima i / ili nekim od supstituenata tvori odgovarajuće 4-(benzilamino) stirenske soli koje spontano polimeriziraju u vodenoj otopini kao i u organskim otapalima. Polimerizacijom nastaju poli[ 4-(benzilamino)stiren] soli. Brzine reakcija ukazuju da je tok reakcije određen polarnošću otapala, vrstom halidnog iona i temperaturom, pri čemu nije primijećen bitan utjecaj supstituenata na benzilnom dijelu molekule

    True Integer Valued Autoregressive Model with Skellam Distribution

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    In the present article, we introduce a new true integer valued autoregressive model of order one TPDINAR(1) for data sets on Z and either positive or negative correlations based on the Poisson difference (Skellam) marginal distribution and using a random walk variable (It). Properties of the model are derived. We consider several methods for estimating the unknown parameters of the model, and their properties are discussed. Simulations are carried out for the performance of these estimators for illustrative purposes. Finally, the analysis of real life time series data is presented, and its performance is compared to two different INAR(1) models that may also be used over the observed data

    Application of energy management coupled with fuel switching on a hydrotreater unit

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    AbstractIn the last decades, saving energy and protecting environment became the most important topics for search and survey. The energy engineer for any chemical process is obliged by restrictions of “Kyoto Protocol” for limitation of carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion, so he does his best to reduce utility consumption and thus reduce gas emission. Proper designing of the heat exchanger network (HEN) for any process is an effective and successful method to minimize utility consumption and therefore minimize gas emission (mainly carbon gases (CO2) and sulfur gases (SOx)). Fuel switching coupled with energy targeting achieved the least gas emission. In this work we choose a hydrotreater unit of a petroleum refinery as a case study due to its effective role and its obvious consumption of utility. We applied the methodology of energy targeting through HEN design (using pinch technology) at several values of mean temperature difference (ΔTmin); where the maximum percentage of energy saving was 37% for hot and cold utility which directly leads to percentage reduction of gas emission by 29% for CO2 and 17% for SOx. Switching fuel oil to other types of fuel realized gas emission reduction percentage where the maximum reduction established was through natural gas fuel type and reached 54% for CO2 and 90% for SOx. Comparison between existing design and the optimum ΔTmin HEN led to few modifications with the least added capital cost for the hydrotreater existing design to revamp it through four scenarios; the first one depended on fuel switching to natural gas while the second one switched fuel to diesel oil, in the third scenario we applied heat integration only and the fourth one used both of heat integration and fuel switching in a parallel way

    Formulation, evaluation and optimization of miconazole nitrate tablet prepared by foam granulation technique

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    The aim of our study was to utilize novel foam granulation technique in formulation of miconazole nitrate; a model hydrophobic drug as oral disintegrating tablets "ODT" particularly to enhance its bioavailability. Foam granulation technique has additional advantages over the other traditional granulation technique since; it enhances the granulation process and produce acceptable tablets. Fractional factorial design was used to investigate the effect of formulation and processing variables on the prepared miconazole ODT. The prepared granules were evaluated by measuring their density, flowability, granules size and shape, and granules wetting time. The quality attributes of the prepared tablets; drug content, tablet thickness, uniformity of weight, tablet tensile strength, friability, disintegration, and dissolution were also evaluated. The results indicated that, the prepared granules showed acceptable characteristics and is significantly affected by the disintegrant type, urea concentration, and the lubricant type. The quality attributes of the tablets were not affected by the processing parameters. From the prepared formulas; F20, F19, F12, and F20 displayed 18, 35, 35, and 40 seconds disintegration time respectively and the percent of dissolution after 15 minutes ranged from 94.4-100%. These results ascertained that foam granulation technique fulfill the requirement in preparation of miconazole ODT. Key words: miconazole nitrate, foam granulation, oral disintegrating tablet
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