13 research outputs found

    Hexachlorobenzene as a differential modulator of the conventional and metronomic chemotherapy response in triple negative breast cancer cells

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    Aim: Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is usually treated with high doses of paclitaxel, whose effectiveness may be modulated by the action of environmental contaminants such as hexachlorobenzene. High doses of paclitaxel cause adverse effects such as low cellular selectivity and the generation of resistance to treatment due to an increase in the expression of multidrug resistance proteins (MRPs). These effects can be reduced using a metronomic administration scheme with low doses. This study aimed to investigate whether hexachlorobenzene modulates the response of cells to conventional chemotherapy with paclitaxel or metronomic chemotherapy with paclitaxel plus carbachol, as well as to study the participation of the MRP ATP-binding cassette transporter G2 (ABCG2) in human TNBC MDA-MB231 cells. Methods: Cells were treated with hexachlorobenzene alone or in combination with conventional or metronomic chemotherapies. The effects of treatments on cell viability were determined by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay and the nuclear factor kappa B pathway participation was evaluated using a selective inhibitor. ABCG2 expression and its modulation were determined by western blot. Results: Results confirmed that paclitaxel reduces MDA-MB231 cell viability in a concentration-dependent manner. Results also showed that both conventional and metronomic chemotherapies reduced cell viability with similar efficacy. Although hexachlorobenzene did not modify cell viability per se, it did reverse the effect induced by the conventional chemotherapy, without affecting the efficacy of the metronomic chemotherapy. Additionally, a differential modulation of ABCG2 expression was determined, mediated by the nuclear factor kappa B pathway, which was directly related to the modulation of cell sensitivity to another cycle of paclitaxel treatment. Conclusions: The findings indicate that, in human TNBC MDA-MB231 cells, in the presence of hexachlorobenzene, the metronomic combination of paclitaxel plus carbachol is more effective in affecting the tumor biology than the conventional therapeutic administration scheme of paclitaxel

    Nutrición parenteral domiciliaria en España 2018. Informe del Grupo de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria NADYA

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    Aim: To communicate home parenteral nutrition (HPN) data obtained from the HPN registry of the NADYA-SENPE group (www.nadya-senpe.  com) for the year 2018. Material and methods: Descriptive analysis of the data collected from adult and pediatric patients with HPN in the NADYA-SENPE group registry from January 1st, 2018 to December 31st, 2018.  Results: There were 278 patients from 45 Spanish hospitals (54.7% women), 23 children and 255 adults, which represent a prevalence rate of 5.95 patients/million inhabitants/year 2018. The most frequent diagnosis in adults was “palliative cancer” (22.0%), followed by “others”. In children it was Hirschsprung’s disease together with necrotizing enterocolitis, with four cases (17.4%). The first indication was short bowel syndrome in both children (60.9%) and adults (35.7%). The most frequently used type of catheter was tunneled in both children (81.0%) and adults (41.1%). Ending 75 episodes, the most frequent cause was death (52.0%) and change to oral feeding (33.3%). Conclusions: The number of centers and collaborating professionals in the registry of patients receiving HPN remains stable, as well as the main indications and reasons for termination of HPN.Objetivo: comunicar los datos de nutrición parenteral domiciliaria (NPD) obtenidos del registro del grupo NADYA-SENPE (www.nadyasenpe. com) del año 2018. Material y métodos: análisis descriptivo de los datos recogidos de pacientes adultos y pediátricos con NPD en el registro NADYA-SENPE del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2018. Resultados: se registraron 278 pacientes (54,7% mujeres), 23 niños y 255 adultos, procedentes de 45 hospitales españoles, lo que representa una tasa de prevalencia de 5,95 pacientes/millón de habitantes/año 2018. El diagnóstico más frecuente en adultos fue “oncológico paliativo” (22,0%), seguido de “otros”. En niños fue la enfermedad de Hirschsprung junto con la enterocolitis necrotizante, con cuatro casos (17,4%). El primer motivo de indicación fue síndrome de intestino corto tanto en niños (60,9%) como en adultos (35,7%). El tipo de catéter más utilizado fue el tunelizado tanto en niños (81,0%) como en adultos (41,1%). Finalizaron 75 episodios, la causa más frecuente fue el fallecimiento (52,0%) y el paso a vía oral (33,3%). Conclusiones: el número de centros y profesionales colaboradores en el registro de pacientes que reciben NPD se mantiene estable, así como las principales indicaciones y los motivos de finalización de la NPD

    Nutrición parenteral domiciliaria en España 2018. Informe del Grupo de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria NADYA

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    Aim: to communicate home parenteral nutrition (HPN) data obtained from the HPN registry of the NADYA-SENPE group (www.nadya-senpe. com) for the year 2018. Material and methods: descriptive analysis of the data collected from adult and pediatric patients with HPN in the NADYA-SENPE group registry from January 1st, 2018 to December 31st, 2018. Results: there were 278 patients from 45 Spanish hospitals (54.7 % women), 23 children and 255 adults, which represent a prevalence rate of 5.95 patients/million inhabitants/year 2018. The most frequent diagnosis in adults was " palliative cancer" (22.0 %), followed by "others". In children it was Hirschsprung's disease together with necrotizing enterocolitis, with four cases (17.4 %). The first indication was short bowel syndrome in both children (60.9 %) and adults (35.7 %). The most frequently used type of catheter was tunneled in both children (81.0 %) and adults (41.1 %). Ending 75 episodes, the most frequent cause was death (52.0 %) and change to oral feeding (33.3 %). Conclusions: the number of centers and collaborating professionals in the registry of patients receiving HPN remains stable, as well as the main indications and reasons for termination of HPN


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    The survival of the citrus industry is critically dependent on genetically superior cultivars. Improvements in these traits through traditional techniques are unfortunately extremely difficult due to the unusual combination of biological characteristics of citrus. Genomic science holds promise of improvements in breeding and the main goal of our group is to develop genomics tools for the generation of new genotypes. We pursue the identification of candidate genes, alleles and genotypes improving citrus fruit quality and performance, correlating phenotypic analyses, metabolic profiling and gene expression. At completion, genes and alleles with major functions in nutritional quality and stress tolerance could be selected and genotypes with improved fruit composition searched among existing or generated collections. This goal is supported by two complementary strategies the identification of genes of agricultural interest by the use of mutants and microarrays and the elucidation of the citrus genome sequence. In this communication the efforts we are developing in this first approach are revised while the other strategy will be resumed elsewhere

    Acta Horticulturae

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    The survival of the citrus industry is critically dependent on genetically superior cultivars. Improvements in these traits through traditional techniques are unfortunately extremely difficult due to the unusual combination of biological characteristics of citrus. Genomic science holds promise of improvements in breeding and the main goal of our group is to develop genomics tools for the generation of new genotypes. We pursue the identification of candidate genes, alleles and genotypes improving citrus fruit quality and performance, correlating phenotypic analyses, metabolic profiling and gene expression. At completion, genes and alleles with major functions in nutritional quality and stress tolerance could be selected and genotypes with improved fruit composition searched among existing or generated collections. This goal is supported by two complementary strategies the identification of genes of agricultural interest by the use of mutants and microarrays and the elucidation of the citrus genome sequence. In this communication the efforts we are developing in this first approach are revised while the other strategy will be resumed elsewhere

    Diversidad de poblaciones nativas de jitomate para germinación en condiciones salinas

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    In Mexico some tomato growing regions like northwest have salinity problems. This problem also occurs under greenhouse conditions when nutrition and irrigation management are done improperly, this is exacerbated when heavy water is used for irrigation. Salinity affect tomato crops, so having tolerant materials to such conditions would be of great benefit. Mexico is rich in genetic diversity of this species, same that can be used to search for sources tolerant to salinity. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the physiological behavior of 34 populations of native tomatoes from Puebla and Veracruz and two commercial controls under saline conditions using five concentrations of sodium chloride (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1%), in order to identify outstanding germplasm tolerant to salinity in the germination stage. The experiment was performed at the Laboratory of seeds from the Postgraduate College in Agricultural Sciences in 2013. The evaluated variables were: germination percentage, germination rate, aerial dry matter and root dry matter. The results indicate that the seed vigor was negatively affected in 100% of the collections, germination in 78% and development of morphological structures of seedling as root, hypocotyl and cotyledons, the negative effect was 33%. Of the 36 genotypes tested, eight collections showed different degrees of tolerance. These populations can be used as potential sources for breeding.En México algunas regiones productoras de jitomate a campo abierto como el noroeste presentan problemas de salinidad. Este problema también se presenta en condiciones de invernadero cuando la nutrición y el manejo del riego se hacen de manera inapropiada, esto se agrava cuando se usan aguas pesadas para riego. La salinidad afecta al cultivo del jitomate, por lo que tener materiales tolerantes a esas condiciones sería de gran beneficio. México es rico en diversidad genética de esta especie, misma que puede ser utilizada para buscar fuentes de tolerancia a la salinidad. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron evaluar el comportamiento fisiológico de 34 poblaciones de jitomate nativas de Puebla y Veracruz y dos testigos comerciales bajo condiciones salinas usando cinco concentraciones de cloruro de sodio (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 y 1.0 %), con la finalidad de identificar germoplasma sobresaliente que tolere la salinidad en la etapa de germinación. El experimento se realizó en el Laboratorio de semillas del Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas en 2013. Las variables evaluadas fueron: porcentaje de germinación, velocidad de germinación, materia seca aérea y materia seca de raíz. Los resultados indican que el vigor de las semillas fue afectado de manera negativa en 100% de las colectas, la germinación en 78% y el desarrollo de las estructuras morfológicas de plántula como raíz, hipócotilo y cotiledones, el efecto negativo fue de un 33 %. De los 36 genotipos probados, ocho colectas presentaron diferentes grados de tolerancia. Estas poblaciones pueden ser utilizadas como fuentes potenciales para el mejoramiento genético

    Transformar la realidad : revista de investigación y experiencias educativas

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    Presenta una unidad didáctica de Educación Física para el segundo ciclo de educación primaria. La unidad es el resultado del grupo de trabajo creado en el Seminario de Educación Física llevado a cabo por el CPR de Leganés. El tema elegido es 'El Equilibrio', y la unidad didáctica se desarrolla a través de 6 sesiones dentro del Currículo oficial de Imagen y percepción y salud corporal. Pretende que el alumno sepa andar, correr, mantener posturas para distintas situaciones, etc. y todo ello requiere un aprendizaje, a través de prácticas que mejoren las habilidades del tono corporal.MadridES