4 research outputs found

    Characteristics of the Middle Triassic sedimentary succession near Velika Popina, Lika : master’s thesis

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    Na području Kunovca, u blizini naselja Velika Popina u Lici, istražene su srednjetrijaske naslagei orovedene su mikropetrografske, sedimentološke i biostratigrafske analize. Snimljena su dva detaljna slijeda naslaga („Mali Kunovac vrelo“ i „Kunovac Vrelo“). U oba slijeda definirana su dva facijesa, Facijes vapnenaca i Facijes piroklastita i devet litotipova: Litotip vapnenaca s plitkovodnom faunom, Litotip vapnenaca s piroklastičnim materijalom, Litotip vapnenaca s pelagičkom faunom, Litotip vitroklastičnih tufova, Litotip kristalovitroklastičnih i litoklastičnih tufova, Litotip pretaloženih litoklastičnih vapnenaca, Litotip pelagičkih vapnenaca s vulkanoklastičnim materijalom, Litotip kristalolitoklastičnih tufova i Litotip vitroklastičnih tufova. Opisane su litofacijesne promjene s obzirom na taložne okoliše i mehanizme taloženja. Također je prikupljena značajna količina cefalopodne faune, kojom je utvrđena stratigrafska pozicija gornjeg anizika u istraživanom slijedu naslaga.Middle Triassic deposits in Kunovac area, near Velika Popina village were investigated. Micropetrograhic, sedimentological and biostratigraphical analysis were conducted on the collected samples. Two detailed sedimentological sections were recorded in sedimentary succession: „Mali Kunovac vrelo“ i „Kunovac Vrelo“. Both recorded sections contain two facies, Limestone Facies and Pyroclastic Facies. Determined facies in the recorded sections contain nine lithotypes (Limestones containing shallow marine fossils, Limestones with pyroclastic material, Limestones with pelagic fauna, Vitroclastic tuffs, Crystalovitroclastic and lithoclastic tuffs, Resedimented lithoclastic limestones, Crystaoclastic tuffs and Vitroclastic tuffs). Lithofacies characteristics and changes are described and analysed, in respect with their sedimentary environments and depositional mechanisms involved. A significant amount of cephalopode fauna was collected and according to it, stratigraphic position of the Upper Anisian strata within investigated sedimentary succession, was determined

    Characteristics of the Middle Triassic sedimentary succession near Velika Popina, Lika : master’s thesis

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    Na području Kunovca, u blizini naselja Velika Popina u Lici, istražene su srednjetrijaske naslagei orovedene su mikropetrografske, sedimentološke i biostratigrafske analize. Snimljena su dva detaljna slijeda naslaga („Mali Kunovac vrelo“ i „Kunovac Vrelo“). U oba slijeda definirana su dva facijesa, Facijes vapnenaca i Facijes piroklastita i devet litotipova: Litotip vapnenaca s plitkovodnom faunom, Litotip vapnenaca s piroklastičnim materijalom, Litotip vapnenaca s pelagičkom faunom, Litotip vitroklastičnih tufova, Litotip kristalovitroklastičnih i litoklastičnih tufova, Litotip pretaloženih litoklastičnih vapnenaca, Litotip pelagičkih vapnenaca s vulkanoklastičnim materijalom, Litotip kristalolitoklastičnih tufova i Litotip vitroklastičnih tufova. Opisane su litofacijesne promjene s obzirom na taložne okoliše i mehanizme taloženja. Također je prikupljena značajna količina cefalopodne faune, kojom je utvrđena stratigrafska pozicija gornjeg anizika u istraživanom slijedu naslaga.Middle Triassic deposits in Kunovac area, near Velika Popina village were investigated. Micropetrograhic, sedimentological and biostratigraphical analysis were conducted on the collected samples. Two detailed sedimentological sections were recorded in sedimentary succession: „Mali Kunovac vrelo“ i „Kunovac Vrelo“. Both recorded sections contain two facies, Limestone Facies and Pyroclastic Facies. Determined facies in the recorded sections contain nine lithotypes (Limestones containing shallow marine fossils, Limestones with pyroclastic material, Limestones with pelagic fauna, Vitroclastic tuffs, Crystalovitroclastic and lithoclastic tuffs, Resedimented lithoclastic limestones, Crystaoclastic tuffs and Vitroclastic tuffs). Lithofacies characteristics and changes are described and analysed, in respect with their sedimentary environments and depositional mechanisms involved. A significant amount of cephalopode fauna was collected and according to it, stratigraphic position of the Upper Anisian strata within investigated sedimentary succession, was determined


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    Middle Triassic deposits in the Karst Dinarides (south Lika area, near Gračac) were investigated for petrological, sedimentological and biostratigraphic determinations. Within two continuously recorded sections of sedimentary carbonates and interlayered pyroclastic rocks (Mali Kunovac and Kunovac sections) reflecting variable sedimentary-magmatic environments, valuable cephalopod fauna ranging from the middle Illyrian to the upper Illyrian age was found. The most significant was the recovery of the ammonoids Asseretoceras sp., indicating the upper part of the Illyrian Paraceratites trinodosus Zone, and Reitziites reitzi species which marks the upper part of the Illyrian Reitziites reitzi Zone. The discovery of the Reitziites reitzi species was not known from the Karst Dinarides until this finding.Srednjotrijaske naslage u krškim Dinaridima (okolica Gračaca u južnoj Lici) istraživane su s ciljem njihove petrološke i sedimentološke odredbe te odredbe njihove biostratigrafske pripadnosti. Unutar dvaju snimljenih kontinuiranih sljedova koji se sastoje od izmjene karbonatnih sedimentnih stijena i piroklastita (Mali Kunovac i Kunovac), a koji odražavaju varijabilne sedimentacijsko-magmatske okoliše njihova postanka, prikupljena je relativno malobrojna, ali vrijedna kolekcija cefalopoda srednjoiliričke i gornjoiliričke starosti. Najvažniji su nalazi amonitne vrste Asseretoceras sp. koja upućuje na gornji dio iliričke Paraceratites trinodosus zone te vrste Reitziites reitzi koja označava gornjoiliričku Reitziites zonu. Pronalazak vrste Reitziites reitzi do sada nije bio zabilježen na području krških Dinarida

    Ružička days : International conference 18th Ružička Days “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry” : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: chemical analysis and synthesis, chemical and biochemical engineering, food technology and biotechnology, medical chemistry and pharmacy, environmental protection and meeting of young chemists