7 research outputs found

    Rostre i cervell : dues cares d'una mateixa realitat

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    El treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi conclou que la morfologia de la cara pot informar-nos sobre la psicologia de les persones. Al llarg del s.XIX es va estendre l'ús de la frenologia, que postulava una relació entre les característiques psicològiques i la forma del crani, però a poc a poc va caure en desús i va ser titllada de pseudociència. Aquesta investigació aborda les mateixes qüestions però amb una metodologia científica i moderna, aportant resultats que animen a seguir estudiant la relació entre psicologia, cervell i rostre.El trabajo desarrollado en esta tesis concluye que la morfología del rostro puede informarnos sobre la psicología de las personas. A lo largo del s.XIX se extendió el uso de la frenología, que postulaba una relación entre las características psicológicas y la forma del cráneo, pero poco a poco cayó en desuso y fue tachada de pseudociencia. La presente investigación aborda las mismas cuestiones pero con una metodología científica y moderna, aportando resultados que animan a seguir estudiando la relación entre psicología, cerebro y rostro.The work carried out in this thesis concludes that facial morphology can reveal aspects of human psychology. Phrenology, which postulated a direct link between psychological characteristics and the shape of the skull, was popular throughout the 19th century. However, the practice fell into disuse and eventually became considered a pseudoscience. This research focuses on the same postulation, but uses a modern scientific methodology and offers results which spur scientists on to continue studying connections between psychology, brain and face

    La Impulsividad y su Asociación con la Inclinación de la Frente

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    Avances en embriología, genética o neuroimagen, están ayudando a discernir posibles correlaciones entre estructuras del rostro, cerebro y personalidad. Una conducta que ha sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones es la impulsiva, de la que han surgido distintas conceptualizaciones con cierta controversia etiológica. En el presente trabajo estudiamos si el rostro refleja de manera objetiva el nivel de impulsividad. Para ello, se utilizó en población adulta (N=33), la dimensión Búsqueda de Novedad del Inventario de Temperamento y Carácter-Revisado de Cloninger, la Escala de Impulsividad de Barratt (BIS-11) y la Escala de Impulsividad Estado (EIE). En el rostro se midió el grado de inclinación de la frente hacia atrás, resultando una asociación positiva con las 3 puntuaciones psicométricas. Tres jueces evaluaron visualmente el nivel de inclinación de la frente. Se obtuvo un alto acuerdo entre ellos, así como una alta correlación con la medida objetiva de inclinación. Aunque la muestra es reducida, los datos ofrecen una aproximación al objetivo de estudi

    Bizygomatic width and personality traits of the relational field Ancho bizigomático y rasgos de personalidad del campo relacional

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    The bizygomatic width when compared to the bigonial width (WD) has been proposed as a craniofacial marker of some social and personality traits, such us self-reliance or the ability to express emotions. However, no studies have examined the association between WD and psychopathic traits, as happens with other craniofacial variables such us the facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR). In a sample of 70 adults (male and female) we took measures of the bizygomatic and the bigonial arches. Subjects performed self-assessment tests to evaluate their self-reliance, their alexithymia and emotional expressiveness and their coldheartedness or callous-unemotional. Results showed a significant relationship between WD and self-reliance, emotional expression and alexithymia, and a tendency towards significance with general psychopathic scores. Additionally, we found a modificatory effect of the variables sex and age when analyzing the influence of the WD on the Factor 3-"Coldheartedness" of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised (PPI-R), where this effect diminished depending on the subject's sex and age. Results suggested that the WD seem to be a good marker to be taken into consideration in further research that examines craniofacial traits and personality traits of the socio-emotional field

    La Impulsividad y su Asociación con la Inclinación de la Frente

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    Bizygomatic width and personality traits of the relational field Ancho bizigomático y rasgos de personalidad del campo relacional

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    The bizygomatic width when compared to the bigonial width (WD) has been proposed as a craniofacial marker of some social and personality traits, such us self-reliance or the ability to express emotions. However, no studies have examined the association between WD and psychopathic traits, as happens with other craniofacial variables such us the facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR). In a sample of 70 adults (male and female) we took measures of the bizygomatic and the bigonial arches. Subjects performed self-assessment tests to evaluate their self-reliance, their alexithymia and emotional expressiveness and their coldheartedness or callous-unemotional. Results showed a significant relationship between WD and self-reliance, emotional expression and alexithymia, and a tendency towards significance with general psychopathic scores. Additionally, we found a modificatory effect of the variables sex and age when analyzing the influence of the WD on the Factor 3-"Coldheartedness" of the Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised (PPI-R), where this effect diminished depending on the subject's sex and age. Results suggested that the WD seem to be a good marker to be taken into consideration in further research that examines craniofacial traits and personality traits of the socio-emotional field

    The Slant of the forehead as a craniofacial feature of impulsiveness

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    Impulsiveness has been the subject of much research, but little is known about the possible relationship between craniofacial anatomy and impulsiveness. The present study was designed to investigate the relationship between one aspect of craniofacial structure (the angle of inclination of the forehead) and impulsiveness. Photographs in profile were obtained from 131 volunteers who had been fined for driving at high speed and were undergoing a court-mandated driving license point-recovery course. They completed the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11), the Impulsive Behavior Scale (UPPS-P), and Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scale (V). The angle of the slant of the forehead was measured with a photographic support and a protractor. High positive concordance was found between forehead inclination and 14 out of the 15 impulsiveness factors studied. The angle of inclination of the forehead was significantly associated with self-reported impulsiveness in this sample of traffic violators

    The slant of the forehead as a craniofacial feature of impulsiveness

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    OBJECTIVE: Impulsiveness has been the subject of much research, but little is known about the possible relationship between craniofacial anatomy and impulsiveness. The present study was designed to investigate the relationship between one aspect of craniofacial structure (the angle of inclination of the forehead) and impulsiveness. METHOD: Photographs in profile were obtained from 131 volunteers who had been fined for driving at high speed and were undergoing a court-mandated driving license point-recovery course. They completed the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11), the Impulsive Behavior Scale (UPPS-P), and Zuckerman's Sensation Seeking Scale (V). The angle of the slant of the forehead was measured with a photographic support and a protractor. RESULTS: High positive concordance was found between forehead inclination and 14 out of the 15 impulsiveness factors studied. CONCLUSIONS: The angle of inclination of the forehead was significantly associated with self-reported impulsiveness in this sample of traffic violators