167 research outputs found

    La inclusión social y laboral de las personas con discapacidad intelectual mediante los programas de empleo con apoyo. Un reto para la Orientación

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    ABSTRACTNowadays, supported employment is one of the most promising strategies in order to achieve the labour inclusion of people with disabilities. This article summarises a research project that includes the implementation and evaluation of a Training Program which is aimed at the job placement of young people with intellectual disability developed in a university context. The text describes the main characteristics of the Program, that it is dedicated to prepare 16 intellectually disabled young to occupy labour positions as secretary’s office and office boy. Due to the fact that the training is done in a uni‐ versity environment, the program allows the students to use the premises and the university services to do both the curricular activities and the leisure activities. The main content of the article shows the most relevant achievements of the experience. The results were collected through a systematic evalua‐ tion process based in questionnaires applied to the young participants in the Program, to their families and to teachers, in interviews answered by the university students that collaborate in the Program and in the analysis of the diaries of experiences of the disabled young participating in the Program. Besides the increase of their labour expectations and the improvement of their self-esteem as a consequence of their participation in the program, it can be showed how the development of the Program inside of the university gives additional advantages to the students and also to the university community. It is important to highlight that along the text it is expressed that the delivery of personal and career guidance in every stage of the process is one of the keys to the success of this kind of experiences.RESUMEN El empleo con apoyo constituye actualmente una de las estrategias más prometedoras para la inserción laboral de las personas con discapacidad. Este artículo sintetiza un proyecto de investigación en el que se ha implementado y evaluado un Programa de formación para la inserción laboral de jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual desarrollado en el ámbito universitario. Se describen los principales rasgos del Programa y se presentan sus resultados más relevantes. A lo largo del texto, se pone de manifiesto cómo un núcleo esencial del éxito de este tipo de experiencias es la realización de un trabajo sistemático de orientación personal y profesional en todas las fases del proceso. ABSTRACT Nowadays, supported employment is one of the most promising strategies in order to achieve the labour inclusion of people with disabilities. This article summarises a research project that includes the implementation and evaluation of a Training Program which is aimed at the job placement of young people with intellectual disability developed in a university context. The text describes the main characteristics of the Program, that it is dedicated to prepare 16 intellectually disabled young to occupy labour positions as secretary’s office and office boy. Due to the fact that the training is done in a uni‐ versity environment, the program allows the students to use the premises and the university services to do both the curricular activities and the leisure activities. The main content of the article shows the most relevant achievements of the experience. The results were collected through a systematic evalua‐ tion process based in questionnaires applied to the young participants in the Program, to their families and to teachers, in interviews answered by the university students that collaborate in the Program and in the analysis of the diaries of experiences of the disabled young participating in the Program. Besides the increase of their labour expectations and the improvement of their self-esteem as a consequence of their participation in the program, it can be showed how the development of the Program inside of the university gives additional advantages to the students and also to the university community. It is important to highlight that along the text it is expressed that the delivery of personal and career guidance in every stage of the process is one of the keys to the success of this kind of experiences

    BD+20 1790 b: Chronicle of an exoplanetary discovery

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    In this contribution we report evidence for a planetary companion around a young and active late‐type K star. Our group has been developing a study of stellar activity and kinematics for this star over the past years. Previous results show a high level of stellar activity, with the presence of prominence‐like structures, spots on surface and strong flare events. Radial velocity (RV) variations with a semi‐amplitude of up to 1 km s^(−1) were detected. When the nature of these variations were investigated it was found that they are not due to stellar activity. Based upon the analysis of bisector velocity span, as well as Ca II H & K emission, we report that the best explanation for RV variation is the presence of a sub‐stellar companion. The Keplerian fit of the RV data yields an orbital solution for a close‐in massive planet with an orbital period of 7.783 days. Also, the presence of this close‐in massive planet chould be an interpretation for the high level of stellar activity detected

    Forms of appropriation in the Chilean concert music, 20th-21st centuries : cultural transference, acculturation, hybridization

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    Cette thèse se focalise sur l’étude de quatre compositeurs chiliens contemporains de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle/début du XXIe (Cirilo Vila, Sergio Ortega, Patricio Wang et Andrés González), dont l’échelonnement générationnel permet d’embrasser un demi siècle de musique, et ayant pour dénominateur commun le fait d’avoir mené des carrières dans l’espace « euro-latinoaméricain ». La première partie de la thèse présente un panorama succinct de la musique savante chilienne dès l’indépendance du pays au XIXe siècle, en mettant l’accent sur le processus d’institutionnalisation de la vie musicale au pays, ainsi que sur les discours explicitement ou implicitement énoncés sur l’identité nationale/culturelle en musique. La deuxième partie analyse en détail, à travers une approche biographique, les parcours transnationaux et les œuvres des quatre compositeurs choisis, afin de comprendre, entre autres aspects, comment opèrent les processus de changement culturel à l’échelle d’une vie artistique. Enfin, la troisième partie présente une série d’études centrées sur l’analyse du rôle de passeurs culturels joué par les compositeurs chiliens (à la fois en tant que pédagogues et en tant que traducteurs de langages musicaux exogènes) ; l’impact de la circulation internationale et la globalisation ; les liens entre musique et politique, ainsi qu’entre art savant et populaire ; le rôle de la France et de l’Europe dans les processus d’acculturation ; les résultats du métissage culturel (à travers des cas concrets) ; ces études se complétant par une typologie des formes d’appropriation sonore opérés dans la musique de ces compositeurs.This thesis focuses on the study of four contemporary Chilean composers from the second half of the 20th century and beginning of 21st century who developed their careers in the ‘euro-latin-american’ space (Cirilo Vila, Sergio Ortega, Patricio Wang, and Andrés González), and whose generational intersections allow to cover half a century of music. The first part of the thesis presents a brief panorama of Chilean concert music, from the independence of the country at the beginning of the 19th century until our days. The survey emphasizes the process of institutionalization of the musical life, as well as the implicit or explicit discurses, which are presented regarding the national cultural identity in relation to music. The second part analyzes in detail, through a biographical approach, the transnational trajectories of the four composers under study. The aim is to understand, among other aspects, how the processes of cultural change work at the level of a given artistic life. The third part, attempts to elucidate 1. the specificity of Chilean musicians through a multifactorial approach, presenting a series of studies towards analyzing the role of cultural transmitter performed by Chilean composers (within their double function as pedagogues and translators of exogenous languages); 2. the impact of the international circulation and the globalization on their works; 3. the links between music and politics as well as the links between high and popular art; 4. the role of France and Europe in the processes of acculturation; 5. the results of cultural hybridization (through concrete cases), and finally, 6. a typology of the ways of sonic appropriation

    Recorrido y rastreamiento del elemento estético en la constitución del concepto universidad moderna

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    Doctoradi en filosofía, con mención en estética y teoría del arteEste trabajo propone una revisión del recorrido y la instalación del concepto de universidad moderna, desde un punto de vista estético, particularmente enfocada en su emergencia en los inicios del 1800 con la reconstrucción de la Universidad de Berlín y su posterior divulgación como entidad, estructura y dinámica en el resto de Europa. Esta revisión, toma atención y dirección particular en relación al concepto de Educación y Sociedad. A partir del rastreamiento, en dicho recorrido, de los conceptos de cuerpo, visible y sentido, busca centrarse en aspectos que han sido menos considerados en la lectura de la crisis de la Universidad. Con todo aquello, se presentan algunas consideraciones nuevas respecto a la Educación superior y al espacio y las posibilidades de la Universidad en general. La atención estética deriva en una propuesta de lectura de la crisis de la universidad en base a los conceptos de comunidad, territorio y transformació