60 research outputs found

    Possibilities Presentation of Data from the Data Warehouse using Microsoft Tools

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    Cieľom bakalárskej práce je zhodnotiť aktuálne Business Intelligence riešenie v spoločnosti GS Consulting, a.s., identifikovať priestor na zlepšenie, navrhnúť riešenie, zhodnotiť jeho prínosnosť a implementovať ho.The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to evaluate the current Business Intelligence solution currently used in GS Consulting a.s., identify possible room for improvements, propose a solution, review its usefulness and implement it.

    Účinok kŕmych aditív vo výkrme bažantov

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    Fattening pheasants for the production of quality meat is a relatively recent development. With its high protein and low fat content, meat of pheasant is a highly nutritious food whose value exceeds that of broiler chickens meat. Despite the fact that the intensive rearing of pheasants has developed relatively quickly in recent years, information on the fattening capabilities and slaughter values of pheasants is often insufficient in the current literature. The length of the fattening period also differs in the literature and reported from 13 to 20 weeks while highest weight gains of pheasants to occur between 4 and 12 weeks of age. Growth of pheasants is also reflected in the weight and dimensions of internal organs, crop, oesophagus, gizzard and intestine grow up to 12 weeks of age, after which they develop their physiological ability. The structure, weight and length of the digestive tract and other internal organs of pheasants depend on housing system, gender and nutrition. Relatively few investigations were conducted to determine the influence of feed additives on fattening performance of pheasants. One of the possibilities is the use of humic acids in nutrition pheasant. Humic acids are organic compounds naturally present in soil and they positively affected growth ability, feed conversion and reducing mortality.Výkrm bažantov na produkciu kvalitného mäsa má relatívne krátku históriu. So svojím vysokým obsahom bielkovín a nízkym obsahom tuku, je mäso bažantov vysoko výživnou potravinou, ktorého hodnota prevyšuje mäso brojlerových kurčiat. Napriek tomu, že intenzívny chov bažantov sa v posledných rokoch relatívne rýchlo vyvíja, odborných informácií o možnostiach výkrmu a jatočnej hodnote bažantov je pomerne málo. Odporúčaná dĺžka výkrmu sa odlišuje aj v literatúre a pohybuje sa od 13 do 20 týždňov, pričom najvyššie prírastky bažantov sa dosahujú medzi 4. a 12. týždňom veku. Rast bažantov sa odráža aj v hmotnosti a rozmeroch vnútorných orgánov, hrvoľ, pažerák, žalúdok a črevá rastú až 12 týždňov, potom sa rozvíjajú ich fyziologické schopnosti. Štruktúra, hmotnosť a dĺžka tráviaceho traktu a vnútorných orgánov bažantov závisí systému chovu, pohlavia a výživy. Relatívne málo experimentov bolo realizovaných za účelom zistenie vplyvu doplnkových látok na výkrmové ukazovatele bažantov. Jednou z možností je použitie humínových kyselín vo výžive výkrmových bažantov. Humínové kyseliny sú organické zlúčeniny prirodzene prítomné v pôde a pozitívne ovplyvňujú rastovú schopnosť, konverziu krmiva a znižujú mortalitu

    Calculation of Kinetic Parameters of the Thermal Decomposition of Wood by Distributed Activation Energy Model (DAEM)

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    This work deals with pyrolysis decomposition of wood chips and the main components of wood by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Experiments were carried out in the inert atmosphere of nitrogen. The pyrolysis temperature range was varied linearly from 20 °C to 900 °C with the heating rate equal to 5 K min–1 to detect all the changes without overlapping. Samples of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin were used as main components of wood. Thermogravimetric (TG) and differential thermogravimetric (DTG) curves were obtained from experimental data. These records were compared with those obtained by mathematical modeling. The distribution activation energy model (DAEM) was used for mathematical description of experimental data and the prediction of kinetic parameters. According to the DAEM approach, every possible decomposition reaction with various values of activation energies is in progress at each time and temperature. Preexponential factors, mean activation energy and variance were obtained as kinetic parameters. This model is able to describe the integral decomposition curve of biomass, however, a problem occurs when describing the differential curve of biomass thermal decomposition. In general, this model does not accurately describe the decomposition of materials, which are a mixture of several compounds

    Apolipoprotein E Polymorphism in Relation to Plasma Lipid Levels and Other Risk Factors of Atherosclerosis in Two Ethnic Groups from Slovakia

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    The influence of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) genotypes on plasma lipid levels and interaction with other environmental factors was determined in two Slovakian population samples; 146 Romany and 351 Slovak individuals. The two samples differ significantly in the distribution of E3/3 genotypes (p_0.014) and E3/2 (p_0.035). Analysis of variance did not reveal any significant effect of the ApoE genotypes on any of the plasma lipid levels in the Romany individuals. In the Slovak sample the variation in plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels was significantly associated with the ApoE genotypes (p=0.012). We detected decreased LDL-C concentrations in males with E2 genotype when compared with E3 and E4 carriers (p=0.008). Further, the E2 genotype was found to be associated with high triglycerides levels (p=0.009). The ethnic samples differ significantly in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and in the case of males of diabetes. Both the Romany and the Slovak males can be considered as having a more atherogenic profile compared with the female

    Mortalita lariev kukuričiara koreňového, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, spôsobená entomopatogénnymi hubami

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    Mortality of the Western corn rootworm (WCR) larvae caused by entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana, Beauveria brongniartii, Metarhizium anisopliae was investigated in a laboratory. Larvae were treated with a spore suspension (concentration of 2 x 107 conidia/ml) by immersion. Only one strain of entomopathogenic fungi, a strain of B. brongniartii, significantly influenced mortality of WCR larvae after 7 days. Average mortality of the larvae was 17.63%. After 14 days, five strains of B. bassiana, two strains of B. brongniartii and one strain of M. anisopliae significantly influenced mortality of WCR larvae, with average mortality ranging from 25.83% to 60.57%. After 21 days from exposure of the larvae to spores, four strains of B. bassiana, two strains of B. brongniartii and one strain of M. anisopliae significantly influenced mortality of the WCR larvae with average mortality ranging from 62.5% to 86.6%. Results confirmed that interaction is possible between fungal strains and insect of a various geographical provenance. More than half of the tested fungal strains significantly influenced the mortality of WCR larvae after 14 and 21 days. It was found that differences between strains were more important than differences between fungal species.V laboratórnych podmienkach bola skúmaná mortalia lariev kukuričiara koreňového (WCR), Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, spôsobená entomopatogénnymi hubami Beauveria bassiana, Beauveria brongniartii, Metarhizium anisopliae. Larvy sa ošetrili ponorením do spórovej suspenzie (koncentrácia 2 x 107 konídií/ml). Iba jeden kmeň B. brongniartii významne ovplyvnil úmrtnosť lariev WCR po 7 dňoch. Priemerná úmrtnosť lariev bola 17,63%. Po 14 dňoch výrazne ovplyvnilo mortalitu lariev WCR päť kmeňov B. bassiana, dva kmeňe B. brongniartii a jeden kmeň M. anisopliae, s priemernou úmrtnosťou v rozmedzí od 25,83% do 60,57%. Po 21 dňoch od vystavenia lariev spóram štyri kmene B. bassiana, dva kmene B. brongniartii a jeden kmeň M. anisopliae významne ovplyvnili mortalitu lariev WCR s priemernou úmrtnosťou v rozpätí od 62,5% do 86,6%. Výsledky potvrdzujú, že je možná interakcia medzi kmeňmi húb a hmyzom rôzneho zemepisného pôvodu. Viac ako polovica testovaných kmeňov húb významne ovplyvnila úmrtnosť lariev WCR po 14 a 21 dňoch. Zistili sme, že rozdiely medzi kmeňmi sú dôležitejšie ako rozdiely medzi druhmi húb

    Apolipoprotein E Polymorphism in Relation to Plasma Lipid Levels and Other Risk Factors of Atherosclerosis in Two Ethnic Groups from Slovakia

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    The influence of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) genotypes on plasma lipid levels and interaction with other environmental factors was determined in two Slovakian population samples; 146 Romany and 351 Slovak individuals. The two samples differ significantly in the distribution of E3/3 genotypes (p_0.014) and E3/2 (p_0.035). Analysis of variance did not reveal any significant effect of the ApoE genotypes on any of the plasma lipid levels in the Romany individuals. In the Slovak sample the variation in plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels was significantly associated with the ApoE genotypes (p=0.012). We detected decreased LDL-C concentrations in males with E2 genotype when compared with E3 and E4 carriers (p=0.008). Further, the E2 genotype was found to be associated with high triglycerides levels (p=0.009). The ethnic samples differ significantly in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and in the case of males of diabetes. Both the Romany and the Slovak males can be considered as having a more atherogenic profile compared with the female

    Consolidation process boundaries of the degradation of mechanical properties in compression moulding of natural-fibre bio-polymer composites

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    In spite of the volume of literature on natural fibres, bio-matrix materials and their composites, the choices of optimum process parameters such as moulding temperature, pressure and compression time are still largely based on experience, rules of thumb and general knowledge of the chemical and physical processes occurring in the melt during consolidation. The moulding process itself is a complex balance between processes that must occur for the composite to successfully consolidate and the onset of thermal degradation of the natural fibre and/or matrix materials. This paper brings together models of thermal penetration, melt infusion, thermal degradation and chemical degradation of natural polymers to construct an ideal processing window for a bio-composite. All processes are mapped in terms of normalized consolidation progress parameters making it easier to identify critical processes and process boundaries. Validation of the concept is achieved by measuring changes in the mechanical properties of a flax/PLA bio-composite formed over a range of processing conditions within and outside of the optimized window

    Motor ability levels of secondary school boys practising handball

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    The aim of this study is to compare the level of physical abilities of boys of older school age involved in handball and the general population, using the test battery of the Czech Handball Association 2020. A total of 53 test subjects, divided into two groups (general population and handball players) filled in a questionnaire that was created for the purpose of the study and were subsequently tested with a battery of tests, consisting of agility T-test, dribbling after the "figure eight", shooting speed, long jump from the spot and Beep test. The results showed that the handball group performed better in all the tested disciplines, except for the agility T-test. The aim of the thesis was achieved as well as answering each of the research questions, and an interesting recommendation is the possibility of using the test battery to select new players for a team

    Information System Assessment and Proposal of ICT Modification

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    The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the state of the reporting system in the selected company. Based on the analyzes of the current system, possible areas for improvement will be identified. Subsequently, possible solutions will be proposed for streamlining processes, the method of their implementation, and the thesis will evaluate their benefits, risks and measures to reduce them