8 research outputs found

    The role of formalities in international copyright law

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    Brak wymogu formalności stanowi współcześnie jedną z naczelnych zasad międzynarodowego prawa autorskiego. Zasada ta została wprowadzona na mocy rewizji berlińskiej Konwencji Berneńskiej w 1908, a następnie zaczęto stopniowo wprowadzać do ustawodawstw krajowych zakaz uzależniania ochrony prawa autorskiego dla utworów rodzimych od wymogów formalnych . Ostatecznie powszechność tej zasady została przesądzona w momencie inkorporacji art. 5(2) Konwencji Berneńskiej o zakazie wymogu formalności do Porozumienie w sprawie Handlowych Aspektów Praw Własności Intelektualnej (TRIPS) w 1994 roku. Niniejsza praca stanowi analizę rodzajów i funkcji wymogów formalnych w wymiarze historycznym oraz porównawczym z uwzględnieniem przyczyn dla których przepisy dotyczące formalności podlegały zmianom. Celem powyższej analizy jest ocena możliwych funkcji wymogów formalnych wobec problemów w międzynarodowym prawie autorskim związanych z rewolucją cyfrową. Analiza ustawodawstw poszczególnych krajów została dokonana w ograniczonym zakresie, jedynie na potrzeby analizy prawa autorskiego w wymiarze międzynarodowym, które nie może być oderwane od poszczególnych ustawodawstw krajowych.The automatic protection of copyright law is currently one of the main rule of international copyright law. The principle was introduced in 1908 by the Berlin revision of Berne Convention. Therefore it was gradually introducing as well into the national laws, especially in European countries. Eventually it became a common rule in 1994 when Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) incorporated among others article 5(2) of Berne Convention, which constitutes a prohibition of formalities in international copyright law. The present work is an analysis of types and functions of formalities in the historic and comparative angle in conjunction with the reasons why the provisions regarding formalities in copyright law were changed. The aim of this work is to estimate the possible functions of formalities towards the challenges of international copyright law in digital era. The analysis of national law was made to limited extent and only in order to fully present the international state of affairs, which could not be separated from the provisions of national laws

    Optical Properties of Europium Compounds with L- and DL-α-Alanine-Hydroxamic Acids

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    Two of europium complexes with L- and DL-α-alanine-hydroxamic acids were synthesized. To our knowledge they are the first examples of X-ray and spectral data of lanthanide single crystals with hydroxamic acid derivatives. Both compounds consist of dimers in their structures, formed by two OH bridging groups of amino-hydroxamic acid molecules. Besides, two metal ions are chelated by CO and OH groups, forming five-membered rings. In the complex with L-ligand, different than in the DL-one, two additional perchloric acid molecules are included in crystal cavities and form hydrogen bondings with nitrogen and oxygen atoms of the ligand. Absorption, emission and excitation spectra were measured and analyzed at room and low temperatures. Structural effect of ligand chirality was found and its spectroscopic consequences are reported. The effect of the dimeric structure on spectroscopic properties is discussed

    Optical Properties and Structure of Ln(NCS)(Hmpa)4\text{}_{4}-(SCN)2\text{}_{2}- HgCl(SCN)

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    Praseodymium, neodymium and europium complexes of the formula Ln(NCS)(Hmpa)4\text{}_{4}-(SCN)2\text{}_{2}-HgCl(SCN) were synthesised from non-aqueous solutions. The structure of neodymium complexes was determined by X-ray diffraction. The crystals of the title compounds crystallise in the space group Cc, where lanthanide ions are coordinated to seven ligand groups: four of Hmpa molecules and three SCN¯ ions. The compounds were characterised by IR, luminescence, excitation and absorption spectra at 6, 77, and 298 K. Probabilities of electronic transitions for Pr3+\text{}^{3+} ion were examined at 6 K and at room temperatures. Vibronic components were observed and analysed on the basis of IR and Raman data. Asymmetric arrangement of Ln ions was found from X-ray analysis and its influence on optical properties of active centre was discussed