84 research outputs found

    Use of UHPC in Bridge Structures: Material Modeling and Design

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    Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) is a promising new class of concrete material that is likely to make a significant contribution to addressing the challenges associated with the load capacity, durability, sustainability, economy, and environmental impact of concrete bridge infrastructures. This paper focuses on the material modeling of UHPC and design of bridge girders made of UHPC. A two-phase model used for modeling the behavior of UHPC was briefly discussed, and the model was implemented in a preliminary design case study. Based on the implemented design and the reported use of UHPC in bridge applications, the advantages, limitations, and future prospects of UHPC bridges were discussed, highlighting the need for innovative research and design to make optimum use of the favorable properties of the material in bridge structures

    Trigeminal nerve and pathologies in magnetic resonance imaging : a pictorial review

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    A variety of conditions may affect the trigeminal nerve. Magnetic resonance imaging is the modality of choice when trigeminal nerve pathology is suspected, and this modality plays an essential role in detecting causes. This review illustrates some of the pathological conditions relevant to the trigeminal nerve in magnetic resonance imaging

    A Tutorial on Nonorthogonal Multiple Access for 5G and Beyond

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    Today's wireless networks allocate radio resources to users based on the orthogonal multiple access (OMA) principle. However, as the number of users increases, OMA based approaches may not meet the stringent emerging requirements including very high spectral efficiency, very low latency, and massive device connectivity. Nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) principle emerges as a solution to improve the spectral efficiency while allowing some degree of multiple access interference at receivers. In this tutorial style paper, we target providing a unified model for NOMA, including uplink and downlink transmissions, along with the extensions tomultiple inputmultiple output and cooperative communication scenarios. Through numerical examples, we compare the performances of OMA and NOMA networks. Implementation aspects and open issues are also detailed.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    An Experimental Study of NOMA for Connected Autonomous Vehicles

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    Connected autonomous vehicles (CAV) constitute an important application of future-oriented traffic management .A vehicular system dominated by fully autonomous vehicles requires a robust and efficient vehicle-to-everything (V2X) infrastructure that will provide sturdy connection of vehicles in both short and long distances for a large number of devices, requiring high spectral efficiency (SE). Power domain non-orthogonal multiple access (PD-NOMA) technique has the potential to provide the required high SE levels. In this paper, a vehicular PD-NOMA testbed is implemented using software defined radio (SDR) nodes. The main concerns and their corresponding solutions arising from the implementation are highlighted. The bit error rates(BER) of vehicles with different channel conditions are measured for mobile and stationary cases. The extent of the estimation errors on the success rate beyond the idealized theoretical analysis view is investigated and the approaches to alleviate these errors are discussed. Finally, our perspective on possible PD-NOMA based CAV deployment scenarios is presented in terms of performance constraints and expectancy along with the overlooked open issues.Comment: 7 Pages, 6 figure

    Usporedba stvarnog profila lipida u bolesnika s dijabetesom tip 2 i preporuka iz smjernica

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    Diabetes is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Despite recommendations and available therapeutic options, patients with diabetes do not always reach the recommended lipid levels. In this study, our aim was to compare the real world lipid profile of type 2 diabetes patients with guideline recommendations for dyslipidemia. Four hundred and sixty eight consecutive patients referred to Outpatient Diabetes Clinic of Istanbul Medeniyet University were recruited. Patient anthropometric measurements (height, weight, waist circumference), biochemical test results (LDL cholesterol (LDL-c), triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, HbA1c) and treatment modalities were recorded. Patients were stratified into cardiovascular risk categories according to the risk factors and their treatment dose was compared to the recommendations. Among 468 patients, 56 (12%) patients had coronary heart disease (CHD). Thirty-four percent of these patients were not on statin treatment (n=19) and their mean LDL-c level was 114±29 mg/dL (2.9±0.75 mmol/L). Nineteen percent of these patients were on high intensity statin treatment (atorvastatin 40-80 mg, rosuvastatin 20 mg). Only four patients with CHD had LDL-c levels <70 mg/dL (1.8 mmol/L). Four hundred and twelve patients had no CHD. In these patients, the mean LDL-c level was 132±38 mg/dL (3.4±0.9 mmol/L). Eighty (19%) patients had LDL-c level lower than 100 mg/dL (2.5 mmol/L). Overall 82% (n=384) of the cohort had not achieved treatment goal. In conclusion, a more pronounced approach for statin treatment is needed in diabetes patients for both primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases.Dijabetes je glavni čimbenik rizika za srčanožilne bolesti. Usprkos preporuka i dostupnih terapijskih mogućnosti bolesnici s dijabetesom ne postižu uvijek preporučene razine lipida. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je usporediti stvarni profil lipida u bolesnika s dijabetesom tip 2 s preporukama za dislipidemiju iz dotičnih smjernica. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 468 uzastopnih bolesnika upućenih u Ambulantu za dijabetes Sveučilišta Medeniyet u Istanbulu. Bilježena su antropometrijska mjerenja (visina, težina, opseg struka), rezultati biokemijskih pretraga (LDL kolesterol, trigliceridi, HDL kolesterol, HbA1c) i načini liječenja. Bolesnici su podijeljeni u skupine kardiovaskularnog rizika prema rizičnim čimbenicima, a doze lijeka kojom su liječeni uspoređene su s preporukama. Među 468 bolesnika 56 (12%) ih je imalo koronarnu srčanu bolest (KSB); 34% (n=19) tih bolesnika nije primalo terapiju statinima, a njihova srednja razina LDL bila je 114±29 mg/dL (2,9±0,75 mmol/L); 19% tih bolesnika primalo je visoko intenzivnu terapiju statinima (atorvastatin 40-80 mg, rosuvastatin 20 mg). Razine LDL <70 mg/dL (1,8 mmol/L) zabilježene su u samo četvero bolesnika s KSB. Četiristodvanaest bolesnika nije imalo KSB. U ovih bolesnika srednja razina LDL bila je 132±38 mg/dL (3,4±0,9 mmol/L). Razine LDL niže od 100 mg/ dL (2,5 mmol/L) zabilježene su u 80 (19%) bolesnika s LDL. Dakle, cilj liječenja sveukupno nije postignut u 82% (n=384) ispitivanih bolesnika. Zaključuje se kako je potreban snažniji pristup terapiji statinima u bolesnika s dijabetesom kako za primarnu tako i za sekundarnu prevenciju srčanožilnih bolesti

    Amyloid Goiter Associated with Amyloidosis Secondary to Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Amyloidosis refers to a variety of conditions in which amyloid proteins are abnormally deposited in organs and/or tissues. The most common forms of systemic amyloidosis are primary amyloidosis (PA) of light chains and secondary amyloidosis (SA) caused by chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Although involvement of the thyroid gland by amyloid is a relatively common phenomenon, clinically significant enlargement of the thyroid owing to amyloid deposition is a rare occurrence. In SA, the deposition of amyloid associated (AA) protein is associated with atrophy of thyroid follicles. The clinical picture of these patients is characterized by rapid, painless thyroid gland enlargement which may be associated with dysphagia, dyspnea, or hoarseness. Thyroid function is not impaired in most cases. Although amyloid goitre secondary to systemic amyloidosis due to chronic inflammatory diseases is relatively common, specifically related to RA is much more uncommon one and it is reported less in the literature. In this report, A 52-old-year female patient with amyloid goiter associated with amyloidosis secondary to rheumatoid arthritis is presented

    Operational Research: Methods and Applications

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    Throughout its history, Operational Research has evolved to include a variety of methods, models and algorithms that have been applied to a diverse and wide range of contexts. This encyclopedic article consists of two main sections: methods and applications. The first aims to summarise the up-to-date knowledge and provide an overview of the state-of-the-art methods and key developments in the various subdomains of the field. The second offers a wide-ranging list of areas where Operational Research has been applied. The article is meant to be read in a nonlinear fashion. It should be used as a point of reference or first-port-of-call for a diverse pool of readers: academics, researchers, students, and practitioners. The entries within the methods and applications sections are presented in alphabetical order