379 research outputs found

    Low-level laser therapy decreases local effects induced by myotoxins isolated from Bothrops jararacussu snake venom

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    The prominent myotoxic effects induced by Bothrops jararacussu crude venom are due, in part, to its polycationic myotoxins, BthTX-I and BthTX-II. Both myotoxins have a phospholipase A2 structure: BthTX-II is an active enzyme Asp-49 PLA2, while BthTX-I is a Lys-49 PLA2 devoid of enzymatic activity. In this study, the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT), 685 nm laser at a dose of 4.2 J/cm2 on edema formation, leukocyte influx and myonecrosis caused by BthTX-I and BthTX-II, isolated from Bothrops jararacussu snake venom, was analyzed. BthTX-I and BthTX-II caused a significant edema formation, a prominent leukocyte infiltrate composed predominantly by neutrophils and myonecrosis in envenomed gastrocnemius muscle. LLLT significantly reduced the edema formation, neutrophil accumulation and myonecrosis induced by both myotoxins 24 hours after the injection. LLLT reduced the myonecrosis caused by BthTX-I and BthTX-II, respectively, by 60 and 43%; the edema formation, by 41 and 60.7%; and the leukocyte influx, by 57.5 and 51.6%. In conclusion, LLLT significantly reduced the effect of these snake toxins on the inflammatory response and myonecrosis. These results suggest that LLLT should be considered a potential therapeutic approach for treatment of local effects of Bothrops species venom.Fundação Vale Paraibana de Ensin

    Developing a questionnaire to determine the impact of self-management in diabetes: giving people with diabetes a voice

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    Background The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) is increasing dramatically, placing considerable financial burden on the healthcare budget of each country. Patient self-management is crucial for the control of blood glucose, which largely determines the chances of developing diabetes-related complications. Self-management interventions vary widely, and a method is required for assessing the impact of self-management. This paper describes the development of a questionnaire intended for use to measure the impact of self-management in diabetes. Methods An iterative development process was undertaken to identify the attributes of self-management using 5 steps. First, a literature review was undertaken to identify and understand themes relating to self-management of DM to inform a topic guide. Second, the topic guide was further refined following consultation with a Patient and Public Involvement group. Third, the topic guide was used to inform semi-structured interviews with patients with Type 1 DM (T1DM) and Type 2 DM (T2DM) to identify how self-management of DM affects individuals. Fourth, the research team considered potential attributes alongside health attributes from an existing measure (Diabetes Health Profile, DHP) to produce an instrument reflecting both health and self-management outcomes simultaneously. Finally, a draft instrument was tested in a focus group to determine the wording and acceptability. Results Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 32 patients with T1DM and T2DM. Eight potential attributes were identified: fear/worry/anxiety, guilt, stress, stigma, hassle, control, freedom, and feeling supported. Four of these self-management attributes were selected with four health attributes (mood, worry about hypos (hypoglycaemic episodes), vitality and social limitations) to produce the Health and Self-Management in Diabetes (HASMID v1) questionnaire. Conclusions HASMID v1 is a short questionnaire that contains eight items each with four response levels to measure the impact of self-management in diabetes for both T1DM and T2DM. The measure was developed using a mixed-methods approach that involved semi-structured interviews with people with diabetes. The measure has high face validity. Ongoing research is being undertaken to assess the validity of this questionnaire for measuring the impact of self-management interventions in economic evaluation

    Biological Function and Molecular Mapping of M Antigen in Yeast Phase of Histoplasma capsulatum

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    Histoplasmosis, due to the intracellular fungus Histoplasma capsulatum, can be diagnosed by demonstrating the presence of antibodies specific to the immunodominant M antigen. However, the role of this protein in the pathogenesis of histoplasmosis has not been elucidated. We sought to structurally and immunologically characterize the protein, determine yeast cell surface expression, and confirm catalase activity. A 3D-rendering of the M antigen by homology modeling revealed that the structures and domains closely resemble characterized fungal catalases. We generated monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to the protein and determined that the M antigen is present on the yeast cell surface and in cell wall/cell membrane preparations. Similarly, we found that the majority of catalase activity was in extracts containing fungal surface antigens and that the M antigen is not significantly secreted by live yeast cells. The mAbs also identified unique epitopes on the M antigen. The localization of the M antigen to the cell surface of H. capsulatum yeast and the characterization of the protein's major epitopes have important implications since it demonstrates that although the protein may participate in protecting the fungus against oxidative stress it is also accessible to host immune cells and antibody

    An analysis of risk factors for arterial hypertension in adolescent students

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    The objective of the study was to evaluate some risk factors for increases in systemic arterial blood pressure. This transversal study was carried out with 145 individuals from 12 to18 years of age at two state schools in the city of Pico in the state of Piauí in Brazil. The majority were female (62.8%). The median age was 14.8 years (±3.19). It was ascertained that 13 of the subjects (9.0%) were overweight [CI% 73.0-86.0]. Elevations in waist circumference were found in 31 (21.4%) and 76 (52.4%) had elevated arterial blood levels. There was no statistically-significant association between the above-cited risk factors and gender (p=0.088; 0.999; 0.204, respectively). However, 44.8% of the adolescents had at least one risk factor associated with arterial hypertension; 15.9% had two, and 2.1% had three. The study confirms the influence of the risk factors on arterial pressure values among adolescents. Being aware of these factors means that nurses can intervene with health education measures.El objetivo fue evaluar de los algunos factores de riesgo para aumento de los niveles de presión arterial sistémica. Estudio transversal con 145 personas de 12 a 18 años de dos escuelas públicas de la ciudad de Picos-PI. La mayoría eran mujeres (62,8%). La edad media fue de 14,8 años (±3.19). Se encontró 13 (9,0%) tenían exceso de peso [IC% 73,0 a 86,0]. Elevaciones de la circunferencia de cintura se encontraron en 31 (21,4%) y 76 (52,4%) con niveles elevados de presión arterial. No hubo asociación estadísticamente significativa de los factores de riesgo mencionados anteriormente investigado con el sexo (p=0,088, 0,999, 0,204, respectivamente). Sin embargo, 44,8% de los jóvenes tenían al menos un factor; 15,9% dos y 2,1% tres factores relacionados con la hipertensión. Confirma la influencia de factores de riesgo en los valores de presión arterial en la juventud. Delante del conocimiento de estos factores, la enfermería podrá intervenir con medidas de educación en salud.O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar alguns fatores de risco para aumento dos níveis de pressão arterial sistêmica. Trata-se de estudo transversal, desenvolvido com 145 indivíduos de 12 a 18 anos, de duas escolas públicas da cidade de Picos, PI. A maioria era composta por mulheres (62,8%). A média de idade foi de 14,8 anos (±3,19). Verificou-se que 13 (9,0%) apresentavam excesso de peso [IC% 73,0-86,0]. Elevações da circunferência abdominal foram encontradas em 31 (21,4%), e 76 (52,4%) tinham elevação nos níveis de pressão arterial. Não houve associação estatisticamente significante dos fatores de risco investigados citados anteriormente com o sexo (p=0,088; 0,999; 0,204, respectivamente). No entanto, 44,8% dos adolescentes tinham pelo menos um fator, 15,9% dois e 2,1%, três fatores associados indicativos de hipertensão arterial. Confirma-se a influência de fatores de risco sobre os valores da pressão arterial em adolescentes. Diante do conhecimento desses fatores, a enfermagem poderá intervir com medidas de educação em saúde

    Stimulation of lymphocyte anti-melanoma activity by co-cultured macrophages activated by complex homeopathic medication

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin cancer, and the most rapidly expanding cancer in terms of worldwide incidence. Chemotherapeutic approaches to treat melanoma have been uniformly disappointing. A Brazilian complex homeopathic medication (CHM), used as an immune modulator, has been recommended for patients with depressed immune systems. Previous studies in mice have demonstrated that the CHM activates macrophages, induces an increase in the number of leukocytes and improves the murine response against Sarcoma-180.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Here we studied the interaction of mouse lymph node lymphocytes, co-cultured <it>in vitro </it>with macrophages in the presence or absence of the CHM, with B16F10 melanoma cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Lymphocytes co-cultured with macrophages in the presence of the CHM had greater anti-melanoma activity, reducing melanoma cell density and increasing the number of lysed tumor cells. There was also a higher proportion of activated (CD25<sup>+</sup>) lymphocytes with increased viability. Overall, lymphocytes activated by treatment destroyed growing cancer cells more effectively than control lymphocytes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Co-culture of macrophages with lymphocytes in the presence of the CHM enhanced the anti-cancer performance of lymphocytes against a very aggressive lineage of melanoma cells. These results suggest that non-toxic therapies using CHMs are a promising alternative approach to the treatment of melanomas. In addition, they are attractive combination-therapy candidates, which may enhance the efficacy of conventional medicines by improving the immune response against tumor cells.</p