344 research outputs found

    A geometrical instability for ultra-light fields during inflation?

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    Westudythebehaviourofisocurvatureperturbationsinnon-linearsigmamodels which naturally emerge in supergravity and string inflationary scenarios. We focus on the case of negatively curved field manifolds which can potentially lead to a geometrical destabilisation of isocurvature modes. We find however that heavy fields are stable when their effective mass is computed on the attractor background solution. On the other hand, we show that ultra-light fields can potentially suffer from a geometrical instability when the background trajectory is a geodesic in field space. In this case a full understanding of the system is likely to require the use of non-perturbative methods.Comment: Matches published version, 5 pages, 2 figure

    Can mineralogical features influence distribution patterns of fish? A case study in shallow Mediterranean rocky reefs

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    On the record of the Lessepsian migrant Fistularia commersonii (RĂĽppell, 1835) from the Adriatic Sea

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    On 7 November and 15 December 2006, two specimens of the Lessepsian migrant Fistularia commersonni were caught in trammel nets off the coastal waters of Tricase Porto (southwestern Adriatic, Italy) and Sveti Andrija (southeastern Adriatic, Croatia), respectively. These represent the first records of this species in the Adriatic Sea

    Using complementary visual approaches to investigate residency, site fidelity and movement patterns of the dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus) in a Mediterranean marine protected area

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    AbstractAssessing individuals' abundance, residency (presence at a site within a certain period) and site fidelity (tendency to return to the same site in subsequent seasons or years) is crucial for evaluating and improving the effectiveness of spatial conservation/management measures regarding ecologically and socio-economically valuable species. Using underwater visual census (UVC) and photo-identification (photo-ID) techniques, we estimated the abundance, residency and site fidelity of the dusky grouper, Epinephelus marginatus, at two protected sites within the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area (Sardinia, Italy) in the summers of 2017–2018. The scope and spatio-temporal resolution of the study was extended by involving volunteer recreational divers in the photo collection. Grouper mean densities varied significantly across sampling dates, with a significant variability between the 2 years and the two investigated sites. At least 94 grouper visited the study sites in the summers of 2017–2018 based on the analysis of 968 high-quality photos using a semi-automated software to photo-identify individuals. Overall, the most frequently sighted grouper was recorded on 32 different days and 21 individuals (22%) identified in 2017 were re-sighted in 2018. The participation of volunteer recreational divers helped detect the inter-site (3.5–4 km apart) movements of a female and a male, supporting previous findings regarding the occurrence of reproduction-related movements. This study provides novel insights into the residency and site-fidelity patterns of the dusky grouper, and its small-scale movements probably related to reproduction. Specifically, we provide indications that effective protection from fishing should encompass the entire area used by grouper for reproductive movements

    Real-world data mining meets clinical practice: Research challenges and perspective

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    As Big Data Analysis meets healthcare applications, domain-specific challenges and opportunities materialize in all aspects of data science. Advanced statistical methods and Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are used both for knowledge discovery purposes and clinical decision support. Such techniques enable the emerging Predictive, Preventative, Personalized, and Participatory Medicine (P4M) paradigm. Working with the Infectious Disease Clinic of the University Hospital of Modena, Italy, we have developed a range of Data-Driven (DD) approaches to solve critical clinical applications using statistics, Machine Learning (ML) and Big Data Analytics on real-world EHRs. Here, we describe our perspective on the challenges we encountered. Some are connected to medical data and their sparse, scarce, and unbalanced nature. Others are bound to the application environment, as medical AI tools can affect people's health and life. For each of these problems, we report some available techniques to tackle them, present examples drawn from our experience, and propose which approaches, in our opinion, could lead to successful real-world, end-to-end implementations. DESY report number: DESY-22-153

    Fish assemblages along the coasts of Tunisia: a baseline study to assess the effectiveness of future Marine Protected Areas

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    The present study investigated coastal fish assemblages, using Underwater Visual Census (UVC) transects, in Tunisia (south Mediterranean basin). The rationale behind this work is to get i) a suggestive evidence about the status of fish assemblages, and ii) baseline data at 3 locations in Tunisia where 3 MPAs will be established, before the implementation of protection measures. At each location, we used a sampling design where fish censuses were performed in two types of zone: zones that will be inside MPAs, and zones that will remain outside. On the whole, 49 taxa belonging to 19 families were censused. Data reveal clear symptoms of overfishing, especially in terms of dominance of small- and medium-sized individuals of commercially relevant species. Our analyses, moreover, did not show any significant difference in whole fish assemblage structures (considering both density and biomass), patterns of average species richness, total fish density and biomass, density and biomass of different trophic categories of fishes, size distribution of commercially relevant species, between future-protected and unprotected zones. Overall, results suggest that 1) current fish assemblages at the three studied locations are likely to be seriously impacted by fishing activities, and 2) these data could be used as reliable baselines to assess the effectiveness of protection measures within the MPAs that will be established in the future. Our study is the first in Tunisia, and in North African coasts, that assessed distribution patterns of coastal fish assemblages by means of UVC, using a formal spatially replicated sampling design for resource management

    On the choice of entropy variables in multifield inflation

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    We discuss the usefulness and theoretical consistency of different entropy variables used in the literature to describe isocurvature perturbations in multifield inflationary models with a generic curved field space. We clarify which is the proper entropy variable to be used to match the evolution of isocurvature modes during inflation to the one after the reheating epoch in order to compare with observational constraints. In particular, we find that commonly used variables, as the relative entropy perturbation or the one associated to the decomposition in tangent and normal perturbations with respect to the inflationary trajectory, even if more useful to perform numerical studies, can lead to results which are wrong by several orders of magnitude, or even to apparent destabilisation effects which are unphysical for cases with light kinetically coupled spectator fields.Comment: 20 pages + appendices, 3 figure

    Fish assemblages across the Mediterranean Sea and the effects of protection from fishing = I Popolamenti ittici nel Mediterraneo e gli effetti della protezione dall’impatto della pesca

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    Several studies have assessed the effectiveness of individual marine protected areas (MPAs) in protecting fish assemblages, but regional assessments of multiple parks are scarce. Here fish surveys using visual census were done in marine parks and fished areas at 31 locations across the Mediterranean Sea. Fish species richness, diversity and biomass (especially of top predators) were higher in MPAs compared to fished areas, and community structure differed significantly between MPAs and fished areas. Results suggest that MPAs are generally effective means to protect and recover fish populations and assemblages

    Local support for conservation is associated with perceptions of good governance, social impacts, and ecological effectiveness

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    Local support is important for the longevity of conservation initiatives. The literature suggests that perceptions of ecological effectiveness, social impacts, and good gov- ernance will influence levels of local support for conservation. This paper examines these relationships using data from a survey of small-scale fishermen in 11 marine pro- tected areas from six countries in the Mediterranean Sea. The survey queried small- scale fishermen regarding perceptions and support for conservation. We constructed composite scores for three categories of perceptions—ecological effectiveness, social impacts, and good governance—and tested the relationship with levels of support using ordinal regression models. While all three factors were positively correlated with support for conservation, perceptions of good governance and social impacts were stronger predictors of increasing support. These findings suggest that employ- ing good governance processes and managing social impacts may be more important than ecological effectiveness for maintaining local support for conservation
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