4 research outputs found

    De la nécessité d’un nouveau design de l’offre de financement au Maroc pour la PME marocaine en présence d’un contexte de multi-crises

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    Moroccan SMEs are of undeniable importance in the economic fabric in which they represent 95% according to the statistics of the confederation of SMEs. They constitute a neuralgic axis of our economy with 40% of the production and 13% of exports. They are present in all sectors of economic activity. In spite of the turbulence of the environment, the SME are pretentious to grow and to develop through the investment which requires a strong capital to be concretized. Nevertheless, the company's own funds remain insufficient in the face of the ambitions of these small firms. There remains only one demand which is the recourse to bank financing which remains laborious to obtain. Nevertheless, the investment is conducted in a context of uncertain future which is rewarded by a risk premium, which explains the high cost of bank financing to SMEs. It is therefore imperative to call for a change in the managerial culture of SMEs, mainly newly created structures, and to encourage banks to make scalable financing proposals ensuring prosperity and sustainability for SMEs. The objective of our article is thus to well identify the conditions of granting of credit for the SME especially in period of crisis and to demonstrate the role of the intervention of the State as intermediary between the establishments of credit and the SME by the means of the guarantees. Thus, our article focuses on a narrative literature review that seeks to focus on the design of the financing offer for the benefit of Moroccan SMEs in an economic context of crisis.   Keywords: Financing offer, growth, Moroccan SMEs, financial failure JEL Classification: G17, H12. Paper type: Theoretical Research.Les PME Marocaines sont ornĂ©es d’une importance incontestable dans le tissu Ă©conomique dans lequel elles reprĂ©sentent 95% selon les statistiques de la confĂ©dĂ©ration de la PME. Elles constituent un axe nĂ©vralgique de notre Ă©conomie avec 40% de la production et 13% des exportations. Elles sont prĂ©sentes dans tous les secteurs d’activitĂ©s Ă©conomiques. MalgrĂ© les turbulences de l’environnement, les PME sont prĂ©tentieuses de croitre et de se dĂ©velopper Ă  travers l’investissement qui nĂ©cessite un capital fort pour ĂŞtre concrĂ©tisĂ©. NĂ©anmoins, les fonds propres de l’entreprise restent insuffisants face aux ambitions de ces petites firmes. Il ne reste alors qu’une seule revendication qui est le recours au financement bancaire qui demeure laborieux Ă  obtenir. NĂ©anmoins, l’investissement est menĂ© dans un contexte d’avenir incertain, ce qui est rĂ©compensĂ© par une prime de risque, ce qui explique la chertĂ© de l’offre de financement bancaire au PME. Il est donc impĂ©ratif d'appeler Ă  un changement de la culture managĂ©riale des PME, principalement des structures nouvellement crĂ©Ă©es, et d'inciter les banques Ă  faire des propositions extensibles de financement assurant la prospĂ©ritĂ© et la pĂ©rennitĂ© pour les PME. L’objectif de notre article est donc de bien cernĂ©e les conditions d’octroi de crĂ©dit pour les PME surtout en pĂ©riode de crise et de dĂ©montrer le rĂ´le de l’intervention de l’État comme intermĂ©diaire entre les Ă©tablissements de crĂ©dit et les PME par le moyen des garanties. Donc notre article porte sur une revue de littĂ©rature narrative qui cherche Ă  mettre le point sur le design de l’offre de financement au profit des PME marocaines dans un contexte Ă©conomique enragĂ© de crise .   Mots clĂ©s : L’offre de financement, croissance, PME marocaine, dĂ©faillance financière. Classification JEL :  G17, H12. Type de l’article : Article thĂ©oriqu

    Acceptance of sugar reduction in yoghurt among Moroccan population

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    Introduction: Morocco has recently developed a plan of reducing sugar consumption to reinforce prevention of non-communicable diseases and to contribute to the achievement of global voluntary targets for non-communicable diseases set by ICN2 by 2025. The objective of the present study was to assess acceptance of yogurts with different percentage reduction of sugar by the Moroccan population. Methods: A total of 201 participants (age > 15 y.) were recruited to determine the level of sugar reduction in yogurt. Sucrose was added to a plain yoghurt in the following different concentrations 166.5; 149.8; 133.2; 116.5; 99; 83.2 mM/l, corresponding to the reduction of sugar of 0%, -10%, -20%, -30%, -40% and -50%, respectively, compared available yogurt in local market. Overall, the acceptability scores of the different yoghurts were based on liking, "Just About Right" (JAR) and purchase intent scales was used to score the different yoghurts. Results: Yogurts containing -20% and -30% added sugar were highly accepted by 81% and 74% of respondents. Based on JAR score, yoghurt with 20% (133.2mM/l) and 30% (116.5 mM/l) reduction were considered as "just about right" by 42.7% and 44.3% respectively. Best average score of purchase intent was obtained for sucrose concentration of 149.8 mM/l. 35.8% and 40.3% for yoghurt with sucrose concentration of 133.2 mM/l and 116.5 mM/l respectively. Conclusion: The finding from this study indicated that yogurts containing -20% and -30% added sugar were most accepted by respondents. Advocacy before dairy industry to have them commit towards sugar reduction in yogurt is needed, in order to help achieving the national sugar reduction strategy in Morocco

    La prédiction des défaillances : vers une perspective de l'intelligence artificielle

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    La défaillance des entreprises est un risque qui peut surgir dans le cycle de vie de chaque entreprise, elle peut commencer par des difficultés imperceptibles et se transformer en épouvantables difficultés qui auront pour conséquence la mortalité de l’entreprise en absence de mesures préventives. De ce fait, il est nécessaire d’intervenir précocement et d’anticiper les éventuelles difficultés avant l’aggravation de la situation de l’entreprise. Plusieurs modèles statistiques ont été conçues pour prévenir la défaillance des entreprises. Néanmoins, malgré leurs efficacités, les modèles traditionnels de prévention des défaillances ont été critiqués par plusieurs chercheurs et d’autres méthodes ont apparue pour y faire face. Ces nouvelles méthodes relèvent de l’intelligence artificielle qui présente de nombreuses opportunités et privilèges pour les entreprises en difficulté. Donc, afin d’explorer l’état des lieux portant sur les méthodes de prévention de la défaillance des entreprises nous avons opté pour une comparaison théorique permettant de rapprocher les méthodes traditionnelles de prévention aux nouvelles méthodes fondées sur l’intelligence artificielle

    Effect of nutritional factors on urinary calcium excretion in a sample of Moroccan children and adolescents

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    In addition to age, gender, body weight, hormonal status as well as certain physiological and pathological states, other factors exert considerable effects on calcium (Ca) retention and therefore on its urinary excretion. Among these other factors, many dietary nutrients have all been discussed as factors affecting urinary Ca through different studies. Thus, our study aims to evaluate the impact of various nutritional factors on urinary Ca excretion among a sample of Moroccan children and adolescents aged from 6 to 18 years old. A total of 133 Moroccan children and adolescents aged between 6 and 18 years were involved in this study. Participants were required from public and private schools in Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region. For each participant, anthropometry data, food record and 24-h urine samples were collected. Urinary Ca was estimated using ICP-mass spectrometry. The urinary Ca average was 73.58±37.13 mg/day. Urinary Ca excretion had no significant association (p>0.05) with different studied nutrients (r=-0.082, r=0.118, r=-0.025, r=0.142, r=0.084, r=0.119 for Ca, proteins, vitamin D, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium intakes respectively).The current impact evaluation of various nutritional factors on urinary Ca excretion suggests that Ca requirement may be not influenced by nutrients intake but it is highly recommended for researchers to carry out more studies and define all factors that cause Ca deficiency in Moroccan children and adolescents