439 research outputs found

    Role of NADH Dehydrogenase (Ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex 4-like 2 in clear cell renal cell carcinoma

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    PURPOSE We delineated the functions of the HIF1α target NADH Dehydrogenase (Ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex 4-like 2 (NDUFA4L2) in ccRCC and characterized NDUFA4L2 as a novel molecular target for ccRCC treatment. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN We evaluated normal kidney and ccRCC patient microarray and RNAseq data from Oncomine and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) for NDUFA4L2 mRNA levels and the clinical implications of high NDUFA4L2 expression. Additionally, we examined normal kidney and ccRCC patient tissue samples, human ccRCC cell lines, and murine models of ccRCC for NDUFA4L2 mRNA and protein expression. Utilizing shRNA, we performed NDUFA4L2 knockdown experiments and analyzed the proliferation, clonogenicity, metabolite levels, cell structure, and autophagy in ccRCC cell lines in culture. RESULTS We found that NDUFA4L2 mRNA and protein are highly expressed in ccRCC samples but undetectable in normal kidney tissue samples, and that NDUFA4L2 mRNA expression correlates with tumor stage and lower overall survival. Additionally, we demonstrated that NDUFA4L2 is a HIF1α target in ccRCC and that NDUFA4L2 knockdown has a profound anti-proliferative effect, alters metabolic pathways, and causes major stress in cultured RCC cells. CONCLUSIONS Collectively, our data show that NDUFA4L2 is a novel molecular target for ccRCC treatment

    All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced TFEB expression is required for myeloid differentiation in acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)

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    © 2019 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd Objective: In acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), normal retinoid signaling is disrupted by an abnormal PML-RARα fusion oncoprotein, leading to a block in cell differentiation. Therapeutic concentrations of all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) can restore retinoid-induced transcription and promote degradation of the PML-RARα protein. Autophagy is a catabolic pathway that utilizes lysosomal machinery to degrade intracellular material and facilitate cellular re-modeling. Recent studies have identified autophagy as an integral component of ATRA-induced myeloid differentiation. Methods: As the molecular communication between retinoid signaling and the autophagy pathway is not defined, we performed RNA sequencing of NB4 APL cells treated with ATRA and examined autophagy-related transcripts. Results: ATRA altered the expression of >80 known autophagy-related transcripts, including the key transcriptional regulator of autophagy and lysosomal biogenesis, TFEB (11.5-fold increase). Induction of TFEB and its transcriptional target, sequestosome 1 (SQSTM1, p62), is reduced in ATRA-resistant NB4R cells compared to NB4 cells. TFEB knockdown in NB4 cells alters the expression of transcriptional targets of TFEB and reduces CD11b transcript levels in response to ATRA. Conclusions: We show for the first time that TFEB plays an important role in ATRA-induced autophagy during myeloid differentiation and that autophagy induction potentiates leukemic cell differentiation (Note: this study includes data obtained from NCT00195156, https://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT00195156)

    All-Trans-Retinoic Acid Combined With Valproic Acid Can Promote Differentiation in Myeloid Leukemia Cells by an Autophagy Dependent Mechanism

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is an aggressive blood cancer with an overall survival of 30%. One form of AML, acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) has become more than 90% curable with differentiation therapy, consisting of all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) and arsenic trioxide (ATO). Application of differentiation therapy to other AML subtypes would be a major treatment advance. Recent studies have indicated that autophagy plays a key role in the differentiation of ATRA-responsive APL cells. In this study, we have investigated whether differentiation could be enhanced in ATRA resistant cells by promoting autophagy induction with valproic acid (VPA). ATRA sensitive (NB4) and resistant leukemia cells (NB4R and THP-1) were co-treated with ATRA and valproic acid, followed by assessment of autophagy and differentiation. The combination of VPA and ATRA induced autophagic flux and promoted differentiation in ATRA-sensitive and -resistant cell lines. shRNA knockdown of ATG7 and TFEB autophagy regulators impaired both autophagy and differentiation, demonstrating the importance of autophagy in the combination treatment. These data suggest that ATRA combined with valproic acid can promote differentiation in myeloid leukemia cells by mechanism involving autophagy

    Interaction between neonatal vitamin A supplementation and timing of measles vaccination: a retrospective analysis of three randomized trials from Guinea-Bissau.

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    BACKGROUND: In Guinea-Bissau we conducted three trials of neonatal vitamin A supplementation (NVAS) from 2002 to 2008. None of the trials found a beneficial effect on mortality. From 2003 to 2007, an early measles vaccine (MV) trial was ongoing, randomizing children 1:2 to early MV at 4.5 months or no early MV, in addition to the usual MV at 9 months. We have previously found interactions between vitamin A and vaccines. OBJECTIVE: We investigated whether there were interactions between NVAS and early MV. DESIGN: We compared the mortality of NVAS and placebo recipients: first, from 4.5 to 8 months for children randomized to early MV or no early MV; and second, from 9 to 17 months in children who had received two MV or one MV. Mortality rates (MR) were compared in Cox models producing mortality rate ratios (MRR). RESULTS: A total of 5141 children were randomized to NVAS (N=3015) or placebo (N=2126) and were later randomized to early MV (N=1700) or no early MV (N=3441). Between 4.5 and 8 months, NVAS compared with placebo was associated with higher mortality in early MV recipients (MR=30 versus MR=0, p=0.01), but not in children who did not receive early MV (p for interaction between NVAS and early MV=0.03). From 9 to 17 months NVAS was not associated with mortality. Overall, from 4.5 to 17 months NVAS was associated with increased mortality in early MV recipients (Mortality rate ratio=5.39 (95% confidence interval: 1.62, 17.99)). CONCLUSIONS: These observations indicate that NVAS may interact with vaccines given several months later. This may have implications for the planning of future child intervention programs

    Novel therapeutic approach: organic arsenical (melarsoprol) alone or with all-trans -retinoic acid markedly inhibit growth of human breast and prostate cancer cells in vitro and in vivo

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    The organic arsenical known as melarsoprol (Mel-B) is used to treat African trypanosomiasis. Recently, another arsenical, As2O3was shown to be effective in treatment of acute promyelocytic leukaemia. We have investigated the anti-tumour activities of Mel-B either with or without all-trans -retinoic acid (ATRA) using the MCF-7 human breast cancer cells, as well as the PC-3 and DU 145 human prostate cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo. The antiproliferative effects of Mel-B and/or ATRA against breast and prostate cancer were tested in vitro using clonogenic assays and in vivo in triple immunodeficient mice. Furthermore, the mechanism of action of these compounds was studied by examining the cell cycle, levels of bcl-2, apoptosis and antiproliferative potency using a pulse-exposure assay. Clonogenic assays showed that the cancer cell lines were sensitive to the inhibitory effect of Mel-B (effective dose that inhibited 50% clonal growth [ED50]: 7 × 10−9M for MCF-7, 2 × 10−7M for PC-3, 3 × 10−7M for DU145 cells. Remarkably, the combination of Mel-B and ATRA had an enhanced antiproliferative activity against all three cancer cell lines. Furthermore, the combination of Mel-B and ATRA induced a high level of apoptosis in all three cell lines. Treatment of PC-3 and MCF-7 tumours growing in triple immunodeficient mice with Mel-B and ATRA either alone or in combination markedly retarded tumour size and weight of the tumours without major side-effects. In conclusion, our results suggest that either Mel-B alone or with ATRA may be a useful, novel therapy for breast and prostate cancers. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Involvement of a specificity proteins-binding element in regulation of basal and estrogen-induced transcription activity of the BRCA1 gene

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    INTRODUCTION:Increased estrogen level has been regarded to be a risk factor for breast cancer. However, estrogen has also been shown to induce the expression of the tumor suppressor gene, BRCA1. Upregulation of BRCA1 is thought to be a feedback mechanism for controlling DNA repair in proliferating cells. Estrogens enhance transcription of target genes by stimulating the association of the estrogen receptor (ER) and related coactivators to estrogen response elements or to transcription complexes formed at activator protein (AP)-1 or specificity protein (Sp)-binding sites. Interestingly, the BRCA1 gene lacks a consensus estrogen response element. We previously reported that estrogen stimulated BRCA1 transcription through the recruitment of a p300/ER-alpha complex to an AP-1 site harbored in the proximal BRCA1 promoter. The purpose of the study was to analyze the contribution of cis-acting sites flanking the AP-1 element to basal and estrogen-dependent regulation of BRCA1 transcription.METHODS:Using transfection studies with wild-type and mutated BRCA1 promoter constructs, electromobility binding and shift assays, and DNA-protein interaction and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays, we investigated the role of Sp-binding sites and cAMP response element (CRE)-binding sites harbored in the proximal BRCA1 promoter.RESULTS:We report that in the BRCA1 promoter the AP-1 site is flanked upstream by an element (5'-GGGGCGGAA-3') that recruits Sp1, Sp3, and Sp4 factors, and downstream by a half CRE-binding motif (5'-CGTAA-3') that binds CRE-binding protein. In ER-alpha-positive MCF-7 cells and ER-alpha-negative Hela cells expressing exogenous ER-alpha, mutation of the Sp-binding site interfered with basal and estrogen-induced BRCA1 transcription. Conversely, mutation of the CRE-binding element reduced basal BRCA1 promoter activity but did not prevent estrogen activation. In combination with the AP-1/CRE sites, the Sp-binding domain enhanced the recruitment of nuclear proteins to the BRCA1 promoter. Finally, we report that the MEK1 (mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase-1) inhibitor PD98059 attenuated the recruitment of Sp1 and phosphorylated ER-alpha, respectively, to the Sp and AP-1 binding element.CONCLUSION:These cumulative findings suggest that the proximal BRCA1 promoter segment comprises cis-acting elements that are targeted by Sp-binding and CRE-binding proteins that contribute to regulation of BRCA1 transcription.This item is part of the UA Faculty Publications collection. For more information this item or other items in the UA Campus Repository, contact the University of Arizona Libraries at [email protected]

    Induction of autophagy is a key component of all-trans-retinoic acid-induced differentiation in leukemia cells and a potential target for pharmacological modulation

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is characterized by the accumulation of immature blood cell precursors in the bone marrow. Pharmacologically overcoming the differentiation block in this condition is an attractive therapeutic avenue, which has achieved success only in a subtype of AML, acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Attempts to emulate this success in other AML subtypes have thus far been unsuccessful. Autophagy is a conserved protein degradation pathway with important roles in mammalian cell differentiation, particularly within the hematopoietic system. In the study described here, we investigated the functional importance of autophagy in APL cell differentiation. We found that autophagy is increased during all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced granulocytic differentiation of the APL cell line NB4 and that this is associated with increased expression of LC3II and GATE-16 proteins involved in autophagosome formation. Autophagy inhibition, using either drugs (chloroquine/3-methyladenine) or short-hairpin RNA targeting the essential autophagy gene ATG7, attenuates myeloid differentiation. Importantly, we found that enhancing autophagy promotes ATRA-induced granulocytic differentiation of an ATRA-resistant derivative of the non-APL AML HL60 cell line (HL60-Diff-R). These data support the development of strategies to stimulate autophagy as a novel approach to promote differentiation in AML

    Trastuzumab Produces Therapeutic Actions by Upregulating miR-26a and miR-30b in Breast Cancer Cells

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    OBJECTIVE: Trastuzumab has been used for the treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer (BC). However, a subset of BC patients exhibited resistance to trastuzumab therapy. Thus, clarifying the molecular mechanism of trastuzumab treatment will be beneficial to improve the treatment of HER2-positive BC patients. In this study, we identified trastuzumab-responsive microRNAs that are involved in the therapeutic effects of trastuzumab. METHODS AND RESULTS: RNA samples were obtained from HER2-positive (SKBR3 and BT474) and HER2-negetive (MCF7 and MDA-MB-231) cells with and without trastuzumab treatment for 6 days. Next, we conducted a microRNA profiling analysis using these samples to screen those microRNAs that were up- or down-regulated only in HER2-positive cells. This analysis identified miR-26a and miR-30b as trastuzumab-inducible microRNAs. Transfecting miR-26a and miR-30b induced cell growth suppression in the BC cells by 40% and 32%, respectively. A cell cycle analysis showed that these microRNAs induced G1 arrest in HER2-positive BC cells as trastuzumab did. An Annexin-V assay revealed that miR-26a but not miR-30b induced apoptosis in HER2-positive BC cells. Using the prediction algorithms for microRNA targets, we identified cyclin E2 (CCNE2) as a target gene of miR-30b. A luciferase-based reporter assay demonstrated that miR-30b post-transcriptionally reduced 27% (p = 0.005) of the gene expression by interacting with two binding sites in the 3'-UTR of CCNE2. CONCLUSION: In BC cells, trastuzumab modulated the expression of a subset of microRNAs, including miR-26a and miR-30b. The upregulation of miR-30b by trastuzumab may play a biological role in trastuzumab-induced cell growth inhibition by targeting CCNE2
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