177 research outputs found

    Plantas do Cerrado Brasileiro Como Possíveis Agentes Moluscicidas

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    Diversas doenças parasitárias que atingem grande parte da população humana e animal possuem moluscos como hospedeiros intermediários. Doenças como fasciolose, que atinge bovinos, ovinos e caprinos, gerando prejuízos para a indústria alimentícia. Essa doença possui o caramujo do gênero Lymnaea, como hospedeiro intermediário no seu ciclo evolutivo. Por causar grandes perdas econômicas é uma doença de elevada importância para a área de medicina veterinária. As drogas usadas para o tratamento dessa parasitose reduzem sua morbidade, porém não controlam a transmissão. A utilização de agentes moluscicidas como forma de controle da multiplicação e propagação dos caramujos representa uma estratégia eficiente e a busca por novos compostos químicos tem sido estudada. Os moluscicidas naturais são produtos mais barato, seguros, biodegradáveis e de fácil acesso localmente. Neste estudo foram utilizados extratos hidroalcoólicos de plantas originárias do cerrado brasileiro, sendo elas Neea theifera Oerst., Davilla elliptica, Davilla nitida e Miconia cabucu Hoehne, para serem testados contra moluscos do gênero Lymnaea e assim, verificarmos suas possíveis ações moluscicidas. Os extratos hidroalcoólicos de D. nitida e D. elliptica apresentam atividade moluscicida contra a espécie L. columella, sendo que D. elliptica apresentou resultados mais promissores, desencadeando efeitos tanto moluscicidas como ovicidas, nos testes realizados

    Fluorescence Spectroscopy for the Diagnosis of Endometritis in the Mare

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    By exploiting the PMN property to produce high quantities of oxygen peroxide to neutralize pathogens, the oxygen peroxide content of uterine cells was measured to diagnose endometritis. After preliminary in vitro studies in which endometrial cells from slaughtered mares were mixed with leukocytes from peripheral blood, endometrial samples were collected by uterine flushing from mares before insemination. Staining endometrial cells with H2DCF-DA was combined with hydroethidine to normalize the fluorescence intensity with the cellular content of the sample. Stained cell smears were assumed as the gold standard of endometritis, and based on this assay, the samples were considered positive (C+) and negative (C-) for endometritis. The amount and the turbidity of fluid recovered by uterine flushing were significantly (p < 0.01) higher in C+ than in C-. Moreover, the oxygen peroxide content of the endometrial cells was significantly higher in the C+ than in the C- group (6.31 ± 1.92 vs. 3.12 ± 1.26, p = 0.001). Using the value of 4.4 as the cutoff level of this fluorescence cytology assay, it was found that only one C- sample exceeded the cutoff level (false positives = 7.7%) while three C+ samples showed values below the cutoff level (false negative = 11.5%)

    GR 290 (Romano's Star): 2. Light history and evolutionary state

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    We have built the historical light curve of the luminous variable GR 290 back to 1901, from old observations of the star found in several archival plates of M 33. These old recordings together with published and new data show that for at least half a century the star was in a low luminosity state, with B ~18. After 1960, five large variability cycles of visual luminosity were recorded. The amplitude of the oscillations was seen increasing towards the 1992-1994 maximum, then decreasing during the last maxima. The recent light curve indicates that the photometric variations have been quite similar in all the bands, and that the B-V color index has been constant within +/-0.1 m despite the 1.5m change of the visual luminosity. The spectrum of GR 290 at the large maximum of 1992-94, was equivalent to late-B type, while, during 2002-2014, it has varied between WN10h-11h near the visual maxima to WN8h-9h at the luminosity minima. We have detected, during this same period, a clear anti-correlation between the visual luminosity, the strength of the HeII 4686 A emission line, the strength of the 4600-4700 A lines blend and the spectral type. From a model analysis of the spectra collected during the whole 2002-2014 period we find that the Rosseland radius R_{2/3}, changed between the minimum and maximum luminosity phases by a factor of 3, while T_eff varied between about 33,000 K and 23,000 K. The bolometric luminosity of the star was not constant, but increased by a factor of ~1.5 between minimum and maximum luminosity, in phase with the apparent luminosity variations. In the light of current evolutionary models of very massive stars, we find that GR 290 has evolved from a ~60 M_Sun progenitor star and should have an age of about 4 million years. We argue that it has left the LBV stage and is moving to a Wolf-Rayet stage of late nitrogen spectral type.Comment: Accepted on The Astronomical Journal, 10 figures. Replaced because the previous uploaded file was that without the final small corrections requested by the refere

    Effects of pesticides on Chelon labrosus (Risso, 1827) evaluated by enzymatic activities along the north eastern Sicilian coastlines (Italy)

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    Pesticides are frequently applied to agricultural activities to improve harvest, in terms of yield and product quality. Useful tools for ecotoxicological studies of marine ecosystems are based on biomarker application on bioindicator key fish species. The main aim of the present study was to detect the potential presence of pesticides in a polluted coastal marine environment, namely Milazzo Gulf, situated in the north eastern coast of Sicily (Italy), by measuring the enzymatic activities of the ecotoxicological biomarkers acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) in brain and blood samples of Chelon labrosus. Also, Marinello Reserve was selected as a reference site. The data showed a significant inhibition in AChE (81%) and BChE (71%) activities in fish from Milazzo Gulf in respect to those from the reference site. The esterase inhibition is primarily due to the presence of organophosphorus insecticides and carbamates that resulted, in Milazzo Gulf, higher in concentration in respect to the reference quality standard decree (D.M. 260, 2010). The results obtained in this study confirm the suspected presence of insecticides in waters and fish from Milazzo Gulf, which may lead to a considerable hazard to humans. This study confirms the relevant advantages of the biomarker approach on fish species in the ecotoxicological evaluation of marine environments

    Design and in vitro study of a dual drug-loaded delivery system produced by electrospinning for the treatment of acute injuries of the central nervous system

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    Vascular and traumatic injuries of the central nervous system are recognized as global health priorities. A polypharmacology approach that is able to simultaneously target several injury factors by the combination of agents having synergistic effects appears to be promising. Herein, we designed a polymeric delivery system loaded with two drugs, ibuprofen (Ibu) and thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3) to in vitro release the suitable amount of the anti-inflammation and the remyelination drug. As a production method, electrospinning technology was used. First, Ibuloaded micro (diameter circa 0.95–1.20 µm) and nano (diameter circa 0.70 µm) fibers were produced using poly(L-lactide) PLLA and PLGA with different lactide/glycolide ratios (50:50, 75:25, and 85:15) to select the most suitable polymer and fiber diameter. Based on the in vitro release results and in-house knowledge, PLLA nanofibers (mean diameter = 580 ± 120 nm) loaded with both Ibu and T3 were then successfully produced by a co-axial electrospinning technique. The in vitro release studies demonstrated that the final Ibu/T3 PLLA system extended the release of both drugs for 14 days, providing the target sustained release. Finally, studies in cell cultures (RAW macrophages and neural stem cell-derived oligodendrocyte precursor cells—OPCs) demonstrated the anti-inflammatory and promyelinating efficacy of the dual drug-loaded delivery platform

    One year of surgical mask testing at the University of Bologna labs:Lessons learned from data analysis

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    The outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic highlighted the worldwide lack of surgical masks and personal protective equipment, which represent the main defense available against respiratory diseases as COVID-19. At the time, masks shortage was dramatic in Italy, the first European country seriously hit by the pandemic: aiming to address the emergency and to support the Italian industrial reconversion to the production of surgical masks, a multidisciplinary team of the University of Bologna organized a laboratory to test surgical masks according to European regulations. The group, driven by the expertise of chemical engineers, microbiologists, and occupational physicians, set-up the test lines to perform all the functional tests required. The laboratory started its activity on late March 2020, and as of the end of December of the same year 435 surgical mask prototypes were tested, with only 42 masks compliant to the European standard. From the analysis of the materials used, as well as of the production methods, it was found that a compliant surgical mask is most likely composed of three layers, a central meltblown filtration layer and two external spunbond comfort layers. An increase in the material thickness (grammage), or in the number of layers, does not improve the filtration efficiency, but leads to poor breathability, indicating that filtration depends not only on pure size exclusion, but other mechanisms are taking place (driven by electrostatic charge). The study critically reviewed the European standard procedures, identifying the weak aspects; among the others, the control of aerosol droplet size during the bacterial filtration test results to be crucial, since it can change the classification of a mask when its performance lies near to the limiting values of 95 or 98%

    Triggering of the 2014 M_w7.3 Papanoa earthquake by a slow slip event in Guerrero, Mexico

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    Since their discovery two decades ago, slow slip events have been shown to play an important role in accommodating strain in subduction zones. However, the physical mechanisms that generate slow slip and the relationships with earthquakes are unclear. Slow slip events have been recorded in the Guerrero segment of the Cocos–North America subduction zone. Here we use inversion of position time series recorded by a continuous GPS network to reconstruct the evolution of aseismic slip on the subduction interface of the Guerrero segment. We find that a slow slip event began in February 2014, two months before the magnitude (M_w) 7.3 Papanoa earthquake on 18 April. The slow slip event initiated in a region adjacent to the earthquake hypocentre and extended into the vicinity of the seismogenic zone. This spatio-temporal proximity strongly suggests that the Papanoa earthquake was triggered by the ongoing slow slip event. We demonstrate that the triggering mechanism could be either static stress increases in the hypocentral region, as revealed by Coulomb stress modelling, or enhanced weakening of the earthquake hypocentral area by the slow slip. We also show that the plate interface in the Guerrero area is highly coupled between slow slip events, and that most of the accumulated strain is released aseismically during the slow slip episodes

    Total eclipse of the heart: the AM CVn Gaia14aae/ASSASN-14cn

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    We report the discovery and characterization of a deeply eclipsing AM CVn-system, Gaia14aae (=ASSASN-14cn). Gaia14aae was identified independently by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN; Shappee et al.) and by the Gaia Science Alerts project, during two separate outbursts. A third outburst is seen in archival Pan-STARRS-1 (PS1; Schlafly et al.; Tonry et al.; Magnier et al.) and ASAS-SN data. Spectroscopy reveals a hot, hydrogen-deficient spectrum with clear double-peaked emission lines, consistent with an accreting double-degenerate classification. We use follow-up photometry to constrain the orbital parameters of the system. We find an orbital period of 49.71min, which places Gaia14aae at the long period extremum of the outbursting AM CVn period distribution. Gaia14aae is dominated by the light from its accreting white dwarf (WD). Assuming an orbital inclination of 90° for the binary system, the contact phases of the WD lead to lower limits of 0.78 and 0.015M⊙ on the masses of the accretor and donor, respectively, and a lower limit on the mass ratio of 0.019. Gaia14aae is only the third eclipsing AM CVn star known, and the first in which the WD is totally eclipsed. Using a helium WD model, we estimate the accretor's effective temperature to be 12 900 ± 200K. The three outburst events occurred within four months of each other, while no other outburst activity is seen in the previous 8yr of Catalina Real-time Transient Survey (CRTS; Drake et al.), Pan-STARRS-1 and ASAS-SN data. This suggests that these events might be rebrightenings of the first outburst rather than individual event