791 research outputs found

    Characterization of Fatigue Behavior of 2-D Woven Fabric Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composite at Elevated Temperature

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    This study investigated the fatigue behavior and associated damage mechanisms in notched and unnotched enhanced Sic-SiC ceramic matrix composite specimens at 1100°C. Stiffness degradation, strain variation, and hysteresis were evaluated to characterize material behavior. Microscopic examination was performed to characterize damage mechanisms. During high cycle-low stress fatigue tests, far less fiber-matrix interface debond was evident than in low cycle-high stress fatigue tests. Notched specimens exhibited minimal stress concentration during monotonic tensile testing and minimal notch sensitivity during fatigue testing. Damage mechanisms were also similar to unnotched

    Limited evidence for quantitative contribution of rare and endangered species to agricultural production

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    Biodiversity underpins ecosystem functions that provide benefits to people, yet the role of rare and endangered species (RES) in supporting ecosystem services is unclear. Thus, it remains controversial whether arguments for conservation that focus on ecosystem services align with the protection of RES. We designed a systematic review protocol to critically assess the evidence for quantitative contributions of RES to terrestrial agricultural production, which is a key driver of biodiversity change and, simultaneously, could suffer from the loss of ecosystem services provided by biodiversity. Our review search criteria required that studies: 1) provide information on RES, 2) focus on an ecosystem service relevant for agriculture; and 3) include a quantitative measure of agricultural production. Surprisingly, we found only four studies that fulfilled these criteria, which was insufficient to perform a meta-analysis of results. Thus, we highlight here the gap in quantitative research, discuss the implications of this knowledge gap for the conservation of RES, and suggest future research directions. We conclude that further quantitative research is urgently needed to better inform conservation and agricultural policies, including research that focuses specifically on RES, incorporates more ecosystem services, and covers a wider range of climatic and socioeconomic contexts

    A 42.3-43.6 GHz spectral survey of Orion BN/KL: First detection of the v=0 J=1-0 line from the isotopologues 29SiO and 30SiO

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    We have surveyed molecular line emission from Orion BN/KL from 42.3 to 43.6 GHz with the Green Bank Telescope. Sixty-seven lines were identified and ascribed to 13 different molecular species. The spectrum at 7 mm is dominated by SiO, SO2, CH3OCH3, and C2H5CN. Five transitions have been detected from the SiO isotopologues 28SiO, 29SiO, and 30SiO. We report here for the first time the spectra of the 29SiO and 30SiO v=0 J=1-0 emission in Orion BN/KL, and we show that they have double-peaked profiles with velocity extents similar to the main isotopologue. The main motivation for the survey was the search of high-velocity (100-1000 km/s) outflows in the BN/KL region as traced by SiO Doppler components. Some of the unidentified lines in principle could be high-velocity SiO features, but without imaging data their location cannot be established. Wings of emission are present in the v=0 28SiO, 29SiO and 30SiO profiles, and we suggest that the v=0 emission from the three isotopologues might trace a moderately high-velocity (~30-50 km/s) component of the flows around the high-mass protostar Source I in the Orion BN/KL region. We also confirm the 7 mm detection of a complex oxygen-bearing species, acetone (CH3COCH3), which has been recently observed towards the hot core at 3 mm, and we have found further indications of the presence of long cyanopolyynes (HC5N and HC7N) in the quiescent cold gas of the extended ridge.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, accepted by Ap

    Rising Temperatures, Molting Phenology, and Epizootic Shell Disease in the American Lobster

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    Phenological mismatchmaladaptive changes in phenology resulting from altered timing of environmental cuesis an increasing concern in many ecological systems, yet its effects on disease are poorly characterized. American lobster (Homarus americanus) is declining at its southern geographic limit. Rising seawater temperatures are associated with seasonal outbreaks of epizootic shell disease (ESD), which peaks in prevalence in the fall. We used a 34-year mark-recapture data set to investigate relationships between temperature, molting phenology, and ESD in Long Island Sound, where temperatures are increasing at 0.4 degrees C per decade. Our analyses support the hypothesis that phenological mismatch is linked to the epidemiology of ESD. Warming spring temperatures are correlated with earlier spring molting. Lobsters lose diseased cuticle by molting, and early molting increases the intermolt period in the summer, when disease prevalence is increasing to a fall peak. In juvenile and adult male lobsters, September ESD prevalence was correlated with early molting, while October ESD prevalence was correlated with summer seawater temperature. This suggests that temperature-induced molting phenology affects the timing of the onset of ESD, but later in the summer this signal is swamped by the stronger signal of summer temperatures, which we hypothesize are associated with an increased rate of new infections. October ESD prevalence was approximate to 80% in years with hot summers and approximate to 30% in years with cooler summers. Yearly survival of diseased lobsters i

    Managing marine disease emergencies in an era of rapid change

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    Infectious marine diseases can decimate populations and are increasing among some taxa due to global change and our increasing reliance on marine environments. Marine diseases become emergencies when significant ecological, economic or social impacts occur. We can prepare for and manage these emergencies through improved surveillance, and the development and iterative refinement of approaches to mitigate disease and its impacts. Improving surveillance requires fast, accurate diagnoses, forecasting disease risk and real-time monitoring of disease-promoting environmental conditions. Diversifying impact mitigation involves increasing host resilience to disease, reducing pathogen abundance and managing environmental factors that facilitate disease. Disease surveillance and mitigation can be adaptive if informed by research advances and catalysed by communication among observers, researchers and decision-makers using information-sharing platforms. Recent increases in the awareness of the threats posed by marine diseases may lead to policy frameworks that facilitate the responses and management that marine disease emergencies require

    ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 regulates abscission zone placement in Arabidopsis flowers

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    BACKGROUND: The sepals, petals and stamens of Arabidopsis flowers detach via abscission zones formed at their boundaries with the underlying receptacle. The ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) MYB transcription factor plays a critical role in setting boundaries between newly formed leaf primordia and the shoot meristem. By repressing expression of a set of KNOTTED1-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN (KNOX) genes from developing leaf primordia, AS1 and its partner ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 allow the patterning and differentiation of leaves to proceed. Here we show a unique role for AS1 in establishing the positions of the sepal and petal abscission zones in Arabidopsis flowers. RESULTS: In as1 mutant flowers, the sepal abscission zones are displaced into inverted V-shaped positions, leaving behind triangular stubs of tissue when the organs abscise. Movement of the petal abscission zones is also apparent. Abscission of the medial sepals is delayed in as1 flowers; loss of chlorophyll in the senescing sepals contrasts with proximal zones that remain green. AS1 has previously been shown to restrict expression of the KNOX gene, BREVIPEDICELLUS (BP), from the sepals. We show here that loss of BP activity in as1 flowers is sufficient to restore the positions of the sepal and petal abscission zones, the sepal-receptacle boundary of the medial sepals and the timing of their abscission. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that AS1 activity is critical for the proper placement of the floral organ abscission zones, and influences the timing of organ shedding

    Molecular symmetry group analysis of the low-wavenumber torsions and vibration-torsions in the S1 state and ground state cation of p-xylene: an investigation using resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) and zero-kinetic-energy (ZEKE) spectroscopy

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    For the first time, a molecular symmetry group (MSG) analysis has been undertaken in the investigation of the electronic spectroscopy of p-xylene (p-dimethylbenzene). Torsional and vibration-torsional (vibtor) levels in the S1 state and ground state of the cation of p-xylene (p-dimethylbenzene) are investigated using resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) and zero-kinetic-energy (ZEKE) spectroscopy. In the present work, we concentrate on the 0–350 cm 1 region, where there are a number of torsional and vibtor bands and we discuss the assignment of this region. In an accompanying paper [Tuttle et al. J. Chem. Phys. XXX, xxxxxx (2016)], we examine the 350–600 cm 1 region where vibtor levels are observed as part of a Fermi resonance. The similarity of much of the observed spectral activity to that in the related substituted benzenes, toluene and para-fluorotoluene, is striking, despite the different symmetries. The discussion necessitates a consideration of the MSG of p-xylene, which has been designated G72, but we shall also designate [3,3]D2h and we include the symmetry operations, character table and direct product table for this. We also discuss the symmetries of the internal rotor (torsional) levels and the selection rules for the particular electronic transition of p-xylene investigated here

    Ultrathin Oxide Films by Atomic Layer Deposition on Graphene

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    In this paper, a method is presented to create and characterize mechanically robust, free standing, ultrathin, oxide films with controlled, nanometer-scale thickness using Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) on graphene. Aluminum oxide films were deposited onto suspended graphene membranes using ALD. Subsequent etching of the graphene left pure aluminum oxide films only a few atoms in thickness. A pressurized blister test was used to determine that these ultrathin films have a Young's modulus of 154 \pm 13 GPa. This Young's modulus is comparable to much thicker alumina ALD films. This behavior indicates that these ultrathin two-dimensional films have excellent mechanical integrity. The films are also impermeable to standard gases suggesting they are pinhole-free. These continuous ultrathin films are expected to enable new applications in fields such as thin film coatings, membranes and flexible electronics.Comment: Nano Letters (just accepted

    RUNX/AML and C/EBP factors regulate CD11a integrin expression in myeloid cells through overlapping regulatory elements

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    10 Figures. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. Therefore, and solely to indicate this fact, this article is hereby marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734.The CD11a/CD18 (leukocyte function-associated antigen 1 [LFA-1]) integrin mediates critical leukocyte adhesive interactions during immune and inflammatory responses. The CD11a promoter directs CD11a/CD18 integrin expression, and its activity in lymphoid cells depends on a functional RUNX1/AML-1–binding site (AML-110) within the MS7 sequence. We now report that MS7 contains a C/EBP-binding site (C/EBP-100), which overlaps with AML-110 and is bound by C/EBP factors in myeloid cells. C/EBP and RUNX/AML factors compete for binding to their respective cognate elements and bind to the CD11a promoter MS7 sequence in a cell lineage- and differentiation-dependent manner. In myeloid cells MS7 is primarily recognized by C/EBP factors in proliferating cells whereas RUNX/AML factors (especially RUNX3/AML-2) bind to MS7 in differentiated cells. RUNX3/AML-2 binding to the CD11a promoter correlates with increased RUNX3/AML-2 protein levels and enhanced CD11a/CD18 cell surface expression. The relevance of the AML-110 element is underscored by the ability of AML-1/ETO to inhibit CD11a promoter activity, thus explaining the low CD11a/CD18 expression in t(8;21)–containing myeloid leukemia cells. Therefore, the expression of the CD11a/CD18 integrin in myeloid cells is determined through the differential occupancy of the CD11a proximal promoter by transcription factors implicated in the pathogenesis of myeloid leukemia.From the Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain; Clínica Universitaria, Universidad de Navarra, Spain; Institute of Human Genetics, Aarhus, Denmark; Hospital Universitario Gregorio Maranón, Madrid, Spain; University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver; and Department of Molecular Genetics, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot Israel. Supported by grants 08.3/0026/2000.1 from Comunidad Auto´noma de Madrid, 01/0063-01 from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, and SAF2002-04615- C02-01 from Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología (A.L.C.). We gratefully acknowledge Drs Ana Aranda and Aurora Sánchez-Pacheco for their very generous help with ChIP assays.Peer reviewe

    Culture shapes how we look at faces

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    Background: Face processing, amongst many basic visual skills, is thought to be invariant across all humans. From as early as 1965, studies of eye movements have consistently revealed a systematic triangular sequence of fixations over the eyes and the mouth, suggesting that faces elicit a universal, biologically-determined information extraction pattern. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we monitored the eye movements of Western Caucasian and East Asian observers while they learned, recognized, and categorized by race Western Caucasian and East Asian faces. Western Caucasian observers reproduced a scattered triangular pattern of fixations for faces of both races and across tasks. Contrary to intuition, East Asian observers focused more on the central region of the face. Conclusions/Significance: These results demonstrate that face processing can no longer be considered as arising from a universal series of perceptual events. The strategy employed to extract visual information from faces differs across cultures
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