252 research outputs found

    Building the foundations of a Coffea arabica FSPM.

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    Highlights: Several data sets are being gathered to build a functional-structural model for Coffea arabica. The one pitfall in this integration process is the difficulty of calibrating a large number of parameters. A step by step procedure is thus necessary to validate the sub-models. The focus is put here on the backward reconstruction of the plant structure from its description at a given times as a way to decrease the degrees of freedom of the model before addressing the carbon acquisition and allocation

    IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2013 1 Knowledge Representation and Management: Towards an Integration of a Semantic Web in Daily Health Practice Knowledge Representation and Management: Towards an Integration of a Semantic Web in Daily Health Practi

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    Summary Objective: To summarize the best papers in the field of Knowledge Representation and Management (KRM). Methods: A synopsis of the four selected articles for the IMIA Yearbook 2013 KRM section is provided, as well as highlights of current KRM trends, in particular, of the semantic web in daily health practice. The manual selection was performed in three stages: first a set of 3,106 articles, then a second set of 86 articles followed by a third set of 15 articles, and finally the last set of four chosen articles. Results: Among the four selected articles (se

    Diversity of experimentation by farmers engaged in agroecology

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    International audienceAbstractAgroecology questions the production of generic knowledge. Rather than searching for the best practices for large-scale transfer, it would be more efficient to help farmers find their own solutions. A promising activity for farmers is experimentation because it answers their needs and helps them learn. However, how agroecological practices are tested by farmers in their own experiments is still poorly known. In this study, we examined the short-term experimental activity, i.e., experiments carried out at a yearly scale in pre-defined fields. Seventeen farmers in south eastern France were surveyed. The farmers practiced conventional or organic farming and cultivated either arable or market garden crops. Experiments on agroecological practices were characterized, located along a timeline, and discussed with them. To conduct the interviews with the farmers, each experiment was described in three stages: (1) designing the experiment, (2) managing it in real time, and (3) evaluating the results of the experiment. The data collected in the interviews were first analyzed to build a descriptive framework of farmers’ experiments, after which hierarchical cluster analysis was used to analyze the diversity of the farmers’ experiments. Here, we propose for the first time a generic framework to describe farmers’ experiments at a short time scale based on the consistency between the Design, Management, and Evaluation stages. We used the framework to characterize the diversity of farmers’ experiments and identified four clusters. The originality of this work is both building a descriptive framework resulting from in-depth analyses of farmers’ discourse and using statistical tools to identify and interpret the groups of experiments. Our results provide a better understanding of farmers’ experiments and suggest tools and methods to help them experiment, a major challenge in the promotion of a large-scale agroecological transition

    Solid stress facilitates spheroid formation: potential involvement of hyaluronan

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    When neoplastic cells grow in confined spaces in vivo, they exert a finite force on the surrounding tissue resulting in the generation of solid stress. By growing multicellular spheroids in agarose gels of defined mechanical properties, we have recently shown that solid stress inhibits the growth of spheroids and that this growth-inhibiting stress ranges from 45 to 120 mmHg. Here we show that solid stress facilitates the formation of spheroids in the highly metastatic Dunning R3327 rat prostate carcinoma AT3.1 cells, which predominantly do not grow as spheroids in free suspension. The maximum size and the growth rate of the resulting spheroids decreased with increasing stress. Relieving solid stress by enzymatic digestion of gels resulted in gradual loss of spheroidal morphology in 8 days. In contrast, the low metastatic variant AT2.1 cells, which grow as spheroids in free suspension as well as in the gels, maintained their spheroidal morphology even after stress removal. Histological examination revealed that most cells in AT2.1 spheroids are in close apposition whereas a regular matrix separates the cells in the AT3.1 gel spheroids. Staining with the hyaluronan binding protein revealed that the matrix between AT3.1 cells in agarose contained hyaluronan, while AT3.1 cells had negligible or no hyaluronan when grown in free suspension. Hyaluronan was found to be present in both free suspensions and agarose gel spheroids of AT2.1. We suggest that cell–cell adhesion may be adequate for spheroid formation, whereas solid stress may be required to form spheroids when cell–matrix adhesion is predominant. These findings have significant implications for tumour growth, invasion and metastasis

    A Computational Method for Prediction of Excretory Proteins and Application to Identification of Gastric Cancer Markers in Urine

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    A novel computational method for prediction of proteins excreted into urine is presented. The method is based on the identification of a list of distinguishing features between proteins found in the urine of healthy people and proteins deemed not to be urine excretory. These features are used to train a classifier to distinguish the two classes of proteins. When used in conjunction with information of which proteins are differentially expressed in diseased tissues of a specific type versus control tissues, this method can be used to predict potential urine markers for the disease. Here we report the detailed algorithm of this method and an application to identification of urine markers for gastric cancer. The performance of the trained classifier on 163 proteins was experimentally validated using antibody arrays, achieving >80% true positive rate. By applying the classifier on differentially expressed genes in gastric cancer vs normal gastric tissues, it was found that endothelial lipase (EL) was substantially suppressed in the urine samples of 21 gastric cancer patients versus 21 healthy individuals. Overall, we have demonstrated that our predictor for urine excretory proteins is highly effective and could potentially serve as a powerful tool in searches for disease biomarkers in urine in general

    Managing uncertainty: a review of food system scenario analysis and modelling

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    Complex socio-ecological systems like the food system are unpredictable, especially to long-term horizons such as 2050. In order to manage this uncertainty, scenario analysis has been used in conjunction with food system models to explore plausible future outcomes. Food system scenarios use a diversity of scenario types and modelling approaches determined by the purpose of the exercise and by technical, methodological and epistemological constraints. Our case studies do not suggest Malthusian futures for a projected global population of 9 billion in 2050; but international trade will be a crucial determinant of outcomes; and the concept of sustainability across the dimensions of the food system has been inadequately explored so far. The impact of scenario analysis at a global scale could be strengthened with participatory processes involving key actors at other geographical scales. Food system models are valuable in managing existing knowledge on system behaviour and ensuring the credibility of qualitative stories but they are limited by current datasets for global crop production and trade, land use and hydrology. Climate change is likely to challenge the adaptive capacity of agricultural production and there are important knowledge gaps for modelling research to address

    In vitro selectivity, in vivo biodistribution and tumour uptake of annexin V radiolabelled with a positron emitting radioisotope

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    The availability of a noninvasive method to detect and quantify apoptosis in tumours will enable tumour response to several cancer therapies to be assessed. We have synthesised two radiotracers, annexin V and the N-succinimidyl-3-iodobenzoic acid (SIB) derivative of annexin V, labelled with radio-iodine (124I and 125I) and provided proof of the concept by assessing specific binding and biodistribution of these probes to apoptotic cells and tumours. We have also assessed the tumour uptake of [124I]annexin V in a mouse model of apoptosis. RIF-1 cells induced to undergo apoptosis in vitro showed a drug concentration-dependent increased binding of [125I]annexin V and [125I]SIB–annexin V. In the same model system, there was an increase in terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated nick end labelling (TUNEL)-positive cells and a decrease in clonogenic survival. Radiotracer binding was completely inhibited by preincubation with unlabelled annexin V. In RIF-1 tumour-bearing mice, rapid distribution of [125I]SIB–annexin V-derived radioactivity to kidneys was observed and the radiotracer accumulated in urine. The binding of [125I]SIB–annexin V to RIF-1 tumours increased by 2.3-fold at 48 h after a single intraperitoneal injection of 5-fluorouracil (165 mg kg−1 body weight), compared to a 4.4-fold increase in TUNEL-positive cells measured by immunostaining. Positron emission tomography images with both radiotracers demonstrated intense localisation in the kidneys and bladder. Unlike [124I]SIB–annexin V, [124I]annexin V also showed localisation in the thyroid region presumably due to deiodination of the radiolabel. [124I]SIB–annexin V is an attractive candidate for in vivo imaging of apoptosis by PET

    A new technique for seeding chondrocytes onto solvent-preserved human meniscus using the chemokinetic effect of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2

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    Many investigators are currently studying the use of decellularized tissue allografts from human cadavers as scaffolds onto which patients’ cells could be seeded, or as carriers for genetically engineered cells to aid cell transplantation. However, it is difficult to seed cells onto very dense regular connective tissue which has few interstitial spaces. Here, we discuss the development of a chemotactic cell seeding technique using solvent-preserved human meniscus. A chemokinetic response to recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) was observed in a monolayer culture of primary chondrocytes derived from femoral epiphyseal cartilage of 2-day-old rats. The rhBMP-2 significantly increased their migration upto 10 ng/ml in a dose-dependent manner. When tested with solvent-preserved human meniscus as a scaffold, which has few interstitial spaces, rhBMP-2 was able to induce chondrocytes to migrate into the meniscus. After a 3-week incubation, newly-formed cartilaginous extracellular matrix was synthesized by migrated chondrocytes throughout the meniscus, down to a depth of 3 mm. These findings demonstrate that rhBMP-2 may be a natural chemokinetic factor in vivo, which induces migration of proliferative chondrocytes into the narrow interfibrous spaces. Our results suggest a potential application of rhBMP-2 for the designed distribution of chondrocytes into a scaffold to be used for tissue engineering