607 research outputs found

    The social return on investment (SROI) of four microfinance projects

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    The paper develops an SROI (Social Return on Investment) analysis of four microfinance institutions (MFIs) located in Spain, Italy and Bosnia-Herzegovina. This work is part of the MeMI Project (\u201cMeasuring Microfinance Impact in the EU. Policy recommendations for Financial and Social Inclusion\u201d) funded by the EIBURS. It is an attempt to translate microcredit outcome indicators into a social return, quantified in monetary terms. After preliminary focus group analyses and staff interviews, data on outcomes of selected microcredit lines have been collected through a questionnaire administered to the borrowers. By comparing the monetary value of these outcomes (translated into an estimated impact) with the amount of related investment, we find that SROI is greater than 2 for all the credit lines analysed, meaning that every euro invested in microcredit generates at least 2 euros of social return. We also find SROI ranging between 2.33 and 6.97, mirroring the differences between MFIs in terms of target, operating model and country-level financial environment. Although the analysis is conducted on a limited number of cases and SROI calculation can be sharpened, it shows how different factors and outcomes drive the social return generated by microcredit


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    Il fegato \ue8 l\u2019organo pi\uf9 grande del corpo umano e, con le sue numerose funzioni, \ue8 indispensabile al buon funzionamento di tutto l\u2019organismo. La molteplicit\ue0 delle patologie che ne possono alterare struttura e fun- zionalit\ue0 giustifica il numero sempre crescente di richieste di esami che studino il fegato. La sua buona ac- cessibilit\ue0 anatomica e le caratteristiche strutturali consentono spesso il raggiungimento di una diagnosi di malattia mediante ecografia e TC (entrambe senza e con mdc). L\u2019utilizzo della RM, per la sua risoluzione di contrasto e per la possibilit\ue0 di utilizzare mdc non iodati ed epatospecifici, costituisce ad oggi ancora un esa- me di secondo livello nei pazienti che, per vari motivi, non possono eseguire la TC o come problem-solver nella risoluzione di dubbi diagnostici