21 research outputs found

    Monographs of the RIMR. Vol 5, 1915

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    Studies in bacillusWelchii, with special reference to classification and to its relation to diarrhea by J.P. Simonds, M.D.https://digitalcommons.rockefeller.edu/monographs-rockefeller-institute/1016/thumbnail.jp

    "Die Einführung des Schularztes läßt sich nicht über Nacht machen ...!"

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    Der Diskurs zur Etablierung von SchulärztInnen setzte im europäischen Raum um die Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts ein und verstärkte sich im letzten Drittel dieses Säkulums. Vorausgegangen war diesem die Fragestellung, ob der Staat mit der Einführung der Schulpflicht auch eventuell damit auftretende, der Schule zuordenbare Krankheiten bei den SchülerInnen in seinen Aufgaben- und Zuständigkeitsbereich übernehmen müsse. Der Schulgesundheitsdiskurs wurde in der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie mehrgleisig und kontrovers in pädagogischen, medizinischen, technischen, politischen und militärischen Kreisen geführt. Als wissenschaftliche Gesprächsforen und Katalysatoren zum Thema Schulhygiene und -gesundheit dienten zahlreiche pädagogische, schulhygienische, medizinische, nationale und internationale Kongresse und Tagungen. Die Debatte setzte etwas zeitverzögert mit der Erörterung der Volks-Hygiene ein. Die Argumente der Hygieniker dienten auch den ProtagonistInnen des Schularztwesens. In diesen Zeitraum fielen die Ausformung der einzelnen medizinischen Fachdisziplinen und die Spezialisierung innerhalb der Medizin. Zudem gab es in der Habsburgermonarchie ein Überangebot an Medizinern, Bedarf an gesunden Soldaten und staatliche, finanzielle Engpässe. Durch ungleiche Wirtschafts-, Finanz-, medizinische Versorgungs- und schulische Entwicklungssituationen in den einzelnen Kronländern entwickelte sich die Einsetzung von SchulärztInnen unterschiedlich und diverse Dekrete der Ministerien dienten ausschließlich als gesetzliche Richtschnur. Daraus resultiert die Forschungsproblematik, dass eine einheitliche Betrachtung und historische Aufarbeitung des Themas „Etablierung von SchulärztInnen in der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie“ nicht möglich ist.The discussion to establish medical services on school level started in Europe at about the middle of the nineteenth century and reinforced towards the last third of it. This had been preceded by the question if the government had to take care of possible diseases due to related to school and its obligatory attendance. The debate about health system, doctors in schools was held in various ways and controversially in educational, medical, technical, political and military boards. Various national and international congress events and meetings in the fields of education, school hygiene und medicine served as scientific discussion boards and catalysts for topics related to school, and also to hygienical and health issues. These meetings, organized by non-governmental societies, built a forum for people involved in school hygiene. Some time later this discussion followed the debate about hygienical standards for the people. The arguments of those promoting the regulation at hygienical standards also helped the protagonists of the schooling system. During this period the medical education split into separate disciplines, – specialization was a raising issue in medical science -, and in the Monarchy of Habsburg a surplus in medical graduates, the request for more healthy soldiers and governmental, financial constraints grew. Due to unequal development of economic, financial, medical infrastructures and educational facilities in various countries the introduction of medical professionals working in schools grew at different paces and various pieces of legislation issued by the ministries only served as legal orientation. As a result, the unified study ad historical analysis of the subject related to the “introduction of medical professionals in the schoo


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    第三十四卷臨時號(第二百七十七號) = 第34巻臨時号(第277号

    Clostridium perfringens and necrotic enteritis in poultry: virulence, genetic and molecular factors

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    Clostridium perfringens é o causador da enterite necrótica que afeta a produção de frangos de corte no mundo todo. Essa bactéria produz diversas toxinas e causa lesões no intestino tendo como consequências a elevada mortalidade e perdas econômicas devido à baixa produtividade. Nessa revisão são apresentados os principais fatores de virulência, a susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos e a diversidade genética de C. perfringens isolados de frangos com enterite necrótica.Clostridium perfringens cause necrotic enteritis affecting the poultry production worldwide. This bacterium produces various toxins and causes lesions in the intestine producing high mortality and economic loss due to the low productivity. In this review, the major virulence factors, antimicrobial susceptibility and genetic diversity of C. perfringens from chickens with necrotic enteritis are showed

    A study of the conditions governing the formation and germination of spores of Clostridium perfringens type A

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    Abstract Not Provided

    Pesquisa de Clostridium perfringens em carnes bovinas embaladas a vácuo comercializadas na região Distrito Federal e Entorno

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, 2015.O objetivo deste trabalho foi pesquisar a presença de Clostridium perfringens em 54 amostras de carne bovina embaladas a vácuo comercializadas no Distrito Federal e Entorno, bem como detectar a produção da toxina cpe por PCR, ainda avaliar os meios de cultivo agar SPS® e agar TSC®, com e sem etapa de pré-enriquecimento das amostras em caldo infusão de cérebro e coração (BHI), e incubação tanto em jarra de anaerobiose quanto em câmara de anaerobiose. Na análise da incubação em Agar SPS® e TSC®, sem a etapa de pré-enriquecimento em caldo BHI, observou-se o crescimento em apenas uma (1,85%) das 54 amostras analisadas, em ambos os meios de cultivo e formas de incubação. Com a etapa de pré-enriquecimento com caldo BHI em câmara de anaerobiose, observou-se crescimento em todas as 54 amostras (100%), em ambos os meios de cultivo e formas de incubação. Na reação em cadeia de polimerase (PCR) nenhuma das cepas oriundas das amostras analisadas apresentaram a amplificação de fragmento do gene da toxina cpe. Os resultados evidenciam a presença de C. perfringens em carnes embaladas a vácuo comercializadas no Distrito Federal e Entorno, porém não foi detectada a toxina cpeem nenhuma cepa isolada analisada. Na comparação estatística aplicando o teste qui-quadrado de McNemar, observou-se que houve diferença significativa (p<0,001) entre as análises sem e com a etapa de pré-enriquecimento em caldo BHI, verificando-se a influencia positiva do meio na recuperação de esporos, destacando desta forma a importância do enriquecimento prévio em meio BHI e a incubação em câmara de anaerobiose, na recuperação de esporos deste microrganismo.The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of Clostridium perfringens in vaccum packed beef samples commercialized at Distrito Federal and the Entorno area, as well as to detect the presence of the cpe toxin producing gene by Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), also evaluate the culture medium SPS® agar and TSC® agar, with and without pre-enrichment step of the samples in Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) broth, and to promote the incubation in anaerobic jar and anaerobic chamber. The results of the incubation on SPS® agar and TSC® agar, without the pre-enrichment step in BHI, growth was observed at only 1 (1,85%) of the 54 analyzed samples, in both culture media and incubation methods. With the pre-enrichment step in BHI broth at the anaerobic chamber, growth was observed in all of the 54 samples (100%), in both culture media and incubation methods. At the PCR, none of the strains detected from the analyzed samplespresented amplification of the fragment of the cpe toxin gene. The results showed the presence of C. perfringens in vaccum packed beef samples commercialized at the Distrito Federal and Entorno area, however the cpe toxin wasn’t detected in none of the analyzed samples. In statistical analysis, using McNemar’s qui-square test, a significant difference (p<0,001) was observed between the analysis with and without pre-enrichment step in BHI broth, verifying the positive influence of the medium in spore recovery, therefore to enhance the importance of the pre-enrichment stage in BHI broth and the incubation in anaerobic chamber in spore recovery for this microorganism

    Praziquantel bei Parasitosen

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