238 research outputs found

    Investigating the effects of particle shape on normal compression and overconsolidation using DEM

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    Discrete element modelling of normal compression has been simulated on a sample of breakable two-ball clumps and compared to that of spheres. In both cases the size effect on strength is assumed to be that of real silica sand. The slopes of the normal compression lines are compared and found to be consistent with the proposed equation of the normal compression line. The values of the coefficient of earth pressure at rest K0,nc are also compared and related to the critical state fiction angles for the two materials. The breakable samples have then been unloaded to establish the stress ratios on unloading. At low overconsolidation ratios the values of K0 follow a well-established empirical relationship and realistic Poisson ratios are observed. On progressive unloading both samples head towards passive failure, and the values of the critical state lines in extension in q–p' space are found to be consistent with the critical state angles deduced from the values of K0 during normal compression. The paper highlights the important role of particle shape in governing the stress ratio during both normal compression and subsequent overconsolidation

    Discrete element models of soil-geogrid interaction

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    Geogrids are the geosynthetics of choice for soil reinforcement applications. To evaluate the efficiency of geogrid reinforcement, several methods are used including field tests, laboratory tests and numerical modeling. Field studies consume long period of time and conducting these investigations may become highly expensive because of the need for real-size structures. Laboratory studies present also significant difficulties: large-size testing machines are required to accommodate realistic geogrid designs. The discrete element method (DEM) may be used as a complementary tool to extend physical testing databases at lower cost. Discrete element models do not require complex constitutive formulations and may be fed with particle scale data (size, strength, shape) thus reducing the number offree calibration parameters. Discrete element models also are well suited to problems in which large displacements are present, such as geogrid pullout. This paper reviews the different approaches followed to model soil-geogrid interaction in DEM and presents preliminary results from pull-out conditions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    DEM of triaxial tests on crushable cemented sand

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    Using the discrete element method, triaxial simulations of cemented sand consisting of crushable particles are presented. The triaxial model used features a flexible membrane, allowing realistic deformation to occur, and cementation is modelled using inter-particle bonds. The effects of particle crushing are explored, as is the influence of cementation on the behaviour of the soil. An insight to the effects that cementation has on the degree of crushing is presented

    DEM of triaxial tests on crushable sand

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    This paper presents simulations of high-pressure triaxial shear tests on a crushable sand. The discrete element method is used, featuring a large number of particles and avoiding the use of agglomerates. The triaxial model features a flexible membrane, therefore allowing realistic deformation, and a simple breakage mechanism is implemented using the octahedral shear stress induced in the particles. The simulations show that particle crushing is essential to replicate the realistic behaviour of sand (in particular the volumetric contraction) in high-pressure shear tests. The general effects of crushing during shear are explored, including its effects on critical states, and the influence of particle strength and confining pressure on the degree of crushing are discussed

    Size Effects in Cone Penetration Tests in Sand

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    Size effects in miniature cone penetration tests (CPTs) are examined by performing a series of 1 g laboratory tests using three penetrometers of 3, 6, and 12 mm in diameter (D) in two grades of dry Leighton Buzzard sand respectively. It is found that the size effects primarily depend on three non-dimensional geometrical parameters, including relative penetration depth (H/D), normalised surface roughness of the cone (Ra/d50), and normalized cone size (D/d50). Test results showed that: (1) H/D is a major size factor influencing the cone resistance at relatively shallow depths, and its influence may disappear while the localized failure mechanism dominates. (2) the cone resistance may increase with a decreasing value of D/d50 in some circumstances, and this effect attenuates in loose sand; (3) the cone resistance is positively related to Ra/d50, especially for cones with an intermediate rough interface. These size dependent behaviour is attributed to the dependency of the failure pattern and sand properties on the stress level, strain level, and non-local interactions of underlying microstructures and the dependency of the shearing resistance of sand-cone interface on Ra/d50

    Discreet element modeling of under sleeper pads using a box test

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    It has recently been reported that under sleeper pads (USPs) could improve ballasted rail track by decreasing the sleeper settlement and reducing particle breakage. In order to find out what happens at the particle-pad interface, discrete element modelling (DEM) is used to provide micro mechanical insight. The same positive effects of USP are found in the DEM simulations. The evidence provided by DEM shows that application of a USP allows more particles to be in contact with the pad, and causes these particles to transfer a larger lateral load to the adjacent ballast but a smaller vertical load beneath the sleeper. This could be used to explain why the USP helps to reduce the track settlement. In terms of particle breakage, it is found that most breakage occurs at the particle-sleeper interface and along the main contact force chains between particles under the sleeper. The use of USPs could effectively reduce particle abrasion that occurs in both of these regions

    Discrete element modelling of scaled railway ballast under triaxial conditions

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    The aim of this study is to demonstrate the use of tetrahedral clumps to model scaled railway ballast using the discrete element method (DEM). In experimental triaxial tests, the peak friction angles for scaled ballast are less sensitive to the confining pressure when compared to full-sized ballast. This is presumed to be due to the size effect on particle strength, whereby smaller particles are statistically stronger and exhibit less abrasion. To investigate this in DEM, the ballast is modelled using clumps with breakable asperities to produce the correct volumetric deformation. The effects of the quantity and properties of these asperities are investigated, and it is shown that the strength affects the macroscopic shear strength at both high and low confining pressures, while the effects of the number of asperities diminishes with increasing confining pressure due to asperity breakage. It is also shown that changing the number of asperities only affects the peak friction angle but not the ultimate friction angle by comparing the angles of repose of samples with different numbers of asperities

    Discrete element modelling and cavity expansion analysis of cone penetration testing

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    This paper uses the discrete element method (DEM) in three dimensions to simulate cone penetration testing (CPT) of granular materials in a calibration chamber. Several researchers have used different numerical techniques such as strain path methods and finite element methods to study CPT problems. The DEM is a useful alternative tool for studying cone penetration problems because of its ability to provide micro mechanical insight into the behaviour of granular materials and cone penetration resistance. A 30° chamber segment and a particle refinement method were used for the simulations. Giving constant mass to each particle in the sample was found to reduce computational time significantly, without significantly affecting tip resistance. The effects of initial sample conditions and particle friction coefficient on tip resistance are investigated and found to have an important effect on the tip resistance. Biaxial test simulations using DEM are conducted to obtain the basic granular material properties for obtaining CPT analytical solutions based on continuum mechanics. Macro properties of the samples for different input micro parameters are presented and used to obtain the analytical CPT results. Comparison between the numerical simulations and analytical solutions show good agreement

    Combined Discrete-Continuum Analysis for Ballasted Rail Tracks

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    A study on the load-deformation behaviour of railway ballast aggregates subjected to cyclic loadings using a combined discrete-continuum modelling approach is presented. Discrete ballast particles are simulated in the DEM and the continuum-based subgrade is simulated by the FDM. Interface elements are generated to transmit contact forces and displacements between the two domains (i.e. discrete and continuum) whereby the DEM exchanges contact forces to the FDM, and then the FDM transfers the displacement back to the DEM. Distributions of contact forces, coordination number, stress contours on the subgrade and corresponding number of broken bonds (representing ballast breakage) are analysed

    Keratinocyte growth factor in acute lung injury to reduce pulmonary dysfunction – a randomised placebo-controlled trial (KARE): study protocol

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    Abstract Background Acute lung injury is a common, devastating clinical syndrome associated with substantial mortality and morbidity with currently no proven therapeutic interventional strategy to improve patient outcomes. The objectives of this study are to test the potential therapeutic effects of keratinocyte growth factor for patients with acute lung injury on oxygenation and biological indicators of acute inflammation, lung epithelial and endothelial function, protease:antiprotease balance, and lung extracellular matrix degradation and turnover. Methods/design This will be a prospective, randomised, double-blind, allocation-concealed, placebo-controlled, phase 2, multicentre trial. Randomisation will be stratified by presence of severe sepsis requiring vasopressors. Patients in an ICU fulfilling the American–European Consensus Conference Definition of acute lung injury will be randomised in a 1:1 ratio to receive an intravenous bolus of either keratinocyte growth factor (palifermin, 60 μg/kg) or placebo (0.9% sodium chloride solution) daily for a maximum of 6 days. The primary endpoint of this clinical study is to evaluate the efficacy of palifermin to improve the oxygenation index at day 7 or the last available oxygenation index prior to patient discontinuation from the study.A formal statistical analysis plan has been constructed. Analyses will be carried out on an intention-to-treat basis. A single analysis is planned at the end of the trial. P = 0.05 will be considered statistically significant and all tests will be two-sided. For continuously distributed outcomes, differences between groups will be tested using independent-sample t tests, analysis of variance and analysis of covariance with transformation of variables to normality or nonparametric equivalents. The trial will be reported in line with the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (Consort 2010 guidelines). Trial registration http://ISRCTN9569067
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